
just for meSign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning)

Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasy
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Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil 531

Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil

Chapter 531 No more struggling, finally quiet down!

Heavenly Emperor raised his hand to hold him down, lest he would be impatient and aggravate the injury.

"Don't worry.

"Shenzi Su must have his own plans. 35

"We look at it.

Qilin was almost suffocated by the Heavenly Emperor's words.

He has lost sight of it.

at this time.

Su Xuanji took a step forward, getting closer to Elder Shi Xin.

Elder Shi Xin suddenly revealed a ferocious look, swept away the previous apprehension.

If he said three tricks, he was not confident.

Seven moves made him feel more confident.

Ten strokes is simply a reassurance.

He knew that he would win.

And the fear of Su Xuanji in his heart was almost swept away.

Without him, it would be stupid.

No matter how powerful a person is, stupidity will offset his deterrent.

He couldn't help agreeing to his conditions, and also offered three other tricks on his own initiative.

This is simply taking the initiative to give him a way of life, which is simply stupid and ridiculous.

Even if he gets the benefit, he will despise Su Xuanji because of it.

But a fool, no matter how strong it is, that's what happens.

Can that turn the sky around?

"Su Xuanji.

"You are too arrogant."

"Ten tricks you can say."

"I'll let you know the power of this big stone hammer. 35

Elder Shi Xin shouted.

The smile and smugness on his face, as if he had already won.

at the same time.

Su Xuanji saw ambition in his eyes.

I saw the ambition to use these ten tricks to kill him.

Su Xuanji smiled kindly.

"I'm waiting for you.

"I hope you don't disappoint me.

As soon as this word comes out.

The grim look on Elder Shi Xin's face suddenly appeared.

"Too arrogant.

"Not a good thing."

"I'll make this clear to you.

The words fall.

Elder Shi Xin moved.

Under everyone's attention, he jumped up.

Although the stone people look extremely cumbersome, their movements are extremely flexible.

Flexible enough to be like a spirit monkey, vigorous and fast.

The sudden burst of power seemed to be able to break through the void.

at the same time.

The big stone hammer was suddenly thrown out.

That seemingly simple and unusual action brought unspeakable power.

It was as if a round of the sun had fallen away, with a dazzling light and murderous intent that one dared not look directly at.

Even if it is not the target of the sun, there is a feeling that I am about to be melted

The stone people all looked at the big stone hammer in shock and admiration.

It was made by the previous patriarch, and it was extremely powerful.

The only people in the clan who have this thing are Elder Shixin and Elder Shimo.

Don't talk about touching them on weekdays, it's even hard to see them.

Today, I have seen such power, although it is extremely unpleasant to Elder Shi Xin.

But it cannot be denied that the excitement and shock in their hearts at this moment.

When it was too late, it was too fast, and another big stone hammer was also moved.

That ability belonged to Elder Shimo, and now in the hands of Elder Shixin, it exerted even more amazing power.

The time cultivation base of the two is similar, but it is such a line that it is enough to reflect the astonishing difference.

A pair of large stone hammers fell high above the air, and fell towards Su Xuanji with a force that seemed to break the ground.

For a moment.

It even makes people feel like two suns falling towards Su Xuanji at the same time.

But Su Xuanji didn't move, as if he couldn't see everything.

Seeing this, the stone people were shocked beyond words.

"Why doesn't he respond at all?"

"Let's make ten tricks, so it's not like you don't protect yourself, right?"

"Could it be that he doesn't want to live anymore, so he asked Elder Shi Xin to do ten tricks?

0... ask for flowers...

"This explains why he also comes with three moves."

"Maybe I was scared, but I didn't expect that the big stone hammer would be so powerful under all its strength."5

"No way.... He just looked amazing..."

"I'm dying looking at it."

The stone people spoke in pink.

He looked even more nervous than Su Xuanji.

at the same time.

Two big stone hammers have come to Su Xuanji's head.

And he remained motionless.

It's like an old monk entering meditation.


Qilin struggled directly from the shoulders of the Heavenly Emperor, and wanted to rush over to save people.

"What a fool to not protect himself.

Heavenly Emperor pressed it down, and his expression looked very calm, which could be said to be very different from that of a unicorn.

"let me go.

"Let go of me.

Kirin continued to struggle.

Nai He was seriously injured, and now he can't break free from the Heavenly Emperor at all.

The Heavenly Emperor spoke in a soothing voice.


"Su Shenzi's hair has not even moved.

Just as Qilin was about to say so, he suddenly thought of the previous scene.

Before the battle between Elder Stone Heart and Elder Stone Mill.

Under the big stone hammer, his hair would dance with the hurricane that it brought.

It was an uncontrollable natural reaction.

But now Su Xuanji is completely different.

There is a feeling of letting the wind and rain outside, I will not move.

It seems that the big stone hammer has no effect on him at all, and his whole person is a world.

Not even a single strand of hair was affected.

Doesn't this mean that Su Xuanji is actually better.

As soon as this idea came up, Qilin stopped struggling and finally calmed down for five.

Chapter 532 Don't worry anymore, read it patiently!

at the same time.

Elder Shi Xin's eyes flickered, and the two big stone hammers had already fallen down.

Two large stone hammers, attacking from left to right, seemed to knock Su Xuanji's head off.

But at this moment.

The two big stone hammers suddenly seemed to have encountered some kind of obstacle, and could not make an inch.

This made Elder Shi Xin suddenly burst into anger.

How is this possible?

Although he knew that Su Xuanji would definitely resist, how could this be possible?

He is very clear about the power of the big stone hammer, even within three strokes, he can't really hurt Su Xuanji.

You can't even touch it, can you?

Not to mention the fact that Su Xuanji doesn't seem to be doing any "180" resistance.

How on earth did Su Xuanji do it?

Elder Shi Xin was very doubtful and annoyed.

It seems that there is a natural barrier surrounding Su Xuanji.

You can't see it, you can't feel it, but it can still have a shocking effect.

