
just for meSign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning)

Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasy
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77 Chs

201 to 210

Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil 201

Chapter 201 The power of terror! A blow to destroy the world! [Customize]

The terrifying aura of the Dao Slayer King,

across the sky,

Shake the universe.

Infinite mighty force erupted, and the heaven and earth space here trembled and cracked.

A terrifying Buddha's giant palm that stretches for hundreds of miles, as if descending from the Nine Heavens, descends with the power to destroy all matter in the world.

The golden Buddha light is wrapped in the golden Buddha palm.

A series of mysterious golden Buddhist inscriptions gathered in the palms of their hands, exuding an incomparably terrifying ancient atmosphere.

like a storm is coming,



The momentum of this force swept across tens of thousands of miles.

within this area.

The Ancient Sage Sect Master and the Sunset Sect Master were all trembling, with panic and anxiety on their faces, their whole bodies trembling violently, and the fear in their hearts was magnified infinitely.

Looked up.

They stared blankly in horror.

That terrifying Buddha palm fell from the sky.

The golden light is extremely dazzling.

Shine in the sky.

The breath of stalwart power descends upon the mortal world.

"What kind of terrifying power is this?"

"Is this the ancient existence of the Dao Slashing King series?"5

"One blow is enough to shatter the sky!"

"It seems that even the entire Western Desert may be forcibly sunk by this slap."

"too strong!"

"A monk of the level of the king of Xiansan Slashing Dao is more than tens of thousands of times stronger than Xian Er's great power."

"Under such terrifying power, we are as fragile as ants.

The two of them were hairy and shuddered.

Their lips trembled, their faces pale and almost bloodless.

Even the ancient sage sect master, who is a half-step powerful, can only feel his own fragility from this power, which is as insignificant as an ant.

this moment.

Facing the giant palm of the Buddha that covered the sky and the sun, they deeply realized it.

What is the king of the three immortals slashing the Tao...

No wonder!

The ancient existence of the Dao Slashing King series can shock countless ancient Dao lineages alone.

A Dao Slashing King with such terrifying strength, of course, can shock countless Dao lineage families.

"Under this power, even Immortal Second Great Master will be instantly annihilated and killed. 99

"No way to fight back!"

"There is a huge gap between Immortal Two Great Master and Immortal Three Kings."

"Master Jialan is tens of thousands of times stronger than Master Kasyapa."

"Such a terrifying force is aimed at the Su family's son. If there is no accident, the Su family's son will die without life, and there is no possibility of confrontation.

"A world arrogant, any blow that can resist the full force of the Dao Slayer King?"

"The son of the Su family is in danger!"


The ancient sage sect master and the master of the sunset gate made such comments.

from their perspective.

This terrifying mighty power that was enough to sink the West Desert was naturally not something that a genius in the world could try to shake.

Not to mention the arrogance of the world.

Even if it is placed in those ancient beings of the older generation, there are absolutely few that can block such a terrifying Buddha's giant palm.

at the same time.

The elders and disciples of the Ancient Sage Sect and Sunset Sect were all terrified.

They looked up at the sky full of fear and powerlessness.

staring blankly,

That terrifying giant palm that was comparable to the landing of a Buddha completely obscured the sky, and the golden Buddha's light was imprinted in all directions, descending with an incomparably sacred and stalwart power aura.

"Okay, so scary!"

"What terrifying existence is this?"

"This force is too strong."

"Is there really anyone in this world who can stop such a terrifying force?"


"Is this the power of Master Jialan, the strongest person in Alan Temple? It's outrageous.

"In front of this kind of power, we are all ants.

Lots of talk.

The voice full of fear lingered and spread in all directions.

the other side.

As one of Western Desert Buddhism, Alan Temple, including the elders and disciples in the sect, all showed shocked expressions, staring at the Buddha palm that covered the sky and the sun.


They all swallowed involuntarily.

"So strong!""

"Extremely strong!"

"Is this the strength of the Jialan Patriarch? My God.

"Patriarch Jalan is as strong as a living Buddha.

"This kind of terrifying power comes to the world, and it is completely enough to crush all living beings in the world."

"All beings are under this terrible power, but they are just ants that will be destroyed at any time."

"The Su family god child is finished! 99

0... ask for flowers...

"It angered Patriarch Jia Lan to go all out. He is only the first arrogant in the Eastern Wilderness. How can he block the full blow of a Dao Slayer King?"

"Patriarch Kasyapa can rest his eyes.""


After a brief shock, a Buddhist elder and disciple felt incomparably excited and excited.

Look around.

they looked at,

At this moment, in the center of the Buddha's giant palm, that young figure in white.


There was a deep sense of pity and schadenfreude in their eyes.


from their perspective.

Su Xuanji is over!

When the gods come, they are dead and alive!

In the face of the full blow of a Dao Slayer King, how can a current Tianjiao block him?



Thinking of this, everyone present almost expected it.


The tragic scene of the Su family godson being slapped to death on the spot.

at this time.

Located in the area directly under the Buddha's giant palm.

The boundless terrifying mighty force descended, and even the surrounding space was squeezing and twisting forcibly, as if it would collapse and collapse at any time.



The space trembled and buzzed wildly.

One after another violent air flow erupted, sweeping across all areas.

Su Xuanji is located here, quietly watching the Buddha's giant palm that is about to land.

from start to finish,

He kept his expression indifferent.



He didn't take this huge Buddha's palm that covered the sky and sun to his heart at all.

Calm as always.

It was as if the sky was falling, and it couldn't cause his emotional ups and downs.


Su Xuanji was expressionless.

In the face of this huge Buddha's palm, he only had a simple movement that was very common.


Slowly raise your right arm.

The palm is facing the sky, and the front is aimed at the huge Buddha palm that covers the sky and the sun.

By contrast.

Not to mention Su Xuanji's palm, even including the size of his body, compared to the giant Buddha's palm that fell from the sky, it was as small as an ant.

The body is amazingly huge! 5.

Chapter 202 Take it with 1 hand! Dao Slashing King? The result is this? [Customize]


The giant palm is getting closer.

Su Xuanji kept raising his right arm, palm facing the place where Buddha's giant palm fell.

There is no second action throughout!


He just kept this simple action and stood there quietly, motionless.

All over, spotless.

But it also did not emit any breath power.

It is like a common man without any power, and it is impossible to feel from him, any force that pulls to achieve resonance.

When the Buddha's giant palm fell.

The space was forcibly squeezed and shattered, and the bursts of air that exploded were extremely tearing.

The air blows the dust on this side of the ground.

a time.

The smoke and dust billowed up, and the curling dust drifted in all directions.


The entire land was forcibly depressed by the terrifying air pressure.

The power of the Buddha's giant palm is too terrifying.

The air pressure between "zero and three zero" caused by the blasting air flow is enough to cause the depression and collapse of the area thousands of miles in a radius, and the collective collapse to a depth of hundreds of meters below.


This power is terrifying!

As if to destroy the world,


And when he saw Su Xuanji's whole move, Jialan, who was standing in the sky above the sky, couldn't help showing a bit of surprise.


"You actually tried to block Lao Na's full blow from the front with just one hand? 99

Seeing this, Jialan's eyes were full of weirdness and mockery.

Block the full blow of the Dao Slashing King with one hand?

What is this kidding?

Isn't this kid afraid of losing his mind?




Simply stupid!

"The old man is a dignified immortal, and he is the leader of the three Dao Slayer Kings."


"Faced with Lao Na's full-strength blow, this child actually wants to use one hand to intercept and block? He didn't even break out any unique tricks in the whole process?""

"Is this giving up resistance?"

"Knowing that the gap in strength is too great, but voluntarily give up struggle and resistance? Are you ready to seek death?"

This is the only conclusion that Jialan can think of that is close to reality.

after all.

In his opinion.

