
just for meSign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning)

Udeshya_Acharya · ファンタジー
77 Chs

211 to 220

Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil 211

Chapter 211 The prestige of the ancient sage! Is the Su family god child finished? [Customize]

"Ancient, ancient sage?!"

"Heartfire Ancient Sage has come?"

"No, no."

"This is not the Old Sage of Heart Fire himself, he himself died tens of thousands of years ago.""

"This is..."

"Ancient Sage Projection!"

"That's right!""

"The Heartfire Glazed Lamp is the weapon of the Heartfire Ancient Sage tens of thousands of years ago, and it naturally has the imprint of the Ancient Sage inside. Now, when the Ancient Sage's soldier is triggered, its internal imprint is resonated.""

"Therefore, the ancient holy soldier will manifest an ancient holy projection.""

"Oh my god!""

"I didn't expect that one day we would be fortunate enough to witness the heroic appearance of an ancient sage!"

Everyone present was shocked.

Looked up.

They can all see.

An incomparably majestic phantom hovering high in the sky, empty and real, derived from the infinite holy majesty, with a gesture of looking down at all living beings, a pair of eyes that are indifferent.

Like a Buddha who descended from the Ninefold Heaven to the mortal world.

Great shore!



The breath exuded is like an endless sea of ​​stars, vast and unfathomable.

"Is this the legendary ancient saint? 39


"Under the saints, all are ants. 39

The ancient sage sect leader's lips trembled, and his whole body shuddered.

As a half-step powerhouse, at this moment, he was so terrified that even his body could not stand firm.

He never dreamed of it.

One day, I will be able to witness the heroic appearance of a saint with my own eyes.

beside him.

The Sunset Sect Master also shivered, showing a state of panic.

"The Ancient Saint Soldier lowered the Ancient Saint projection...

"This is the ancient sage who crushed an era tens of thousands of years ago!

"The Su family god child is finished."

"He probably didn't expect that he would actually attract an Ancient Sage projection to kill himself.

The Sunset Sect Master's voice was terrified.

in all directions.

All beings raised their heads.

When they saw the projection of the ancient sage hovering in the sky, without exception, they all felt fear from the bottom of their hearts, and trembled with a sense of awe and worship in their hearts.

"The projection of the ancient sage has come to the world!"

"The son of the Su family is in danger!"

"Under the saint, no one can disobey the prestige of the saint.

"Even if the Divine Son of the Su family is strong, it is impossible for him to survive the Holy Power.

"From this moment on, the fate of the Su family's son is already doomed."

Lots of talk.

The Buddhist Alan Temple is here.

All the elders and disciples were excited.

"It's the Ancient Sage of Heart Fire!"

"The patriarch of our Alan Temple tens of thousands of years ago!

"An invincible saint who has crushed an era!

"The ancestor of Jialan actually led the projection of the ancient sage of the heart fire to come."

"This is the first time in my life that I have faced the heroic appearance of an ancient sage. The majesty of a sage is really terrifying."

'What did the Su family's god son use to block the prestige of the ancient sage?"

"Even if it's just an ancient sage projection, if you want to kill a Dao Slayer King, it's just a matter of snapping your fingers."5

"In front of the Old Sage's projection, the Divine Son of the Su family is as fragile as an ant.


above the sky.

As the projection of the ancient saint came into the world, a bright smile appeared on Jialan's face.


Gently exhaling, his eyes were sharp and unconcealed, he stared at Su Xuanji coldly, and immediately activated the power of the Dao Slasher in his body.

All the power that erupted from his body was poured into the Ancient Saint Soldier's Heart Fire Glass Lamp in his hand.

Visible to the naked eye.

Under the power infusion of Jialan.

The world-shaking holy majesty that pervades all directions is getting more and more powerful and terrifying.

at the same time.

The projection of the Heart Fire Old Sage is also becoming more and more solid.

It seems that the ancient sage of Heart Fire from tens of thousands of years ago is about to be fully resurrected.




"Kill! 35

Jia Lan's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

He snorted softly, and the power of the ancient holy soldier in his hand exploded.


The projection of the ancient sage of Heart Fire on the sky, with an unparalleled killing aura, instantly rushed to the place where Su Xuanji was located below.

Infinite Shengwei had already locked Su Xuanji's body.

"Under the power of a saint."

"God child of the Su family, what should you do?"

"Even if your strength is strong, you can't face the might of an ancient sage!"

"You are sure to die."

"Dare to provoke my Buddhism in the Western Desert? Your fate is already doomed. 99

Jia Lan was expressionless, and sneered in her heart.

under his gaze.

In the spotlight.

0... ask for flowers 0・・・

The projection of the Old Sage of Heart Fire landed on Gao Weili.

The majestic phantom circling the sky slowly stretched out a finger, and the finger that covered the sky pressed down on Su Xuanji below.

This finger shatters the space!

Destroy the void!

As if to destroy the sky and destroy the earth, destroy everything in the world.

This is the prestige of the ancient sage.

Even if it is only the projection of the ancient sage, it still possesses the extremely terrifying power of the ancient sage.

This power is enough to easily destroy the world.

This space of heaven and earth cannot accommodate the shocking power that this power bursts out.



Like an endless sea of ​​stars, the blooming power renders half of the sky.

A wisp of the Law of the Holy Path was triggered.


The terrifying force was pressing down on Su Xuanji's body.

This finger covers the sky!

Thousands of miles in radius were covered by this finger.

Buddha light blooms,

The power exploded endlessly.

Shengwei shrouded all sides.


This finger smashed the space fortress.

With terrifying destructive power.

It made all living beings tremble, completely daring not to look directly at the terrifying power of this finger.

"Kill! 35

Kalan sneered.

He seemed to have seen it.

Su Xuanji was crushed to death on the spot as an ant under the projection of the ancient sage.

No creature can resist the might of the Old Sage.

This is the only thought in Jialan's heart.

And as the god-son of the Su family, Su Xuanji?

Then it is impossible to resist the power of the Old Sage.

All eyes from all directions gathered together.

The ancient sage's projection from the sky, and the wisps of aftermath power emanating from it are enough to make the half-step-powerful ancient sage sect master tremble all over.

"What a terrible power!"

"This is the power of the ancient sage!"

"Even if it's just a projection, the explosive power is still enough to destroy the world."

"The Su family god child is finished!

The ancient sage thought to himself.

Almost everyone in the audience had the same thoughts and opinions.

They are not optimistic about Su Xuanji.

Neither do I think.

Only Su Xuanji, the son of the Su family in the weak crown, can survive under the infinite power of the projection of the ancient sage.

Chapter 212 The projection of the ancient saint in the town! Flip the hand and break the holy soldie

"God Son of the Su family...

"Ten dead without life!

at the same time.

Located in the center of the battlefield.

Facing the empty finger projected by the ancient sage, Su Xuanji still had a calm expression on his face, looking extremely calm and indifferent.

He raised his head lightly.

Facing the finger of the ancient saint's projection that covered the sky and the sun.

"Heartfire Ancient Sage?

"Don't say it's just a mere Old Sage projection.

"Even if you bring him back to life, he must kneel before me!


"You dare to be presumptuous in front of me?

"Who gave you the guts?"

Not to mention the mere projection of the ancient sage, even if the ancient sage is resurrected, Su Xuanji will not have the slightest fear and cowardice.

do not forget.

He is the quasi emperor!

What is the emperor?

The quasi emperor is above the saint king, and even more so, the great saint is above the saint king!

little saint...

"Zero Three Zero"

In the eyes of Su Xuanji.

It's almost as small as an ant!

"An ancient sage from tens of thousands of years ago, but only a projection remains.

"Want to try to kill me with one finger? 35

"Hehe. 35

Su Xuanji suddenly couldn't help laughing.


in full view.

He slowly raised his right hand.

Facing the finger that was about to fall.

Su Xuanji also only has simple movements that couldn't be simpler.


The space shattered and shattered.