This scene also stunned the other stone people.

"Isn't he motionless?"

"I didn't feel any power fluctuations around him.

"How can.... the big stone hammer of Elder Stone Heart can't go down?"

"We're still superficial..."

The stone people said one after another, their eyes full of amazement and novelty.

This was the first time they saw that the big stone hammer did not exert any power.

It was as if two rounds of the sun fell, but the ground didn't even touch the ground.

It's like a joke with a lot of thunder and rain.

And the smile on Su Xuanji's face.

As if to say, the joke is really funny.

Looking at him with a smile, think about the hideousness of Elder Shi Xin's efforts.

In an instant, all the stone people rushed to the scene and were a little creepy.

How strong is the confidence and strength to do this?

And they also suspected that he was scared stupid or begged to die, etc.

This is clearly not to be afraid of!

And they couldn't even see that Su Xuanji used his power so much to build a barrier to protect him.

In contrast, the questioning they had just now was simply too naive and incompetent.

at the same time.

Kirin was also shocked.

Even he has absolutely no idea how Su Xuanji did it.

At one point he even wanted to save people.

In contrast, the Heavenly Emperor was much calmer.

Although he couldn't figure out Su Xuanji's strength, at least he believed in his strength very much.

At this time.

Su Xuanji spoke up.

All eyes were instantly focused on the past.

"The first move.

"You still have nine moves left."

"You better try."

"If this is the only way to do it, the next nine moves will not be necessary.

"It's just wasting each other's time.

As soon as this word comes out.

Elder Shi Xin's face darkened instantly.

I was very angry.

"You're less proud.

"But it's just the first move.

"Just wait and see!"

Elder Shi Xin said in a cold voice, with a ferocious killing intent flashing in his eyes.

Even after ten moves, he couldn't believe it and couldn't hurt Su Xuanji.

If not, then he is too useless.

Immediately afterwards, he said no more.

He directly lifted the big stone hammer and smashed it down again.

This time, the double hammer fell from above Su Xuanji's head.

And when they are stacked together, the power is superimposed on each other, and a sound of dragon roaring and tiger roaring burst out in an instant.

It seems that all the great forces in the world are superimposed together, and they are rolling towards Su Xuanji.

this moment.

The hearts of the stone people once again raised 0...

This move is obviously more amazing than before.

If they switch places with Su Xuanji, I'm afraid they haven't waited for the big stone hammer to fall.

It was already in the attack of the giant force, and under the power that escaped, it vanished into ashes.

"This time, will Su Xuanji be all right?"

"I want him to win and I don't want him to win..."

"Me too...."

The stone people said in succession.

Unusually confused expression.

They neither wanted Elder Shixin to leave alive.

He also hoped that he would leave alive and find the patriarch to deal with Su Xuanji.

In this way, they too are saved.

Under the entanglement of the two contradictory hearts, the big stone hammer fell.

This time.

The big stone hammer has been frozen again!

Stopped half a meter above Su Xuanji's head!

That seemingly extremely small distance is insurmountable no matter what!

Elder Shi Xin kept pressing down the big stone hammer in his hand, his expression distorted.

The huge hands even trembled slightly, but still had no effect.

The big stone hammer remained motionless, hanging half a meter above Su Xuanji's head.

No more 0.5 down an inch.

In an instant, all the amazing power of the big stone hammer was completely dissipated.

This made the stone people marveled again, and the unicorn finally stopped worrying and watched patiently.

"The second move, it still doesn't work.

"There are eight more tricks, there will always be success once, right?"


The stone people said one after another.

Su Xuanji looked at the annoyed Elder Stone Heart and smiled more kindly.

"I didn't tell you to work harder just now.""

"Why is it still useless?"

"If you continue like this, you will soon be able to catch up with Elder Shimo."

As soon as this word comes out.

Chapter 533 If 3 moves fail, there should be no problem with 7 moves!

Elder Shi Xin looked at Su Xuanji and gnashed his teeth even more.

What will happen to Elder Shimo?

Terrible death!

Su Xuanji is clearly saying that he is not far from death!

But Elder Shi Xin didn't think so, he felt that he had a great possibility to survive.

"This is just the second move.

"I don't believe it, there are eight other tricks that I can't help you.

Elder Shi Xin said gloomily.

The words fall.

He made the move this time.

This time, he flew up.

Jumped to the back of Su Xuanji.

Immediately, two large stone hammers smashed over again.

The target was Su Xuanji's neck.

this moment.

Everyone realized it.

This is what Elder Shi Xin was revenge on Su Xuanji just said.

Su Xuanji said that he was about to follow in the footsteps of Elder Shimo, and he wanted 03 Su Xuanji to have the same method of death as Elder Shimo.

The viciousness of his heart and the narrowness of his temperament are evident.

However, this time, it still did not break the results of the previous two times.

Still unable to break Su Xuanji's defense, he stopped half a meter away.

This seems to be a very close distance, and it seems to be an insurmountable gap.

Desperate and annoying.

That big stone hammer that seems to contain endless power.

At this moment, it seems to be light and powerless.

Can't get close anymore.

"Elder Stone Heart."

"There are seven more tricks."

"I don't expect anything from you anymore.

Su Xuanji spoke lightly.

In his tone, there was undisguised disappointment.

It seems that Elder Stone Heart is one of his objects that makes him lose interest.

This tone and words fell in the ears of Elder Shi Xin, which was extremely ironic.

Immediately roared, swinging the big stone hammer again and smashing it.

But this time, he didn't stop.

Hammer after hammer, constantly smashing it from all angles.

Continue to put more and more into their own strength, almost reached their own limit.

But after one time, every time it was blocked by half a meter.

This seemingly accessible distance made Elder Stone Heart feel angry and powerless.


"Why is it only half a meter away every time!

"I don't believe it, it's impossible!"

"Nine times, a full nine times, no matter how strong your defense is, it should be broken by me!"