With his cultivation base of the Immortal Three Slaying Dao King, facing a current Tianjiao, he himself is bullying the small by the big.

No matter how terrifyingly shocking talent the other party has...

In the eyes of Jialan.

The other party is vulnerable as insignificant as ants.

Tianjiao who has not grown up is only Tianjiao after all.

not the strong one!

If you are not strong, you are not qualified to make Jialan pay attention.

"The devil, it's time for you to enter reincarnation.

Jia Lan's face returned to indifference.

Su Xuanji's behavior...

It fell into the eyes of everyone around him very clearly.

The Ancient Sage Sect Master and Sunset Gate Master were shocked.


They sighed sadly: "It can be seen that the Su family godson has given up resistance. Obviously, he has also understood the disparity in strength between the two sides, and any resistance is just a meaningless struggle to the death."5

Trying to block the full blow of the Dao Slashing King with one hand?

What a joke!

Not to mention the full-strength strike of the Dao Slashing King, even if it is a casual strike of the king, it is definitely not something that Immortal Second Great Master can block.

Not to mention.

Son of Su family...

After all, he is just a genius in the world who has not yet grown up.

"The Su family god child is finished."

The elders and disciples of the Ancient Sage Sect and Sunset Gate all had the same thoughts.

The elders and disciples of the Buddhist Alan Temple seemed ecstatic.

"Under the terrifying power of the Jialan Patriarch, the Su family's son has obviously given up his resistance.

"He made the right choice.

"Because whether he resists or not, the final outcome is already doomed.

"He will die!"

"Death without a corpse!

"I was slapped to death on the spot by Patriarch Jialan, and in the end, both body and spirit were destroyed.

"This is his only end."

"So, whether he resists or not, it will not affect his fate."

The elders and disciples of Alan Temple thought to themselves.


The Buddha's giant palm finally fell.

with infinite power,

The power to destroy the world, hit the spot where Su Xuanji was.

The area of ​​hundreds of miles around was covered by this Buddha palm that covered the sky and the sun.

This power is enough to destroy everything in the world.

Destroy all matter!

The moment when infinite power erupts.

Shake the earth!

The sky is shattered!


A loud bang sounded like thunder.


resounded through the sky.

The entire sky seemed to be torn apart.

The voice reverberated rapidly and spread thousands of miles away.

Immediately after.

An unparalleled amount of violent violence erupted, almost wanting to penetrate the earth, destroying all beings and beings in the area of ​​thousands of miles, and turning this place into a barren ruin.

Like an extraterrestrial meteorite, it landed on the earth at an extremely terrifying speed.

The terrifying impact caused by that moment was simply terrifying. . . .

The destructive power is enough to shake the universe!

All eyes are gathered here.

Everyone looked expectantly.

What kind of terrifying destructive power would the full blow of the Dao Slashing King cause.

As for Su Xuanji?

were subconsciously ignored by them.

They don't think so.

Under the impact of such a terrifying force.

Any living thing can survive from it.

This is absolutely impossible!


Just in plain sight.

The world-shattering power they expected, except for the air current that burst out at the first moment, there was no second wave of shock waves.



When the Buddha palm that covered the sky fell, except for the first wave of power that shook the sky, the rest of the power seemed to be swallowed up.

Weirdly disappeared...


All the power has disappeared.

A wave of air flow swept up the dust on the ground, and the smoke and dust rose up.

The scene looked very strange.

The huge palm that originally accompanied the incomparably bright golden Buddha light has also disappeared without a trace.

The terrifying force that exploded should logically cause extremely terrifying destructive power, and even forcefully smashed the territory of thousands of miles into pieces.

But right now.

After this force broke out, it could only cause weak turmoil in the area of ​​hundreds of miles.


There will be no sequel.

The power of terror seems to have evaporated from the world.

disappeared without a sound.

Weird atmosphere!

The whole place was silent!


The dust in the sky danced.



As the smoke and dust spread out.

A pair of amazed eyes can be seen.

Located in the central area where the Buddha's giant palm landed…

Standing there was a spotless young figure in white clothes.

from start to finish.

stand here!

Never wavered!

Not even a single step was moved.

This scene, incomparably clearly fell into the eyes of everyone from all over the world.

at the same time,

In an instant, unprecedented shock, shock, panic, disbelief and other emotional waves were set off in their hearts, and violent ups and downs and turmoil were like a storm.

Before they could speak.

next second.

A dull voice sounded slowly, breaking the strange and quiet atmosphere in this area.

"The full blow of the Dao Slayer King?"

"This is the result?"

Chapter 203 Crazy! Isn't this really a dream? [Customize]


Weird atmosphere!

The audience was silent!

no sound...

The wind blows.

The dust rose in the sky, and the scattered dust gradually brought out the stalwart figure in the center of the battlefield, which was extraordinary.

All eyes are on!

A white dress, peerless style!

Even though the sand and stones were flying all over the sky, it still couldn't be stained on the body of this young man in white, and it remained spotless as always.


Great shore!



all around.

broken earth,

The ground that had endured some kind of extremely terrifying force collapsed and smashed into one after another hideous cracks, and the area for thousands of miles seemed to have fallen to a depth of hundreds of meters.

The ground is riddled with holes.

This is the destructive power caused by Dao Slashing King.

However, this is by no means the limit of the Dao Slashing King's all-out strike.


Just as the Dao Slashing King's full-strength strike was about to burst out 03's more terrifying power, when he was about to destroy the sky and the earth, this power was suddenly swallowed up without warning.

disappeared without a trace.

The world evaporated in an instant.

This also leads to.

The current broken environment around is just the messy ruins caused by the first wave of the power of the Dao Slashing King's all-out attack.

In fact.

The destructive power that the Dao Slayer King's full-strength blow can cause is far more tragic and countless times more tragic than the current mess.

It can even shake most of the Western Desert by force!

Swept across tens of thousands of miles of territory.

But it was such a terrifying Dao Slashing King's all-out blow, but it was eroded by a more terrifying and strange force, and it finally disappeared without any signs.



No one can imagine...

The full blow of the dignified Immortal Three Dao Slashing King would actually end in this way.

It's unbelievable.

The terrifying power that I thought could destroy the sky and destroy the earth, but in the end, it was completely eroded by a more terrifying power and swallowed it up.

Disappeared completely.

No trace remains.

In the center of the broken main battlefield on this side.

The young figure in white clothes was particularly eye-catching and dazzling at this moment.

It is out of tune with the surrounding broken environment.

The earth is riddled with holes,


Only this white-clothed figure was in the same place, and his whole body was unscathed. Even the white-clothed figure was not even stained with dust.

As if not belonging to the mundane world.

And like a banished immortal descended from the sky.

Beyond the mundane world,

Incredibly majestic.

All the astonished, shocked, and horrified eyes were all fixed on the young figure in white, and they could no longer take their eyes off it.


From the crowd, there was the sound of people swallowing saliva.

At this moment.

Even as a half-step mighty Ancient Sage Sect Master, he felt an unparalleled sense of astonishment from the bottom of his heart.

The dignified and half-step powerful cultivator was stunned by the scene in front of him on the spot.

"Me, my God!"

"What did I see?"

"Isn't this really a dream?"

The Old Sage Sect Master couldn't help shivering all over his body, his lips trembled, his eyes were wide and round, and his face was completely unable to hide the thick horror.

As the current leader of the ancient Taoist tradition, which has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, he has experienced countless big scenes.

Rao is so,

He was still stunned by the scene in front of him.

at the same time.

There is also the Sect Master Sunset next to him, as a cultivator who is infinitely close to a half-step almighty, he is also dumbfounded, his face is pale and almost bloodless.

"A hallucination? 35

The Sunset Sect Master's throat was dry, he opened his mouth subconsciously, and was speechless for a while.

in all directions,

Thousands of people, including the elders of the Ancient Sacred Sect and the disciples of the Sunset Sect, were all without exception, showing an almost unanimous sense of shock.