An even more terrifying force ripped apart the space in an instant.

The void collapses!

In the blink of an eye, Su Xuanji burst out with a power that even this space cannot contain.

This power far surpasses the Old Sage.

Far more than the ancient sage countless times!

This is the power that is truly enough to destroy the world.

Even enough to crush the entire Western Desert!

Forcibly sunk and shattered the endless and vast territory of the Western Desert.


Su Xuanji's terrifying and infinite power erupted with a flick of his finger, suddenly pulling the supreme law of heaven and earth to come, and exuding the prestige of the quasi-emperor above the holy majesty.


An explosion roared.

The space exploded.



The trembling space was constantly twisted and shattered, and the space was cracked like shards of glass.



Space collapses and ruptures.

The power that Su Xuanji erupted in his fingers, all the way across the sky.

Like a broken bamboo!


Unparalleled power cut through the sky.

Ripped apart all the space along the way.


It all happened in an instant.


Su Xuanji's outburst of power hit the finger of the ancient sage's projection.

The finger of the ancient sage that covers the sky...

Under the power of Su Xuanji, every inch was shattered.

Boom one by one

A loud roar exploded.


Like thunder!

It was as if the sky had been pierced and shattered.

The sky is falling.

The supreme power exploded.

The ancient sage's projection lowered the finger that covered the sky and the sun, which contained infinite holy power, but it was completely destroyed and shattered in Su Xuanji's fingers.


The supreme power smashed the finger of the projection of the ancient saint.

Completely annihilate the ancient saint's holy majesty!

One inch smashed the finger that the projection of the ancient sage landed...

nothing left!

Unable to parry!

The power level gap is too great.


When Shengwei touched Su Xuanji's prestige as a quasi-emperor, he was like a piece of white paper, it was easily torn to shreds, and everything was annihilated and vanished.

The giant finger that covered the sky eventually disappeared.

It was directly pierced and shattered by a more terrifying force.

Instantly disappeared into the cloud.

at the same time.

The power of Su Xuanji's explosion has not diminished in the slightest.

All the way to the ancient sage projection!

The stalwart projection hovering high in the sky, which is close to the Old Sage of Heart Fire.

for a moment,


The terrifying force ran through the Old Sage projection on the spot.

The projection cast by the Ancient Sage of Heart Fire does not possess any thinking ability, and only retains the insignificant power of the Ancient Sage.

But even so.

The ancient sage's power is still very terrifying.


Right now.

The projection of the Heart Fire Old Sage was directly pierced and shattered by the snap of a finger!


When Su Xuanji's quasi-emperor power broke out, the projection of the ancient sage of the heart fire was like a broken doll, and it was bombarded to pieces in an instant.

A huge crack!

A broken thought!

The projection of the Old Sage, which was swept away by even more terrifying forces, was crushed in just one breath, leaving only a few pieces of wreckage.

Debris scattered all over the sky.



A soft sound of 0...

All the projections of the ancient saints were wiped out.


Leave no trace.

All dissipated!


between fingers...

Kill an ancient saint projection.

The projection of the ancient sage, which contains infinite holy power, is vulnerable to the power of Su Xuanji.

at the same time.

After the Old Sage projection was crushed and killed.

Haven't waited for everyone to react.

can only see.

Su Xuanji waved his hand and the corners of his mouth moved slightly.


between hands...

Infinite mighty power, instantly rushed towards the Ancient Saint Soldier's Heart Fire Glazed Lamp in Jialan's hands.



An extremely terrifying force penetrated and hit the central fire glass lamp on the spot.


All can see clearly.

The ancient sage's heart-fire glazed lamp, which was made and refined by the ancient sage, is an ancient sage with infinite holy power, and is regarded as a terrifying weapon handed down by the Alan Temple as a sacred weapon.

Just in an instant.

was directly smashed!


Was flipped between hands by Su Xuanji and shattered on the spot.

The ancient holy soldiers with unparalleled holy power, if they move, they are enough to destroy the sky and destroy the earth.

The terrifying weapon that shakes the entire Western Desert...

It was forcibly smashed!



One after another cracks burst open from the ancient holy soldier, like glass, the cracks are more and more cracked, spreading like spider webs all over the place.

at last.



A shrill sound resounded high in the sky.

The ancient holy soldiers were broken and cracked,

Completely collapsed from the hands of Jialan!

Then turned into countless pieces of debris,

Scattered from above to below.

Falling aimlessly on all sides...

An ancient holy soldier that contained extremely terrifying holy power was directly smashed and could no longer burst into any power, and it has since been reduced to an ordinary bronze scrap.

Pieces of fragments of ancient holy soldiers fell from the sky below like a drizzle of goose feathers.

This scene is particularly dazzling!


All eyes are on!

Pairs of eyes full of horror, shock, shock, and sluggishness all gathered on the countless pieces of debris that fell from the broken ancient holy soldiers.

The atmosphere is quiet!




Here, it became dead silent.

Chapter 213 The ancient holy soldier is broken? I am afraid this is not a fake holy soldier! [Custom

Silent all around!


Pairs of eyes full of horror, shock, and disbelief, involuntarily converged on the sky, staring blankly at the few fragments left in Jialan's hand.

This scene caused an unprecedented spiritual shock to everyone present.




The elders and disciples from various Taoist forces were all frightened.


Including the elders and disciples of the Buddhist Alan Temple, they were also stunned and stiff in place, motionless, and they only felt horrified.


After a long while, a group of people couldn't help swallowing their saliva, revealing the horror in their hearts.

"This, this is..."

"what happened?!"

A voice full of fear and shock rang out from the crowd.

No one answered.

Silent as always.

Look up to the sky.

The Old Sage projection that was hovering above the sky has disappeared without a trace.

The world-shattering holy might vanished completely.




"Ancient, ancient holy soldiers are broken?"

"03Is this a hallucination? Or am I dreaming?

"How could the ancient holy soldier be broken..."

"I'm really not in a dream?"

"This is the handed down holy soldier left by the ancient saints! 35

"The holy soldier with the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth is actually broken?"

A sensation!

Including the ancient sage master and the sunset gate master, they also felt an unprecedented sense of shock.

They stared blankly at Master Jialan on the horizon.

can be clearly seen.

The Ancient Saint Soldier's Heart Fire Glazed Lamp in Jialan's hand is now only a few broken pieces, still remaining in the opponent's palm.

only left with...

Shattered pieces of debris!

A complete ancient holy soldier, capable of erupting the holy artifact of the heaven-shattering holy majesty, was smashed into wreckage and scrap iron in such an instant.

Who can believe this?

All of this seriously subverted the cognition of everyone present.

The world view is shattered!


Even the high-ranking half-step great master like the ancient saint sect master couldn't help but almost doubt his life.

"Can anyone explain.

"what is happening?

"How can the ancient holy soldier who destroyed the sky and the earth be broken?"

"How can the Old Sage Projection disappear?"

"Didn't you say that the saints are all ants?


"Why are the ancient saint projections and ancient saint soldiers that contain holy power destroyed?"


The Ancient Sage Sect Master and Sunset Gate Master were terrified.

This is the ancient saint soldier!

An ancient holy soldier with explosive power can shake the endless territory of the entire Western Desert.

How terrible is the power?

it goes without saying.


At this moment.

It was such a terrifying Ancient Saint Soldier that was actually smashed to pieces.

Together with the projection of the Ancient Sage, it was easily destroyed and destroyed.

Just ask.

What kind of terrifying power does this have to be able to kill the Ancient Sage Projection and smash the Ancient Sage Soldier?


All of this is beyond the scope of thinking of everyone present.

"Fake, fake."

"How could the heart-fire glazed lantern of our Alan Temple's handed down holy soldier be smashed so easily?

"and also..."

"How can the projection cast by the Ancient Sage of Heart Fire be destroyed? This is completely unreasonable!

"Crazy! I must be crazy!"

The elders and disciples of Alan Temple went crazy.