Elder Shi Xin looked at Su Xuanji hysterically, the murderous intent and anger in his eyes were so intense that they could condense into substance.

At a glance, it was like seeing a lunatic.

But this kind of mood, the stone people don't like the stone heart elders as soon as possible, but they still understand.

Just imagine.

Someone asked you to do ten tricks.

You can't break the opponent's defense with nine moves.

It even stopped half a meter away from the other party every time, so accurate, as if being tricked.

That kind of despair that sees hope but is unattainable.

This is simply more tragic than seeing no hope.

It makes people extremely powerless, but they don't want to give up, they can only work hard again and again and be disappointed again and again.

Just think about it.

It was already a chilling ordeal.

Fortunately, this torture was directed at Elder Stone Heart.

If facing them, I am afraid that they have been tortured crazy.

"One more trick."

"I have one more move!

"This time, you will definitely hurt my hand!

Elder Shixin growled at Su Xuanji.

Su Xuanji smiled kindly when he heard the words.

He nodded in agreement.

"That's great."

"I've been looking forward to it for a long time.

"You have to do what you say.


"I can't spare you..."

The tone of these words was good at first.

But at the end, the more it makes people feel a kind of chilly coolness.

In the light of the cloud and the wind, it seems that casual, can decide the life and death of a person.

No one can resist the general...

The one who felt this most clearly was Elder Shi Xin.

Under Su Xuanji's comment, he felt horrified and shuddered.

It was as if his fate had been doomed.

And he's still struggling.

And this struggle, there is only one move left. . . .

He's...not going to live long....

The idea has appeared.

The panic in Elder Shi Xin's heart could no longer be suppressed.

183 Originally, he thought that the three moves would not work, and the seven moves should be no problem.

Afterwards, Su Xuanji also gave away three tricks, which is definitely possible.

But he now realizes that he is naive.

He had already made nine moves, but he still couldn't hurt Su Xuanji in the slightest.

You must know that the two big stone hammers in his hand were made by the previous patriarch.

The power is definitely not trivial, but still can't help Su Xuanji.

The strength of the other party is indeed beyond his imagination.


Makes him feel like he can't see the edge.

In the past, whether it was the patriarch or the ancestor, it was always within his cognition.

Even the divine beast, the unicorn, is not invincible.

He could be seriously injured by the joint efforts of him and Elder Shimo.

But Su Xuanji is different.

He can't seem to compare it with anyone else.

What other people can't do, he can.

And you have absolutely no idea how he did it.

This feeling is very hopeless.

But what's even more hopeless is watching the opportunity slip away from you time and time again.

Chapter 534 It's just the outside, not the power inside!

And you can't catch it no matter what!

That kind of despair seems to have taken away all the confidence and all the pride and self-confidence of the past.

this moment.

No matter how tough Elder Shi Xin's face was, he was already uneasy in his heart.

Even the hand holding the big stone hammer trembled slightly.

This was the result of extreme restraint.

If you don't restrain yourself and keep comforting yourself, you may be unable to take out the big stone hammer and let it go.

Elder Shi Xin looked at Su Xuanji.

There was an unspeakable fear in his eyes.

Not only did he regret a little, why did he come to provoke Qilin.

Before, he thought it was luck to meet a unicorn, but now it is a terrible luck.

He would rather not, but it was too late.

at the moment.

His only way out.

It was the last blow that hurt Su Xuanji.

Even if only a little bit of skin is injured, that's a win for him.

But how to do it, Elder Shi Xin has no clue at all.

The previous nine times have all failed, this time, his odds of winning do not seem to be high. . . .

This made him not dare to act rashly for a while.

Seeing Elder Shi Xin like this, Su Xuanji was already impatient.

He spoke slowly.

"Early death and late death is death. 35

"Don't waste everyone's time.

As soon as this word comes out.

Elder Shi Xin's hand trembled.

The trembling was so violent that everyone could see it.

The stone people immediately saw through Elder Shi Xin's serenity.

Happy and confused for a while.

Kirin is more comfortable.

"Let him hit me before 35

"It's going to be scared to death by Su Xuanji.

"It's more comfortable than killing him directly.

As soon as these words came out, the Heavenly Emperor laughed lightly.

"Now you should know what Su Xuanji's intention is?"

"He's just trying to avenge you, and he's the kind that can relieve your anger.

Kirin's tail wagged.


"He's sensible."

"A little brother like this can barely be accepted.

"It's just really annoying sometimes.


Tiandi shook his head helplessly.

What kind of dream is this?

Don't be a bad guy and be kidnapped by Su Xuanji and become a younger brother.

Although I really wanted to pour cold water on Qilin, it was very miserable to see his scars.

Still couldn't bear to beat him.

"What are you still hesitating about?"

"Hurry up!"

"Aren't you still very arrogant before?"

Qilin shouted at Elder Shi Xin.

The tone should be as triumphant as possible.

Thinking of this scar, almost all thanks to Elder Shi Xin.

Before, he almost thought he was going to die at their hands, but now the situation has completely reversed.

Su Xuanji was invincible, and he naturally shook.

Looking at the proud unicorn.

The anger in Elder Shixin's heart was ignited again.

It was obviously his defeated general, but in turn mocked him.

And all this, in the final analysis, is still on Su Xuanji.

He looked at Su Xuanji, and the hatred and resentment in his eyes became clearer.

But the fear and apprehension in it did not weaken.


He was still sane.

But he couldn't delay any longer.

He and Su Xuanji only made a verbal agreement, and the other party was already impatient.

If he broke the contract directly, he would be miserable.

He didn't even have the last chance.

Think about this.

Elder Shi Xin shot again.

This time.

He roared angrily, and his whole body jumped tenfold in an instant.

Originally, he was like a walking hill, but now it looks almost as tall as the mountain beside him.

That huge body, no matter who is standing in front of anyone, is extremely oppressive.

Timid, maybe even scared to death.

But Su Xuanji's eyes were still as calm as ever.

