
just for meSign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning)

Udeshya_Acharya · ファンタジー
77 Chs

541 to 550

Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil 541

Chapter 541 Don't want to try a 2 time!

"Patriarch, you can't talk nonsense."

"He...what he said...is true..."

"Indeed.... Elder Shixin killed Elder Shimo..."

"We all saw it with our own eyes...~"

As soon as this word comes out.

Not only the patriarch of the stone people was stunned.

The other stone people who followed were also stunned.

What is this nonsense?

How is this possible?

"What the hell is going on? 35

"You all - make it clear to me! 35

"If you say that you dare to lie, it will all be broken into rubble!

The patriarch of the stone people looked at them angrily and said.

As soon as this word comes out.

Those stone people all spoke at once.

"Everything we say is true! 35

"That's it, Su Xuanji played a game with the two elders.""

"The content of the game is..."

"As a result, the two elders said to each other that they would not do that..."

"No one is soft when it comes to moving..."

"Elder Stone Heart is even better....

"Then ten moves by Su Xuanji..."


Stone people, you speak my words.

Talking even messed up, no one is next to anyone.

But that's what gives the most real feeling.

rather than negotiated.

But it also shocked the stone people who were listening carefully.

Su Xuanji's so-called game, of course Damn it.

But Elder Shixin and Elder Shimo would actually do such a thing.

It was extremely unexpected, and even unbelievable.

If it weren't for the fact that these stone people told the truth, they would not believe a word of Su Xuanji at all.


Everyone from the Stone Human Race, including the Stone Human Race Patriarch, all observed the environment here.

With the understanding of the elders Shixin and Shimo, it was quickly confirmed that the matter was indeed what Su Xuanji and those stone people said.

Elder Shi Xin and Elder Shi Mo really did it.

For a moment.

The faces of all the later stone people were extremely ugly.

The patriarch, in particular, was so gloomy that he could drip water.

He had never noticed that Elder Shi Xin and Elder Shi Mo were such people.

He even gave each of them a large stone hammer refined by the previous generation of patriarchs.

In this way, it shows the difference of their two positions in the clan, and makes them his right-hand man.

But now it seems that he is blind.

It will be mistaken for fish eyes for pearls.

"it is good."

"Good kill. 35

"Su Xuanji, you pulled me out of these two limbs and heads.

"This is already my greatest gift to you."

The patriarch of the Stone Clan looked at Su Xuanji and said coldly.

It seems that such a condition is a great honor for Su Xuanji.

Even the Kirin laughed.

"You old boy has a big tone.

"How dare you talk like that."

"Aren't you afraid that you will be dressed up like a stone doll again?"

Kirin's words fell.

All the stone people's faces turned black again.

Especially the patriarch of the stone people, who is as black as the bottom of a pot.

He had tried his best not to think about it, and pretended that no one else remembered it.

But Kirin wanted to mention it, and his tone was so contemptuous and mocking.

For him, this is simply a great disgrace!


"Kill them!

"Don't worry, the ancestor will be here later!

Said the patriarch of the stone people.

The words fall.

All the stone people rushed towards the three Su Xuanji.

Even the stone people who were here before rushed up.

It is not that they are fearless, but that the life of the patriarch cannot be violated.

They can only bite the bullet and rush up, and the ancestors can arrive earlier at the same time.

0... ask for flowers 0・・・

Otherwise, they are afraid to die.

However, just thinking about it like this, everyone suddenly freezes in place.

Everyone, including the patriarch, kept moving forward.

Some people flew up, some people climbed mountains and walls, some people ran wildly on the ground, it can be said that there are all kinds of things.

But at this moment, without exception, all of them froze in place.

With eyes and mouth, nothing can move.

This feeling is the most familiar to the patriarch of the stone people.

He instantly looked at Su Xuanji in shock.

"How the hell did you do it.""

"What the hell are you going to do?"

"Do you still want to..."

The stone man patriarch was shocked and terrified.

Shocked, Su Xuanji's strength.

He was still convincing himself before.

It was just a fluke that Su Xuanji was able to subdue him instantly.

It's because he was too careless, he won't be next time.

But at this moment, the familiar scene came again.

He could no longer convince himself, and this time, Su Xuanji's strength was even more startling.

There are almost all the stone people here.

Only the patriarch and the other are no longer here, the others are all here.

And Su Xuanji can still do it, how can it not shock him?

And what he was afraid of was whether Su Xuanji was going to repeat the scene outside the secret.

He was already suffering from it and definitely didn't want to try it a second time.

But unfortunately.

Su Xuanji smiled kindly at him.

The stone man clan patriarch had seen this expression before, just before he was tortured.

Now that he has seen this expression, he is shivering all over.

That feeling is like a mouse seeing a cat, it is an instinctive fear of conditioned reflex.

Immediately after.

I saw Su Xuanji look at Qilin.

Kirin is now some five.

Chapter 542 Unexpected things happen suddenly!

Although not fully healed, at least simple actions are safe.

Su Xuanji looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Want to play together?"

"So many stone dolls waiting for me to dress up.

"If I'm alone, I'm afraid I'll waste a lot of time.

As soon as this word comes out.

The unicorn slid off the Heavenly Emperor's shoulder in a flash.

"Let's go and pick some flowers. 35

"And vines to make skirts."

"And smear them with danko.

"Apply it with crushed flowers, and it should be able to color.

Saying that, Kirin couldn't wait to run away.

Su Xuanji followed immediately.

He did not greet God.

He knew that the Heavenly Emperor would not do such a thing "one eighty-seven".

Sure enough, the Heavenly Emperor helplessly looked at the backs of the two of them, and then looked at the people of the Stone Human Race with sympathy.

At this moment, the expressions of the people of the Stone Human Race can be described as wonderful.

That kind of fear is simply a bit more tragic than seeing the most terrifying thing in the world.

"This Su Xuanji is too Damn it."

"I can't move, what should I do?"

"Me too, am I going to be poisoned by him?"

The stone people spoke in panic.

The voices trembled.

The patriarch said nothing, but the panic in his eyes was the strongest.

As the patriarch, he really couldn't bear Su Xuanji's badness again.

However, just as he was thinking about it, a wreath fell on his head.

Immediately afterwards, Su Xuanji and Kirin appeared in front of him.

Time flies.

