
just for meSign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning)

Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasy
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Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil 561

Chapter 561 The 2 sides act separately!

If you don't want to waste time, and there doesn't seem to be any danger nearby.

He will not choose to split up.

Tiandi and Shi Zhongyu each nodded.

Especially Shi Zhongyu, who completely took Su Xuanji's words as an order, with a serious look.

See here.

Su Xuanji was not very worried for a moment.

As long as Shi Zhongyu is obedient, there will be no danger at all.


The three of them dispersed.

Go in three directions.

The only one with no one is the direction of the lake.

And over there, naturally there is no need to go.

Three people, just enough.

According to the range that Su Xuanji just drew, the three of them kept trying to go to the farthest distance.

Stop and walk along the way, keep looking.

But not to mention the stone axe, even bigger stones were not seen.

There are at most a few small broken stones on the ground.

Shi Zhongyu squatted down from time to time to pick up the gravel on the ground and kept checking it.

He suspected that the stone axe might have been broken, perhaps broken into small stones.

Otherwise, he has come to the end of the division, and still has not found any.

Going forward is the way to go.

There is nothing there, neither treasure nor danger.

This is also the reason why he was assigned to this direction, because it is the safest.

But Shi Zhongyu quickly determined that those small stones were just ordinary stones.

It is not the extraordinary existence of the stone people at all.

He threw away the small stones and turned around to go back the same way.

Along the way, he searched carefully again, hoping to find clues that he might have missed.

However, until he returned to the lake, he found nothing.

Su Xuanji and Tiandi did not return either.

However, Shi Zhongyu was not surprised by this.

The road he walked was the safest and smoothest, and naturally he didn't need to worry too much.

So back and forth is the fastest.

But on both sides of Su Xuanji and Tiandi, it is a new exploration.

There may be other dangers, and the speed naturally cannot be as fast as him.

Shi Zhongyu couldn't help but look in Su Xuanji's direction, wondering if he should go to him.

But he was afraid that Su Xuanji would not be happy, so he couldn't make a decision for a while.

at this time.

The sound of water suddenly sounded behind him.

Immediately after.

Shi Zhongyu suddenly disappeared in place.

But strangely, not a single drop of water was left on the shore.

Everything is as it was before, nothing seems to have changed.

The only difference is that the jade in the stone is gone.

After a meeting.

God is back.

After another cup of tea, Su Xuanji came back.

"Where's the jade in the stone?"

Su Xuanji was surprised.

According to his guess, Shi Zhongyu should return here at the earliest.

But there is only God in front of him.

This is a little strange.

God shook his head.

"He didn't come back."

"I didn't see him."

Su Xuanji nodded.

Although it felt strange, I didn't worry too much.

After all, the path he chose for Shi Zhongyu was the direction they came from.

It's a little off, but it's not a big problem and shouldn't be dangerous.

And even in danger.

He would always cry out for help.

Should just keep searching carefully on the road, wasting time.

"Hold on.

"Should be back soon.""

Su Xuanji said.

Tiandi nodded when he heard the words, and he felt the same way.

But time passes little by little.

The two did not wait for Shi Zhongyu.

Su Xuanji started to feel that something was wrong.


"You wait here. 35

"I'll go take a look.

Su Xuanji said.

The words fall.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared in front of the Heavenly Emperor.

0... ask for flowers 0·

It didn't take long.

He was there again.

Just his brow.

already wrinkled.

God's heart sank.

Immediately, I had a bad feeling.

He hurriedly asked.

"What's wrong?"

Su Xuanji frowned even more when he heard this.


"I searched carefully a few times along the way."

"There is no trace of him. 35

"But I observed the marks on the ground.""

"I think he should be back.


Su Xuanji looked to the side of the Heavenly Emperor.


There are two huge footprints there.

And it's a little vague.

It seemed that someone was standing there, and for a while.

Keep turning the footsteps there, which will form such a trace.

Before Su Xuanji and Tiandi subconsciously thought that Shi Zhongyu just didn't come back.

I didn't pay too much attention to anything, but now it seems that something is wrong.

"He came back...

"But it's gone...

"Either he took the initiative to leave, or he was in danger..."

The Heavenly Emperor spoke slowly, his expression a little solemn.

Shi Zhongyu was extremely obedient to Su Xuanji's orders.

He had seen it many times before in Tiangong.

Just now, he clearly saw Shi Zhongyu's seriousness towards Su Xuanji's order.

So since he came back, he shouldn't wander around.

This can be infinitely super low.

That is to say.

More likely, he was in danger.

But in danger, Shi Zhongyu can call for help.

Or if something happened, they would immediately return to save him.

But it didn't.

In fact, Shi Zhongyu didn't hear any sound.

Is it... five.

Chapter 562 No clues!

Tian Di and Su Xuanji looked at each other.

Both of them thought of the same possibility.

That is Shi Zhongyu not only encountered danger.

And he didn't even have time to make a cry for help, and he couldn't make any resistance in time.

The whole person is surrounded by danger.

"I'm afraid Shi Zhongyu is in danger."

Su Xuanji said solemnly.

There was a faint worry in his eyes.

"Don't worry too much."

"If he encounters an accident, how can there be no trace here?

"Nobody ever cleaned it. 35

"I think he should be alive by now, we'll be fine as long as we find him as soon as possible.

Tian Di looked at Su Xuanji and said.

Su Xuanji nodded "Twenty Zero" when he heard the words.

He also had such a guess.

Just a little worried.


He looked around.

This time.

But when it was known that Shi Zhongyu was missing, he looked very carefully.

But no matter where it is, there seems to be no trace, and there is no clue.

"How about this."

"We each walked in each other's direction once.

"If you don't find anything, let's walk in the direction of the jade in the stone together again.""

God suggested.

Although the two are unlikely to ignore any danger.

Even ignoring that Shi Zhongyu was taken captive to where they went.

But for now, they don't have much choice.

Only one by one can only be excluded, and then there can be more ideas and assumptions.


The two acted separately, each embarking on the road before each other.