They stared at Jialan's figure above the sky in a daze, and stared at the broken heart-fired glass lamp in Jialan's hands.

This scene caused an unprecedented strong visual impact to them.

Let their mentality collapse on the spot.

After a brief dead silence.

The atmosphere at the scene was fully detonated.

"My God!"

"The Ancient Holy Soldier is shattered! 35

"The ancient holy soldier in the hands of Master Jialan was destroyed by the flip!"

"Even the projection of the ancient saints dropped by the ancient saints was destroyed and killed by the snap of your fingers.


"How dare you believe this? 35

"What kind of terrifying cultivation base and strength is required to accomplish such a world-shattering feat as above?

"It's incredible!"

All the monks present were shocked.

The legendary weapon of the saint...

Possesses the power to destroy the world.

If it moves, it will burn the sky and split the earth.

The entire Western Desert will be destroyed by the full-scale outbreak of the ancient holy soldiers!

Such a terrifying ancient holy soldier...

How could it be broken?

How can it be destroyed?

Even if there is a living being that can block the might of the Ancient Saint Soldier head-on, it is enough to subvert their cognition.

Not to mention.

at the moment.

What they see is...

The Ancient Saint Soldier was crushed!


The legendary weapon of the saint was destroyed and destroyed on the spot.

Even the projection of the Old Sage was easily killed!

What is this concept?

Anything that has anything to do with the ancient saints is an extremely terrifying taboo.

Just today.

Taboos are broken.

Ancient Saint Soldier...


The prestige of the Ancient Sage is not as terrifying as he imagined.

Even the projection of the Old Sage was overturned.

This, or the omnipotent Saint Wei in their impression?!

It is said that under the holy prestige are all ants?

Such a terrifying saint...

How can it be defeated and destroyed?

It shouldn't be!

"Su, the god son of the Su family..."

"What kind of monster is that?!

"How could he defeat the Old Sage Projection head-on? He even destroyed the Old Sage's soldiers head-on!

"Am I crazy?"

"Is this world crazy?

"A current genius in the age of weak crown, actually destroyed a complete ancient saint soldier from the front? It is even more so, he killed an ancient saint projection? Do you dare to believe it?

"What kind of monster is this? No, no, what kind of monster is this! 99

"Even a terrifying evildoer should not be so terrifying. 35

"It's a downright weird 033 tire!

I'm afraid this is not a fake saint weapon, right?

How could the real Ancient Saint Soldier be destroyed so easily?

Totally out of line!

"I must have seen a fake Ancient Saint Soldier."

The voice of the Sunset Sect Master trembled.

"I don't know if it's fake or not. Anyway, I only know that the projection of the ancient sage was killed and destroyed on the spot by the Su family's god son."

A weak reminder from the ancient sage leader.


The two looked at each other and swallowed together.

If the Ancient Saint Soldier is fake...


Is that Old Sage projection also fake?

This is obviously not realistic.


What I am seeing right now is absolutely true.

A genuine ancient holy soldier, the heart fire glazed lantern of the handed down holy soldier of Alan Temple, was really destroyed, and the culprit who destroyed this ancient holy soldier was a genius of the age of weakness.

In the year of the weak crown...

Forcibly shattered and destroyed an ancient holy soldier!

And killed an ancient saint projection!

This is truly unimaginable.

above the sky.

Jialan was stunned.

His throat was dry and he was horrified.

Biting coldness shot from the soles of his feet to the sky, making him goosebumps all over his body.

Twisted stiff neck.

he bowed his head,

He looked at the few pieces of the ancient saint soldier's remains that he was holding in his right hand.

The wreckage of the broken heart-fire glazed lamp was very clearly displayed in Jialan's eyes, causing his worldview to collapse and collapse on the spot.

Chapter 214 Shocking the audience! The king of slashing? Slap to death with a slap! [Customize]

"This this!"

"how is this possible?!"

Feeling the icy temperature of the few pieces in the palm of his hand, Jalan's lips trembled, and his face was full of emotions such as shock, horror, and disbelief.

Was the Ancient Saint Soldier destroyed just like that?

what is happening?

Shouldn't he be dreaming?

"How can the ancient sage's heart-fire glazed lamp left by the ancient sage of heart fire tens of thousands of years ago be broken so easily? How can it be destroyed by the genius of the world in a weak year?"

"It must be fake!"

"I must have not woken up yet!"


Jia Lan's hands trembled, unable to contain the fear in her heart from being magnified infinitely.

A weapon left by an ancient sage, its power is naturally destructive.

But such a terrible weapon.

At this moment.

But it was destroyed!


Only broken pieces remain...

Jialan couldn't help but doubt life.

Is this really the handed down holy soldier of Alan Temple?

Why is it so fragile?

Shouldn't the Ancient Saint Soldier in his hand be dropped by someone?


How to explain what is happening now?

The ancient holy soldier was destroyed by a Tianjiao of the weak crown year?

Who would believe it if it spreads out?

I am afraid that the entire Beidou cultivator will think that he is crazy!

"A terrifying weapon built by a saint who is above the king of slashing.

"It was actually destroyed!"

"What's more terrifying is..."

'The culprit is a young man in his twenties!"

"Will not!"

"I must be hallucinating. 55

As the king of Dao Slashing, Jialan changed his calmness and indifference from before, and looked terrified.

He was completely out of his mind.

The Ancient Saint Soldier is his greatest trump card!

The handed down holy soldier's heart fire glazed lantern is the biggest heritage of Alan Temple that has been passed down for tens of thousands of years.

As the current strongest in Alan Temple, the Heart Fire Glass Lamp has always been protected by Jialan.


Just today.

The greatest heritage of Alan Temple was destroyed at this very moment.

How could this allow him to accept such a cruel fact?

"How can a young man in his weak crown have such terrifying strength and cultivation level `〃?"

"I must be crazy!"

"Can someone explain.""

"What the hell is going on here?"

The mentality of Jialan is almost out of balance, and the mentality has ushered in the fate of collapse.

staring blankly,

The broken heart-fire glazed lantern with only a few fragments left in his hand...

All this is showing.

What just happened is the truth.

The Heartfire Glazed Lamp was really destroyed.

The Ancient Saint Soldier was crushed and destroyed by a young man in his weak crown.

Even the projection of the Heart Fire Ancient Sage was powerfully suppressed by the opponent!

"What kind of monster is this?"

"Junior Brother Kasyapa..."

"In the end, what kind of terrifying monster have you provoked?

Jialan was completely panicked.

After the biggest hole card was crushed by Su Xuanji.

Gradually he began to realize.

The enemy in front of him is no longer a terrifying existence that he can try to contend with.

Even the ancient holy soldiers were destroyed by the opponent.

This made him a mere immortal three-way king, how to fight against this terrifying monster?

"It's over!"

Jia Lan's face became extraordinarily pale, almost bloodless.

can be clearly seen.

The fear in his heart at this moment has been infinitely magnified.

The dignified Immortal Three Dao Slayer King was unable to contain the fear in his heart and began to tremble.

Jialan lost its previous image.

He turned into a miserable man with only fear on his face.

As the strongest person in Alan Temple, Jialan felt for the first time that things were beyond his control.

Do not!

More precisely.

The matter is beyond the control of Alan Temple.

Even Western Desert Buddhism did not dare to try to interfere with the events that broke out today.

Even the projection of the Old Sage was destroyed...

face this horror.


What can Western Desert Buddhism do?!

"I've provoked an unparalleled terror!"

Jialan shivered and twisted her neck, her eyes full of horror staring directly below.

The fragments of debris grasped in the palm of his hand fell along with his trembling hands.

The ancient holy soldiers turned into countless fragments and scattered down.


Jialan saw the young figure in white below.

The latter also cast a playful look.

Four eyes facing each other.


Jialan shivered all over, and a cold air burst from the soles of his feet to the sky.



An unprecedented sense of fear swept through the body and mind, Jialan's hands trembled, his face was pale, and his eyes were full of panic as he looked at Su Xuanji's figure.

in his eyes.