Half an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

All the stone people have completed their transformation under the costumes of Su Xuanji and Qilin.

Especially the patriarch of the stone people, at this moment, every fingernail is dyed a color.

It was abruptly created ten different colors by the unicorn, which was particularly eye-catching.

It's far more exaggerated than what Su Xuanji did by himself.

this moment.

The patriarch of the stone people felt that he couldn't cry.

Can't speak.

He was cursing throughout the forced transformation process.

But Su Xuanji and Kirin turned a deaf ear.

It was as if he was a real stone doll.

Thinking of this, the gully on his face instantly deepened.

Thousands of years of vicissitudes in an instant.

In a pair of eyes, there were even tears, and the miserable even made Su Xuanji frown.

"Am I going too far?"

As soon as this word comes out.

The patriarch's eyes lit up instantly.

You know you're overdone?

Don't take all the mess out of me if you know it!

Seeing the expectant face of the Stone Human Patriarch, Su Xuanji's brows furrowed even tighter.

He looked at the patriarch of the stone man clan solemnly, his eyes full of guilt.

Then he spoke in a low voice.

"I'm really sorry."

"I did go a little too far."

"Red really doesn't suit you.""

"I'll just switch to other colors. 55

The words fall.

Just under the attention of the patriarch of the stone people who wanted to cry without tears.

Together with the unicorn, they re-dressed the patriarch of the stone people.

This scene fell in the eyes of other stone people, and everyone closed their mouths tightly and lowered their eyes.

For fear that Su Xuanji will stare at him and remake himself.

Can't stand it.

Really can't stand it.

Life is simply unbearable.

at this time.

A tall figure came quickly.

At the moment of landing, the entire ground trembled a few times.

Although all the stone people couldn't look back, they knew who it was.

All of a sudden, each and everyone's eyes flashed with joy.

"No reason!"

"What are you doing!

A loud shout sounded.

The old voice is as cold as ice...


Su Xuanji frowned, then threw away the flowers and plants in his hand, and looked up at the person who came.

"You bothered me to dress up the stone doll."

"The patriarch of the stone people is looking forward to this."

As soon as this word comes out.

The patriarch of the stone people was about to cry in anger.


"You saw it.

"This guy is so damn good!"

Hearing the words, the ancestors of the Stone Human Race swept away the entire Stone Human Race's outfit at the moment, and the anger in his eyes couldn't hold any more.

Shot directly at Su Xuanji.

Su Xuanji pushed the unicorn to Tiandi's side and took the initiative to meet him.

The strength of the ancestor of the stone man made Su Xuanji's eyes shine.

"At last there is something like that. 35

Su Xuanji's tone was like a comment.

His expression was also very casual, and he obviously didn't take the Stone Man's ancestor in his eyes.

The words of praise are like pulling a big man out of a dwarf.

The ancestor of the stone man felt like he was severely scolded.

Just then, Su Xuanji suddenly stopped.

He stood directly in front of the ancestor of the stone man, and spoke very cheerfully.

"I want to try your power.""

"Come on, hit me.

This is a 0.5.

The face of the stone man ancestor turned green.

What does this take him to be?

How could he vaguely remember these words, he also said it to the previous generation of patriarchs.

Still in his youth.

Think about this.

The ancestors of the stone man's eyes were even more annoyed.

I wish I could kill Su Xuanji with one punch.

"Since you ask for death, I will fulfill you.

"Su Xuanji, I'll let you know.""

"What's the fate of being disrespectful to the stone people! 35

The ancestor of the stone man said angrily.

The words fall.

The ancestor of the stone man suddenly exuded a huge power like a deep sea.

It seems endless and terrifying.

Chapter 543 Vows to follow forever!

Even the own people of the Stone Human Race were all shocked by such power.

However, Tiandi and Qilin remained calm.

Not only God now.

Even the unicorn has a kind, it seems that no matter what kind of challenge Su Xuanji encounters.

He feels absolutely competent.

A stone man ancestor, it is not worth their worry.

But the stone people are obviously not of this idea.

In their eyes, Su Xuanji was dead.

And he will surely die horribly.

The ancestor of the stone man is also very confident.

Not to mention the Stone Human Race, the amount of talent is absolutely beyond the reach of ordinary people.

One is super defense.

The second is extraordinary power.

The combination of the two can be almost invincible.

But it seems that after meeting Su Xuanji, they questioned it.

But in front of him, the ancestor believed that he could definitely make the stone people regain their self-confidence.

On this point, 03 he is convinced.

He raised his fist.

The fast arm turned into an afterimage.

Immediately called out.

this moment.

It was as if endless waves of angry wolves came rushing in.

All converged on that giant fist.

The bursts of shattering sounds it brought up seemed to be able to shatter all the space here.

If the punch fell on Su Xuanji.

Everyone believed that even if Su Xuanji did not die, he would be seriously injured.

Su Xuanji watched the punch, eager to try.

He stood there motionless, waiting for the punch to hit him.

Yet at this time.

Shi Dun'er came with the fruit in one hand, this is all the harvest he picked while walking.

He was eating happily when Su Xuanji seemed to be frightened.

And Old Ancestor's fist was about to hit him.

this moment.

Shi Dun'er flew over immediately.


"he is my friend.

"He's not a bad guy."

Shi Duner shouted normally, blocking Su Xuanji's face.

This sudden change, neither Su Xuanji nor the ancestor of the stone man had thought of it.

Others did not expect that it would suddenly become like this.

However, it was too late for the ancestor of the stone man to stop.

A punch hit Shi Dun'er's body with a bang.

The fruit in Shi Dun'er's hand spilled on the ground, and the whole person flew out instantly.

Su Xuanji stretched out his hand to catch it, and saw Shi Dun'er's vitality was quickly fading, and it seemed that he could not survive.


The patriarch roared loudly.

The ancestor of the stone man was instantly furious.

"Damn Su Xuanji.

"You actually bewitched Shi Dun'er, I'm going to kill you!"

When the words fell, he killed Su Xuanji.

However, Su Xuanji was not in the mood to take lessons again.

If he doesn't take action again, Shi Dun'er will die.

"Don't delay me saving people.

Su Xuanji ducked and said coldly.

However, how could the ancestor of the stone man hear it, and immediately chased after it again.

Su Xuanji was instantly furious.