It didn't take long for both of them to return.

They looked at each other and shook their heads.

Immediately after.

Without saying a word, the two embarked on the road that Shi Zhongyu took before.

But the result is still the same.

No matter how careful they were, they couldn't find any clues.

It was as if Shi Zhongyu had suddenly disappeared between heaven and earth.


The two returned to Shi Zhongyu's footprints together.

Following the direction of his footprints, he was surprised to find that he was facing the direction of Su Xuanji.


He was waiting for Su Xuanji to return.

The movement of the feet does not go left or right in this direction.

Because the footprints were a little fuzzy, they didn't realize it at first.

This made Su Xuanji even more anxious.

His subordinates are waiting for him.

Now it's gone.

And he had no idea.

He hadn't experienced such a powerless feeling for a long time.

But Su Xuanji quickly calmed down.

No matter what the situation is, it is extremely difficult to make him panic.

After the initial frustration and worry.

All that was left in Su Xuanji's heart was his determination to get Shi Zhongyu back.

He closed his eyes and closed his vision.

Since you can't find it with your eyes, you can use your feelings to experience everything around you.

Time flows silently, all the sounds, smells, even the rustling of leaves and the withering...

All could not escape his perception.

But none of this was what he wanted, nor what he needed.

What he needs now is a clue about Shi Zhongyu.

Su Xuanji kept narrowing the scope of perception, compressing all the senses around the footprints left by Shi Zhongyu.

Even if his disappearance is something that happened before.

But Su Xuanji believes that if the wild goose leaves traces, it will definitely leave some clues.

He lowered his mind, and his whole person seemed to be one with everything around him.


He felt the water vapor around him.

Not from the river, but from the surroundings, around the footprints left by Shi Zhongyu.

Su Xuanji also felt 0 before...

But it was not integrated into it at that time, and it was very close to the lake.

Subconsciously, people will think that it is the water vapor in the lake.

Only when you fully integrate into everything around you can you perceive that extremely subtle difference.

Su Xuanji continued to perceive, constantly feeling the trajectory of the water vapor.


"Back in the lake..."

Su Xuanji muttered.

Then he opened his eyes and his gaze fell on the ground.

There is no trace of water on the ground, and it does not seem that lake water has come here at all.

But in fact, Su Xuanji has actually felt it and is very sure.

The lake has washed over here.

Abnormal is a demon.

There are no traces of water here, apparently unusual.

And Shi Zhongyu disappeared again...

Su Xuanji turned to look at the calm lake.

The surface of the lake was like a huge mirror, with no waves at all.

Even if the breeze blows, it can't blow out the slightest fold.

Apparently there are some doorways in there.

See here.

Heavenly Emperor spoke immediately.

"Is there something wrong with this lake?"

Su Xuanji nodded 0.5 without hesitation.

It's just that he can't be 100% sure whether Shi Zhongyu is in it or not.

But now that there are no other clues, he must pursue this clue to the end.

And his intuition was reminding him that there was absolutely nothing wrong with him.


Su Xuanji jumped down towards the lake.

The weird thing is.

Even if he falls into the water.

There were no waves on the lake.

Always as calm as ever.

Seeing this, the Emperor of Heaven also jumped deep and submerged into the lake.

under the lake.

Su Xuanji stood side by side with the Heavenly Emperor.

They looked at each other and saw surprise in each other's eyes.

Chapter 563 Discover the magnificent palace!

Where is the lake below this, like a palace.

It's just that the ground of this palace is paved with water.

Palace lanterns, huge pillars, walls, thrones on the top, etc....

All are made of water.

It's just that these things, although they are made of water, do not flow at all.

It seems to be frozen in general, maintaining the shape at the moment.

Even the feeling of stepping on the ground is really like being on the shore.

"There's something odd here.

"We came right."

Heavenly Emperor said.

The voice just fell.

Su Xuanji suddenly looked back.

The Heavenly Emperor immediately followed it.

Saw out a huge pillar and didn't see anything else.

"What do you see?"

Tian Di looked at Su Xuanji and asked.

Su Xuanji frowned.

Slowly shaking his head.

"I didn't see it. 03"

"Just a feeling..."

"As if something was watching us."5

That feeling is strong.

So strong that he couldn't ignore it.

So I looked back.

But unexpectedly, he didn't see anything, which is a bit strange.

Su Xuanji was silent for a moment, then stepped up to the huge pillar.

When he came to the pillar, there was nothing there.

Su Xuanji looked up at the pillar again.

That pillar is also condensed by water, and it is extremely clear inside, and it is so clear that it cannot hide anything.

Even a grain of sand can be seen clearly.

Even the direction of the water flow and the extremely fine wrinkles are clearly visible.

This confused Su Xuanji even more.

He clearly felt that the peeping line of sight was in the direction of this pillar.

The Emperor of Heaven came over and walked around the pillar a few times.

Then he shook his head at Su Xuanji.

Obviously, he didn't find anything either.

Even, he didn't notice what Su Xuanji said was staring at them.

But he absolutely believed in Su Xuanji, so he checked it very seriously.

But even so, he still got nothing.

"never mind."

"Look for it first."

"Is Shi Zhongyu here?"

Su Xuanji opened his mouth.

Immediately, the two of them searched in the hall.

The entire hall is very wide, but at a glance, it is actually unobstructed.

There are not too many decorations and cover-ups, so that people can see it in the end.

But the two of them searched very carefully several times, but they didn't find anything.

"It's really weird."

"Even if there is jade in the stone, no matter how you look at it, it looks like there is a master here."

"But what about the master?"

The Heavenly Emperor suddenly spoke up.

The brows cannot be stretched.

Su Xuanji nodded, and he felt a little strange about it.

But this water is very clear, even if it condenses into a static palace, it can still be seen through at a glance.

If there is something hiding, it must be able to see through it.

If there is nothing hidden in it, it is only the grains of sand in the water.

Those tiny, inconspicuous grains of sand.

If it weren't for Su Xuanji's seriousness, he wouldn't have put these things into his eyes at all.