"`々 A weakling.

"No matter how powerful it looks."

"It can also be summed up in four words, strong on the outside and dry on the inside."

Su Xuanji said slowly.

Although his voice was flat, it could even be said to be a little light.

But it was clearly introduced into the ears of everyone present.

The Stone People, who were still shocked by the change of Elder Shi Xin, instantly felt that he was right.


No matter how powerful the exterior becomes.

Elder Shi Xin is still the previous Elder Shi Xin.

He only changed the appearance, not the inner strength.


The shock that appeared in their eyes before disappeared without a trace.

This scene was clearly seen by Elder Shi Xin, and the emotions in his heart were simply not complex enough to describe.

He didn't even know whether to be angry (good money) or panic at the moment.

There is a feeling of being seen through by everyone.

But he had nowhere to go.

He clenched the big stone hammer clenched in both hands.

In an instant, they also became more than ten times larger.


He looked at Su Xuanji.

The one who made him feel fear.

"I will win."

"I must survive.

"I definitely can.

Elder Shi Xin kept muttering.

His tone became increasingly unconfident.


He roared aloud.

As if to stimulate his courage.

Immediately afterwards, he jumped suddenly, raised two big stone hammers and smashed it.

At the same time, he also left.

Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil

Chapter 535 Do your best, even try your best!

It seems not only to use the power of the big stone hammer, but also to use his own power.

Almost instantly.

The big stone hammer hit Su Xuanji head on.

With the supreme power that can make the sky collapse, it smashed past like a storm.

But the next moment.

A familiar scene appeared.

Still staying half a meter away from Su Xuanji.

Even Elder Shi Xin himself was stagnant in the air.

Can't get close at all.

this moment.

An extreme panic rose on the face of Elder Shi Xin.

Ten strokes have passed.

He didn't hurt Su Xuanji at all.

And his previous arrogance and arrogance had become a joke.

And now.

It was Su Xuanji's turn to shoot.

"Do not.

"I don't want to die.

"You are going to die.

Elder Stone Heart was hysterical.

next moment.

He shot again.

He waved the two big stone hammers in his hand and smashed it at Su Xuanji again.

But this time.

How could Su Xuanji still let him?

Do not.

of course not.

183 He moved.

this moment.

All eyes were focused on him.

They were all very curious.

When Su Xuanji moves, what kind of power will it be.

What kind of shock will it bring to them.

At this time.

The big stone hammer in Elder Shi Xin's hand has come to Su Xuanji again.

And this time, it actually broke through the distance of half a meter in a strange way.

Just kill it.

You could almost say that it was about to hit Su Xuanji in the face.

And Su Xuanji just raised his hand.

It doesn't look like it's defending or counterattacking at all.

What is he going to do?

At this juncture of crisis, it should not be taken lightly.

The stone people were all shocked, and they stared at it with wide eyes.

But Elder Shi Xin was overjoyed, he was about to succeed!

As long as Su Xuanji is injured, he will not fight, he will turn (adaf) and run away.

He believed that he would have a chance to escape, and he would!

Elder Shi Xin thought excitedly, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

An excited smile appeared on his face.

But the next second.

He was surprised to find that the big stone hammer could no longer be smashed.

Just stagnant there, unable to advance an inch, as if blocked by something.

This feeling instantly reminded Elder Shi Xin of the ten previous experiences.

Is this the same as before?

He was teased by Su Xuanji again?

Just thought of this.

Elder Shi Xin noticed for a hundred years that the big stone hammer was constantly retreating towards him.

A force that he could not resist at all was pushing the big stone hammer backwards.

But how is this possible?

How can the weight of the big stone hammer and the power that burst out in an instant be pushed?

For a moment, Elder Shi Xin even thought that he had an illusion.

Yet at this moment.

He heard the exclamations from the stone people.

"how so?"

"It's incredible!"

"The weight of the big stone hammer and the power it burst out are hard to stop, let alone counterattack."9

"How can it be pushed, even Su Xuanji can't do it?""

The stone people said one after another.


Although they saw with their own eyes the power of Su Xuanji.

But the power of the big stone hammer is still unshakable in their hearts.

You can resist, and you can easily counterattack, that is two different things.

Unfortunately, because the huge stone hammer completely blocked Su Xuanji, they couldn't see what Su Xuanji was doing at the moment.

But listen to them.

Elder Shi Xin's heart suddenly sank.

Since others have seen it, it is not his illusion.

The big stone hammer is indeed retreating towards him, but this is unlikely in his opinion.

What exactly is going on.

But he didn't wonder for long.

Soon, he understood.

Everyone, including the others, understood.

Because as the big stone hammer kept retreating, they could gradually see Su Xuanji clearly.

Immediately after.

They saw that the hand that Su Xuanji had just raised was touching the big stone hammer.

To be more precise, not Su Xuanji's entire palm, but a finger.

Still the little finger.

The little finger, just touching the big stone hammer, easily pushed towards Elder Shi Xin.


"Is something wrong with my eyes?"

"If something goes wrong with yours, I think mine is too...

"How could this happen?

"It's just incredible.


The stone people were all stunned.

One by one, his jaw dropped in shock.

A pair of eyes are also staring and are about to fall.

This is the first time they have seen someone so easily...

So easy to deal with the big stone hammer.

To know.

That is the precious treasure of their stone people.

To them, it was sacred.

Even if someone can match, they should try their best, and even try their best.

But you can handle it with a little finger, what does that mean?

What about trouble?

What are you kidding?

Do they still have any face from the stone people?


is this real?

The stone people couldn't believe what they saw.

When they reacted, they raised their hands in unison and all rubbed their eyes.

Chapter 536 Gently push, just push!

To be sure, what you see is not true at all.

But the fact is, this is indeed true.

It really can't be more true.

There's not a trace of falsehood.

They could even see the disappointment on Su Xuanji's face.

It seems that the big stone hammer can be pushed away so easily, which makes him more boring.

For a moment.