Instead of avoiding it, he took the initiative to meet it, and immediately punched it, directly hitting the fist of the stone man ancestor.

In an instant.

The extremely majestic power madly knocked the ancestor of the stone man into the air.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared.

Before they could be shocked, Su Xuanji's next move made their jaw drop.

He actually really wanted to save Shi Dun'er!

Su Xuanji's hand was on Shi Dun'er's head.

Immediately, they saw that Shi Dun'er had only a little bit of vitality that had not completely disappeared, but he had stabilized.

At this moment, the stone man ancestor came back again.

Only this time, his speed has slowed down a lot, obviously suffering a serious injury.

And he knew very well that if it wasn't for haste, Su Xuanji seemed to just want him to retreat.

He was afraid that it would be difficult to keep this life, but how could he back down.

No matter how powerful Su Xuanji is, he's going to shoot!

However, the moment he saw what Su Xuanji was doing, he was stunned.

He could clearly feel that yin and yang were reversing.

Shi Dun'er's disappearing life is rapidly reversing, returning little by little.

And it was clearly Su Xuanji who caused all this!

There seemed to be an extremely mysterious power swirling around him.

It seems that Yin and Yang are in his grasp and can be changed at will.


"How on earth did he do it?"

"How is this possible!"

"187 He... If he really can make Shi Dun'er come alive...

"Then our stone people will be saved..."

The ancestor of the stone man muttered, his eyes fixed on Su Xuanji and Shi Dun'er.

A quarter of an hour later.

Shi Dun'er, whose eyes were originally closed, suddenly opened them slowly.

He looked at Su Xuanji and blinked.

He immediately raised his hand with a look of grievance on his face.

"My fruit is gone. 95

As soon as this word comes out.

Su Xuanji couldn't help laughing.

The patriarch of the stone people suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Still thinking about eating, it should be fine.

Just.... how the hell did Su Xuanji do it?

This question appeared in the hearts of every stone human race at this moment.

The stone man patriarch could see the way, he walked towards Su Xuanji, and suddenly knelt in front of him.

this action.

In an instant, everyone was a little stunned.

Even Su Xuanji himself didn't know why.

"Dare to ask, what secret technique do you use? 35

"Can you actually reverse life and death?"

Su Xuanji raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

Chapter 544 The apprehension of coming to a strange place!

The change in the attitude of the other party should be the reason.

"Yin-yang reversal."

"Do you want it from me?"

Su Xuanji said coldly.

The ancestor of the stone man immediately shook his head, with a look of ecstasy on his face.

"There is no chance and high comprehension.

"Who can get it from you?"

"I just want to honor you.

"I just ask you to help our stone people live longer."

"With your ability, you can definitely do it."

As soon as these words came out, Su Xuanji was stunned again.

Before he could ask, the stone man ancestor took the initiative to tell it.

It turns out that the stone people don't have long lifespans, and they guard here to find people who can prolong their lifespan.

And Su Xuanji's reversal of yin and yang made the ancestor of the stone man see hope.

How could he miss it?

So he immediately recognized the Lord.

Immediately, he asked Su Xuanji to let go of the control of the other stone people.

Then, let all the stone people kneel in front of Su Xuanji and confess their master!

Even Shi Dun'er let him pull him down to his knees.

In the face of life and death, plus Su Xuanji saved Shi Duner.

The stone people all bowed their heads, and the stone people patriarch even apologized.

"Before, I had eyes but didn't recognize Mount Tai.

"Also please don't remember the villain's deeds, and don't care about me."

"Just do it, just look at Shi Dun'er's face. 39

"Let us always follow you. 99

Although I don't know what happened to Shi Duner and Su Xuanji.

But this time it's always right to move out.

Hearing this, Su Xuanji looked at Shi Duner, and saw that the other party looked at him ignorantly.

Although this guy is a bit naive, he is still righteous.

Su Xuanji pondered for a moment, then nodded.

"All right…".

The words fall.

All the stone people shouted their masters, and the voices were very excited.


Su Xuanji took them and Tiandi around the secret realm.

Then out of the secret realm.

"Let's fully open the secret realm to the outside world."

"No need to stay here. 35

Su Xuanji ordered.

The patriarch of the stone people heard the words and did so immediately.

Immediately after.

Su Xuanji took all the stone people and returned to the Heavenly Palace with the Heavenly Emperor.

The people in the Tiangong waiting to welcome the Emperor.

Seeing the rows of stone giants in front of them, they were all stunned.

"what is this?"

"It's quite flexible, look at the short and fat one."

"There is a feeling of being as light as a swallow, which is amazing."

Everyone in Tiangong spoke up.

The short and fat they were talking about was naturally Shi Dun'er.

Shi Dun'er kept chasing the unicorn, sometimes jumping up, sometimes flickering, like a monkey.


"Come after me."

"Catch up with me and give you the good things I treasured.

The unicorn teased Shi Duner as he ran in front of him and turned around.

Su Xuanji rolled his eyes.

He has experienced how hard the unicorn is, and he knows that Shi Dun'er who doesn't understand the unicorn will be fooled.

"Emperor. 35

"they are...."

A person from Tiangong stood up and asked.

"They are the Stone People.

"It came from the secret realm of the Ancient Desolate Emperor, following God Son Su.

"You must treat each other with courtesy, and you must not learn from the unicorn.

Heavenly Emperor opened his mouth to introduce.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in Tiangong immediately responded.

This is not only because of the order of the emperor, but also because these stone people are related to Su Xuanji.

They have offended Su Xuanji again and again, and no one wants to do it again.

Otherwise, not only would Su Xuanji be unhappy, but the Emperor of Heaven would also be unhappy.

Immediately, everyone enthusiastically greeted the stone people.

The stone people, who were still somewhat restrained, suddenly relaxed a lot.

After all, they are in their own territory, and that is also dominating, it can be said that they are rampant.

When I came to an unfamiliar place, still the Heavenly Palace, it was inevitable that I was a little nervous.

They wouldn't be here if they weren't following Su Xuanji.

But now, it's finally a lot easier.

Su Xuanji glanced at it and saw the slightly relaxed expressions of the stone people.

After thinking about it, he directly stood up and introduced it to everyone in Tiangong.

"'々 This is the ancestor of the stone people.

"This is the patriarch of the stone people. 35

"Who is this.....