But in fact, apart from these, he really couldn't find anything else.

"The jade in the stone cannot be hidden here.

"Maybe we're in the wrong place.""

"It's really unusual here.

"But it has nothing to do with Shi Zhongyu's disappearance."

Heavenly Emperor spoke slowly.

Although he hopes to find Shi Zhongyu here.

But the fact was right in front of him, and he couldn't help but admit it.

Only by admitting mistakes can we take the right path and find the jade in the stone.

Su Xuanji wanted to nod in agreement.

But he still felt something was wrong.

Just can't tell.

But also as God said.

It seems that Shi Zhongyu is really not here.

Maybe they really should go.

Leave here to find the jade in the stone.



Su Xuanji spoke slowly.

There was so obvious reluctance in his tone.

Seeing this, the Heavenly Emperor pulled him to the top.

As long as you cross the top of the palace, you are above the water.

Just as they were about to pass through.

Su Xuanji stared at the top that was also made of water, and immediately grabbed the Emperor.

"What's wrong?"

The Emperor looked at Su Xuanji and said.

Su Xuanji's brows furrowed.

He stared at the frozen water that filled the top of the 200-piece palace.

The tiny grains of sand inside looked so ordinary.

You can see it in water wherever you go, so people don't think much about it.

But for some reason, he suddenly felt that there was a very unusual sense of familiarity in those grains of sand.

It was an inexplicable feeling.

It is impossible for him to be familiar with a grain of sand.

But it just appeared, out of thin air, in his feelings.

He didn't want to ignore it, and he never ignored his own feelings.

The higher the cultivation base, the more directly you have.

Even more trustworthy than your own eyes and judgment.

this moment.

Su Xuanji hesitated.

Is there really nothing to do with Shi Zhongyu's disappearance?

"God Son Su?"

The Emperor spoke again.

Doubtful eyes.

He seemed to want to ask Su Xuanji why he didn't leave.

But respect his hesitation.

Quietly wait aside.

Su Xuanji pursed his lips, then raised his hand and hit the water surface that served as the top of the palace in front of him.

Chapter 564 I don't know at all now!

Just this moment.

The water surface swayed for a moment, and then suddenly collapsed away.

Su Xuanji stopped immediately.

His purpose is not to hurt anything, but to tempt under the impossible.

However, he did not expect that this trial would actually pay off.

Immediately afterwards, everything condensed from water in the entire palace began to collapse.

It turned into a disordered stream of water, all converging in one direction.


The entire lake water all gathered together, forming a huge water ball.

Immediately afterwards, the water polo kept squirming, almost in the blink of an eye, revealing its original shape in an instant.

It was something that looked like a dragon but not a dragon, like a dragon but not a dragon, and like a snake but not a snake.

It seems to be close to each, but not the same as each.

"It's a water dragon."

The Heavenly Emperor said instantly.

"Water dragon?"

Su Xuanji suddenly frowned.

The Emperor immediately explained it to him.

"The water dragon is actually the water of the lake, the river, or the sea water that gave birth to the wisdom, but turned into existence.

"But he's not a real dragon, he just looks similar.

"The water dragon is hidden in the water and is extremely difficult to detect."

"Because it is water itself, how many people can distinguish it?

"This is also the reason why the water dragon is extremely hidden and rarely discovered.

"And water dragons like to devour everything that falls into the water."

"If you stay on the shore, you may be pulled into the water by it."


Su Xuanji was sure right away.

The water vapor that I felt before at the place where Shi Zhongyu was on the shore must be this water dragon.

It must be him who pulled Shi Zhongyu into the water.

The only thing that made him understand was where is Shi Zhongyu?

Why did he go into the water but didn't see it?

at this time.

The water dragon moved suddenly.

Go straight to him and the Heavenly Emperor.

The water dragon's movements are very fast, and in an instant, there is an aura of sea water pouring backwards.

In an instant, he was above the sky, enveloping the two of them.

Su Xuanji snorted coldly.

Fly straight up and take a strong shot.

He rarely does it, because no one really deserves his shot.

But Shi Zhongyu was missing, and he was not in the mood to play with this water dragon.

Slap down.

The water dragon let out a scream in an instant.

That voice was like a sea of ​​rage, and there was an indescribable grandeur and desolation.

As if the sea was about to dry up, the last scream of despair came from the sea.

The sound surprised the gods.

I saw Su Xuanji in an instant.

He could see that Su Xuanji had restrained himself.

It must be that Shi Zhongyu's whereabouts are unknown, so he kept his hands.

But even so, under the palm of his hand, the water dragon made such a desperate voice, which made the heart palpitate.

at the same time.

Slap down.

The grains of sand vibrated in the huge body of the water dragon.

At the place where it was beaten, the sand grains condensed instantly, then gathered into a dead bone and fell out of the water dragon.

Su Xuanji and Tian Di were stunned when they saw this.

"This is... 19

"Has fallen into the water, or was actively dragged into the water by it?

Su Xuanji looked at the ape-like skeleton and said.

But why....

Will it condense from sand grains?

Does everything that is swallowed by it turn into a grain of sand?

Su Xuanji then looked at the water dragon again.

The water dragon turned and fled. However, Su Xuanji dodged and stood in front of him.

Water dragons are nowhere to be seen.

Su Xuanji looked at him intently and was surprised.

Those extremely fine grains of sand are not the same color.

Although it has been transformed into an extremely small existence, the difference is already extremely weak.

But if you look closely, you can see a little difference.

It was precisely because the difference was so small that he didn't notice it at first.

But even if he discovered it, he would never have imagined that the scene just now would happen.

Su Xuanji said nothing.

Hit it again.

The water dragon wanted to hide, but there was no way to avoid it.

Su Xuanji wailed again after being hit with the palm of his hand.

The sound was simply dreadful for eternity, and it was obvious that this palm made it extremely painful.

at the same time.

Grains of sand vibrate around the water dragon.

Where it was hit by a palm, the sand grains condensed again.

This time, a tree condensed and fell out.