At this moment, Su Xuanji is the most terrifying monster in the world!

A world-destroying monster!

"How can the arrogance of the world in the weak crown year be so strong?

"Shouldn't be! 9

"How could such a terrifying monster appear in this world?! 35

Jialan mentality completely collapsed.


With an indifferent smile on Su Xuanji's face, he quietly stared at the sky above, and at this moment, the king of Xian San Zhan Dao, Jia Lan, was trembling in fear.

"'々The weak..."

"Get out of here!

He shook his head.

A slap shot across the sky above the sky.


Infinite might want to smash the sun, moon, and stars into pieces.

The extremely terrifying force pierced the sky and shattered the space, causing the void to collapse and wriggle.

This slap spans thousands of miles across the sky...

Shred the space directly.

For a moment.

A slap appeared in front of Jialan, the king of the three immortal slashers.

Take a photo from a distance!

This slap covers the sky!

Landed with extremely terrifying power.

It's like the sky is falling.

Extremely depressing!

So oppressive!

"No! 399

Jia Lan's pupils shrank.

His face was full of horror and fear, and there was a hysterical roar of unwillingness.

"I don't want to die!

(Good) "I still have at least a thousand years to live!

"No! 35



Any screams are meaningless at this moment.

No one can save Jialan.

Even if a real ancient saint comes to the scene in person,

Can't do it either!

Under the surging power that this slap erupted.

Even if a saint comes,

must die too!

in an instant.

A slap across the void of thousands of miles, with infinite might, fell decisively without hesitation.

Without any sloppiness!

Like killing an ant,

In an instant, Jialan was shot dead above the sky.


Jia Lan, who was slapped to death with a slap, exploded on the spot.


Dancing like a blood mist in the sky,

Then float in the air and dance with the wind.

The blood mist slowly scattered down,

Like a drizzle of goose feathers,

Floating all over the place.

Chapter 215 You tell me, this monster is actually the arrogance of the world? [Customize]

The blood mist danced in the sky.

The pungent bloody smell scatters from the sky above, floating and hovering in the air.


The atmosphere was dead silent!


Pairs of eyes full of horror, shock, and disbelief gathered above their heads.

The golden Buddha light that originally swept across thousands of miles,

Has disappeared without a trace.

The Buddha's light that illuminated the sky into a golden ocean, without leaving any traces, just evaporated out of thin air.

The sky returns to blue.

The sun shines brightly.

The warm sun shone down from the horizon, nourishing everything.

The Buddha's light that illuminated the sky has completely disappeared.

only because...

The source of the phenomena of heaven and earth such as the shocking Buddha's light erupted, that is, Jialan, who had reached the level of the king of immortal three slashes, has already died.


No bones left!

He was slapped to death on the spot with a slap in the air.

Not even the corpse was left.

In an instant, it turned into a cloud of blood, which was directly blasted and floated above the sky.

The pungent and rich bloody smell rose up and spread in all directions.

This is...

The blood that belongs to Jialan!

The blood of a slasher.

Died too bad.

The dignified immortal, the king of three slashes, can be said to be an invincible existence even if it is placed in the Big Dipper 033.


At this very moment, he was slapped to death with a slap in the air.

All of this made everyone present in disbelief.

This is the King of Dao Slashing!

so dead?


A slap in the air directly slaps it to death!

Like killing an ant?

Simply incredible!

once Upon a time.

The ancient existence of the Dao Slashing King series, the terrifying powerhouse standing on the top of the Big Dipper, how could it be so fragile?

Killed with a slap!

All of this is too subversive.

Let everyone in the room express their disbelief.

"Dead, dead."

"The ancient existence of the Immortal Three Slashing Dao King series was slapped to death on the spot with a slap in the air!"

"Oh my God!

"What kind of world is this? This is the supreme being standing at the top of the Big Dipper, how can it be so weak? How can it be slapped to death like an ant?""

"Master Jialan, was killed in seconds!


A sensation!

Both the ancient sage and the sunset gate master were stunned.

Their shocking mood (adaf) that had not yet cooled down, at this moment, when they saw Jialan being instantly killed by a slap, the shocking feeling became even stronger countless times.


Can't help swallowing, the Sect Master Sunset couldn't help but speak: "Can anyone explain to me what the situation is? Can anyone tell me, is this really me dreaming?"

The ancient sage sect master also said in a frightened tone: "I think, you are not the only one who has this illusion. I am the same, I even suspect that I have not woken up yet.

"First, the ancient saint projection was killed and destroyed, and then the ancient saint soldier was smashed and destroyed.


"Even the king of the Immortal Three Slashing Dao, who is always high above and looking down at all beings, was killed by a slap in the air, and not even the scum was left.

"This is really hard for me to accept.

Everyone in the audience has their worldview turned upside down.

in their minds.

The King of Dao Slashing is an invincible existence!

But it is such a powerful Dao Slashing King, but now he has been killed with a slap.

How can they believe such a shocking event?

Master Jialan...

This is the strongest in Alan Temple!

It is the supreme existence that overwhelmed an era as early as a thousand years ago!

How could such an invincible powerhouse be killed in seconds?


"It's unbelievable."

"A powerhouse at the level of Master Jialan was slapped to death like an ant with a slap."

"Who can believe this?

The elders from the Ancient Sacred Sect and the Sunset Gate all expressed their shock in their hearts.


A weak voice from an Ancient Sacred Cult disciple came from the crowd: "However, even the Ancient Sacred Soldiers have been destroyed. Master Jialan will be slapped to death by a slap. Isn't this a normal thing?"

The sound just fell.

The whole place was dead silent!

Everyone woke up instantly.


Even the ancient holy soldiers were destroyed.

Is it hard to accept that Jialan will be slapped to death?

In the end.

Jialan is just the king of the three immortals.

As for the ancient holy soldiers, those weapons belonged to the legendary ancient saints, and if they moved, they were terrifying weapons capable of destroying millions of Dao Slashing Kings.

Even this terrible weapon was destroyed.

Jialan will be killed in seconds, which seems to be a normal thing.

"After all, I can't even dream of it. 55

"A legend who existed a thousand years ago was slapped to death just like that."

"It's incredible."

The elders were still in shock.

The disciples in the sect present had already overturned their worldview.

"The Daoist Kings are dead.

"You said. 35

"How strong is the Su family god child? What kind of cultivation is he?

"Not only did he kill the ancient saint projection, but also destroyed the ancient saint soldier, and now he slapped to death the master Jialan who was the king of slashing.


"Who can explain. 35

"How strong is the Su family's godson who has done the above-mentioned shocking actions one after another?!

The moment this question came out.

Everyone in the audience was stunned again.

They almost forgot.

Just now, Master Jialan, who was the king of the Dao Slash, was slapped to death like an ant with a slap.

The other party is just a young man in his weak crown!

A true genius of the world!

A thought here.

Everyone in the audience was even more shocked.

"Oh my God!"

"I almost forgot."

"Master Jialan was slapped to death on the spot by the Su family godson. 35

"In a year of weakness, the monster that killed the king of the Dao in a single second?!

"How can such a monster exist?

"Evil? No, it's a monster!"

"Not only did Master Jialan second, even the ancient sage projection and the ancient sage soldiers were all destroyed and killed by the Su family godson.

"Can you believe that this kind of monster is actually the arrogance of the world in a weak year?"


Everyone was shocked.

A current Tianjiao not only defeated the Daoist King, but also smashed and destroyed an ancient holy soldier!

Who can believe it?

This piece of news may detonate the entire Beidou!

"What kind of cultivator is the Su family god child?"

Someone asked in horror.

"I can't see through."

"Anyway, it's terrifyingly strong!"

Chapter 216 In the face of this monster, we have no power to fight back! [Customize]

"In this era, who can be compared with the Divine Son of the Su Family?"

"Which Tianjiao has the capital to compete with the Su family godson?"