Just now...

In the end what happened?

"I must be dreaming!

One after another, the elders and disciples were full of panic and gaffe.

The dust is slowly falling from the sky,

The atmosphere was still so deadly.

Gu Shengjiao advocated opening his mouth, his tone full of fear and shock: "Have you seen it? The huge Buddha's palm that was enough to destroy the world just now.

"The giant palm of the Buddha that contains the full blow of the Daoist King...

"But at that very moment.

"Actually, it was blocked!"

"You tell me, it's all just an illusion. 35

The words fall.

The whole place was still silent.

"You read that right, I saw it too.

"The full blow of the Dao Slayer King..."

"It was taken with one hand!"

"The giant Buddha's palm that covered the sky was completely devoured by some more terrifying and bizarre power, and the world instantly evaporated.

The voice of the Sunset Sect Master trembled.

The ancient sage was shocked.

It's not an illusion!


That is a king of immortal three slashing Tao!

A supreme existence that truly stands on the top of the Big Dipper.

How could the full blow of a terrorist existence of this level be blocked by someone?

How could it possibly be picked up by someone with one hand?

Is this really possible?

The most terrifying place is at 030...

The power that erupted after the huge Buddha's palm that covered the sky fell, was forcibly dissolved and swallowed up by some more terrifying power.

What concept is this?!

Simply incredible!


Subvert cognition!


"I must be crazy!"

"The supreme forbidden powerhouse, the King of the Immortal Three Slashing Dao, can't kill a current Tianjiao with a single blow? On the contrary, he was blocked by a current Tianjiao in the weak crown year with only one hand.

"What exactly is this?

"Can someone explain."

"The one who blocked the full blow of the king of the three immortals, turned out to be a proud man in the age of the weakest in the world?! 35

"This is impossible!

The ancient sage is going crazy.

The facts of what happened now made him almost doubt his life on the spot.

Can't even imagine dreaming.

A genius of the world, who is not yet the age of the weak, not yet a hundred years old,

It actually blocked the full blow of a Dao Slayer King from the front?

And one-handed!

Block the Dao Slashing King's full blow with one hand!

what does that mean?

If this news spreads out, I am afraid that it can completely detonate the entire Beidou.

Make the Big Dipper trillions of monks crazy.

All this is too incredible.

Chapter 204 The audience is sensational! Let the entire Buddhist community doubt life! [Customize]

"Shouldn't the Dao Slayer King of Sendai Triple Heaven be able to overwhelm an era?"

"Each of the ancient existences of this series is an ancestor who is enough to guard an ancient Taoism. How can such a powerful invincible powerhouse be blocked with one hand?"

"The scary thing is..."

"The one who blocked this blow was Su Xuanji, the son of the Su family!

"The first day of the Eastern Wilderness in a year of weakness.

"This this!"

The Sect Master of Sunset has completely lost his temper.

To know.

This may be able to overwhelm the Dao Slashing King of an era!

How could he be blocked from the front by a current genius?

This is totally unreasonable!


Just now, Master Jialan, the king of the Immortal Three Slashing Dao, was about to strike with all his strength.

The moment of the Sunset Gate Master.

I just felt an unprecedented sense of vulnerability and insignificance.

Under the full blow of the Dao Slashing King, he was as weak as an ant.


But it was the extremely terrifying power that was created in his heart, as humble as an ant.

However, it was intercepted and resolved by the one-handed frontal interception of the proud son of a weak crown year.


Unscathed from start to finish!

How can he accept this?

He has lived for thousands of years, and it is the first time that he has seen such a horrific scene that completely subverts cognition.

Sunset Gatekeeper can be sure.

If you let him face the buddha palm that covers the sky and the sun.

His end is bound to be a dead end.

will be wiped out and executed on the spot.

Just ask.

How could this make him believe that Tianjiao, who was in his weak crown, actually blocked this terrifying power from the front?

Even if you see it with your own eyes,

Still unbelievable.

"Are all the proud sons of the sky so monstrous? 35

The Sunset Doormaster's lips trembled.

With frightened, shocked, and fearful eyes, he looked at the young figure in white in the main battlefield ahead.

This result...

Completely subverted the expectations of everyone present.

Everyone thinks.

The full blow of the king of Xian San Zhan Dao can easily kill Su Xuanji, the son of the Su family.


When the result appeared, it made all of them in the audience could not help but doubt their life.

Who can imagine.

The arrogance of the world in the weak crown year, is facing a king who has lived for thousands of years?

Not even falling behind!

Under the full blow of the Dao Slayer King,

Still unscathed!

To be able to do this is enough to show everything.

"God Son of the Su Family..."

"What kind of monster is he? 55

The hands and feet of the ancient sage sect were cold.

To be able to block the Dao Slashing King with all his might, block it with one hand, and be completely unscathed, what kind of terrifying cultivation and strength is required?

The more the ancient sage sect master thought about it, the more his heart skipped a beat.

He stared blankly at Su Xuanji, who was in the center of the battlefield.

see clearly,

The white clothes on the latter's body, under the full blow of the Dao Slashing King, even the clothes were not broken in the slightest, and the dust that was rolling and rising could not stain his body.


too strong!

Just as strong as a monster!


This is definitely the most subversive horror scene that the ancient sage sect master has seen in his life for most of his life.

A current Tianjiao beat the Daoist King head-on and was unscathed!

"Even when the Great Emperor was young, it wasn't so scary, right?"

The body of the ancient saint sect leader trembled violently.

How strong was the all-out blow of the Dao Slayer King just now?

He was on the scene, of course he knew this.

That power is enough to shatter thousands of miles of territory!

It's utterly devastating!

It can even shake half of the Western Desert!

But such a powerful force was actually blocked by one hand.

Moreover, what blocked this power was a genius of the age of the weakest.

Use only one hand!

Not only did it block the full-strength attack of the Dao Slayer King, but it even completely devoured the terrifying power that erupted from the Dao Slasher's full-strength attack.

resulting in.

The power that destroys the sky and destroys the earth can only break out the first wave of shocks, and there is no subsequent destructive power.

What kind of terror is this?

at the same time.

There was a brief silence at the scene.


The atmosphere was fully detonated!


The elders of the Ancient Sage Sect, the disciples of the Sunset Sect, and thousands of people all showed their horror in their hearts.

"Oh my god!""

"The full blow of the Dao Slayer King was actually blocked by someone."

"Can you believe this?"

"The scary thing is, have you noticed? It's still blocked by one hand. 35


"What kind of terrifying cultivation and strength do you need to be able to block the Dao Slashing King's full blow with one hand?

Everyone was shocked.

silent atmosphere,

An unprecedented huge sensation!

"'々 Crazy!"

"Just crazy!

"Have you forgotten? The one who blocked the full blow of the Dao Slashing King was the Su family godson! And how old is the Su family godson?

"But the year of the weak crown!"

"That is to say.

"The son of the Su family, in his weak years, smashed a Dao Slayer King head-on and was unscathed."5

"Oh my God!"

"Isn't this really a dream?"

"A world arrogant who is actually powerful enough to challenge the king of the three immortal slashes head-on, what kind of monster talent is this?

"Can you beat the Daoist King in your twenties? This move is probably the only record that can be created in the history of the human race! Unprecedented!

"Even when the Great Emperor was young, he would never be able to set such a shocking and terrifying record!


Everyone on the scene went crazy.

at this time.

The elders and disciples of the Buddhist Alan Temple, the smiles that remained on their faces suddenly stopped (good), and the smiles on their faces became extraordinarily stiff.


A group of Buddhist elders widened their eyes and exclaimed in horror and gaffe.


"how is this possible?

