
chapter fourteen

"Morning," I greeted Ethan whilst yawning as I walked out of the bedroom. Ethan had spent the night on the sofa as I locked the bedroom door the previous day. "My neck's sore thanks to you," he grumbled in response and I laughed. "I'll make it up with breakfast." "It'd better be good," he grumbled once more before making his way into the bedroom to get himself ready for school.

His attitude towards me had improved a little ever since we called a truce a few days ago, I thought as I made my way to the kitchen. I was thankful that my arm did not hurt as much as it did but I still had some difficulty holding up the pan. "I'll do it," Ethan's voice sounded over my shoulder and I turned and collided into his hard chest. "Ouch," I mumbled as I looked up at him. "What?" I questioned his words and he gestured towards the pan.

"I'll make breakfast," he said as he took the pan from my hand. I raised my brows quizzically. What's come over him?

"I don't want to tend to another burn," he muttered, having seen my expression.

"T...thanks," I thanked him before sitting down at the dining table.

Just then, my ringtone sounded. I fished my phone out from my pocket to see Xavier calling. Why is he calling so early in the morning?

"Hello?" I answered, having accepted the call. "Hey, do you want a ride to school?" he asked me. Pondering over my limited options, I accepted the offer. "Sure, I'll be down in 20 minutes," and with that, I ended the call.

"You have a ride today?" Ethan asked, bringing two plates of omelette to the table. I nodded, scooping a spoonful of omelette into my mouth. I must say, Ethan's culinary skills are better than I expected. The eggs that he cooked were fluffy and delicious and the seasoning was just right.

"Thanks for the breakfast," I mumbled, mouth full as I placed the plate into the kitchen sink and rushed to get my bag pack.

I looked at the clock, three minutes left. Shoot. I quickly put on my shoes and bidding a quick good bye to Ethan, I rushed into the elevator.

"Hey," I greeted Xavier when I entered his car which was already waiting at the entrance of my apartment. "Sorry, was I late?" I asked once the car's ignition started. "Nope, right on time," he answered. "Morning," he greeted with a wide smile and I automatically returned his greeting with a similar grin.

"Who're you living with in this huge apartment?" Xavier prompted on our way to school. "Oh...just myself," I answered as Ethan's voice reminding me of the rules we had, played in my mind.

"But that's such a big apartment," Xavier continued his questioning and I just shrugged. "Do you live in the vicinity?" I changed the topic and thankfully, Xavier went along. "Nope, I had some stuff to settle so I was in the vicinity, and I remembered your arm was hurt," he told me.

"Thanks," I smiled at his thoughtfulness and he returned my smile with one of his own.

Soon, the car turned into the school gates and I sighed seeing the familiar building. Its gonna be another boring day.

A honk drifted me out of my thoughts as I looked out the window. "Damn it, I was the one who came first," Xavier said in annoyance and I looked at the parking spot to see Ethan's car.

I could see Ethan poke his tongue from his seat, mocking Xavier as he took the parking spot under the large tree. I rolled my eyes at his childishness. That guy...

"Come on, let's just find another one," I told Xavier, trying to calm him down. He looks pissed.

"Do you know that guy?" Xavier asked as he drove his car to park at the next spot under the tree and I shrugged.

"He's in some of my classes," I reply as casually as I can. Once Xavier turned the ignition off, I push open the car doors and got out of it.

"Thanks for the ride, I'd better get going," I told him and started to walk but Xavier held my arm. "Wait, let me walk you," he told me and I shook my head. "There's no need, my arm's not that..." I tried to decline but was cut off by Xavier. "No can do. What if you hurt yourself again?" He asked me and I shrugged. "Come on," Xavier said as he took my bag from me and carried it for me instead.

There were whispers when the students saw Xavier and I walking into the school grounds. I ignored their stares and quickly made my way to my locker. Turning the combination lock, I unlocked my locker and took out the stuff I needed for the lesson. "I'll hold that for you," Xavier said, grabbing my books and notebook from my hands. "Thanks," I thanked him with a small smile as we both walked side by side to my class.

"We're here, thanks again," I told Xavier as I took my stuff from him. "You're welcome, I'll get going. See you around," Xavier said with a wave of his hand.

I entered the classroom and walked to my seat to see Ethan staring at me. "What's up?" I asked him curiously as I sat at my usual seat beside him and he frowned, "who's that?" "He's name's Xavier," I told him just as the teacher entered the classroom. "What's your relationship with that guy?" He asked and I smirked, deciding to tease him a little. "Aren't you curious?" "No, pretend I didn't ask," his cold response wiped the smirk off my face. Fine. I didn't feel like telling you either.

The rest of the lesson passed by in a blur with moody Ethan beside me.

Soon, lunch break came and I met up with my friends at our usual table. I was bombarded with questions from my friends as soon as I sat down. "I heard the rumors." Zoey said followed by Ava asking, "who's that guy?" "I'll tell you guys later, for now, my tummy's demanding some food," I told them as I stood up from my seat to get some food at the front of the cafeteria.

After grabbing a sandwich and a cup of iced tea, I made my way to the table to see Ethan sitting with my friends. My eyes widened, "what are you doing here," I harshly whispered once I sat down beside Ethan who was chattering happily with my friends. He placed an arm around me and pulled me closer to him. "Accompanying my would-be fiancee," he said the words with a smirk, and loud enough so that only my friends and I could hear it. I frowned, "what's wrong with you?" and Ethan just shrugged before grabbing my iced tea and drinking a large mouthful of it. "You—" I started but Ava and Zoey's teasing cut me off.

"I didn't know you guys were so chummy," Ava commented as Zoey chuckled and said," actually now that I've seen you two side by side, you're quite the perfect pair." I rolled my eyes at their comments and poked Ethan's side before scooting away from him.

"Hey, can I sit here?" I heard a familiar voice from behind me and all of us, except Ethan, turned to look at Xavier standing there with his tray in his hand. I turned to my friends to see them ogling Xavier. "Sure...why not?" Zoey replied dreamily as she shifted to make space for Xavier.

"It's you," Ethan and Xavier said at the same time, starring daggers at each other.

Ava and Zoey gave me a look. A look that seemed to ask what was up with the two of them. I gave them a shrug and mouthed, "I'll tell you later."

"You're Ethan, aren't you?" Xavier asked and Ethan replied with a roll of his eyes. What's up with this guy?

"You okay?" I whispered so that Ethan could hear and he replied, "its none of your business," he whispered harshly and stood up from the table. "I have somewhere to be, see y'all around," he gestured to my friends before walking out of the cafeteria.

I frowned. What's up with his hot and cold attitude? I'll just have to ask him later back home.