Seeing this, Su Xuanji knew that as long as the water dragon was unstable, the things he devoured would condense and fall out.

And Shi Zhongyu must be in it, or he has not hit the position where Shi Zhongyu is.

He now finally understands why he feels an (almost) inexplicable familiarity with the grains of sand at the top of the palace.

That must be the jade in the stone.

It's just that I don't know at all now which part of the water dragon is used as the top of the palace.

It's just a random chance.

With another slap, the screams sounded again.

Immediately afterwards, the sand particles condensed, and another thing fell out.

It was a stone axe, and it was unusually large.

Ordinary human race can't hold it with one hand, but if it is stone human race, it's fine.

As soon as the idea appeared.

Su Xuanji immediately realized something.

As soon as the virtual hand grabbed it, the stone axe flew towards him quickly.

Immediately fixed in front of him.

Su Xuanji looked at the stone axe, and saw that its aura was obviously very unusual.

Chapter 565 The fierce breath that blows!

"Could it be..."

"Is this the stone axe of the stone people?

Su Xuanji muttered.

It's very possible to think about it.

After all, the treasure map was already marked.

And they didn't find any clues around.

The only thing I didn't find was in the lake.

It's just that I didn't expect to hide under that seemingly calm lake before.

took a detour.

But fortunately, it is now in the right direction, and I found it!

With a wave of Su Xuanji's hand, the stone axe immediately flew to Tiandi's feet.

Heavenly Emperor looked down, and suddenly felt a little dumbfounded.

When I was looking specifically for it, I couldn't find it, I didn't want to find it, and even when I didn't even remember it, it appeared.

Sometimes things in the world are so mysterious.

at the same time.

Su Xuanji then waved, and an invisible force instantly hit the water dragon.

The water dragon suddenly screamed again, and another thing fell out.

Su Xuanji didn't pay attention anymore, it wasn't 200 stone in jade anyway.

He waved his hand again and again.

The power that made the water dragon tremble hit it again and again.

It was screaming constantly, and something was falling from it.

After I don't know how many times, the whole lake without water and the big pit that was sunken were filled up.

Still no sign of Jade in the Stone.

Su Xuanji became impatient.

He directly slammed it with a palm, and instantly a huge palm phantom appeared in the air.

Immediately, under the terrified gaze of Shuilong, he grabbed it and punched it continuously.

The fast one can only see a fist phantom.

What followed was that one thing after another kept falling out of the water dragon.

There are trees, stones, bones and even flowers and plants....

In short, there is everything, just like an ordinary lake.

"It's really hard to pick...(adaf)"

Su Xuanji was speechless.

The water dragon was so unstyled, which greatly increased the time he wasted.

Just when Su Xuanji wondered, if the water dragon was completely eliminated, would the contents still fall out.

A familiar figure fell out of it.

Immediately, with a loud bang, it hit the ground.

The whole ground trembled.


Shi Zhongyu was lying on the ground, looking at Su Xuanji hanging in the air.

Immediately, he shouted in excitement.

He could see Su Xuanji in the water dragon, but he didn't make any sound at all.

Can only look anxious, but can not do anything.

When he saw that Su Xuanji and Tiandi were leaving, he was very anxious.

I was even a little desperate, but I didn't expect that Su Xuanji would shoot directly.

That moment.

Shi Zhongyu was so excited that he wanted to die for Su Xuanji.

No wonder he was so excited, if Su Xuanji and Tiandi left, he would stay in the water dragon forever.

And as his time inside grew, he could clearly feel that the other party was trying to devour his power.

It's just that it can't be done for a while.

But if it takes a long time, it will be successful.

At that time, he will really turn into tiny grains of sand.


Fortunately, Su Xuanji made his move.

"You can be beaten out."

Su Xuanji laughed.

Immediately, the big hand that kept hitting the water dragon suddenly stopped.

Immediately afterward, he punched down suddenly, smashing the water dragon back into the lake.


The water dragon screamed.

Then it collapsed into a lake.

The water surface was wrinkled with the wind, as if it had lost its previous agility.

But Tiandi looked at the water and suddenly smiled.

"You're still showing mercy."

Su Xuanji spread his hands helplessly.

"Practice is not easy.

"Let's spare his life this time.

When the words fell, Su Xuanji fell beside Shi Zhongyu.

Shi Zhongyu jumped up, and the moment his feet landed, the ground trembled again.

Su Xuanji rolled his eyes at him, then raised his chin and pointed to the stone axe beside him.

"take it.

"It's also a blessing in disguise for you. Nian

As soon as this word comes out.

Shi Zhongyu immediately turned to look.

His eyes instantly fell on the stone axe at the feet of Tiandi.

A pair of eyes hidden in the ravine, the boss stared instantly.


"This is...."

"Yes... Stone Axe!"

"Our stone axe!"

Shi Zhongyu said excitedly, and the words were incomplete.

Then he took a step forward, raised his hand to fish, and directly took the stone axe in his hand.

The stone axe was exaggerated in Su Xuanji's hands, but it was just right in Shi Zhongyu's hands.


Both Su Xuanji and Tiandi felt the fierce aura coming from Shi Zhongyu's body.

More precisely.

It is the fierce breath of jade in the stone and the stone axe.


The stone axe was very helpful to him.

And when he held it in his hand, it looked like it was part of his body.

It's so natural and just right.

"No wonder it is the treasure of the stone people.

"It will help you a lot."

Su Xuanji said with a smile.

Shi Zhongyu nodded heavily.

He immediately knelt down in front of Su Xuanji.

Shi Zhongyu is unusually tall, and even when kneeling, he can still line up with Su Xuanji's line of sight.

So he fell down directly and put his head against Su Xuanji's feet.

Chapter 566 It was easily broken!

Su Xuanji looked at him helplessly.

"What are you doing?"

Shi Zhongyu's old and low voice sounded immediately.

"If not son.

"Not only can I not find this stone axe."

"I will be swallowed up by the water dragon."

"I'll never get a chance to leave here again.



Shi Zhongyu's voice actually choked up.