All the stone people were speechless.

They haven't been doing well, why is he still disappointed~!

What the hell is this - what a horrible monster!

Simply incredible!

at the same time.

Elder Shi Xin also froze in astonishment - on the spot.

He looked at the two big stone hammers in his hand, still superimposed on each other.

This double power was easily pushed away by Su Xuanji?

Is this humiliating him, or humiliating the entire Stone People?

As far as he knew, even the patriarch couldn't do this.

As for the grandfather...

He doesn't know.

But in his opinion, I'm afraid...

"Just that power. 35

"Stop using it to shame people all the time.

"If you change the way, maybe you will be proud of those ten moves even once."

Su Xuanji looked at Elder Shi Xin lazily and said.

As soon as this word comes out.

Elder Shi Xin almost didn't come up in one breath.

This big stone hammer is his most powerful means, and it is also his most cherished reliance.

With this thing, his status in the Stone Human Race will be high, different from other elders.

But in Su Xuanji's mouth, it was so insignificant.

this moment.

Elder Shi Xin suddenly realized that he and Su Xuanji were not from the same world at all.

In Su Xuanji's view, it was nothing.

For him, it is a treasure.

The gap between them is difficult to describe in words.

this moment.

He also understood.

Why Su Xuanji agreed to his proposed seven moves.

It's not that he thinks stupid, nor is he arrogant.

But seven moves and three moves, for Su Xuanji there is no difference at all.

For Su Xuanji, it doesn't hurt at all, it doesn't affect anything.

You can even give him three more tricks to make up the whole thing.

If not what is the difference.

That is to say, under the three moves, the person he lost was not so big.

Ten tricks, let him add a lot of fun to Su Xuanji and Qilin.

When he thought of the laughter from the unicorn from time to time, the anger in his heart kept rising.

But there is nothing he can do, and he is relying on nothing to do with Su Xuanji.

In the face of absolute strength, he is as insignificant as other stone people are in front of him.

This feeling, he used to enjoy.

But now, he just wants to escape, the farther the better.

But he obviously couldn't do it now.

Even if he is whimsical.

this moment.

After deeply realizing the strength of Su Xuanji.

Nor does he think he has a chance to leave alive.

"I look up at you.""

"Tired after all.

Su Xuanji spoke suddenly.

Immediately, he waved at Elder Shi Xin, who had grown bigger.

next second.

Elder Shi Xin changed back to its original size, and the big stone hammer in his hand was the same.

And right now.

The stone people exclaimed in surprise.

"Oh my god!"

"how so!"

"How is this possible!""

"I must be dazzled, I must be!

"Yeah, we're all dazzled together!"


The terrified Elder Shi Xin immediately looked over.

I saw that they all looked at him with unbelievable expressions on their faces.

This made Elder Shi Xin even more frightened in an instant.

0... ask for flowers 0・・・

What's up with him?

Could it be that Su Xuanji's casual wave not only changed him back, but also changed his appearance?

Just when he was anxiously trying to confirm it, he suddenly found out.

These stone people are not actually looking at him, but looking at his direction.

If you look carefully, you can find it clearly.

They could see that it was actually the big stone hammer in his hand.

What's so good about this?

This is not unusual for the stone people.

Is it worth the shock?

Elder Shi Xin felt more and more uneasy in his heart.

He looked at it himself, but he found nothing.


He realized.

The angle that those stone people saw was different from his.

He immediately flipped the big stone hammer.

Right at this moment.

He froze in place, gasping for breath.


"How...how could this be..."

"It can't be true...how can it be true...""

"How could he be so powerful.... terrifying....


Elder Shi Xin muttered in shock.

From subconscious denial, it turned into a complicated acknowledgment.

Because he couldn't deny the big stone hammer he was holding.

A deep finger print was left on the one that Su Xuanji had pressed with his little finger.

And it's the little finger.

Whose is this, do I need to say?

It must belong to Su Xuanji!

But he just pushed it lightly, just pushed it.

Elder Shi Xin could not even feel the overbearing power, like a gentle and irresistible wind.

All-pervasive, pushed the big stone hammer away.

But this actually left fingerprints on it. How terrible is this power to do it? Five.

Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil

Chapter 537 In contrast, the irony is abnormal!

This was made by the previous patriarch, and the defense of the stone people was extremely strong, especially the patriarch.

Therefore, the big stone hammer is very difficult to be hurt, and it can even be said that it has not been damaged so far.

This is the first time.

And such a child's play, suffered such a big damage.

That little thumbprint is so clear that it cannot be added.

Even if you want to deny and pretend to ignore it, you can't do it.

Just horrible.

How deep is Su Xuanji's cultivation?

At this moment, this question appeared in everyone's mind.

And no one has the answer, not even the Heavenly Emperor.

He just knew that there seemed to be endless possibilities for Su Xuanji.

He will always surprise you, always unexpected.

But it is impossible to see through Su Xuanji.

No one can do it, and neither can he.

No one can, not one.

Even the Demon Lord was planted in Su Xuanji's hands?

Even if it is invincible, so what, is it not going to be teased and refined?

The Stone Heart Elder in front of him is no exception.

Even in the eyes of God.

The entire Stone People will not be an exception.

It's just that they haven't figured it out yet.

But for him, there is no suspense.

Thinking of this, the Heavenly Emperor couldn't help but smile.

He really lost a lot of the fun of guessing because he knew Su Xuanji too well.

Kirin is different.

Always wandering at both ends, which allows him to gain the happiness that belongs to him to the greatest extent.

"Ha ha ha ha...."

"It really made me laugh hahahahaha..."

"I got my little finger printed, I don't want it if I want to!"

"It's too embarrassing to take it out to fight in the future, people will laugh to death! 35

"I've never seen such a ridiculous thing!"

Kirin couldn't stop laughing.

His laughter was loud and sarcastic.

Make all the stone people who are still in shock return to God.

One by one's faces were extremely ugly.