Su Xuanji took the top stone people in the row very few times.

When everyone in Tiangong saw this, they knew that he attached great importance to the stone people.

You know, he seldom pays attention to them.

I don't like red tape either.

But he still stood up, doesn't that explain the problem?


Everyone in Tiangong became more polite and enthusiastic towards the stone people.

The stone people were also very happy, and they were much more relaxed than before (Dai Qian Zhao).

Su Xuanji's willingness to introduce them personally means that he has accepted them.

For them, this can completely resist the anxiety of going to an unfamiliar place.

the other side.

The Emperor of Heaven has already instructed Zairen to arrange accommodation for the stone people.

After a while, a person from Tiangong walked to the patriarch of the stone people to lead the way for them.

The patriarch of the Stone People looked at Su Xuanji subconsciously.

Su Xuanji nodded slightly, and the patriarch of the stone people left with the people from the palace.

The ancestors of the Stone Human Race and other Stone Human Race clansmen also followed in a mighty manner.

Immediately, many people from Tiangong also followed.

From a distance, they can still be heard talking to the stone people, introducing the structure of the Heavenly Palace.

Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil

Chapter 545 The special feature of Dazhiruoyu!

It is also mixed with curious inquiries, and some people even like to discuss with the stone people.

But not provocative, just curious.

The Stone Human Race also agreed, and immediately made the Stone Human Race and everyone in the Heavenly Palace look forward to it.

Naturally, these voices did not escape the ears of Su Xuanji and Tiandi.

Tian Di looked at Su Xuanji with a smile and spoke slowly.

"This time they are very acquainted.""


The Emperor of Heaven refers to the people in the Heavenly Palace against the Stone Human Race.

I think it was because the previous lessons were too profound, and no one dared to offend Su Xuanji.

Just then, before Su Xuanji could speak, Kirin ran over.

That jumping posture, just like a small dog.

"I can make them a little more acquainted.

"I remember there were people who didn't call Grandpa a thousand times. 99

"I'm going to teach them a lesson."

Kirin said excitedly.

Then he turned around and went to the Heavenly Palace.

Heavenly Emperor raised his hand and grabbed his tail and lifted him up.

Kirin struggled furiously.

"Emperor. 39

"How can you learn 187 Su Xuanji."

"Let go of me! 99

Since it became a habit for Su Xuanji to carry his tail, Tiandi has followed suit.

It's just that he will hardly do it unless the unicorn is tricking.


He's going to trick or treat now.

"They have all completed their engagements."5

"It's you who insisted they weren't done.

"Don't make trouble anymore, it's enough."

"If they dare to disrespect Su Shenzi again, it's not too late for you to take action.

Heavenly Emperor said.

Although the tone was flat, there was an unquestionable majesty.

The struggling Kirin could only humbly say yes.

Only then did the Heavenly Emperor let go of the unicorn and threw him into Shi Dun'er's hands.

The unicorns that have become smaller don't even have Shi Dun'er's slaps.

Shi Duner wanted to imitate Su Xuanji's appearance and scratched Qilin's chin.

But this shot directly put the Kirin upside down (adaf).

No way, the hand is too big.

The angry unicorn grinned for a while.

Shi Dun'er smiled naively, with a smile that could not see his teeth but not his eyes.

Seeing this, Qilin suddenly felt that he should not care about the fool, and jumped on Shi Dun'er's shoulder.

While guiding Shi Dun'er, he ran around on Shi Dun'er's broad shoulders.

It's just that he didn't see the slyness in Shi Dun'er's eyes.

Apparently, he just had intentional ingredients in it.

When Su Xuanji and Tian Di saw this scene, they looked at each other and smiled.

"Shi Dun'er will be stupid and clever.

Heavenly Emperor laughed.

"A wise man?"

Su Xuanji couldn't help laughing.

Immediately, the two walked into the Heavenly Palace together.

Not long after they walked, they were surprised to find that the Stone People and the people in the Heavenly Palace who had come in with them before were all standing still.

Cheers and applause from time to time.

The two walked over to see, and immediately someone made way for them.

When I came to the innermost part of the crowd, I saw that there were stone people who were discussing with the people from Tiangong.

No one on the two sides moved the real thing, just clicked to the point.

The stone people were amazed by the skills of Tiangong, and Tiangong was also amazed by the amazing defense of the stone people.

The two sides quickly ended the test and it was a draw.

Of course, this is the result of not really putting it together.

On a day like today, it is not suitable to do that, let alone the stone people who have just arrived.

If Tiangong really fought with the stone people, it would be a provocation, but now, it is a friendly exchange.

After this test, the two sides are all closer.

This made the stone people more relaxed and laughed more.

The only thing that is a little distressing is that the stone people are too tall.

The originally spacious Heavenly Palace, after they all squeezed in, turned out to be a bit crowded.

But fortunately.

It didn't take long for them to be taken to the accommodation arranged by the Emperor of Heaven for them.

It's very spacious here.

Although relatively not so refined.

But the victory is that it can fully accommodate the stone people.

And that's enough for them.

The stone people don't need to be so delicate, and they can't appreciate it.

On the contrary, they liked the nature here very much, and expressed their gratitude to the Heavenly Emperor for their words.

"This place is very good, thank you Heavenly Emperor. 35

"Here is with my heart, the Emperor of Heaven is really understanding. 35

The patriarch of the stone people also stood up, expressing gratitude to the emperor on behalf of the stone people.

"Thank you God for giving us a place to live."

The Emperor of Heaven heard the words and opened his mouth with a smile.

"Everyone, follow God Son Su.""

"If I don't settle you well, Su Shenzi will run away. 39

As soon as this word comes out.

Except for Su Xuanji's helpless expression, the stone people all laughed.

In addition to their smiles, they looked at Su Xuanji with a sense of pride.

They clearly know that Su Xuanji is powerful.

Also on the way, saw Tiandi's respect for Su Xuanji.

The Emperor of Heaven valued Su Xuanji very highly because he was also kind to them.

It can even be said that they were able to get this place because the emperor valued Su Xuanji.

They know this well.

I am very proud and satisfied that I have followed the right thing to myself.

When I thought about my longevity, it was no longer a problem, and I was even happier.

Who cares about ever being beaten and dressed up by Su Xuanji?.

Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil

Chapter 546 Take the initiative to give your baby!

It is not impossible to follow such an existence and let them wear flowers and plants every day.

"You rest.

"Shi Dun'er was taken by the unicorn somewhere. 35

"Don't worry, even though the unicorn is a little mischievous, it is still measured.

Su Xuanji looked at the Stone People and said.

The words fall.

The Stone People said yes.


Su Xuanji and Tiandi turned and left here~.

The stone people looked at Su Xuanji's figure and completely disappeared from sight, and then they did what they should do.

And Su Xuanji and Tiandi went back to their own places.

Just as Su Xuanji closed his eyes and took a cup of tea, there was a knock on the door.

"come in."

Su Xuanji spoke slowly.

He knew very well who was out there.

It's just that he doesn't know why he would come here at this time.

The words fall.

A tall figure walked in.

As soon as he entered, he knelt directly in front of Su Xuanji.


"I came up with this as soon as I asked. 35

"excuse me.

The patriarch of the stone people said.

Su Xuanji raised an eyebrow at the patriarch of the Stone People who was kneeling in front of him.

"Get up and talk.""

The patriarch of the stone people shook his head.

"Should be kneeling."

"The master is supposed to be tall, but I am very tall."

"How can I let the master look up at me and talk.

"It's better to kneel, I'm fortunate enough to kneel in front of the master, it's mine..."

The stone people's patriarch's words have not been finished yet.

Suddenly, an irresistible yet gentle force lifted him up.


It was Su Xuanji who did it.

Meanwhile, Su Xuanji spoke up.

"What do you have to say to me?

The patriarch of the stone people wanted to kneel down to answer.

But no matter how he bent his knees, he couldn't get down.

Immediately, he could only bow his waist deeply.


"Actually.... to be more precise..."

"I want to represent the stone people and give the master a gift."


I took out a piece of paper with no discernible material.

The paper was neatly folded into a square, which looked unremarkable.

"This is...."

Su Xuanji didn't pick it up, but asked.

The patriarch of the Stone Clan immediately explained.

"Master, this is..."

But before he could finish speaking, Su Xuanji interrupted him.

"Call me son.

Moshan was also ordered to change his tongue by him.

It's good for the stone people to call it that way.

Su Xuanji also listened well.

The stone man clan chief nodded immediately and changed his tune according to Su Xuanji's meaning.

"Yes, son.

"Young master, this is a treasure map of the ancient deserted emperor's secret realm."

"It's a treasure handed down from my stone people. Except for my patriarch and my ancestor, no one knows about it."

"Today, I will dedicate it to the son, and also ask the son not to dislike it.

"This is already the treasure we can come up with.


The patriarch of the stone people held a corner of the treasure map with both hands.

Respectfully delivered to Su Xuanji.

But Su Xuanji almost laughed at this scene.

The hand of the stone man clan's patriarch is very huge, but the treasure map that has been stacked and stacked is extremely small.

To show respect, Tiangong still held it with both hands.

This caused both of his little fingers to stick up, like an orchid finger.

Su Xuanji held back his laughter, so he didn't let himself laugh.

After all, this is the intention of the Stone Human Race, if he laughed, it would be a little disrespectful.

He could only quickly pick it up with a ruthless hand to end this funny scene.

"The Secret Realm of Ancient Desolate Emperor..."

0... ask for flowers 0·

Su Xuanji muttered.

Then the treasure map unfolded.

The map is not very big, and I don't know what material it is, and there is no damage under Su Xuanji's testing.

This surprised Su Xuanji and made him a little more interested.

He carefully checked the treasure map and suddenly noticed it.

In the corner of the treasure map, a red dot was actually marked.

And next to the red dot was written four small characters - Great Emperor Crystal.

"Great Emperor Crystal?"

Su Xuanji exclaimed in surprise.

A pair of eyes also opened slightly.

He has rarely had such a reaction.


If he hadn't seen something that even shocked him, it wouldn't have happened at all.

Seeing Su Xuanji's reaction, the Stone People's Patriarch knew that he had done the right thing.

"Is this treasure map real or fake?"

"I'm not doubting you, I'm just worried, and you don't know.

Su Xuanji looked at the patriarch of the stone people and said solemnly.

This matter is of great importance, and it is impossible for him to ignore it.

Seeing Su Xuanji's serious expression, the Stone Human Patriarch nodded immediately.

"Absolutely true.

"It was passed down by the ancestors of the stone people."

"Although it is impossible to test which generation it is from. 35

"But there's absolutely nothing wrong with passing it on as a secret from generation to generation.""

"Also ask your son to believe me."

Su Xuanji nodded slowly after hearing this.

The line of sight stayed on the eyes of the patriarch of the stone people.

Seeing his calm expression, not like a fake, he got up immediately.

"You go back first.

"I'm going to find God."

The words fall.

Su Xuanji walked out quickly and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.


There was a man sitting opposite the Heavenly Emperor.

It was Su Xuanji.

The chess piece that the Emperor of Heaven placed in his hand looked up.

"It just so happened that I was a little bored playing with myself.

"You came just right." Five.

Chapter 547 The Treasure Map of the Secret Realm!

The words fall.

Then he packed up the chess game and prepared to play a game with Su Xuanji.

Just then, Su Xuanji spoke up.

"I heard God say it before. 99

"The defense of Tiangong could have been almost impeccable.

"Last time the demons attacked, if the defense is intact, you can relax."

"But it has been damaged, so people have a chance to take advantage of it.

As soon as this word comes out.

The hand of the Heavenly Emperor holding the chess piece was instantly suspended in the air.

He looked up at Su Xuanji.

"Why did Shenzi Su suddenly mention this?"

"Is there a way to help me repair the defense of the Tiangong?

talking room.

There was curiosity and a little smile in the eyes of Tiandi.

It seems that his own words have not been believed since "1900".

Just casually speaking.

But Su Xuanji nodded.

This made the Heavenly Emperor's face instantly sullen.

"God Son Su."

"Repairing the defense of the Heavenly Palace requires the Great Emperor Crystal.

"And that kind of thing..."

"I've been searching for years and can't find it..."

"I've given up hope for this..."

Su Xuanji suddenly smiled, with confidence in his eyes enough to rekindle the Emperor's hope.

Seeing this, the Emperor of Heaven threw away the chess piece in his hand.