"How could Patriarch Jialan's full-strength strike, the full-strength strike of a Dao Slayer King, be blocked by the arrogance of the world in a weak crown year?

"It's impossible!"

"Even if the talent is terrifying, it's impossible for a talented person to have the strength and capital to challenge the king of the Dao from the front at such an age, right? 39

"But what I'm seeing, what is going on here? 99

The worldview of a group of Buddhist elders collapsed.

Even the Buddhist disciples present showed the deep fear and shock in their hearts.

"Only one-handed..."

"It was unscathed and blocked the full blow of Patriarch Jialan!

"What kind of monster is this?!

The audience shook! Only.

Chapter 205 The King of Dao Slashing? That's it? [Customize]

How strong is the king of Xian San Zhan Dao?

Movement destroys the world!

Can easily destroy the territory of thousands of miles,

Destroy trillions of creatures!

And the full-strength strike of the Dao Slayer King can naturally easily destroy the area of ​​tens of thousands of miles, leaving no grass within the area of ​​​​the radius of 10,000 miles.

But just now.

The power of the Dao Slashing King's full-strength blow was unexpectedly devoured.

The remaining power did not cause a second round of impact and damage to the scene.

The root of all this...

Naturally, it was because of the figure in white standing in the center of the battlefield.

At this moment.

Su Xuanji, everyone is watching!

Pairs of eyes full of fear, shock, astonishment, and disbelief all converged here.

The full blow of the Dao Slayer King made all living beings in a radius of ten thousand miles feel desperate and powerless.

Including the ancient sage sect master in the half-step mighty realm, he also felt his own fragility and insignificance without exception.

For them.

The blow that destroyed the sky just now was as if the sky had collapsed.

That feeling of oppression has made them unable to forget until now.

But such a powerful blow,

Blocked with one hand!

030 The arrogance of the world in a weak crown year can resolve this destructive power with only one hand.

this moment.

Everyone doubts life.

Together with the eruption of all the power, Jialan, who performed a devastating blow, stood in the sky above the sky at this moment, and also showed a shocked look.

"how is this possible?!

"Old Na made a full blow, but was blocked by one hand?"

Jialan was terrified and shocked.

He was terrified.


For the current result, he also never dreamed of it.

Who is he?

He is the strongest in Alan Temple!

The leader of the three immortal kings of slashing the road.

But it was a powerful being like him, and the blow that erupted with all his might was actually blocked by someone so easily resolved?

What is this concept?


Rao is Jialan, who has lived for thousands of years, and is completely frightened by what is happening now.


What scares Jialan the most is...

The opponent not only blocked his full blow.


It seems that he has devoured all the power of his full (adaf) attack, and as a result, that majestic power cannot cause too much damage to the surrounding environment.

What kind of terror is this?


Jialan's throat was dry, and he couldn't help swallowing saliva.

His face became pale and frightened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He was still aloof from his original posture...

For a moment.

His gesture changed to extreme panic.

"In this world, even if there really is a strong man who can block Lao Na's full blow with one hand, he can never be a young man in his weakest age!"

"What exactly is going on?

"How can a young man under the age of 100 be able to block the full blow of my dignified Dao Slayer King?!

"I must be crazy."

Jialan almost couldn't help but doubt life.

He is a dignified immortal, the king of the three slashes...

Even a hairy boy in his weak crown can't do anything?

Who can believe this?

His full blow was blocked by a hairy boy with one hand.

All of this made Jialan unacceptable.

His worldview is about to collapse completely.

"The old man is a dignified slasher!

Jialan stared at Su Xuanji below with a look of horror.

At this moment.

He is no longer as high as he was just now, instead he is full of madness.

He was regarded as a tiny existence like an ant.

But he blocked his full blow unscathed.

Mind broke!

Jialan's Dao Heart has been turbulent and damaged like never before.

He had thought about it.

With his strength, even if he doesn't stand at the top of the Big Dipper, he definitely doesn't belong to the weak.

There will never be more than one hand in this world that can rival him.



He saw it with his own eyes and experienced it himself.

An existence that can stand up to him!

And he's still a genius in the world.


The mentality of Buddhist elders and disciples collapsed.

They looked at Su Xuanji with fearful faces, then turned and raised their heads to look in Jalan's direction.

Even the Dao Slashing King can't help each other.

What else can I do?

"I finally understand now."


"Patriarch Kasyapa will be instantly killed by a face-to-face.

A Buddhist disciple spoke in a trembling voice of fear.

A terrifying monster that even the Dao Slayer King can't do anything about, how could the Immortal Second Great Master be able to deal with it?

Kasyapa will be killed instantly.

By now, that's a normal thing to do.

In the minds of their group of Buddhist disciples.

Jialan is one of the strongest in the Big Dipper.

But the current scene has subverted their previous perceptions of it.

turn out to be.

Even if he is as strong as Jialan Patriarch, there are times when he is so powerless.

The King of Immortal Three Slashing Dao is not invincible either.

At least.

The current Tianjiao of a weak crown in front of him has the strength and capital to shake the king of slashing from the front.

"You said."

'Su Xuanji, the son of the Su family, what kind of realm is he?"

"Do you rely on that treasure to block the full blow of Patriarch Jialan with one hand from the front? 35

"That's right! 39

"It must have relied on external forces."

"He's only in the weaker years, how could he rely on his own strength to smash Patriarch Jialan's full blow with one hand from the front?!

"No way!"

Only this kind of thought can make the hearts of this group of Buddhist disciples whose worldviews have been overturned feel better.

They can only soothe themselves.

The center of the battlefield.


Dust fell from the sky.

Just when the dust was about to touch Su Xuanji's clothes, it was squeezed and divided into particles by some extremely terrifying supreme force and disappeared without a trace.

The space surrounding Su Xuanji's body was trembling and twisting faintly, and even the light that penetrated it would be forcibly shredded and destroyed by this terrifying force.

Twisting his arms, Su Xuanji clapped his hands.

Looked up.

He looked at Jialan calmly, and the corners of his mouth moved slightly: "King of Dao Slashing? That's all?""

The voice fell slowly.


The whole place is silent!


No one dared to break the eerie atmosphere here without authorization.

All eyes were on Su Xuanji.

Chapter 206 Shocked! The king loses his temper! The ancient saints are here! [Customize]

this moment.

The eyes that gathered on Su Xuanji became completely different from before.


All the gathered eyes were filled with deep pity and schadenfreude.

And this moment.

After Su Xuanji blocked the all-out blow of the Dao Slayer with one hand, and was unscathed from start to finish, everyone present immediately realized it.

Su Xuanji, who looks young...

What a terrifying existence the other party is!

So far.

The way they looked at Su Xuanji naturally changed dramatically.

in awe!




Including the elders and disciples of the Buddhist Alan Temple, they looked at Su Xuanji and couldn't hide the strong panic-color.

Disciples of the Ancient Sacred Sect and Sunset Gate, they looked at Su Xuanji with very pure eyes.

In addition to shock, that is the deep worship and awe.

For a terrifying being so powerful...

Most monks would be in awe from the bottom of their hearts.

"Too strong! 35

"This is the number one evildoer in the East Desert! 95

"Only one person, dare to challenge a king of immortals and three slashes!"

"Looking at the entire Beidou, who can be compared with this monster?"

"In this era, is there really any Tianjiao who can compare with the Su family godson?

"This is a monster that can smash the Daoist King!

"Let's not talk about this era, even if we look at the previous era, is there really someone who can compare with the Su family god child? It doesn't exist, this kind of monster is the only one!


All the monks present were amazed.

They thought they were going to die.

The other party not only did not die, but also survived unscathed.


Then the situation becomes complicated.

The King of Dao Slashing could not kill Su Xuanji, the son of the Su family, with all his might.



What about the Jialan master from Alan Temple?