How arrogant they were to Qilin before, how embarrassing it would be.

I even began to think that Su Xuanji did it on purpose, just to avenge the Kirin.

In fact it is.

They didn't guess wrong.

Su Xuanji did it on purpose.

He just wanted to avenge the Kirin.

The unicorn is still missing his mount, and he has the unicorn fruit in his hand.

The other party will bow his head sooner or later, and this is twice.

If the Qilin is injured and killed, what should he do if he can't use it twice this time?

So he didn't lose a lot?

This is absolutely not allowed.

Thinking like this, Su Xuanji's eyes instantly turned cold when he looked at Elder Shi Xin.

Even with a kind smile on his face.

Even this smile is bigger and more real, but the chill in his eyes still makes Elder Shi Xin panic.

There is a feeling of being stared at by death itself, and for a moment, my whole body is chilled and trembling.

It was as if Su Xuanji would suffocate just by looking at him like that.

But apparently, Su Xuanji wasn't going to let him go.

He moved.

He took a step forward and walked in the direction of Elder Shi Xin.

But strangely, he disappeared in front of Elder Shi Xin in the next second.

Also disappeared in the eyes of all the stone people.

Even Tiandi and Qilin could not find Su Xuanji.

"Where did he go?"

"Why are you missing?"

"It's scarier not to see him..."

The stone people said in succession.

Pair of eyes, constantly looking for Su Xuanji's figure.

Especially Elder Shi Xin, he was so shocked that the whole person was a little stiff...

he knows.

Su Xuanji is going to deal with him.

But he would rather watch Su Xuanji take a shot at him.

This kind of sudden disappearance, do not know when he will shoot, how to shoot the feeling.

Simply too bad.

It made him feel extremely uneasy.

His first reaction was to look back, but there was nothing behind him.

He kept changing directions, but he couldn't find Su Xuanji no matter what.


Elder Xuanxin's figure, just in his own continuous rotation, quickly became a little blurry.

It was obvious how scared and panicked he was at this moment.

All the stone people are aware of this, and Elder Shi Xin himself knows it.

But he couldn't take care of it too much, and he would rather show his unbearable side.

Don't allow yourself to be overwhelmed by fear.

But no matter how fast he switched directions, Su Xuanji could not be found.

Panic surged.

He couldn't stop himself for a moment.

It was as if Su Xuanji would appear behind him whenever he stopped.

And the words of begging for mercy blurted out at this moment. 0.5

"I shouldn't have shot Qilin."

"I already knew I was wrong.

"Just let me go.""

"I don't dare anymore.

As soon as this word comes out.

A look of contempt appeared on the faces of the stone people.

The previous elder Shi Xin was so arrogant.

He looks like he wants to teach Qilin a lesson, as if he doesn't care about divine beasts.

In fact, it was just bullying Kirin and he was already injured.

Plus himself and Shimo Elder are carrying treasures.


He begged for mercy and admitted his mistake with a panicked face, in contrast, it was very ironic.

But obviously.

before life and death.

Chapter 538 Smashed to the ground, there was a muffled sound!

Elder Shi Xin couldn't take care of that much anymore.

For him, the most important thing is to survive now.

Seeing that Su Xuanji didn't respond to himself for a long time.

Elder Shi Xin simply ran to Qilin who was watching the excitement not far away.

He knelt down with a thud.

Because of its height and abnormality, it is extremely heavy.

At the moment of kneeling down, the ground trembled a few times.

All the stone people were shocked.

Immediately, all of them showed anger.

Although life is precious, it is for one's own survival.

Ignoring the face of the stone people, he knelt directly in front of the unicorn.

You are shameless, do you still want the Stone People?

Simply Damn it!

"Elder Shixin, you have lost the dignity of the stone people."

"You are shameless, don't the Stone People also want it?"

"If you let the patriarch know, your position as an elder will come to an end.

03 The stone people said one after another, all of them very angry.

However, Elder Shi Xin didn't care at all.

In the face of fate, what are the stone people?

It is also possible to let him immediately submit to the Heavenly Palace.

He put down the two big stone hammers in his hand, and then raised his eyes to look at the unicorn.

Because of his huge size, he even knelt down.

As soon as he looked up, he was still parallel to the unicorn.

He immediately bowed down, his attitude extremely humble.

"Before, I should never have shot you.

"But I have no choice but to do so, this is the order of the patriarch."

"Actually, my intention was not to hurt you."

"For my unintentional sake, please let Su Xuanji let me go.

Elder Shi Xin kept begging.

As soon as this word comes out.

The stone people were even more angry.

How could this be directly pushed to the patriarch?

The patriarch did order it to be true.

But what he said was to catch the unicorn, but he didn't say that he could fight no matter what, as long as he saved his life.

This was clearly because Elder Shi Xin didn't like unicorns himself, so he joined with Elder Shimo and did it on purpose.

It's better now, in order to survive, it's all pushed to the patriarch.

Simply despicable and shameless!

It is better to simply admit that the two sides have different positions, and there is no way to do it.

In this way, he is still a little humble and magnanimous, and it is better than the blame now, which is contemptible.

Kirin is not a fool.

Of course he knew exactly why he was seriously injured.

It was entirely because Elder Shi Xin wanted to vent his anger.

His account with the Stone Human Race is one yardstick, and he has to calculate it separately with Elder Stone Heart.

"Your lies are not clever.

"I don't like to hear it, and I don't like to see your face either."

"You better go to accompany Elder Shimo, I think he already misses you. 35

Kirin said.

The implication is to let Elder Shi Xin die.

this moment.

There was an incomparable resentment in Elder Shi Xin's eyes.

He clearly realized.

own dream, woke up.

Kirin won't let him go.

He couldn't save his life through the unicorn.

As long as Su Xuanji teases him enough, he will shoot.

And he faintly felt that it was almost time.

Especially after Kirin said such a thing.

His life seems to have been caught in one hand.

And that hand is constantly tightening.