"Don't talk about this era, even if you look at the millions of years in the history of the human race, you will not be able to find a heavenly person who can be compared with the Su family's god son.

All agreed on this.

The Ancient Sage Sect Master and Sunset Sect Master made a very high evaluation: "Even a young emperor can't compare to the Su Family God Son!"

This time the evaluation fell.

Like a stone stirring up a thousand waves.

The original vibrating atmosphere became much more intense.

the other side.

As Jialan was slapped to death - after.

The Alan Temple was suddenly quiet - come down.

Dozens of elders and thousands of Buddhist disciples were all stunned and frozen in place, as if they had been turned into statues.

Dead silence!

A bleak!


"Am I dreaming?

"Patriarch Jialan, as the strongest of our Alan Temple.

"He, was actually killed?"

"Or be slapped to death like an ant?"

"Second kill?!

"How can this be? 35

One after another Buddhist elders revealed the panic and awe in their hearts.

Things they couldn't even imagine in their dreams just happened in front of them.

This is the King of the Three Immortal Slashing Dao!

Their Jialan Patriarch was an invincible powerhouse who overwhelmed an era thousands of years ago.

How could such an ancient existence of this series be slapped to death with such an easy slap?!

This is totally unreasonable!

The scariest thing is...

The culprit who killed their Jialan Patriarch in one second was still a genius in the age of weakness.

This made them even more unbelievable.

"The Su family god child actually seconded the Jialan Patriarch?

"I must be hallucinating."

"You tell me, it's all just an illusion. 35

"No, Master Jialan is an invincible existence, how can he be killed in seconds? It is even more impossible to be killed by a hairy boy in his weak crown!"5

All the Buddhist elders at the scene constantly rejected the scene that they were seeing.

only because.

All this is too subversive.

They also cannot accept such cruel facts.

at the same time.

Thousands of Buddhist disciples in Alan Temple also expressed shock and fear in their hearts.

"My God! 99

"Even the founder of Jialan was killed.

'That God Son of the Su family, what kind of monster is he?!"

"What terrifying cultivation base and strength does he possess? Why was even the founder of Jialan killed by him?"

"With a slap, I slapped Patriarch Jialan, killed the ancient sage projection with a slap, and smashed the handed down holy soldiers of our Alan Temple with a wave.""

"You say, this monster is a genius in the world?

"Fake it! How could such a terrifying existence be a genius in the world? It must be some old monster! Only in this way can it be explained.

Buddhist disciples were terrified.

Of course they couldn't believe it.

A young man in his weak crown, slapped the strongest of their Alan Temple, Patriarch Jialan!

This is the ancient existence of the Immortal Three Slashing Dao King series.

How could it be killed by this generation of Tianjiao?

Most of the Tianjiao of this generation are in their tens of years old.

Even if you have the talent against the sky, it is impossible to be strong enough to kill the Dao Slayer King in seconds!


At this moment.

They witnessed such an amazing scene with their own eyes.

A proud son of the sky in the weak crown year, he really achieved an instant kill of a king of beheading from the front!

The target who was killed in seconds was still the most powerful Patriarch of Alan Temple, Jialan Patriarch.

An immortal three Dao Slayer King who overran an era thousands of years ago, and he is still a leader among Dao Slayer Kings, not a weakling.

But such an invincible powerhouse.

Just now,

Got slapped to death!


It's like killing a mosquito.

There is not much difference throughout.

A Dao Slashing King standing on the top of the Big Dipper, dead like a mosquito, was slapped to death on the spot with a slap, with no bones or even traces left.

So far, it has vanished and disappeared completely from this world.

"Su Xuanji, the son of the Su family at such a young age, how could he be so powerful?!

One after another Buddhist elders trembled and roared.

Their eyes are bloodshot, and their fear and hearts are infinitely enlarged.

After witnessing Jialan being slapped to death by a slap, they no longer had any belief in resistance in their hearts.

face ashen,

0... ask for flowers...

Live without love.

They realized.

The young figure in white standing in front of him.

It's a terrifying existence that they can't shake in their entire lives!


It is also the terrifying powerhouse that their Alan Temple will never try to shake, even if they do everything they can!

The opponent is too strong.

So powerful that even the founder of Jialan was instantly killed and destroyed by the opponent's slap.

In the face of this terrifying invincible powerhouse,

What can they do?

What can I do in Alan Temple?

Nothing can be done!

There is no way!

"It's over!"

"We're done!

"Patriarch Jialan is dead.

"The sacred soldiers of our Alan Temple were also destroyed."


"Even Patriarch Kasyapa died in the hands of that monster. 55

"Now, our Alan Temple has ushered in an unprecedented period of great weakness for tens of thousands of years.""

The faces of the Buddhist elders were shaking violently.

With the huge heritage of Alan Temple, after encountering such a catastrophe today, the core foundation has already been shaken by strong actions.

Not surprisingly.

From now on, the Alan Temple will no longer be as prominent as it used to be.

in Western Desert Buddhism.

Alan Temple will also fall to a second-rate temple, and it is impossible to restore its former status and glory.

And this is the price to pay for provoking a terrifying monster.

This is an extremely painful price!

"If this monster were to target us at Alan Temple, what would our result be?"

"What will happen to us? 35

At this time, a Buddhist disciple asked in a fearful voice.

The words fall.

All the Buddhist elders and disciples present were all hairy with fear.

Fear pierces my heart!

What will be the result?

That is of course...

Must die!

The entire Alan Temple will be uprooted by the opponent.


after all.

The opponent is so powerful that even the ancient holy soldiers can destroy it!

The Jialan Patriarch, whose cultivation base has reached the king of the Three Immortal Slashing Dao...

They were all slapped to death by the opponent!

In the face of this terrifying monster that is almost completely unreasonable.

It's safe to say.

Alan Temple has no power to fight back at all.

Chapter 217 The No. 1 Monster in the East Wilderness! The No. 1 Monster in the Big Dipper! [Customiz

The atmosphere is quiet!


Pairs of eyes full of fear, shock, and disbelief were fixed in the center of the battlefield, the young figure in white.

For them.

Su Xuanji, who was in the weak crown year, will no longer be as simple as a first-day arrogance in the East Wilderness.


A terrifying monster powerful enough to kill the Daoist King!

It is a terrifying existence that can forcibly smash the ancient holy soldiers from the front!

"Provoking this kind of monster, we are finished!

Many disciples in Alan Temple were terrified.

They looked at Su Xuanji's eyes, and they couldn't help showing a deep fear.

With the death of Jialan.

The Broken Ancient Saint Soldier...

All the self-confidence in their hearts disappeared.

"Our Alan Temple is finished.

The "Jia Lanzu "Zero Sansan" division fell, the ancestor of Kasyapa died, and the ancient holy soldiers were broken

"From today.

"In Western Desert Buddhism, we will no longer have the status of our Alan Temple.

The elders from the Alan Temple shook their heads bitterly and sighed, with expressions of despair on their faces.

Lost two invincible powerhouses to sit in the temple, and no ancient holy soldiers to sit in.

They can predict.

The status of Alan Temple will definitely plummet from now on.

At that time.

Any temple in the Western Desert can hang their Alan Temple and beat them!

And the main reason for all this...

All because of one person!

A terrifying monster!

It was because of the other party that caused their Alan Temple to fall to this point.

"Elder, elder, what should we do next?

A famous Buddhist disciple asked weakly.

"How to do?

Hearing this, the eyes of the elders of Alan Temple were lost for a while.

Good half sound.

They said with a dry throat: "Wait to die!"

all around.

The elders of the Ancient Sacred Sect and the disciples of the Sunset Sect were all just like their sect master, showing a deep sense of panic and shock.

They stared blankly at Su Xuanji's figure in white, unable to move their eyes any longer.

Unbelievable to dream is...

A genius of the age of the weak crown is actually powerful to such an unbelievable level.

until now.

It is still difficult for them to accept the fact that this subverts cognition.