"Wait for today's news to get out. 35

"It is bound to cause a huge sensation in the entire Beidou! 39

"Who dares to believe a current Tianjiao who can challenge the Daoist King head-on?

"The Su family god child is too scary."

"This kind of monster is rare in the history of the human race for millions of years!"

"Even when the emperor was young, it was definitely far inferior in comparison.

"The Su family god child, can be called the most terrifying monster in the history of Beidou!

The ancient sage and the master of the Sunset Gate said so in their hearts.

Depressed atmosphere.

It was soon broken again.

It's Kalan!

Jalan, standing in the sky, is still bathed in the golden divine Buddha light, and incomparably mysterious golden Buddhist texts are flying all over the body.

Buddha's light is like the sea...

Print photos in the sky!


He exhaled heavily, Jialan forcibly suppressed the horror and shock in his heart, his eyes fixed on Su Xuanji below, and his expression became extraordinarily serious and cautious.

After the full blow was blocked with one hand, he had to work hard to deal with the next thing.

"Do you think…."

"If you block Lao Na's full-strength blow, will Lao Na have nothing to do with you?"

"You are too underestimated by the old man."

"I underestimate the Alan Temple behind Lao Na too!"

"This is the Western Desert! The place of Buddhism!

"And the Alan Temple behind Lao Na is an ancient Taoism that has been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years!

"How could it not have a little bit of background?

Jialan's voice was cold.


Murderous ups and downs.

The voice spread loudly.

Silent everywhere!

No sound.

Everyone could only raise their heads and stare blankly at Jialan's stalwart figure.

After listening to Jialan's words, the Ancient Sage Sect Master and the Sunset Sect Master both shrank their pupils and were shocked.

"Could it be..."

"Master Jialan still has a hole card?!"

The two of them looked at each other and felt deeply terrified.

Can be regarded as a trump card by a king of three immortals

What a horrible thing that is?!

Totally unimaginable!

in the eyes of the crowd.


only saw.

Jialan waved his right hand and took out a lamp.

A quaint bronze oil lamp full of Dao rhythm, with incomparably mysterious lines on the outside, dazzling, with a unique Dao verve.

A faint wisp of breath emanating from the bronze oil lamp...

It is the aura that surpasses the king of the three immortal slashers!

Although extremely weak.

However, this breath is indeed the breath above the Dao Slashing King!

Above the Dao Slashing King...

What realm is that?

It's a forbidden area!

The realm of ancient saints!

That is to say.

The bronze oil lamp that Jialan was holding at the moment was actually an utensil related to the Old Sage.

Bronze oil lamps related to saints!

Contaminated with the breath of a saint...

It is countless times more terrifying than the Dao Slashing King.

After Jialan took out the bronze oil lamp, the surrounding space seemed to be forcibly twisted and squeezed by a wisp of air emitted by the oil lamp, and it seemed that it was about to collapse and shatter at any time.

This is an extremely terrifying power.

The supreme power that cannot even be accommodated in this space of heaven and earth.

Extremely tyrannical!


An incomparably ancient and majestic aura slowly emanated from the bronze oil lamp, and swept across the area for thousands of miles in an instant.

all beings...

All were enveloped in this ancient aura.

A faint wisp of holy prestige emanated.

All creatures shivered without exception.


Countless creatures knelt down and surrendered, shaking their heads.

A radius of thousands of miles, living beings worship!

Everything is silent!

This is Sanwei!

A real ray of holy majesty!

To know.

A strand of the saint's hair...

You can annihilate and kill a king of beheading!

As you can imagine.

How terrifying is a ray of holy power.

"This, this is..."

"The power of a saint?!"

"how is this possible?!

"Doesn't that mean.""

"The utensil that Master Jialan took out is actually the weapon of the ancient saint?

"Ancient Saint Soldier?!


The ancient sage sect master and the sunset gate master were full of horror and gaffe.

Feeling that terrifying holy power, the two of them couldn't help kneeling down and trembling, completely unable to control the fear in their hearts.

trembling all over,


The two powerful cultivators of the sect master and the sect master series could only shiver under this wisp of holy might.

They obviously never expected...

Master Jialan in the realm of the king of slashing the way actually sacrificed the ancient holy soldier!

This is a saint weapon!

Power is terrifying!

A wisp of the power of a saint can easily kill the Daoist King.

Once the Ancient Sacred Armament is fully activated, it is enough to turn the Dao Slayer King into scum in an instant!

This is the terrifying part of the Ancient Saint Soldier.

Anything that can be related to the ancient sages is naturally absolutely extraordinary.

There are many more rumors.

under the saint...

All are ants! Five.

Chapter 207 Crazy! Like a living immortal Buddha! The world shattering holy might explode! [Customiz

The Ancient Saint Soldier is born!

A ray of saintly might enveloped the four directions.

Swept across thousands of miles.

The unparalleled holy power caused the tremors and panic of trillions of creatures.

This is an aura that completely surpasses that of the Dao Slashing King.


Even a trivial wisp of holy might is enough to easily kill a Dao Slayer King.

As you can imagine.

How terrifying the ancient saints are.

And how terrifying power can an ancient holy soldier burst out.

Simply destructive!

Movement destroys the world!

Relentless and endless holy majesty emanates from bronze oil lamps.

no doubt...

This is a genuine ancient saint soldier!

A weapon with the might of an ancient saint.

The weapons built by the ancient sages are terrifyingly powerful.

Infinite holy majesty blooms and spreads to the "zero-three-zero" area for thousands of miles.

All living beings knelt down and trembled under this wisp of holy majesty.


"Aren't they crazy?!

"Master Jialan actually sacrificed the ancient holy soldiers!

"Is this the rhythm that is going to completely break the sky?

The ancient sage sect master had a dry throat and a look of horror on his face.

He really didn't dream about it.

An ancient existence with a series of kings of slashing the way, even at the expense of ancient holy soldiers!

This is the weapon of a saint!

Holy Artifact!

A piece of ancient holy soldier might be enough to cripple most of the Western Desert.

In general.

The ancient holy soldiers will not be easily sacrificed. Only when the sect and sect encounters a crisis of life and death, will the ancient holy soldiers at the bottom of the box be sacrificed to turn the world around.

simply put.

Ancient Holy Soldiers are treasures belonging to an ancient Taoist tradition!

It will not be easily dispatched unless it is absolutely necessary.

Once dispatched, it must be earth-shattering!


What's the situation now?

In order to deal with the current arrogance of a weak crown year, an ancient existence of the Immortal Three Slashing Dao King series, actually sacrificed an ancient holy soldier with infinite holy power on the spot!

It's unbelievable.

How terrifying power can a Dao Slashing King hold an ancient holy soldier?

That will be amazing!

"In order to deal with a current genius..."

"A young man who is not yet in his prime. 95

"Master Jialan, the strongest in Alan Temple, did not hesitate to sacrifice the ancient holy soldiers.

"It's really crazy!"

"I've never seen such a crazy scene."

"Su Xuanji, the god son of the Su family, actually forced Master Jialan, the king of slashing, to sacrifice ancient holy soldiers to fight.


"It's horrible! 9

The Sunset Sect Master also trembled violently.

He was exuded by the ancient holy soldiers, and the oppressed body knelt down and trembled uncontrollably.

Sanwei is too scary.

Even if it is only a trivial ray of holy power, for him, a cultivator who is infinitely close to a half-step almighty, it is a majestic mountain range that is enough to crush his body.

"The Su family godson is in danger."

"No one expected it.

"Master Jialan would be so crazy that he did not hesitate to sacrifice ancient holy soldiers to break out a fierce battle. 55

'The current situation of the Su family god child is very serious. "

"Once an ancient holy soldier breaks out in full force, the Su family's godson will be instantly slaughtered, and there will be no bones or scum left.

"And a Dao Slayer King holding an ancient holy soldier is even more terrifying.