Immediately, a crisp rolling sound sounded.

This was the first time the Emperor of Heaven failed to throw the pieces back into the chess box.

It can be seen how excited he is at this moment.

"God Son Su.

"This kind of thing is not a joke.

"It's not that I don't believe you..."

"It's just....it's unbelievable..."

The Emperor of Heaven looked at Su Xuanji steadily.

Emotions in the eyes are very complicated.

It seems that there is a lot of hope that Su Xuanji can come up with the emperor spar.

I thought it was impossible.

If Su Xuanji had it, he would have taken it out before.

Why wait till now?

Su Xuanji looked at Tiandi's expression, how could he not know what he was thinking?

Without saying a word, he directly spread the treasure map on the chessboard.

He raised his hand and clicked on the treasure map, and let the Emperor see it.

Heavenly Emperor didn't know why, so he looked down.

Seeing this, he was stunned for a moment.

A pair of eyes, staring at the corner.

That red mark, and the four small characters next to it.


"It turned out to be the Great Emperor Crystal..."

"Where is this map?

"Where did you get it from?"

Tian Di looked at Su Xuanji expectantly and nervously.

His eyes were full of hope.

This is the first time Su Xuanji has seen such a restless Heavenly Emperor.

Suddenly he laughed.

"Ha ha...."

"It turns out that the Emperor of Heaven also has something that he is particularly concerned about..."

As soon as this word comes out.

A wry smile appeared on Tiandi's face.

"Of course there is."

"Especially this Great Emperor Crystal."

"If it can be obtained, it seems that the Tiangong will be repaired.

"At that time, Tiangong will be a little safer.

"Even if someone calls, at least the defense is safe.

Thinking of what happened last time when the demons attacked, the Emperor of Heaven still felt a lot of sympathy.

Although it was fortunate that Su Xuanji was there to help, there was still a lot of damage.

And Su Xuanji won't be here forever, he'll always leave.

If Tiangong encounters any enemy in the future, if Tiangong has a complete defense, the odds of winning will be greatly increased.

Seeing that Emperor Tian was so impatient, Su Xuanji didn't give up.

"This treasure map was presented to me by the patriarch of the stone people."

"It's the treasure map of the ancient deserted emperor's secret realm. 99

"And he must be real.

"I thought about it a lot on the way, and I thought that he would never lie to me."

"So I believe this treasure map is real."

The Emperor was overjoyed when he heard the words.

He even stood up with a treasure map.

Pacing back and forth in front of Su Xuanji.

"The stone people still depend on you to survive. 35

"I definitely won't lie to your 0..."

"And it was given to you by the patriarch of the stone people.

"I also believe it to be true.

"He can't lie to you and dig his own grave.

"In this way, there really is a Great Emperor Crystal in the Ancient Desolate Emperor's Secret Realm.

"It was great, it was great."

"God help me, God help me too!"5

Heavenly Emperor looked excited.

But then, as if thinking of something, he looked at Su Xuanji with embarrassment.

"Feel sorry."

"This treasure map is yours.


"It really shouldn't be."

"But...the Great Emperor Crystal is too important to me..."

"If Su Shenzi is willing, I hope to go with you. 35

"If I get the Great Emperor Crystal, I am willing to exchange it with you at any price.

"I don't know if it is possible?"

Tian Di looked at Su Xuanji's eyes.



Also determined to win.


The Great Emperor spar is extremely important to him.

In fact, Su Xuanji knew this very early in the morning.

Su Xuanji looked at Tiandi and laughed.


"Guess why I showed you this treasure map?

"If I don't want to let the emperor spar, how can I appear here." 0.5

As soon as this word comes out.

Heavenly Emperor suddenly realized.


If not for Su Xuanji's unwillingness.

He wouldn't tell him about it at all.

Not to mention the treasure map of the ancient wild emperor secret realm is not reserved for him.

That is to say....

Su Xuanji came....

The purpose is to let him know the existence of the Great Emperor spar...

This is simply a gift!

this moment.

Tian Di looked at Su Xuanji.

The complexity of the mind cannot be added.

That is the Great Emperor Crystal!

To actually hand it over to him like this, it's just...


Simply generous and incompatible!

Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil

Chapter 548 An incomprehensible opp1nt!

If it is said that Su Xuanji has helped him many times before, the Emperor of Heaven has already been grateful.

Now it's even more so that the Heavenly Emperor doesn't know what to say.

The kind of gratitude that keeps stacking up can no longer be described as gratitude.

But the Heavenly Emperor could not find a precise word to describe it.

He even felt a little bit.

Although Su Xuanji is not yet from Tiangong, he is better than Tiangong.

And to Tiangong, there is an absolutely undeniable great contribution.

If he is willing to join the Tiangong, that is, a position of deputy master is specially set up for him, so what?

Seeing Tiandi's fierce eyes, Su Xuanji stood up instantly.

A pair of hands swayed.

"Don't don't.

"I'm free now.

"And there is no plan to join any forces for the time being.

As soon as this word comes out.

Heavenly Emperor was immediately helpless.

Before he said anything, Su Xuanji saw it through.

He also blocked what he didn't say in 03. As expected of Su Xuanji, he really couldn't hide anything from him.


"God Son Su..."

"I...I don't know what to say..."

'If you need anything in the future, just speak up.

"As long as I can do it, I will never refuse.

The Emperor looked at Su Xuanji very formally and said, and gave a deep salute.

Su Xuanji immediately helped the Heavenly Emperor.


"Let's talk about something else. 35

"I have decided to go to the ancient deserted emperor secret realm. 99

"Leaving in half a month."

As soon as this word comes out.

Heavenly Emperor hurriedly spoke.

"I wonder if Su Shenzi can take me there?

Su Xuanji understood what Tiandi meant.

He was trying to do something.

Su Xuanji had expected this request on the way.

He nodded immediately.

"Of course it's good.

"It's good to have a company along the way."

"I also plan to bring the patriarch of the stone people."

Tiandi nodded with a smile.

"Thank you God Son Su. 35

"So good.

"After all, this map was handed down by the Stone People."

"It might help to bring him.

Su Xuanji nodded.

He thought so too.


The two discussed the treasure map for an hour and played another game of chess.

Su Xuanji left here with the treasure map.