"At the age of a weak crown..."

"Headly kill the king of the three immortals!"

"This move is unprecedented!

"For millions of years from ancient times to the present, throughout the entire human race, and even the entire Beidou Ten Thousand Races, there are absolutely no similar examples and phenomena of terror.

"That is to say."

"God child of the Su family, he powerfully created the only Beidou record for millions of years!

"Even if you look at the endless starry sky and kill an invincible powerhouse like the Immortal Three Slashing Dao King in the year of weakness, it can definitely be said that there is no one in the past and no one since.

"The Su family god child is really a monster!"

The ancient sage sect master and the master of Sunset Gate said so.

With their knowledge and rich experience, they are also the first to witness such an example of subversive cognition.

The elders from the Ancient Sacred Sect and the disciples from Sunset Gate all showed the same shocking expression.

"Is this the number one evildoer in the Eastern Wasteland?

"Do not!"

"This is the number one monster in the Eastern Wilderness!

"The Big Dipper's No. 1 Monster!

in the battlefield.

Su Xuanji withdrew his gaze towards the sky with a calm expression on his face.

It is not too rare for him to slap to death a king of the three immortals, and it will not make him pay too much attention.

Even if he smashed the ancient holy soldier with one hand, it would not be able to set off too much emotional ups and downs in him.

All of this is a matter of course.

Not to mention the ancient sages, even if an ancient sage came to the scene in person, Su Xuanji could easily slap him to death as if he were an ant.

As for the Immortal Three Slashing Dao King?

Still too weak!

Not even qualified to let Su Xuanji face it.

Look around.

Su Xuanji looked at the people around him calmly.

There are also the elders of the ancient holy religion, the disciples of the Sunset Gate, and the elders and disciples of the Alan Temple of Western Desert Buddhism...

A group of people are shivering, casting eyes full of fear and fear.

Facing Su Xuanji's gaze, everyone lowered their heads subconsciously, did not dare to look directly, and could not control the fear in their hearts and their bodies trembled violently.

Su Xuanji's power was too terrifying.

so that.

Let everyone on the scene have no courage to look at him at all.

"This matter should end here..."

"Alan Temple?"

"A small Buddhist sect is not worth my mobilization to destroy."

"If it is the Buddhist sect of Mount Sumeru, then it is another matter.

"If I remember correctly, there seems to be a 'Buddha' who is not weak in the Buddhist sect of Mount Sumeru!

Su Xuanji's eyes narrowed slightly.

The Buddhist sect of Mount Sumeru is the real orthodox Buddhist sect. It was inherited from the Amitabha Buddha hundreds of thousands of years ago. It is a genuine ancient emperor Taoism.

Even though Mount Sumeru has suffered an unprecedented catastrophe.

But now, Mount Sumeru has also recovered.

In Su Xuanji's impression.

In the Buddhist gate on Mount Sumeru, there is a 'Buddha'!

Real Buddha!

Instead of the unpopular stuff like Kassapa and Jialan.

that Buddha,

At least an ancient saint!

even stronger!

But what is the specific strength?

Nobody knows.

Because that Buddha has long since stopped interfering with the affairs of the mortal world, and has long since escaped into Buddhism. Since then, as a Buddhist monk, he no longer participates in disputes and struggles.


How powerful is this Buddha?

It's a mystery.

Even Su Xuanji couldn't be sure of the opponent's strength before they fought.

However, with such a Buddha sitting on Mount Sumeru, it can ensure that the ancient Taoism of the outside world does not dare to stare at the Buddhism of Mount Sumeru.

at the same time.

It is precisely because of the existence of this Buddha 0.5 that Western Desert Buddhism has such a terrifying deterrent effect, that the ancient Taoist traditions such as the ancient family in the outside world did not dare to break into Western Desert Buddhism without authorization.

"Except for Mount Sumeru, the other temples of Western Desert Buddhism are nothing but a mob."

"The little Alan Temple is not worth letting me destroy it myself. 39


"After today's battle, the heritage of Alan Temple has also been exhausted."

"First, the ancient holy soldiers were destroyed, and then the ancestor of the Dao Slayer King was killed, and the ancestor of Xian Er Da Neng was also killed."

"The current Alan Temple may not be able to withstand even a weak impact.

Su Xuanji thought to himself.

If there is a chance, he would not mind going to Mount Sumeru.

If you can sign in from Mount Sumeru, you will definitely be able to get a very rich Dao rhyme.

Chapter 218 The birth of a legend! A generation of legends rising strongly! [Customize]

after all.

After all, Mount Sumeru was also the dojo of a great emperor.

Moreover, this great emperor is also the extremely mysterious and powerful Amitabha Buddha among Buddhism.

Hundreds of thousands of years have settled down, and there must be a very rich Dao rhyme on Mount Sumeru.

And this is the core source that attracts Su Xuanji the most.

Except for Mount Sumeru,

There is nothing else in Western Desert Buddhism that attracts Su Xuanji.


"I should also find a quiet place, and then fuse the ancient emperor's blood."

"After successfully integrating the blood of the ancient emperor, maybe I can go to Mount Sumeru. Go see the Buddha on Mount Sumeru, and sign in at Mount Sumeru by the way.

Su Xuanji has plans.

When he successfully integrates the blood of the ancient emperor, his strength will inevitably rise to a higher level.

At that time.

Maybe he can break through his own strength to the extreme of the current realm!

Once that moment comes.

It's time to really think about it.

The world-destroying thunder tribulation that led to the end of the sky came into the world.


Gently exhaling, Su Xuanji suppressed all the thoughts in his head.

at last,

He glanced flatly at the Ancient Sage Sect Master and Sunset Gate Master 03.

under his gaze.

The Ancient Sage Sect Master trembled, and the Sunset Sect Master even fell to the ground with weak legs.

Both of them were full of ugliness and trembling.

The sect leader and door owner of the dignified ancient Taoism, but was frightened by Su Xuanji's eyes, and almost completely lost his former image.

In front of Su Xuanji, the two did not dare to breathe too loudly.



in the eyes of both of them.

At this moment, Su Xuanji is like a terrifying monster!

The monsters that can kill the Daoist King head-on will naturally make them terrified.


Su Xuanji rolled his eyes, moved away from the two, and glanced at the group of elders and disciples at Alan Temple.

under the eyes.

The elders and disciples of Alan Temple were all trembling.

Panic spreads.


Su Xuanji shook his head and looked away.

Seeing the trembling elders and disciples in Alan Temple, he didn't even have the idea of ​​cutting down the grass.

There is no need to stay here any longer.


After integrating the blood of the ancient emperor, I personally went to Xumi Mountain in the Western Desert, and then considered the matter of pulling the world-annihilating thunder tribulation, and finally went to the Yaochi Holy Land to sign in.

This is what Su Xuanji has in mind at the moment.

After doing this series of things.

If nothing else, the Primordial Race should also fully support Su.

By the time.

Su Xuanji naturally wants to participate in the battlefield.

This is the war between the human race and the ancient race.

As a human monk, Su Xuanji would inevitably interfere and fight on behalf of the human race.


Su Xuanji's body suddenly rose up with soft halos, bright rays of light shrouded his whole body, and a vision descended from the sky, floating along with his body.

next second.

Su Xuanji stepped on the void step by step, turning into a rainbow light that shot straight into the sky.

Just a moment.

The figure of Su Xuanji disappeared directly in place.

without a trace,

There is no sound.

thousands of miles away,


Su Xuanji tore the space with both hands.


Infinite might erupted from Su Xuanji's body, forcibly smashed the space fortress, and forcibly tore the space apart with a terrifying crack, like shards of glass.

Boom one by one

An extremely terrifying space storm gushed out from the space crack.


Su Xuanji stepped forward.

The figure escaped directly into the space crack.

Completely leave the world from now on!

In an instant.

The torn space crack soon healed again.

in all directions,

No one was there.

There was no trace of any living beings to be found.