The two held the same view in their hearts.

Not to mention the Dao Slashing King holding an ancient holy soldier.

Even if an Immortal Second Great Master could hold an Ancient Saint Armament, it would be enough to kill the Dao Slayer King with ease.

At this moment.

When they saw Jialan sacrifice the ancient holy soldiers, they seemed to have expected it.


Su Xuanji's impending doom!

at the same time.

When the ancient holy soldiers came out, a ray of shocking holy power swept across thousands of miles.

Thousands of people, including the disciples of the Ancient Sacred Sect and the elders of the Sunset Gate, were all swept by this shocking holy might, and without exception, they all knelt on the ground and shivered.

"Oh my God!

"What kind of terrifying power is this?"

"It's terrible! 35

"It makes me feel like I'm facing a living immortal Buddha!"

All the disciples were deeply terrified.

An elder of the Ancient Sacred Sect with an extremely ancient existence said in a trembling voice: "If I guessed correctly, this is Shengwei!

"The might of a saint!

"Master Jialan sacrificed an ancient holy soldier! It is the weapon of a holy man, and it contains infinite holy power!"

"A wisp of holy power can even easily kill a Dao Slayer King 0..."

"This time, the Su family god child is finished."

"I didn't expect that the Su Family God Son actually forced Master Jialan, the Dao Slayer King, to sacrifice the Ancient Sacred Armament.

"The ancient holy soldier activated by a Dao Slayer King will definitely be extremely terrifying, and if it moves, it can easily destroy the territory of thousands of miles.""


"Most of the Western Desert may be forcibly sunk!

"The son of the Su family is in danger!

The words fall.

A sensation!

"What, what?!

"Ancient Saint Soldier?"

"Master Jialan actually sacrificed the ancient holy soldiers? Crazy?"

"Isn't the ancient holy soldier used to sit in the sect? It will not be used easily unless it is absolutely necessary. Only when the sect encounters a life-and-death crisis, will the ancient holy soldier be used to kill the powerful enemy. 99

"But at this moment, in order to kill the Su family godson, Master Jia Lan actually took the initiative to sacrifice the ancient holy soldier!

"My God!"

"It's all crazy!""

Everyone was shocked.

They didn't expect it.

One day, I will be fortunate enough to witness the weapons of the ancient saints with my own eyes!

Feeling the world-shattering holy majesty sweeping their bodies and minds, they trembled uncontrollably, and they felt an unprecedented strong sense of fear and humility from the bottom of their hearts.

under the holy majesty,

All living beings 0.5 are ants!

Even a half-step great power, even an immortal second great power, can't compete with Shengwei!

Saints are another level of taboos.

Those who do not touch upon the field of the Holy Way of the saints belong to the mortal life.

Although the king of slashing and the saint are separated by a realm.

But in fact it is worlds apart.

One day, one place!

There is no comparison.

No matter how strong the Dao Slayer King is, he is not qualified to try to shake the ancient sage!

This is the iron rule!

There has never been an exception since time immemorial.

As a weapon that was personally refined by the ancient sage, it naturally contained infinite holy power inside. Once it erupted, it would be earth-shattering, and its power would be extremely terrifying.

Everyone was surprised by the current situation.

after all.

Saint, is too far away from everyone present.

Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil

Chapter 208 The handed down holy soldier Heart Fire Glass Lamp! Heart Fire Ancient Sage! [Customize]

"Even the ancient holy soldiers have been dispatched. Is this the rhythm of killing the Su family god son at all costs?"

"The Su family god child is finished.

"Faced with the ancient holy soldiers, even if the god son of the Su family has the ability to reach the sky, I am afraid that he will meet the tragic end of death.

"Ordinary power cannot compete with holy power!

"Even if Master Jialan can only mobilize a wisp of the power of the ancient holy soldiers, it is enough to easily kill the Su family godson and all the creatures under the saint."

"It is impossible for all creatures under the saint to block the power of a strange soldier."

"It can be said that the Su family god child is already dead at this moment, and it is impossible to survive under the terrifying power of the world-shattering holy prestige."

Lots of talk.

"Are there really no exceptions?"

A weak voice sounded from the crowd.


An ancient existence from the Ancient Sacred Sect who has lived for thousands of years, his turbid eyes were lost for a while, and he opened his mouth, "Unless, the Su Family God Son can also sacrifice the Ancient Sacred Armament!

"Only the ancient holy soldiers can resist the 03 Heng ancient holy soldiers.

"Otherwise, there is no second possibility."


"Let the saint come in person!"

"But, is this really possible?

"The odds are slim.

"The fate of the Su family god child is now doomed."

"He will die under the terrifying power of the ancient holy soldier held by Master Jialan."

This is the unanimous view of all.

at the same time.

The Buddhist Alan Temple is here.

A group of elders and disciples were excited.

It was also inevitable that they would kneel on the ground and tremble under the pressure of the terrifying power of the holy might.

But they still couldn't contain the excitement and excitement in their hearts.

"It's the Ancient Saint Soldier!"

"The handed down holy soldier of our Alan Temple!"

"The Patriarch of Jialan, actually sacrificed the handed down holy soldiers. 35

"Now, the Su family's god child is finished."

"I don't believe that under the terrifying power of the ancient holy soldiers, the Su family god child can survive by chance.

"It's impossible!


A group of disciples were ecstatic.

Of course, they recognized the Ancient Saint Soldier in Jialan's hands.

One of the elders clenched their fists with excitement on their faces: "It is the ancient holy soldier that my temple has inherited for tens of thousands of years, the heart fire glazed lantern. A piece left by the ancient holy heart fire of my temple back then A complete Ancient Sage weapon."5

"I didn't expect that in my lifetime, I would be able to see the true face of the Heart Fire Glazed Lamp. 99

"This is the handed down holy soldier of our Alan Temple!"

"Back then, our Alan Temple had encountered numerous crises, but all of them were successfully resolved under the awe-inspiring power of the Heart Fire Glazed Glass Lamp.

"This is the core treasure of our Alan Temple!

"Patriarch Jialan sacrificed this holy artifact, which will surely be enough to kill the Su family godson easily."

Heart Fire Ancient Sage, an ancient sage born tens of thousands of years ago in Alan Temple.

Overwhelmed an era!

Led Alan Temple to stand on the top of the Big Dipper.

In that extremely ancient age tens of thousands of years ago...

The Ancient Sage of Heart Fire once strongly deterred the Big Dipper and even the endless starry sky.

It was a legend of an era.

Extremely tyrannical!

Even until now.

Among the various ancient books, there will be a few words about the ancient sage of Xinhuo.

Describe what a terrifying deterrent it had at that time and in that era.

And the ancient sage soldier left by the ancient sage of the heart fire - the heart fire glass lamp.

Even though tens of thousands of years have passed, it still possesses the terrifying power of the Ancient Sage.

An ancient saint soldier left by a powerful ancient saint is enough to explode with infinite power and destruction.

Not to mention.

The Ancient Sage of Heart Fire was still an extremely powerful ancient sage in the era tens of thousands of years ago, not an ordinary sage.

Even if it is placed in a saint, the strength of the Heart Fire Old Sage can be said to be outstanding.


The ancient holy soldiers left by the extremely powerful Heartfire Ancient Sanctuary, and then personally in charge of a Dao Slashing King,

Although it is still not possible to fully erupt all the power of the Ancient Sacred Armament, even if one of the powers of one in ten million erupts, it is already called the destruction of the world.

One-thousandth of the ancient holy soldier's power is enough to kill hundreds of thousands of Dao Slayer Kings!

This is the terrifying part of the Ancient Saint Soldier.

"God Son of the Su Family..."

"This time, I want to see how you will escape this catastrophe!

"Under the terrifying power of the ancient holy soldiers, what will you do?"

"You must be desperate now!

