
Ch 2: Ready For Hogwarts

Waking up with a pounding headache, the girl didn't even have the strength to open her eyes. Memories of meeting the being who reincarnated her filtered into her brain, so maybe it was a side effect of that? It's not everyday your brain has to withstand dying and being reborn again, after all. Or maybe it was related to her third wish...

Thinking of her wishes, and the circumstances surrounding them, she let her death sink in. She wasn't really attached to her last life, and now she was reborn into the world of Harry Potter. She'd be able to manipulate magic... unless she turns out to be a squib. How unluck would that be?

Overall, her death was a good thing as it led her to now.

Leaving her thoughts, she felt was that her body was much larger than that of a newborns. As the thought crossed her mind, so did another telling her her age. 7. How she knew was beyond her, but the slowly fading headache made it so that she didn't really care.

After a few moments the pain faded enough for her to open her eyes. Squinting, she noticed she was laying on a couch in some type of living room. That and despite the complete silence in the room, she wasn't alone as she had thought she was.

On another chair near the couch, a man with silver hair and eyes sat reading a book. She noticed that he wasn't using his hands to flip the pages, instead they seemed to flip themselves whenever he reached the end.

Magic. The word popped in her mind as if confirming her earlier thoughts. Either that or he's getting very lucky with breezes.

She observes him for a few moments and then sighs to herself. 'No point in playing dead so I might as well get this done with.'

She sweeps her legs on the couch and raises her upper body, coming to a sitting position. The suddenness of her movement must have startled the man, if the book dropping from his hand is anything to go by.

The two stare at each other in silence until the girl tilts her head, "and you are?"

The man coughs into his hand and nods stiffly, "Right, introductions are necessary after all. My name is Raymond Green, and this is my house. We found you outside our door with a note that basically said you are our kid now… as odd as that sounds."

They continued staring at each other for a few more seconds until the girl couldn't take it and grinned. "You understand you're supposed to ask for my name right? That's hilarious, I somehow have better social mannerisms than someone who actually has life experience. Anyway, my name issss… don't have one as of yet."

It's not that she didn't like her previous name, but she didn't exactly like it either. The idea of a new name excites her anyway.

A shocked gasp came from a now opened doorway, and a tall redhead ran in with worry in her green eyes. "You're awake!" The woman settled near the girl without getting too close, and she soon shot an unfounded glare at Ray. "He didn't do anything mean, did he? Just tell me and-"

She was stopped by a suppressed chuckle that came from the young girl next to her. "Don't worry, the only thing he did was prove how bad of a communicator he is. Though I will give him some leniency as this is an undoubtedly peculiar situation for you two."

Ray only shook his head while his wife looked at him with slight disappointment. "Ignore him. My name is Jia Green, what is yours?"

"Ah, we were just getting to that. I don't have one and would very much like to." The girl states ignoring the looks of pity given to her. It's just a name, why would not having one matter that much?

Just as Jia opened her mouth, two pairs of footsteps barreled through the same doorway as she had come from.

"Sorry… I tried t-to stop her… but I can't run as fast as her." The voice was quiet and spoken between very heavy pants, the run having clearly taken its toll on the young girl. Her hair is the same gray as Ray's while her eyes were a few shades darker than Jia's.

The other child that barged into the room was staring with wonder at the other kid sitting on the couch. Her hair matches the red of Jia's while her eyes match Raymond's.

Clearly these two are their children. "Sorry about them, well, mostly about Alysia. They saw you this morning and it took all we had to get her back upstairs until now it seems. Right this," she points to the panting girl, "is Lea. And the ball of energy is Alysia. Looking at all three of you, you seem to be about the same age! These two just had their 7th birthday yesterday, how old are you?"

"No need to apologize, children are children after all. As for how old I am, I'm also seven, but my birthday was… let's say it was last week? Now I won't let this conversation continue until I have a name. I'm sure it's getting annoying referring to me as just 'child' or 'kid', right?" Again, she ignored the now annoying looks of sadness at her situation.

"Ooh i know, let's name you Red, y'know after the color of your eyes!" Alysia quickly pops an idea into the air, only for the girl to shoot it down with a quick no. A few more suggestions were made but all were denied just as quickly until the name Sophia made its way into her ears.

"Yes Sophia, I like that so I shall be named Sophia from now on. Who said it?" All of the resident's shook their heads leaving Sophia confused but she didn't really care. She had a name now and she likes the sound of it, Sophia Green.

—- (One Year Later) —-

Not much changed during the year. The Greens wore off any awkwardness at the sudden extra family member, and even converted one of their guest rooms into one that was fully hers.