After Su Xuanji left.


The Ancient Sage Sect Master and Sunset Sect Master subconsciously wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads, their faces pale and bloodless, and they still could not control their trembling body.


"Just one look almost scared me to pee."

"This is the number one monster of the Big Dipper!"

Sunset Sect Master's lips trembled, and he said with lingering fears.

"Same feeling."

The ancient sage nodded in approval.

One look almost scared the shit out of him.

He had never been so embarrassed in his life.

"Old Sage, don't you think about revenge?"

At this time, the Sect Master Sunset asked with a strange expression.


The ancient sage leader was taken aback.


He quickly thought of it.

Just now, the three elders of the ancient sage religion Xianyi were killed in seconds.

Thinking of this, the ancient sage sect master felt panic in his heart.

After a pause, he shook his head bitterly and sighed: "Vengeance? If that person doesn't take the initiative to trouble our Ancient Sage Cult, I'm already burning high incense."

"How dare I avenge that monster? Isn't this too long?"

"To be honest, I still want to live a few more years, but I don't want to die so soon.

The words fall.

The Sect Master Sunset's eyes were lost for a while, and his voice was particularly emotional.

"After today, Xi Mo will usher in an unprecedented huge sensation. Today, Alan Temple has successively lost an Immortal Two Great Master and an Immortal Three Dao Slasher.


"Even the ancient holy soldiers of the town were directly destroyed by that person."

"The prestige of that person will surely shock the entire Western Desert!""

"Shocking the entire Western Desert Buddhism!"

"No one would have thought..."

"The arrogance of the world in a weak year will actually be so strong. I already have a hunch that what we have encountered today will spread out."

"It will surely overturn the entire Beidou!"


The ancient sage sect leader suddenly shook his head: "Not necessarily.

"How can I see it? 35

"If you didn't see it with your own eyes, would you really believe it, such a thing that subverts cognition?

The ancient sage sect master looked serious.

"Yeah, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, it would have been really hard for me to believe such a shocking event.35

The owner of Sunset Gate expressed his deep feelings.


What happens today will surely cause a huge shock unprecedented in the history of Buddhism in the entire Western Desert!

This point, both the Sunset Sect Master and the Ancient Sage Sect Master have already had a hunch in their hearts.

"We, are witnessing the birth of a legend! 35

"A legendary strong rise!

"There is no doubt that Su Xuanji, the son of the Su family, is a legend of the human race that is about to rise! A legend of a generation!

The ancient sage leader's tone was solemn.



The Master of Sunset Gate had a dry throat and a great shock in his heart.

Chapter 219 Where is Master Jialan? He actually died?! [Customize]

Thousands of miles away.

With the Buddha's light in the sky disappears.

The environment here is restored to its original appearance.

blue sky,

White clouds fluttered.

A golden scorching sun hangs on the horizon, emitting a warm halo that illuminates the earth,

Moisturize all things.

Like the ocean, the Buddha's light that illuminates the sky for thousands of miles has disappeared without a trace.

Together with that world-shattering holy prestige, the prestige of the ancient sage that swept the sky and covered thousands of miles, it also disappeared, and it no longer exists.

"Disappear, disappear?!"

"The ancient holy soldier has disappeared? Shengwei also disappeared.""

"what is happening?

"and also..."

"The breath of the Dao Slayer King also disappeared without a trace at the same time."

"The Buddha's light erupted by Master Jialan disappeared with it..."

The ancient Taoist traditions gathered from all sides are all looking in the same direction.


From that direction is coming from the infinite world-shaking holy majesty, making them tremble with fear and trembling.


It's just a blink of an eye before and after.

That shocking holy majesty dissipated bizarrely.

The world-shattering holy majesty, who is terrifying for thousands of miles and makes all living beings tremble, disappears strangely.

Even the aura of the Immortal Three Slashing Dao King evaporated with the world.

The dazzling Buddha light that illuminated thousands of miles in the sky has not left any trace.

The ancient temples of Buddhism in the Western Desert have shown a sense of shock and horror in their hearts.

They came up with an extremely surprising guess.

"You said.

"Could it be..."

"Someone forcibly defeated the ancient holy soldiers from the front! 35

"Killed a Dao Slayer King! Killed Master Jialan powerfully!

"That's what led to it.

"The power of the ancient holy soldier and the breath of the Dao Slayer King disappeared at the same time.

When the voice sounded in the crowd.

The atmosphere seemed deadly!


Everyone was shocked.

Under the world-shattering holy majesty just now, all the elders and disciples of the ancient Taoist lineage who were trying to gather together, all stagnated their progress.


Sanwei disappeared.

The surging momentum that suppressed their bodies no longer affected their ability to move.

"Is it possible?"

"Ancient Saint Soldier was defeated head-on? Dao Slayer King was killed head-on?"

"How could Master Jialan, who is holding the handed down holy soldier's heart-fired glass lamp, be killed from the front? 39

"Beidou, does such a terrifying existence really exist?"

An ancient existence from Ahan Temple was speaking with a trembling voice at the moment.


Even though he lived for thousands of years, he still couldn't believe it.

That is the king of slashing!

How terrifying power can a Dao Slasher holding an ancient holy soldier burst out?

I am afraid that the entire Western Desert is unmatched!

Can sweep most of the Big Dipper!

If the imperial army is out, who will fight?!


Is it such a terrifying existence that subverts cognition, was actually defeated from the front?

how can that be?!

Totally unrealistic!

"Perhaps there is something else hidden here."

"Let's stop guessing."

Elder Immortal Second Great Nengsu of Ahan Temple took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the strong sense of shock in his heart.

This guess is too scary.

Make him unbelievable.

Similarly, it also made it unacceptable for all Buddhist elders and disciples present.

"The grandfather is right."

"Now based on the current clues, we can't deduce the truth of the matter."

"The final answer will not be explored until we go to the scene ahead. 35

The rest of the elders agreed.

At this time.

A particularly ancient Buddhist elder suddenly spoke up: "You said, Master Jialan, who is holding the handed down holy soldier's heart-fire glazed lantern, can almost sweep the entire Western Desert!"9

"In this world, who else can defeat them in less than half an hour before and after? Even defeat them? Even defeat the ancient holy soldiers from the front?

The words fall.

Silence all over the place!


A group of Buddhist elders swallowed their saliva uncontrollably.

Who can do it?

They can't even think of it.

Totally unimaginable!


Simply subverting perception!

A Dao Slashing King is extremely terrifying. Looking at the Big Dipper, it can be said to be an invincible and powerful existence.

And a Dao Slashing King holding an ancient holy soldier, that is even stronger and unfathomable.

But right now.

Master Jialan, the slasher king who held the handed down holy soldier's heart-fired glass lantern, is suspected of being killed from the front!

How does this make them accept such shocking events?

"no, I can not.

"We must have guessed wrong."


"It was Master Jialan who held the ancient holy soldier and defeated and obliterated the enemy. Therefore, the holy power of the ancient holy soldier disappeared at the same time with the breath of the king of slashing.

A Buddhist elder shook his head frantically and began to explain one after another.

Despite their constant self-comfort, the deep horror and fear in their hearts have always been unstoppable, and they are rising steadily.

become more and more intense.

The Dao Slayer King holding the Ancient Saint Soldier is so powerful that it is extremely terrifying.

And the existence of being able to slay this kind of powerhouse...

What kind of terrifying monster is that?!

it goes without saying.


With horror, fear, shock and many other emotions in my heart,

Ancient Taoist traditions such as Ahan Temple, Hanging Temple, King Kong Temple and other Western Desert Buddhism, went to the front battlefield at the fastest speed to explore the ultimate truth and answer.


About a quarter of an hour passed.

Elders and disciples from ancient temples arrived at the scene one after another.


They saw the people who were still here, trembling with fear on their faces.

Among these people (good ones) are the elders of the Ancient Sacred Sect and the disciples of Sunset Gate.

And finally...