He couldn't hold back his panic any longer, and instantly threw himself at the unicorn.

As long as he catches Qilin, he has a chance to leave here.

Elder Shi Xin's eyes are full of unicorns at the moment.

He wants to catch the unicorn.


This scene.

The stone people were absolutely unexpected.

good guy.

I was kneeling down and begging for mercy just now, will I make another move?

It simply refreshed their cognition of shamelessness.

In the end, it is Elder Shi Xin, who is different.

Heavenly Emperor and Qilin looked at Elder Shi Xin who was desperate, and sneered on their faces.

Could it be that he is not a decoration of the gods?

Still want to take the opportunity to take a shot at the unicorn and use the unicorn to hold Su Xuanji hostage?

This idea is simply ridiculous.

But it didn't wait for Heavenly Emperor to take action.

A voice suddenly appeared in Elder Shi Xin's ear.

"Your head fell off.

This is Su Xuanji's voice.

Elder Shi Xin recognized it instantly.

The feeling of horror cannot be added at this moment.

His head fell off?

How did his head fall off?

Obviously it's better to stay on his neck.

But his 183 hand still touched his neck honestly.

Just this moment.

There was a sudden click.

Then there was the sound of something falling to the ground.

It hit the ground with a muffled sound.

at the same time.

Elder Shi Xin's hand also touched his neck.

The top is uneven and empty. . . .

And this scene.

It was seen by Elder Shi Xin.

But looking at him, the perspective is from bottom to top.

There was nothing on his neck.

Immediately after.

His head, which fell at the feet of the Heavenly Emperor, lost focus in a pair of eyes.

Forever dimmed down, fixed at that moment.

And the figure of Su Xuanji, also did not know when, appeared behind him.

This scene.

Seeing all the stone people were extremely surprised.

How on earth did Su Xuanji get there?

How did Elder Stone Heart's head fall off?

no one knows.

No one saw.

It seems that Su Xuanji has always been there.

Chapter 539 The elder's head is so weak!

And the head of Elder Stone Heart is so weak.

It seems that as soon as Su Xuanji appeared, he dropped by himself.

Everything seems so mysterious, yet so real.

this moment.

They were all desperate for their own lives.

However, Su Xuanji was not looking at them at the moment, which made them breathe a sigh of relief.

A little longer is a little longer, isn't it?

"How about it?"

"Are you comfortable?

Su Xuanji looked at Qilin Road.

Qilin snorted twice when he heard the words.

"It's okay.

"As a prospective younger brother, you came a little too late."

"Still missed."

"But if you kill Elder Shixin and Elder Shimo, even if you make up for it."

"I will still give you the chance to be my little brother in the future."

"Don't worry, I'm at my best."9

Kirin had an unsatisfactory expression.

Dress up and speak generously.

Annoying Su Xuanji rolled his eyes.

He was still a thief, and he almost made Su Xuanji laugh.

What a serious injury, it can't save Qilin's whimsy.


"I've been busy for a while, and I'm hungry.

"I have a fruit here, it must be delicious.

Su Xuanji made an exaggerated expression of remembering something.

He immediately took out the unicorn fruit and put it in his mouth.

Seeing this, Qilin jumped out and hung it on Su Xuanji's hand.

Open your mouth to grab it.

Nai He was seriously injured, and Su Xuanji could hold him down with just one finger.

The unicorn can only hang on Su Xuanji's hand and swing on the swing, and he can't grab the unicorn fruit at all.

Can't even take a bite.

"I'm hurt! 39

"How could you do this to me!"

"Give me something to eat, it can help me recover from my injury!

"What the hell did you do, little brother, do you still want me to give you a chance! 35

Kirin said angrily.

Heavenly Emperor helplessly stretched out his hand and lifted it by the back of his neck.

The unicorn's claws are constantly struggling towards the unicorn fruit.

"Let go of me.

"That's mine, it's mine! 99

"Su Xuanji, do you have any sympathy!"

Su Xuanji smiled kindly.

"do you want to eat?

"Just agree to my previous conditions."

"As long as you promise, I will give it to you immediately."

Qilin roared furiously when he heard the words.

"You didn't forget to talk to me about the conditions at this time."

"I'm hurt."

"Cough cough..."

"Look at how weak I am.

Su Xuanji rolled his eyes again, very indecent.

"It's not fake."

"But also full of anger."

"I have already told you the only condition for wanting a unicorn fruit.

"If you don't agree, that's fine.

"I eat by myself.

The words fall.

Su Xuanji directly put the kirin fruit into his mouth.

The movement is very fast, and it looks like it is really moving.

Su Xuanji was about to take his first bite.

Kirin couldn't take it anymore.


"Stop now."

"I promise!"

"I promise not to?

Kirin shouted angrily.

Hearing this, Su Xuanji smiled kindly and then stopped.

"It all depends.""

"God testifies.

"In addition to the previous one, it's already been twice.

"Save it all first. 99

The words fall.

He threw the unicorn fruit to the unicorn.

Qilin seemed to be afraid of being snatched back by Su Xuanji, so he swallowed it directly.

Immediately, he narrowed his eyes, as if he had eaten some delicious food.

Immediately after.

The scar on Qilin's body closed instantly.

But that wasn't a cure, it just didn't look so scary anymore.

Kirin's spirit also looks much better.


This is the effect brought by the unicorn fruit.

The Kirin snorted comfortably, and Su Xuanji raised his hand and scratched his chin.

The purr of the unicorn instantly became louder.

this moment.

All the stone people were stunned.

Is this definitely a unicorn, not a little flower dog?

If he hadn't seen him grow bigger and changed back to his original shape with his own eyes.

They wouldn't believe it anyway.

Where is there a bit of the majesty of a mythical beast, like a little flower dog raised by Su Xuanji!

It seems that the sight of the stone people is too strong.

Kirin quickly reacted, and immediately raised his paw in exasperation and patted Su Xuanji's hand off.

"'々 What are you doing!"