After he left, the Heavenly Emperor immediately started making arrangements.

He has to leave Tiangong again, and he has to make arrangements again.

Everyone in Tiangong was shocked.

"Heavenly Emperor is leaving again?""

"Didn't you just come back?"

"Where is this going?"

"Can you take us? 35

Look in the eyes of people looking forward to it.

Heavenly Emperor did not tell the truth about where he was going.

That was the secret of the Stone People and Su Xuanji after all.

But what to do, it's okay to say it.

"Shenzi Su has clues about the Great Emperor Crystal."5

"I went out with him looking for it.

"If it is found, it will be for Tiangong."

"It's a great thing.

The Emperor looked at the crowd and said slowly.

There was a rare sense of relief and joy in his eyes.

When everyone in Tiangong heard the words, they were stunned on the spot.

Emperor Crystal?

Any clues about the Great Emperor Spar?

It's just....

and many more.

Su Shenzi's clue?

That's fine.

When Su Xuanji is involved in anything, no matter how shocking it is, the level of shock will decrease.

But the great joy still caused a big smile on everyone's face.

That is the Great Emperor Crystal!

That is the treasure that Heavenly Emperor and they have been searching for for a long time and have not found!

The only thing that can repair Tiangong defenses!

As long as it is found, the defense of the Heavenly Palace will be repaired, and the Heavenly Palace will be more stable.

"God, take me with you.

"Heavenly Emperor, I also want to follow."

"I will not hold back. 35

"I can help too, Heavenly Emperor, take me with you!

For a time, everyone was scrambling to go together.

Seeing them being so active, Tiandi felt a little moved, and then rejected them.


"I can go with Su Shenzi.

"More people may not make things better.

"It is also easy to attract attention, which is not conducive to us quietly looking for it.

As soon as this word comes out.

Everyone finally calmed down a little.

Although he still wanted to go, he was very disappointed by the refusal of Heavenly Emperor.

But I have to admit that what the Emperor said was right.

If they are a group of mighty search.

No matter how careful you are, people outside are not blind.

If it attracts the attention of interested people, it will be very bad.

After all, that is the Great Emperor Crystal, I don't know how many eyes are staring at it.

They can't just follow their own wishes and ignore the risks.

The Great Emperor spar is the most important, even if they want to go, they can only restrain themselves.

Obediently wait in the Heavenly Palace, waiting for the return of Heavenly Emperor and Su Xuanji.

Think of Su Xuanji.

The expressions of everyone were extremely complicated.

They can be said to have repeatedly offended and apologized to Su Xuanji.

And Su Xuanji didn't care about his past suspicions, yet he still wanted to help them?

Although it was definitely necessary to help the Heavenly Emperor, it was not because of them that they would not help, and this rounding up was considered helping them.

They are thinking very much now.

And what shocked them the most was Su Xuanji's willingness.

That is the Great Emperor Crystal, the Great Emperor Crystal!

Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil

Chapter 549 A Boundless Shot!

If it were them, even if they were people in the Heavenly Palace, it would be a mystery whether they would give it up.

But Su Xuanji, an outsider, did it.

It's hard to fathom what kind of person this is.

at the same time.

They also admire Su Xuanji.

Look at the people whose expressions are changing.

How could Heavenly Emperor not know what they were thinking.

I was finally relieved that Su Xuanji had done so much for Tiangong in vain.

These guys finally got their heads up.

Although he knew that Su Xuanji certainly didn't care, he did.

Su Xuanji's contribution to Tiangong far exceeded everyone present.

Not only does he feel unfair to Su Xuanji if they can't even see that.

I also feel that these people's vision and mentality are very problematic, which will make him extremely disappointed.

It's been one last time, and this time, they seem to have really learned their lesson.

The Heavenly Emperor's face finally looked a little better.

See here.

People are a little confused.

Heavenly Emperor has not given them a good face for a long time.

The last time the unicorn wanted to burn the eyebrows and hair, it was also an indulgence of opening one eye and closing one eye.

They know that this is the Emperor of Heaven who will also teach them a lesson.

There is no name, let the overbearing unicorn come.

It really made them suffer terribly.

Now they are extremely careful.

This is also a reason for the enthusiasm for the stone people.

Now they have only one purpose.

That is, when it comes to Su Xuanji, whether it is a person or a thing or a thing, it must be taken seriously.

Otherwise, the Heavenly Emperor would definitely be displeased.

They have already experienced this.

"Just as I ordered." ""

"When I'm not here, you take good care of the Heavenly Palace."

"I will stay for another half a month. During this period, any of you have any cultivation problems. 35

"You can go to me and ask me."

"Also, after we leave, you must have the same attitude towards the stone people.

"Absolutely not to be fooled."

"Even the unicorn, can't let him mess around.

As soon as this word comes out.

Everyone in Tiangong, who was still very happy after listening to the first half, suddenly turned pale when they heard the second half.

"Heavenly Emperor, won't you take the unicorn?"

"Take it, take him and we'll disappear... No, take him... It will help..."

"Not bad, Qilin must also want to follow.

Everyone in Tiangong spoke up.

One by one, they tried to persuade the Emperor.

It's more active than when they themselves want to follow.

That posture, as if the Emperor of Heaven did not bring a unicorn, what a wrong thing to do.

It looks like he can't wait to put the unicorn into the hands of the Emperor of Heaven.

Tiandi laughed immediately when he saw this.

Could he not know what they were thinking?

It is clear that Qilin is not there, they are more comfortable, and they don't have to be afraid.

That's why he wished that he would take the unicorns away and give them a clean slate.

But Heavenly Emperor did not intend to bring the unicorn this time.

How procrastinated Qilin was on the way, he had already experienced it last time.

All the way, they were slowed down abruptly.

And always running around, not at all uneasy.

If the Heavenly Emperor wants to walk with someone the most, it must be the unicorn.

If it's other things, it's okay, you can endure it for a while.

But looking for the Great Emperor spar, that is what he has been trying to accomplish for many years.

He absolutely does not allow anyone to slow his pace, not even Kirin.

Therefore, he will never bring a unicorn, absolutely not.

Let the people in the Tiangong talk about breaking the sky, and the Emperor of Heaven has never nodded.

At the end, he left a sentence of "no more words", then turned and left.

This made the people in the Tiangong burst into a wailing.

at the same time.