There are about a thousand elders and disciples in Alan Temple.


The ruined traces and landforms left on the site fell into the eyes of the ancient Taoists who came from all over the world with incomparable clarity.

riddled with holes,


The battlefield looked exceptionally dilapidated, dilapidated, and rotten.

It's like the rubble left behind by a world-shattering war.

There was a pungent dusty smell in the air.


"In the end what happened?"

"What about Master Jialan?"

An elder from the Hanging Temple couldn't help but asked in the direction of the crowd in Alan Temple.

The sound fell.

Dead silence.

Good half sound.

Only one elder of Alan Temple answered with a trembling voice: "Dead, dead!

The sound fell loudly.

The whole place was silent!

Chapter 220 Sensation! The ancient Taoism ushered in an unprecedented shock! [Customize]

Visible to the naked eye.

The ancient Taoist traditions, temples and other elders gathered from all parties felt an unprecedented sense of horror and shock.

They all widened their eyes in unison, and asked softly, "What's going on?!

what's the situation?!

Master Jialan, whose cultivation base reached the king of the three immortals, actually died?!


This is a Dao Slashing King standing on the top of the Big Dipper!


Isn't the other party still holding a handed down holy soldier heart fire glazed lantern?

how to die?

This is not normal!


Someone asked: "Master Jialan is not holding an ancient holy soldier? And the terrifying power of the ancient holy soldier broke out. Who can kill a Taoist king who is holding an ancient holy soldier from the front?!"

This is also the place where everyone is puzzled.

The shocking holy might that erupted just now made them remember deeply.

They still can't believe it.

How could a Dao Slayer King holding an ancient holy soldier be killed by others?

Who would believe this if it was spread?


The Jialan master of Alan Temple is famous and famous as early as a thousand years ago.

The ancient existence of this series, holding a handed down holy soldier, even if it is not good enough, and cannot be invincible to the entire Big Dipper, it should not be killed from the front.

But right now.

what on earth is it?!

Master Jialan actually died?

A king of beheading 033 with an ancient holy soldier was killed?

who is it?

Who can accomplish such a terrifying feat of subverting cognition?

Simply incredible!

"Patriarch Jialan he..."

"In the case of holding the ancient holy soldier, the ancient holy soldier was smashed from the front! Together with the projection of the ancient holy soldier, they were also killed and wiped out by everyone! 35

"In the end, Jialan Patriarch was killed by an instant kill on the spot."

"The body and spirit are destroyed.

"No bones left.

The elder of the Alan Temple who said these words was pale and almost bloodless, and there was a deep fear on his face that could not be contained.

until now.

He obviously couldn't get away from that fear.

What happened just now was deeply imprinted in his bones.

Let him never forget it.

This memory will stay with him forever!


When the voice of the elders of Alan Temple spread, there was an unprecedented sensational atmosphere on the spot.

"The ancient holy soldier was defeated on the spot from the front?!"


"Even the projection of the ancient sage dropped by the ancient sage was killed by someone from the front?!

"My God!"

"Should I be dreaming? How can such things that subvert cognition happen?"

"Master Jialan, who smashed the ancient saints from the front, destroyed the projections of the ancient saints, and killed the three kings of immortals?!


"What kind of terrifying existence is this?"

"In this world, how could there be such a level of power? 35

All the visitors of the ancient Taoist traditions were shocked.

They can't even dream of it.

The end result is this!

All of this completely overturned their cognition.

in their past impressions.

Shouldn't the Dao Slasher be invincible?

not to mention.

This is still the Dao Slashing King holding the Ancient Holy Soldier!

This is simply a powerful existence at the nightmare level of the ancient Taoist traditions of all parties.

But such a tyrannical existence...

Was actually bombarded from the front!

Together with the ancient holy soldiers were smashed.

Just ask.

What kind of monster is the opponent who does the above-mentioned shocking actions?

What kind of terrifying cultivation base and strength must be possessed to smash the ancient holy soldiers from the front?



The two great masters of Xian Er, who led the disciples from Ahan Temple, Xuankong Temple, and Jingang Temple, couldn't help swallowing their saliva, revealing the fear and shock in their hearts.

"Bad, incredible..."

"Even the ancient holy soldiers can't stop it!

"What kind of horror is this?"

They took a deep breath, and the shocking mood could not calm down for a long time.


Another person asked: "What is the sacred place you faced in this trip to Alan Temple? Why is it so powerful that it is beyond common sense? 35

Everyone was very curious about it.

Looking at the entire Beidou,

Who can be so powerful?

After thinking about it, they couldn't think of a reason.

The ultimate truth can only be known from the mouths of these elders and disciples of Alan Temple.


The elder of the Alan Temple had a dry throat and a look of horror on his face, and answered truthfully: "You must have no idea who this person is! Even we, if we hadn't witnessed it with our own eyes, would definitely not believe it.

(adaf) "Destroy the ancient holy soldiers from the front, and kill the people who killed the ancestors of Jialan..."

"He is actually the proud man of this era - Su Xuanji, the son of the Su family!

"Su Xuanji, known as the No. 1 evildoer in the Eastern Wilderness!

"it's him!"

"He destroyed the heart-fire glazed lantern of our Alan Temple from the front! And he killed the ancient sage projection! Finally, he killed our Alan Temple's Jialan Patriarch on the spot!"


The atmosphere became deadly again.


Weird atmosphere!

The elders and disciples from various ancient Taoist traditions, without exception, widened their eyes and pupils subconsciously after listening to the answers of the elders of Alan Temple.

Thick panic, shock, and unbelievable emotions flooded my heart.

For a moment.

Their bodies and minds were completely filled with terror and fear.

"You, what did you say?"

"It was Su Xuanji, the son of the Su family who defeated the ancient holy soldiers and killed Master Jialan in seconds?!

"How is this possible?! 35

"Aren't you crazy?

"Or did we hear it wrong?"

The two immortals of Ahan Temple, Hanging Temple, and King Kong Temple were deeply moved and humiliated.

Su Xuanji?

Isn't this the arrogance of the world's arrogance in the age of the weak?

Although they were far away in the Western Desert, in recent days, the prestige of the Su family godson was too prominent, and they naturally heard a little about it.

But now.

what did they hear?

A genius in the world, in a weak year, actually killed a Dao Slayer King?!

is it possible?


This is still the Dao Slashing King holding the Ancient Holy Soldier!

Will the arrogance of the world be so powerful?

Go crazy!

"If I remember correctly, Su Xuanji, the son of the Su family, seems to be in his twenties.

An elder of Ahan Temple spoke in a voice of fear.


All the disciples in the audience were deeply terrified and horrified.

Twenty-year-old pride of heaven...

Was it the culprit who killed the king of Xian San Zhan Dao?

Who can believe it?!

To know.

As the king of slashing the way, Master Jialan holds the heart-fire glazed lantern of the handed down holy soldier!

How could he be killed head-on by a young man in his twenties?

"Can anyone explain.

"what is happening?"

A group of Buddhist elders thoroughly doubted life.

"Can you kill a Dao Slayer King in your twenties? And you still kill a Dao Slayer King holding an ancient holy soldier?"

"Oh my God!"

"What kind of monster is this?"5

Under the terrified and shocked eyes of everyone.

The elders of Alan Temple pointed to the ancient holy religion and the Sunset Gate, and said bluntly: "You can ask them, they are also the witnesses of all this."

Look around.

The eyes of the ancient Taoist traditions from all sides gathered at the ancient holy religion and the Sunset Gate.


The ancient sage's throat was dry, he opened his mouth, and stated in a trembling voice: "It's true! The words of the master of Alan Temple are not false!

"It's the Su family god child who destroyed the ancient holy soldiers and killed the Jialan master!"

The sound wanders and diffuses,

Drifting around.

So far.

The deadly atmosphere of the scene was completely detonated!

Here comes an unprecedented sensation!

The ancient Taoist traditions of all parties who just came to the scene were set off by an unprecedented huge shock!