After all, it is the patriarch of the stone people, how could Su Xuanji let him cry at his feet?

He lifted it up immediately.

Despite Shi Zhongyu's constant struggles, how could he break free from Su Xuanji's grip?

Soon, he was easily helped by Su Xuanji.

Shi Zhongyu's face was covered with tears.

This was the third time he saw the stone people cry.

The first two times were Shi Dun'er's fooling...

As expected of Shi Dun'er's grandfather...


"It's my luck to meet you in three lifetimes."

"It's also the greatest glory and luck of our entire stone people! 35

"Don't talk about the life of the stone axe and me, the lives of our stone people are all in the hands of the son! 95

Shi Zhongyu kept talking.

And more and more excited.

Su Xuanji hurriedly stood on tiptoe, raised his hand and patted his shoulder.

The action is laborious and sincere.

"do not Cry."

"Cry and beat you again."

As soon as this word comes out.

Shi Zhongyu was stunned for a moment.

Isn't it time to say don't cry, we master and servant have each other, good days are to come, why cry?

Even if I don't say that, there are many different responses, but I can cry and beat you again...

Is there any warmth in this?


Su Xuanji shook his fist.

Prove it with practical actions.

The Emperor couldn't help laughing.

"All right."

"Chief Stone.

"Just now Shenzi Su was very worried.

"Now you have been found, and the stone axe has been found. 39

"Why would he want to see you kneeling in front of him and crying?"

As soon as this word comes out.

Shi Zhongyu immediately held back.

Not obedient.

Rather than being beaten.

But there was one sentence he heard in his heart.

"It turns out that your son is very worried about me.""

"It's really old, isn't it."

"As the son's number one subordinate."

"It's okay if you can't share your worries for the son.

"It's really a sin, a sin, to actually want your son to worry about me.

"It's a pity that I was attacked by the water dragon, and I was swept into the water in an instant..."

"It's all Shui Long's fault, I..."

Shi Zhongyu babbled.

kept talking.

And there never seems to be an end.

Su Xuanji raised his hand and pressed his eyebrows, and suddenly felt a little regretful that he had rescued Shi Zhongyu.

this moment.

He believes in the power of blood.

Shi Dun'er's wonderful work is definitely not a mutation, but a continuous line.

"Let's keep going.

"You make your way."

Su Xuanji spoke in a deep voice.

Finally stopped Shi Zhongyu's broken thoughts.

He walked in front with a stone axe. Although he was a little old, he walked with vigor and vigor.

A high-spirited, unstoppable look.

Seeing Su Xuanji and Tiandi couldn't help laughing and laughing.

"I originally thought..."

"The patriarch of the stone people is the most stable..."

"But now, it doesn't seem to be the case..."

Heavenly Emperor looked at Shi Zhongyu's back and said slowly.

His tone was full of smiles.

Su Xuanji quickly shared his findings with Tiandi.

"The power of blood is incalculable.

As soon as this word comes out.

Tiandi instantly understood what Su Xuanji meant.

The figure of Shi Dun'er instantly appeared in his mind, and he immediately nodded in agreement.

0... ask for flowers 0・・・

Shi Dun'er is like that... uh, interesting...

Naturally, his grandfather was not serious either...

Usually you can't see it in front of the clansmen, but when it came out, it gradually showed its original shape along the way.

If he had done this earlier, Su Xuanji might not have brought him this time.

Be sure to bring a few words.

at this time.

Suddenly, a giant golden snake flew from the tree to the three of them very quickly.

A mouth full of dense fangs seemed to chew the three of them into pieces in an instant.

"let me!


Shi Zhongyu roared.

Immediately flew up.

Although he is very wordy.

But Su Xuanji has to admit that Shi Zhongyu's figure is unusually strong.

Far surpassing those stone people who had fought against him before.

And the strength is also greater, the stone axe was swung by him, and there was an aura of splitting mountains and opening seas.

That kind of shocking power, even if it is not his goal, he can fully feel it.

"Break me!"

Shi Zhongyu roared again.

The stone axe has come to the head of the golden giant snake.

The unusually hard scales were easily broken under the not-so-sharp stone axe.

Just like cutting tofu, it was instantly cut in half.

The golden giant snake didn't even have time to let out a scream, and died on the spot.

This kind of power made the Heavenly Emperor couldn't help but applaud.

at this time.

The tail of the golden giant snake, which was dead but not stiff, swayed unconsciously.

Violently drawn towards Shi Zhongyu.

Shi Zhongyu stood there very calmly, motionless.

It seems that he is not at all afraid that the seemingly powerful snake tail will hurt himself.

Tian Di looked at Su Xuanji immediately.

Seeing that he didn't mean to take action, he didn't take action either.

Chapter 567 Absolutely Deserving!

Just looked at Shi Zhongyu closely, and immediately prepared to help.

Immediately after.

The snake's tail covered with hard scales ruthlessly grew on Shi Zhongyu's body.

There was a loud 'bang' sound in an instant.

It was as if an extremely heavy object had fallen from the sky to the ground.

The hearts of those who listened were frightened, and even the Emperor of Heaven couldn't help but sweat for Shi Zhongyu, and involuntarily took a step forward.

However, Shi Zhongyu did not move.

Standing as steady as Mount Tai.

As if it was not him at all.

But if you look carefully, the ground under his feet has already been trampled deeply by him.


He is also exerting his strength to resist the giant "Twenty Zero".

But judging from his unmoved figure, it was obviously not that hard.

It's too late to say.

Another bang.

The giant snake tail fell to the ground.


The smashed ground sank deeply.

Shi Zhongyu, on the other hand, looked back at Su Xuanji and Tiandi.

A relaxed look.

He brushed off the place hit by the snake's tail, and spoke calmly.

"It's not as hard as Shi Dun'er kicked me when he sneaked up on me. 35

"This golden giant snake is not very good."

After saying that, he pretended to be calm and returned to Su Xuanji's side.

But those eyes were peeking at Su Xuanji from time to time.

It's full of compliments written all over it.

Strong emotions can't be ignored.