She decided to have her walls be a dark royal blue with her floor being a soft dark gray carpet. She forewent having a bed completely and rested on the carpet and whatever pillows she wanted.

In place of where the bed would have gone are a few bookshelves filled with various books about all types of magic. Across from them was a desk with candles she used to light the room enough to read when the light from the window was too dim.

When her birthday came around she decided to withhold its celebration until the twins had theirs. Her gifts were more books, filling her already full bookcases. Unlike her other books, however, these ones were enchanted with a charm that somehow brought her to the page containing what she wanted to know.

For example, when she grabbed the one labeled "All You Need To Know About Curses" it flipped to a chapter called "The Unforgivable Curses". Interesting stuff they are.

What struck her as odd was that no one came to celebrate the twins' party, nor did it seem that her new parents had invited anyone… Was she in a family of loners? Not that she minded, in fact it was probably better this way.

—- (Two Years Later) —-

During these two years, Sophia committed herself to a pattern. Wake up, breakfast, play with her siblings, read/study, try and sense mana, sleep, repeat. She has gotten even closer to the twins, especially Lea as she was the calmer twin.

More importantly, she learned to sense mana while reading a book about what magic was. It was, according to the book, everywhere at all times. The book mentioned the best way to increase your magical prowess would be to first learn how to feel it.

So for an hour or two before bed every night, she would meditate while trying to reach out and get a feel for the evasive force. The most success she had was closer to the end of the two years when she felt something entering her body and filtering into the center of her body where she then lost feeling of it.

She was a little annoyed by her failing to even feel it as it was in her body, but was happy at her initial success. Since then she could feel more strands being whisked into her body, and each time was one she could follow it for longer until it left her senses.

Her knowledge of all types of spells was increasing at a quick pace due to the amount of books she had been reading, but it was all theoretical knowledge as she couldn't actually cast anything. She wouldn't have a wand until next year after all.

Speaking of, she was getting excited as next year got closer. She'd seen Hogwarts in a few of her books, and the movies in her last life. For a lack of better words, the school looks beautiful and she couldn't wait to see it in person.

She also couldn't wait to get out of the house. It was fine, but after an accident a year ago her parents got super protective of the three of them.

During a normal outing to a local park some crazy wizard decided to attack us. He was quickly and effortlessly put down by a stunner from our dad, but he managed to shoot out a Confringo at us.

The spell luckily didn't hit any of us directly, but when it exploded on the ground in front of us it launched a rock that sliced up through the air and cut Lea near her eye. Mom quickly used Episkey but the cut still left a scar across her eye.

Everything happened so fast that Lea didn't even have a chance to become scared before she was healed, and she seemed fine after so that's good. No lasting consequences from the event besides the scar.

—- (One Year Later) —-

Sprawled out comfortably on her carpet, Sophia was doing her nightly ritual of sensing mana. Over the last year her ability to do that increased to the point that she was finally able to feel what the mana was doing inside of her.

Nestled next to her heart was a ball of pure mana, a magic core, as books call it. Thinking back, the core is probably a result of her third wish.

It formed one night a few days ago when a bunch of mana was sucked into her body at a rapid pace, and when it combined with the mana already lingering in her body, it compressed into a core.

The only indicator that it's there is a slight increase of the amount of mana that entered her body and was then filtered into her core. If it wasn't for her ability to sense it, she wouldn't have known a core was there until she realized she was 11.

The fact that she had a core didn't make her special, as all Wixen do when they turn 11. That she had watched as it happened, however, did. In all the books she had read it mentioned that only those gifted with high talent in magic would be able to view their core with little to no guided training.

But that's not important. What is important is that an owl arrived just a few hours ago holding three letters in its beak. One of the letters was addressed to Alysia, one to Lea, and one to Sophia.

Of course they opened them together, and just as they had suspected, they were their invitation letters to the most prestigious magical school in Britain. Well, only magical school in Britain, but that doesn't make it any less.

The three shared smiles and ran off to tell their parents. They were ready for Hogwarts, it was only a question of if Hogwarts was ready for them.

___ -- - - -- __

Totally forgot to link the pics for the twins and Sophia...

Sophia: (img here)

Lea: (img here)

Alysia: (img here)

Did i say that this chapter would be much longer than the first? I definetlt meant time wise... because this chapter vaugly covers what she was doing from ages 7 to 11.


I'm not great at doing purly slise of life stuff, and didn't want to spend much time at all before she got to hogwarts, so thats why I just did a couple of time skips. From here on you can expect more character dialouge, more eplenation of magic, and other stuff.

AkumaTuTcreators' thoughts