"I am the beast unicorn!""

"Don't do this again!

Qilin burned in anger.

Su Xuanji nodded politely.

But from his smiling face, Qilin could see that he was just perfunctory.

"It's so Damn it.

Kirin said angrily.

Su Xuanji looked at the annoyed Kirin, but didn't smile.


(Get the money Zhao) He doesn't have to be so impatient, he can take out the unicorn fruit in exchange.

However, Qilin's injury can be stabilized with Qilin fruit.

He just took it out in advance, otherwise Qilin would have to ask for it sooner or later.

Back then, he had more fun.

Su Xuanji sighed inwardly.

In the end, he was too kind, or he could have waited.

Thinking like this, he smiled even more kindly.

Seeing this smile, the unicorn immediately followed the hand of the Heavenly Emperor, afraid of returning to the Heavenly Emperor's shoulder.

"This guy has no idea what he's thinking.

"Every time I show this smile, it's so frustrating.

Qilin looked at Su Xuanji with great alertness and muttered.

at this time.

Su Xuanji suddenly turned to look, and the Emperor of Heaven followed.

Chapter 540 What result is needed? I am the answer!

The stone people also looked at it, but they didn't see anything.

But they all hope that the patriarch will come to save them.

After all, someone went to inform the patriarch that Qilin was here, and after calculating the time, it should almost be here.

But after a while, no one came.

Just when they thought they had misunderstood Su Xuanji and Tiandi's actions.

Suddenly, a strong breath came from a distance.

They are very familiar with this, isn't it their patriarch?


They were shocked again.

Could it be that.

The patriarch was found far away by Su Xuanji?

Otherwise how to explain.

Although the patriarch did not hide his breath, they only discovered it.

And they sensed that the patriarch was still not too close at the moment.

Apparently in search of Su Xuanji and Kirin, he was far away before.

This keeps getting closer.


Su Xuanji is simply unfathomable.

With the limited cognition of the stone people, it is impossible to estimate how high Su Xuanji's cultivation is.

Su Xuan 187 machine is for them.

Now it's a mystery.

And this mystery, maybe they will never solve it.

Thinking of this, all the stone people present couldn't help but sweat for the patriarch.

The patriarch did not see those before.

With Su Xuanji's cognition, it still stayed at the time when Su Xuanji was playing with him before.

Although he knew that Su Xuanji was powerful, he obviously didn't know enough about how powerful he was.

It's more of anger.

If I'm going to be rude to Su Xuanji later, will I still be alive?

this moment.

All the stone people at the scene were worried.

One by one can't wait to go straight to the patriarch, but take the patriarch to the opposite direction.

Never touch Su Xuanji's bad head again.

However they dare not.

Didn't even dare to move.

It didn't take long.

The patriarch of the stone people came here with a mighty group of stone people.

Su Xuanji glanced at it.

I found a lot of them that I hadn't seen before.


All the stone people should be here at this moment.

It's not just those stone people who can be regarded as masters of the stone people.

And the stone people present, seeing this, a word emerged in their hearts involuntarily.

completely annihilated.

But for the patriarch of the stone people.

Just don't be too surprised.

He is here to deal with Kirin, and he wants to find Su Xuanji.

But no need now, Su Xuanji is here!

Although the unicorn was not caught, it cannot be used to hold Su Xuanji in captivity.

But it was a pleasant surprise, he couldn't wait to see Su Xuanji fall in front of him.

Although there is still some fear of Su Xuanji.

But the patriarch of the stone people felt that he must have been careless before, so he was subdued so quickly and thoroughly.

In addition, he has informed the ancestor, and the ancestor is also on the way.

Successfully defeating Su Xuanji is a sure thing.

For him, there is no doubt.

"Su Xuanji, you..."

"You killed Elder Stone Heart and Elder Stone Mill?

The patriarch of the stone people was about to say harsh words when he noticed it instantly.

There were two headless stone people lying on the ground, and both of them had their heads lying on the ground and gathered around the Su Xuan (adaf) machine.

He is very familiar with these two stone people, and they are the two elders that he has always attached great importance to.

It was also the one he sent out to look for the unicorn and met the unicorn.

But it never occurred to me that Su Xuanji would kill him!

And died so horribly!

It just doesn't make sense!

"To be exact, Elder Shi Xin was indeed killed by me.""

"But Elder Stonemill....not my hands. 99

Su Xuanji spread his hands innocently.

He does what he does, he admits it, and if he doesn't, he won't take the blame.

"It's either you or the two by your side!"

"Apart from you, is there anyone else who can't do it?

The patriarch of the stone people said angrily.

As soon as this word comes out.

The stone people who were present before were all embarrassed.

But doesn't it really exist!

They looked at Su Xuanji, and at the patriarch who ignored them in anger.

He hurriedly walked behind the patriarch and was overjoyed when he saw that Su Xuanji did not stop him.

But then they became worried again, which did not mean they were safe.

at this time.

Su Xuanji spoke again.

"Elder Shimo, was killed by Elder Shixin. 99

As soon as this word comes out.

The patriarch of the Stone Clan laughed and sneered.

"It was the funniest joke I've ever heard."

"Elder Shixin is an upright person, and he is a close friend with Elder Shimo.""

"How could he possibly take action against Elder Shimo?"

"Even if you want to lie, you have to find a better reason.

"If this is outrageous, you are provoking my IQ."

Su Xuanji smiled kindly.

Speak again.

"I'm not provoking your intelligence.

"It's how you commented on Elder Shixin and Elder Shimo.

"How dare you say IQ?

"You don't have that kind of thing, stop making trouble."

As soon as this word comes out.

The patriarch of the stone people was furious.

"It's clearly you."

"How dare you make excuses! 99

"If it weren't for you, I'd be struck by lightning, and I wouldn't be able to cultivate—"

Before the stone people's patriarch's oath was finished, he was suddenly interrupted by the stone people behind him.

They are the stone people who were here before and witnessed the whole process.