Su Xuanji deliberately pretended not to see it, and stepped into the deep pit that the snake's tail smashed.

Look left and right, don't know what he's looking at.

Shi Zhongyu immediately followed and hurriedly circled around Su Xuanji.

A look of hesitant speech.

The Heavenly Emperor, who was watching from the side, laughed softly.

Shi Zhongyu felt embarrassed when he heard this laughter.

As the patriarch of the Stone Human Race, he knew that he should not ask for such praise.

But he had fought with Su Xuanji before and was easily subdued both times.

He didn't show his bravery in the slightest, and he was always thinking about rectifying his own name.

The fact that he is far inferior to Su Xuanji does not mean that he is a rubbish.

So he has been waiting for the opportunity to prove himself.

Especially after entering the ancient wilderness emperor secret realm, he is actively looking for opportunities.

It's a pity that he was pulled into the water by the water dragon before the opportunity came, and he needed Su Xuanji to save him instead.

It would be difficult to encounter the golden snake, but Su Xuanji seemed to have a dull response.

This is nothing like what he imagined!

Was Su Xuanji not happy with his performance?

Thinking of this, Shi Zhongyu instantly felt uneasy.

The footsteps around Su Xuanji also became more anxious, as if the ground was scalding his feet.

Continuing to circle around Su Xuanji all the time, the emperor was a little dizzy.

"Cough cough..."

"God Son Su."

"Patriarch Shi can defeat the enemy with one move, and his strength is so outstanding, it's really rare."

The Heavenly Emperor suddenly spoke up.

Shi Zhongyu heard the words and immediately cast a grateful look at the Emperor of Heaven!

The Emperor of Heaven looked at Shi Zhongyu in disbelief.

He swears he sees tears of excitement in it.

Although it flashed by, he really saw it.

He really deserves to be Shi Dun'er's grandfather. Sure enough, it is hereditary to cry!



"Heavenly Emperor is really too rewarding."

"I only used one move to defeat the enemy and easily killed the golden giant snake."

"What does that count?

"I am so ashamed, so ashamed! 99


Shi Zhongyu raised his hand to cover his face.

It seems that I am really ashamed to be praised. 0...

But a pair of big hands opened their fingers, obviously it couldn't be more obvious.

A pair of eyes that are not big like Shi Dun'er are completely exposed from the gap between the fingers.

And staring at Su Xuanji without blinking, the hope in his eyes couldn't be more obvious.

Su Xuanji finally turned around.

This made Shi Zhongyu feel ecstatic.

I'm coming.

The praise of the son is coming.

However, Su Xuanji did not look sideways, neither looked nor looked at him.

He raised his hand and pushed him aside.


Su Xuanji only left these two words, and then walked towards the head of the golden giant snake that was divided in two.

Look at Su Xuanji's back.

Shi Zhongyu felt sad and even had some self-doubt.

"Am I really that bad?"

"Young master doesn't like you at all? 99

Think of this possibility.

Shi Zhongyu's heart is cold.

The stone axe in his hand doesn't seem to be as good as before, which can make people feel good.

But he still didn't give up.

Chased up again.

He stepped on the ground with heavy footsteps, which seemed to be a little heavier than before.

The ground trembled, making it impossible to ignore 0.5.

Heavenly Emperor looked at Shi Zhongyu's back with a funny look.

he knows.

Shi Zhongyu was deliberately trying to attract Su Xuanji's attention.

But unfortunately, Su Xuanji didn't look back at him at all.

There wasn't even any reaction, just staring at the head that was split in two.

This made Shi Zhongyu even more discouraged.

"Cough cough..."

"Sir." 5

"You must also think that God's praise to me is too exaggerated.

"I think so too."

"I thought I would work hard to cultivate and live up to the praise of the Emperor."

Shi Zhongyu said.

Chapter 568 You're still a little late!

While talking, he looked at Su Xuanji expectantly.

in his anticipation.

Whether Su Xuanji thought his performance was good or not.

Always have to say something back to him.

Whether it is shaking his head and continuing to work hard, or praising the Emperor of Heaven, he is right.

Always have some reaction.

Yet still not.

Su Xuanji was like he couldn't see him, couldn't hear him, didn't look at him at all.

A pair of eyes, just staring at the head that was divided into two, was extremely focused.

This time.

Shi Zhongyu was disheartened.

The big hand holding the stone axe also seemed to have no strength and loosened his wrist slightly.

The ravine on his face also deepened.

He even raised his hand to wipe the corners of his eyes.

Heavenly Emperor looked at it, a little unbearable.

Immediately stepped forward, trying to make Su Xuanji hypocritical.

However, at this moment, he suddenly noticed that Shi Zhongyu was staring at Su Xuanji while wiping the corner of his eyes.

03 kept making a choked sound in his mouth, but there were no tears in the corners of his eyes.

The Heavenly Emperor slipped sly and almost didn't fall.

good guy.

It's actually dressed up!

It's still not giving up!

The Emperor of Heaven stopped immediately, dumbfounded, and waited to watch the play.



Shi Zhongyu kept whimpering.

With a repressed forbearance.

There is a feeling that I have suffered a great grievance, but I will not speak of your own taste.

If there are other stone people here, I would be shocked to see such a patriarch.

The patriarchs they have seen have always been majestic, when have they seen such a patriarch!



In addition to the ancestors, the other stone people who have seen the patriarch's side have long since died.

If it weren't for the addition of the son Su Xuanji now.

Shi Zhongyu won't show his 'true face' at all.



The cry suddenly grew louder.

It sounded a bit terrifying.

Like a mouse whose tail was stepped on.

Su Xuanji didn't hold back.

He burst out laughing.

He couldn't stop laughing, his whole body turned into a shrimp.

Laughing and laughing, not even laughing.

See him like this.

Shi Zhongyu and Tiandi were both stunned.

But it came back quickly.

good guy.

He's playing with jade in stone!

He clearly saw Shi Zhongyu's intention.

I deliberately pretended not to know, looked here and there, and looked very serious.

But in fact, he was holding back his laughter at all, and he endured it very hard.