"Dare to provoke our Alan Temple in the Western Desert, you will definitely pay a painful price!"

"Now get a good feel for it..."

"The handed down holy soldiers of our Alan Temple brought you that boundless despair.

A famous Buddhist elder stared at Su Xuanji coldly.

They looked at Su Xuanji as if they were looking at a cold corpse.

after all.

They don't think so.

In this world, there are still beings who can survive under the power of the handed down holy soldiers of their Alan Temple.


Under the world-shattering majesty of the ancient holy soldiers, all living beings will be instantly bombarded and crushed.

Bombed and killed 030,

no bones left,

Not even scum left.

There is no creature that can block the might of the Ancient Saint Soldier.

This is the iron rule that everyone present has agreed upon.


Including the ancient sage leader and the sunset gate owner, they also hold the same view.

"Even if you have the ability and ability to reach the sky, the god child of the Su family, this time, you are destined to escape this disaster!"9

"The so-called number one evildoer in the Eastern Wilderness?"

"From today onwards, the so-called No. 1 evildoer in the Eastern Wasteland will no longer exist in Beidou."

"Once the ancient sacred soldiers left by the ancient sanctuary of the ancestors' heart fire, once erupted, the power can easily destroy all living beings in the area of ​​​​tens of thousands of miles. 35

"This kind of power is enough to shatter most of the Western Desert.

"No one can survive this force.

"Even a powerful cultivator is absolutely impossible to do it. 39

The Buddhist elders present were in a good mood.

They all had a premonition of Su Xuanji's death.

The current strongest person in their Alan Temple, a Patriarch Jialan who has reached the realm of the king of immortal three slashing, personally holds the ancient holy soldier and activates it to bring down infinite power.

What horrific devastation would it cause?

What kind of terrifying shocking power will erupt again?

it goes without saying.

Chapter 209 Alarming all directions! The invincible Shengwei shocks the audience! [Customize]

Thousands of miles away.

All the ancient Taoist traditions have gathered here.

The ancient Buddhist temples such as the Ahan Temple, the Hanging Temple, and the King Kong Temple of Western Desert Buddhism were moved by the wind and gathered at the exact location where the treasure came into the world last night.

But right now.

All their movements stopped abruptly.

only because...

They felt an unparalleled terrifying aura that swept in from the distant horizon, completely covering their bodies.


Under this endless pressure, they started to tremble uncontrollably.




Countless emotions flooded into my heart.

In the face of this terrifying aura, their fragility was as insignificant as ants.

It is clear.

This momentum is...

The breath of the king of Xian San Zhan Dao!

"Oh my God!"

"what happened?"

"This momentum is obviously far above the great power of Xian Er!"

"This, this is the imposing coercion of the ancient existence of the Immortal Three Slashing Dao King series? 35

"There can be no mistake! It is the King of Dao Slashing!

The overwhelming momentum of the Dao Slashing King swept across the territory of thousands of miles, covering all living beings in this area.

All beings shivered under this oppression.

Elder Xian Er Da Neng of Buddhist temples such as Ahan Temple and Xuankong Temple was also unavoidable, and felt unprecedented fear and trembling from the bottom of his heart.

Under the pressure of the king's imposing manner, their so-called immortal two great powers are just fragile ants.

"Good, what an amazing momentum!

"Definitely the King of Dao Slasher."

"How could there be a Dao Slayer King? Why even such an ancient existence was born?"

A group of Buddhist elders and disciples trembled.

This momentum was too strong for them.

They were completely unable to resist, the terrifying suppressing force that this momentum exerted on their bodies.


They looked up.

Then I saw the incomparably dazzling golden Buddha's light printed in the sky.

A series of incomparably mysterious Buddhist texts lingered golden in the Buddha's light.


Great shore!

A phantom like a Buddha, hovering in the Buddha's light, with an incomparably ancient and terrifying aura, like an immortal Buddha descending from the Nine Heavens to the mortal world.

"This, this is...


A group of Buddhist disciples exclaimed.

"No, not right.

"This is the king of slaying the way of our Buddhism!""

"He seems to be..."

"Master Jialan of Alan Temple!"

An ancient Buddhist existence who had lived for thousands of years suddenly uttered a trembling voice.


"Master Jialan?"

"The monk from Alan Temple thousands of years ago, who once dominated an era powerfully? Isn't it rumored that he has already fallen into a deep sleep? Why did he suddenly appear?"

"You must know that Master Jialan has already reached the realm of the Dao Slayer King thousands of years ago, and with just a few words, he once frightened a beast of the Dao Slayer King series and fled."5

"Why did such a terrifying existence suddenly wake up from its slumber?

"What happened in that direction?"


Lots of talk.

"What a mighty Dao Slashing King.

"Is this going to break out the collision between the Dao Slashing Kings? 99

An ancient existence in Ahan Temple couldn't help but screamed in surprise.

right under their eyes.

I see.

The aura that erupted from the all-out strike brewed by the Dao Slashing King swept across thousands of miles.

Let all the creatures trying to get close to the scene feel unprecedented panic.

"My God!"

"Is the king of Xian San Zhan Dao going all out?"

"What exactly happened to Master Jialan? It made him have to go all out?

"It's unbelievable.

All the Buddhist elders were stunned.

What's the situation?

On weekdays.

The King of Immortal Three Slashing Dao belongs to the supreme existence of Shenlong who sees the head but does not see the tail.

once Upon a time.

To actually let them see the Dao Slashing King break out with all his strength?

This scene made them completely unimaginable.

The ancient Taoist lineages that tried to gather from all directions were all suddenly burst out by the immortal three slashing Taoist master Jialan, and they were shocked and stagnant in place.

That unparalleled king's imposing aura, taking advantage of the situation, shrouded the area for thousands of miles.

All beings were trembling.

Even Immortal Second Great Master, when he felt this boundless terrifying pressure, he had to tremble all over his body, his face full of horror and terror.

Pairs of eyes full of shock and fear gathered in the distance thousands of miles away.

Immediately after.

The power of the Dao Slashing King exploded and fell.

The shocking power descended.

Like a meteorite that destroyed the sky and the earth, it fell to the earth at an extremely terrifying speed.

With the power to destroy all things in the world.


Obliterate everything!


Something weird happened.

What the ancient Taoist traditions of all parties never imagined is...

This power that was enough to destroy the sky and the earth disappeared without a sound at the moment when it fell.


Without any aftermath.

Not even any movement.

as if...


Disappeared out of thin air.

No damage was done to convey the territory thousands of miles away.



All beings were stunned.


A full-strength blow from a Dao Slayer King can definitely easily destroy thousands of miles of territory and destroy hundreds of billions of creatures in a radius of thousands of miles.

But right now.

what did they see?

The full blow of the Dao Slashing King disappeared so strangely?

Not even a trace left?

And it didn't cause any damage at all?

what is happening?

"`々 How is that possible?! 55

"Am I hallucinating?"

"Just now, before the power of the Dao Slayer King fell, I even had a sense of sight that I was about to die."

"But, why did this power disappear inexplicably and strangely?"

"The full blow of the Dao Slayer King is enough to destroy the world and shake most of the Western Desert!"

"Can anyone explain.

"Why did this power disappear so bizarrely?"

Countless Buddhist elders were shocked.

They widened their eyes and pupils, staring at the direction thousands of miles away with gaffes and awe.

Could it be that...

The full blow of the Dao Slashing King was actually blocked by someone?!

how could it be possible!

That is the king of the Three Immortal Slashing Dao!

The invincible powerhouse standing at the top of the Big Dipper.

How could such a full-strength blow of existence be easily blocked by others?

This is impossible!

this moment.

Elders of Xian Er Da Neng of Buddhist temples such as Ahan Temple, Hanging Temple, and King Kong Temple have all their worldviews shattered and collapsed.

That is the King of Dao Slash that makes him (good) unattainable in this life!