The place of the stone people.

Su Xuanji is announcing his decision.

Like Heavenly Emperor, he didn't say much.

He only said that he would go out with the Heavenly Emperor, and he also said that he would bring the Patriarch of the Stone Human Clan.

The stone people behaved the same as everyone in the Tiangong, and they all wanted to follow.

"`々Sir, take us with you.

"We will definitely not cause trouble, everything will be arranged by your son.

"Also ask the son to take us and wait for the son to send us.

"Young master, take us with you. 35

The stone people all spoke up.

keep begging.

They have been guarding the ancient deserted emperor secret realm for a long time.

I've always wanted to go out and see.

But the lifespan of the stone people is limited, and it is better to practice a lot if you have time.

It can also increase the lifespan, and it is meaningless to go out.

Therefore, the places they have been to are not far from the Ancient Desolate Emperor's Secret Realm.

The farthest distance they have traveled is the Ancient Desolate Emperor's Secret Realm to the Heavenly Palace.

Out of reverence for Su Xuanji, he did not dare to walk around on the road.

And along the way, he also knew that Su Xuanji was not a cruel person.

Even very talkative, as long as it is a reasonable request will agree to the festival.

This made them more courageous, and they all asked him to take it with them.

In this way, I can look around while waiting for Su Xuanji's orders.

How could Su Xuanji not know what they were thinking.

But this trip is because the emperor hates it very seriously, he can't take so many people there, and it's not an outing.

Chapter 550 Looking forward to a miracle!

Moreover, there may be any danger in the ancient wild emperor secret realm.

If he brought them all, and he had to take into account their safety, he would inevitably be a little constrained.

It's better not to take them with you.

"This time, I have made a decision.

"You don't need to say more."

"If you go out after that, if there is nothing else, I will take you with me."

"You stay here with peace of mind and don't walk around. 35

"But it doesn't matter if you are nearby, with your back to the Heavenly Palace, no one should dare to provoke you.

Su Xuanji opened his mouth.

Although the words spoken are rejected.

But there is no lack of concern.

When the stone people heard this, they could only reluctantly nod their heads.

With the appearance of being abandoned, Su Xuanji was dumbfounded.

"You have heard what your son said."

"Be honest and don't make trouble, we'll be back when we go."

"Old Ancestor has already retreated, if nothing happens, don't disturb him. 35

The patriarch looked at the stone people and said.

As soon as these words came out, everyone didn't say anything, and Shi Dun'er in the corner spoke up.

He shook his head as he walked towards the head of the clan 193.

"Do you want to be obedient?"

"After my grandfather and I leave, you have to be obedient.

"Don't fight! 99


Everyone rolled their eyes.

when they were little kids?

At this moment, the patriarch of the stone people spoke up.

"What after you and I left?"

"When did you say you were going to be taken away?"

"You leave me too!

Unlike talking to other people.

The patriarch of the stone people spoke to Shi Dun'er a little more casually.

The gully all over his face came alive at this moment.

As soon as this word comes out.

The stone people all laughed.

Shi Dun'er looked at the patriarch with a hurt face.


"Aren't you going to take me?"

"Do you miss me?""

"Impossible, I'm so smart and martial, don't take me to your loss. 99

Saying that, he immediately turned to look at Su Xuanji.

"Young master won't let me take me.""

"We are good friends. 35

"He also said that he would go find food and play with me. 35

Looking at Shi Dun'er's innocent eyes.

Su Xuanji shook his head cruelly.

"Do not."

"Not this time.

Although Shi Dun'er is occasionally a little clever.

But it is undeniable that he does often behave foolishly.

In the secret realm, if you are not careful, you can easily die.

He couldn't take Shi Dun'er to such a dangerous place.

He doesn't necessarily have every chance to save him.


Shi Dun'er's eyes suddenly turned red.

She raised her hand and wiped her tears while crying.


Everyone present felt a headache.

Every time Shi Dun'er starts crying, it's not over, and the people of the Stone Human Race have a deep understanding of it.

Even if he moved out his ancestors to scare him, it would be useless.

Su Xuanji looked at Shi Duner, raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows.

At this moment, he noticed that Shi Dun'er was wiping his tears while peeking at him.

Apparently like lice on a bald head.

Su Xuanji was also a little dumbfounded.

This is the stone pier.

You say he is stupid, he is always a little clever.

You say he's smart, and he's always smart so don't (adaf) hide it.

cry. "


"Cry louder."

"I won't take you out next time.

Su Xuanji said solemnly.


The Stone People didn't care, secretly Su Xuanji was still too young.

This is useless to Shi Dun'er, they have already tried it.

In exchange, Shi Dun'er howled louder.

However, for a second, everyone was stunned.

"Why did the crying go away?"

"I don't hear it either, is there something wrong with my ears?"

"Me too...he doesn't seem to cry anymore..."

"That's surprising..."

"He's actually afraid of the son..."

The stone people said in succession.

All of them were in disbelief.

Even the patriarch of the stone people was shocked.

My grandson knew it very well, and it was life-threatening to cry.

In the past, no matter who persuaded him, it was not good, he could only wait until he was tired of crying.

And Su Xuanji's words actually made him shut up?

It's a miracle!


All the eyes that looked at Su Xuanji were even more awe-inspiring.

Su Xuanji was taken aback for a moment.

He naturally felt the changes in the crowd.

But he doesn't always think so...

Don't you just not cry?

Is it weird?

Of course it's weird!

Su Xuanji had no idea about Shi Dun'er's glorious past.

He used to cry for three days and three nights in a row, just because he was teased by the indifferent patriarch and robbed him of his fruit.

Another time I cried for five days and five nights because Elder Shi Xin refused to take him when he went out.

When Elder Shi Xin came back, he was still crying. Under the order of the patriarch, Elder Shi Xin insisted on taking Shi Dun'er out once, and this was the end.

And from then on, Elder Shi Xin took a detour when he saw Shi Dun'er.

Shi Dun'er became unhappy again, and continued to cry for four days and four nights.

This made the stone people extremely troublesome, and also caused Elder Shi Xin to suffer a lot of scorn and anger.

But these are old things, and Su Xuanji is naturally unclear.

But the stone people are well aware of this, and what they know is far more than that.

If you want to talk about it, you can't finish it for three days and three nights.