Once I laughed out loud, I couldn't stop it again.

Shi Zhongyu is really crying now.

Where does his old face go? It's really terrifying!

at this time.

Su Xuanji finally had enough of laughing, raised his hand and patted his shoulder.

"Patriarch. 35

"You just did really well.

"Only a little, almost meaning.""

As soon as this word comes out.

Shi Zhongyu immediately became serious.


"Sir, just say it.

"I will definitely correct it.

Su Xuanji nodded in satisfaction.

Then he spoke earnestly.

"You're in a bad mood for acting.

"Next time, take it easy.

"Don't be too impatient."

The words fall.

He raised his hand and patted Shi Zhongyu's shoulder again, then walked forward.

Shi Zhongyu was stunned for three seconds.

Not sure Su Xuanji wasn't mocking himself, but it didn't matter, he followed immediately.


His face was unusually serious, and there was a gleam of introspection in his eyes.

"Your son is right."

"It's been a long time since I didn't play, and I've stepped back."

"I will make persistent efforts and will not let you down.

As soon as this word comes out.

Su Xuanji was taken aback.

Then he couldn't help crying and pinching his eyebrows.

For a while, I didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

The Heavenly Emperor followed with a smile on his face.

Although Shi Zhongyu, the patriarch of the Stone Clan, was a little out of place.

But it seems to be more incongruous with Su Xuanji, which is quite a match.

It is worthy of being a master and a servant, and it is also divided into groups, not one family does not enter the house.

"How far is it?"

Su Xuanji asked.

Shi Zhongyu of course knew what he was referring to, and immediately answered.

"From here, 203 should be there in an hour. 99

The voice just fell.

Two black bats suddenly flew head on.

But their target is not the three people, and they fly directly from the top of the three people's heads.

Su Xuanji looked back and saw that the two black bats were covered with dark lines of blood, which looked very strange.

"It's a bloodthirsty bat. 99

"Very difficult to deal with.

The Heavenly Emperor said with a solemn expression.

"Blood-thirsty bats?

Su Xuanji raised an eyebrow.

Just hearing the name is scary.

The Emperor of Heaven still followed the bloodthirsty bat.

It wasn't until they landed on the giant golden snake killed by Shi Zhongyu that they slowly spoke.

"Bloodthirsty bats, you know what you like most just by hearing the name."

"They live in groups, they are not afraid of death, they are hard to invade by water and fire, and they are hard to hurt by swords.

"And there are a lot of them, and if they are staring at them, one can quickly drain the blood from a person's body.

"You don't have to be afraid to see them if you are not injured, if you are injured... 35

"All bloodthirsty bats will surround the wounded and will not leave until every drop of their blood has been drained.

Chapter 569 I Won't Give Up At All!

"Otherwise, I won't give up at all, I'm very persistent."

"Fortunately, there are only two here.

"But there must be more in this secret realm. 35


Su Xuanji nodded.

His eyes kept following the two bloodthirsty bats.

I saw them lying on the remnant of the golden giant snake, motionless.

And the golden giant snake, which was still full, quickly began to wither.

But the shape of the bloodthirsty bat has not changed in the slightest.

It was as if all the blood of the golden giant snake was absorbed and digested by them in an instant.

"Let's go.

"They're not targeting us anyway.

Heavenly Emperor said.

Su Xuanji nodded, and the three continued on their way.

This time.

There were no accidents on the way.

Even if they encountered two minor dangers, they were easily resolved by Su Xuanji.

The group finally came to the place marked on the map.

That is a giant mountain.

The size can't be seen on the map at all.

But standing at the foot of the mountain, you can clearly feel a little bit.

The mountain is so high that it is almost impossible to see the head.

The wide one has no boundaries.

In an instant, it makes people feel extremely small.

Even the entrance to the only cave on the mountain is huge.

As if prepared for a giant.

Even the tall and unusual Shi Zhongyu, standing at the entrance, is like a mouse entering the cat's door.

For the first time in the world, Shi Zhongyu was made into a miniature pocket, giving birth to a somewhat comical feeling out of thin air.

"It's a lot weirder than it looks on the map."

"It's like the mouth of a giant beast, waiting for us to get in.

Shi Zhongyu spoke slowly.

His face was full of serious seriousness.

Apparently, he was shocked by the giant mountain and the entrance of the cave, and he actually recovered a bit of seriousness in front of the stone people.

"Even if it is the bloody mouth of a giant beast."

"We can also turn the beast's belly upside down and take away the Great Emperor's spar."5

Su Xuanji said solemnly.

The words fall.

He was the first to walk into the cave entrance.

Tiandi and Shi Zhongyu immediately followed.

Once inside, it was pitch black.

The kind of thick black that the sun can't melt.

Heavenly Emperor took out a small ball and crushed it before Shi Zhongyu could see what it was.

Immediately after.

The little bits and pieces of fine particles floated into the air.

One by one, a gentle and bright light radiated, instantly illuminating the vision of the three of them.

At a glance.

The darkness in this cave is like night.

And this little bit of fine particles, like stars, dotted the night sky.

Don't get lost in the dark.

"what is this?"

Shi Zhongyu asked curiously.

"It's Xingsha.

God's way.

Immediately looking at Shi Zhongyu's curious and expectant gaze, he spoke very generously.

"I can send it to you later.

Shi Zhongyu's eyes widened instantly.

The ravines on his face were opened.

"That's so embarrassing.

"Thank you God.""

Shi Zhongyu rubbed his hands and said.

Although it is embarrassing to say.

But no matter how you look, you can't see where his embarrassment is.

"This thing is really rare.

"Heavenly Emperor is really generous."5

Su Xuanji laughed.

"It's all my own.

"It's just Xingsha."

"Only for lighting purposes.""

God doesn't care.

That being said, there are many things that can achieve one purpose.

There are always highs and lows, no doubt about that.

And Xingsha is the leader of its kind.

The reason why God is so generous.

Apparently because of Su Xuanji.

at this time.

The star sand suddenly spread out, turning into a galaxy like a river.