How could the king's full blow be blocked?

Master Jialan he...

What kind of terrifying existence do you face?

It must be too scary!

"Master Jialan's all-out strike is very likely to be blocked by someone.


"The enemy that Master Jialan is facing at this moment is very likely to be an invincible powerhouse that is not inferior to him!"

A group of Buddhist elders commented this way.

What they can't imagine is...

What is the holy place opposite to Master Jialan?

It can be so powerful that it is unbelievable!

in vain!

Just when they were puzzled.

Variation abounds!

A ray of holy power suddenly erupted from thousands of miles away.

The shocking holy majesty swept thousands of miles.

Fall suddenly.

Boom one by one

The monstrous Shengwei enveloped all directions.

All creatures knelt down and trembled.

Including one of the two elders from Buddhism, without exception, they all knelt down on the ground and trembled, showing fear and shock.

Chapter 210 The exis10ce of terror! The outbreak of holy soldiers! The projection of the ancient sai

"This, this is..."


All the creatures raised their heads and looked thousands of miles away, their expressions full of fear.

Under this shocking holy majesty.

They feel their own smallness and vulnerability.

Fragile and vulnerable!

Like a drop in the ocean!

Under the holy prestige, all are ants.

"What a terrifying power."

"No doubt, this must be the power of a saint!"

"Oh my God!

"How come even Shengwei appeared?! 95

"What the hell is going on here?"

"First, it was Master Jialan of the Dao Slayer King, and now the world-shattering holy prestige has erupted in vain."

"What the hell happened over there?"

All the Buddhist elders were terrified.

Under the suppression of this ray of holy power, their bodies were completely unable to move at all.

This is the difference between the saint and the ordinary.

no saint...

It's just ants after all!

Even the terrifying Immortal Second Great Power is still vulnerable under the pressure of the saint.

They couldn't believe it.

it's here...

I actually met Shengwei!

What exactly is going on?!

"If I'm not wrong.

"It's Master Jialan, who sacrificed the ancient holy soldiers of Alan Temple."

"Can't be wrong." 030

"I was fortunate enough to experience the power of the handed down holy soldier in Alan Temple thousands of years ago. 55

"Therefore, I can be absolutely certain that the world-shattering holy power that is erupting now must be the heart-fire glazed lantern of the handed down holy soldier from Alan Temple.

At this time, an eminent monk who had lived for three thousand years spoke with a trembling voice.

When these words fall.


It completely detonated the atmosphere here.

The atmosphere was completely detonated!

It's boiling!

A group of Buddhist elders were shocked.

"What?! 35

"Sacred Soldiers?! 35

"Master Jialan, the dignified immortal three-slashing king, actually sacrificed the ancient holy soldier?

"Then what kind of terrifying existence has to be faced, so that Master Jialan has to sacrifice the ancient holy soldiers to fight?

"Oh my god!""

"Crazy! Crazy! 35

"Let a Dao Slayer King have to sacrifice the Ancient Saint Soldier? What kind of monster is on the opposite side?

"According to legend, only when the temple encounters a life-and-death crisis, will the ancient holy soldiers be sacrificed to stabilize the situation. But now, what kind of terrifying existence has Master Jialan encountered?"

"Even the ancient holy soldiers are sacrificed!"

"It is conceivable that Master Jialan must have encountered an unprecedented invincible powerhouse, so he had to sacrifice the ancient holy soldiers."5

"Do you dare to believe it? If a Dao Slayer King has to sacrifice the Ancient Saint Soldier, what level of terrifying monster is that?!

"too crazy!

First, the all-out strike of the Dao Slayer King was easily defused and intercepted.


Even the legendary ancient holy soldiers were sacrificed, and the shocking holy majesty that swept across thousands of miles erupted!

Just ask.

How intense is the battlefield over there?!

It is unimaginable!

at the same time.

in the battlefield.

A shocking holy majesty swept in all directions.

The whole place was covered by this ray of holy power.

far and wide,

All creatures trembled.

Under the aura of the handed down holy soldier of Alan Temple, the Heart Fire Glazed Glass Lamp, all living beings were greatly suppressed by their innate nature, and their bodies were completely unable to move.

above the sky.

The golden Buddha's light print illuminates the sky.

A series of mysterious and dazzling golden Buddhist inscriptions hovered around Jialan's body, making his figure more and more aloof.

Beyond the mundane!

Like an incarnated Buddha.

Old and majestic!


Holding the handed down holy soldier, his whole person is filled with wisps of world-shattering holy might, with unparalleled terrifying coercion, so that all beings can only kneel on the ground tremblingly, unable to move.

"The devil..."

"Today, Lao Na grants you death!

Jia Lan's face was expressionless, and her voice was terrifyingly cold.

He sacrificed the legendary soldier, and he naturally wanted to take Su Xuanji's life.

Now that you are doing your best...

Can't kill each other.


If the ancient holy soldiers are sacrificed, they must be able to easily take the opponent's life!


A mere genius in the world,

Dare to be mad?!


It will kill you completely!

"Under the Holy Power, all things are ants. 95


"There will be no exception.

Jialan, holding the ancient holy soldier, once again looked down at Su Xuanji with a high attitude.


under his gaze.

I see.

That terrifying holy might, but unable to suppress Su Xuanji to his knees.

Instead, all around.

Countless Buddhist elders and disciples all knelt down under the holy power.


"This son is really unusual.""

Jialan frowned slightly.

Being able to forcefully block the repressive power generated by the mighty energy that erupted from the Ancient Sacred Armament by one's own strength is enough to show that the opponent is different.

To know.

At this moment.

Even the Second Immortal Great Master was already suppressed by the Holy Power of the Ancient Saint Soldier, kneeling on the ground and trembling.


"That's all it takes."

"Want to resist the power of the ancient holy soldiers? Impossible! 35

"God son of the Su family?

"Today, Lao Na personally sends you into reincarnation!

Jialan snorted coldly, disapprovingly.


The battle broke out in an instant!

Without hesitation, Jialan sacrificed the Ancient Saint Soldier's Heart Fire Glass Lamp on the spot, and activated it completely.


The monstrous Shengwei burst out from the Heart Fire Glazed Lamp.

An inch swept the audience.

The endless terrifying holy power, with the power of the aura that destroys the world, fully oppressed Su Xuanji's body below.

Visible to the naked eye.



The square space was forcibly squeezed and twisted and squirmed, and it seemed that it was about to collapse at any time.

This is the terrifying power of the handed down holy soldiers.

Extremely tyrannical!

Even this space of heaven and earth cannot accommodate this terrifying force.

The power to destroy the world descends.

The wisps of the law of the holy way were pulled and resonated, and the infinite might spread from the heart fire glazed lamp, and locked Su Xuanji with the power of destroying everything.


Jialan held the Heart Fire Glazed Lamp and used all its power to trigger it.


With a roar of the sky.

The infinite holy prestige vented down like a mad flow.

Aimed at Su Xuanji's body and fell hard.

The holy power spreads all over the sky,


The terrifying holy majesty has evolved into an unparalleled stalwart phantom.

This majestic figure carries an extremely ancient and sacred aura, exuding a majestic and mighty aura.

It hovers above the sky,

A pair of eyes that were indifferent like the Nine Heavens Immortal Buddha, and as if the stars were spinning in the sky, with an extremely terrifying coercion, they were looking down at Su Xuanji below without emotion.

It's just like...

Look at an insignificant little ant.

This is like the projection of the ancient sage!

The projection of the ancient sage derived from the condensation of Shengwei!

After the ancient sage's heart fire glazed lamp was triggered by Jialan, it pulled its interior, the mark left by the ancient sage tens of thousands of years ago.


Let the ancient sage of the heart-fire, who was crushing an era tens of thousands of years ago, descend to the world in the form of projection!