Surrounding the three of Su Xuanji, floating around them constantly in the air.

No matter where they go, they keep going around and around them.

Can not help but can illuminate, but also particularly pleasing to the eye.

And although the light emitted is gentle, it is not dull.

You can even see things a hundred meters away.

Shi Zhongyu was even more satisfied with this.

I can't wait to find the Great Emperor Crystal as soon as possible, so that I can put this thing in my bag and bring it back to Shi Dun'er to play with.

But the mountain is huge.

This passage in the cave seems to have no end.

They have been walking for a long time and have not yet left.

"`々 Unfortunately, the treasure map is only marked in this mountain.

"It didn't exactly mark where it was.

Shi Zhongyu said with some regret.

If you can know it accurately, you don't have to look for it slowly.

"very good already."

"Otherwise, it will be troublesome if you use the entire (good) secret realm as the scope to find it.

Heavenly Emperor said.

Although he was the most anxious at first.

But he is very calm now.

The closer you get to the Great Emperor Crystal, the more so.

It was not difficult for Su Xuanji to notice this subtle change, and he couldn't help but admire the Heavenly Emperor in his heart.

If it were him, I would be very anxious.

After all, the things that he thinks about day and night are close at hand, and it is extremely difficult for him to keep his composure.

I wonder how many people can do this?

Su Xuanji counted with his hands, and there was only one Heavenly Emperor.

Perhaps this is the reason why the god of heaven is the god of heaven.

Think so.

within the bright range of star sand.

Su Xuanji suddenly saw the end of the passage.

Chapter 570 I didn't look down on it!

Connected to it is the backward channel.

Tiandi and Shi Zhongyu also saw it immediately.

"I don't know where to go to the right."

Shi Zhongyu said.

His voice echoed in the passage.

There is a very low feeling.

talking room.

The three of them came to the end of the passage.

Looking back, it's another tunnel with no end in sight.

Su Xuanji walked up without hesitation.

Just two steps away, he was grabbed by the Heavenly Emperor.

"I'll go ahead."

"That's what I'm supposed to do.

Heavenly Emperor said.

I came here to get the Great Emperor spar, all because of him.

How to keep Su Xuanji in the lead.

Su Xuanji wanted to say that it doesn't matter, but seeing Tiandi's serious eyes, he could only nod his head.

Soon, the two switched places.

The Heavenly Emperor is in the front, Su Xuanji is in the middle, and the Jade Palace is in the back.

The footsteps of the three echoed in the empty passage of 203, and there was a feeling that there were only three people left in the whole world.

If the three of them were not determined, they would feel like they were about to go crazy.

Time comes little by little.

The three reached the end of the passage again.

A boulder suddenly appeared in front of him.

Where is the boulder stuck, blocking the next path.

If you want to pass, you must crush or push the boulder away.

Shi Zhongyu volunteered to go forward, raised his big hand and pushed it up.

At the beginning, it was just a light pile, a little tentative.

There was no push, and the boulder was still tightly blocked there.

Shi Zhongyu let out a sigh, then shouted loudly, and pushed it up again.

This time.

On his huge palm, a gray light appeared.

A surging power surged out of his hands in an instant.

Immediately after.

The boulder blocked at the passage was pushed open a little bit, revealing a gap.

That gap is enough for Su Xuanji and Tiandi to pass.

But for Shi Zhongyu, it was obviously not enough.

He shouted suddenly and tried again.

The power in his hand surged out, and when he pushed it forward, the boulder rolled back instantly.

The boulder moved away.

The space behind is exposed.

There is no forward passage there.

But a not very big stone room.

There is nothing in the stone room.


It looked strange.

The three looked at each other, and then Tiandi walked in first.

Su Xuanji followed closely, and Shi Zhongyu followed suit.

Once you enter this stone room.

Su Xuanji frowned.

"It seems we're not the only ones here.""

As soon as this word comes out.

Tiandi and Shi Zhongyu immediately became alert.

Although they found nothing.

But they have absolute confidence in Su Xuanji's strength.

If he has this doubt, it definitely deserves their attention.

There is no doubt about that.

You can look left and right, look up and down, and there is nothing abnormal everywhere.

Not even a breath of freshness.

It's just a piece of stone spliced ​​together everywhere, nothing special.

"Sir. 35

(adaf) "Besides us here...."

"I didn't notice anyone else..."

Shi Zhongyu said.

He's not denying Su Xuanji.

Just stating my feelings.

at the same time.

He did not relax his guard, but became more cautious.

And hidden in front of Su Xuanji.

Heavenly Emperor also followed.

"I didn't find anything either."

"I'm really ashamed..."

while talking.

He kept looking around.

But there's really nothing but rocks everywhere.

Couldn't even find anywhere enough to hide.

In addition, he did not feel that there is any vitality here except for the three people.

Arguably, if it weren't for what Su Xuanji said.

He will not observe this place for so long, and will only find the exit as soon as possible.

After all, coming in from the outside has always been the only way.

If you want to move forward, you must start from here.

If there is no exit here, we must find another way out.

Better than wasting time here.

But out of trust in Su Xuanji, the Emperor did not dare to be careless.

Even if he didn't find anything, he was still hiding in front of Su Xuanji.

Seeing this, Su Xuanji was dumbfounded.

In fact, he was just a vague feeling.

It always feels wrong, but I can't say it for a while.

But these two found nothing and stood in front of him.

Protect him together, as if he is so fragile.

But on the contrary, he is the one who needs the least protection among the three.

Su Xuanji didn't scoff at this, but was very moved.

He raised his hand and patted both of them on the shoulders.

"Don't mind me. 99

"Be careful each.

The two turned to look at him, but no one moved away.

"Since I am the subordinate of the son.

"Nature has the duty to protect the son.""

"How can I let it go?"

Shi Zhongyu even clapped his hands in front of him with a loud thud.

The sound reverberated in the stone room, with a feeling of heavy drumming.

A pair of small eyes looked at Su Xuanji with disapproval in his eyes.

As if asking if you look down on me?.