
chapter thirteen

"Sniff... Sniff..."

The sound of someone crying caught my attention and I curiously turned to look at who it was.

"Hey...you ok?" I asked concernedly, seeing the unfamiliar face sobbing into her hands, mascara running down her face.

The petite girl with ombre brown hair looked at me, having heard my voice and I could see the unshed tears waiting to make their way down her puffy cheeks.

"I..." she started to say, but was cut off by another wave of tears as she held by a sob.

"Its okay," I tried to comfort her, as I started to pat her shoulder and her sobbing grew louder. "If you don't mind, I can lend you a listening ear," I told her softly and she began to share her story with me.

"I lo...loved him," she made out the words. "He played with my heart, stepped on it and left it shattered in tiny tiny pieces," she murmured. I frowned.

"It hurts so badly," she cried. I waited for her to continue and after a short pause, she did.

"I was just another one of his many goals," she told me. "Goals?" I questioned her, my voice tinged with uncertainty. "He had this list. I saw it for myself. It was titled 'player's agenda'. There were a ton of names before mine and he had ticked the box beside my name. He was done with me."

What a bastard. Her words sent my fists curled up in anger.

"He's after some girl named Xael Stewart next," she frowned. "What?" I exclaimed, a little too loudly.

"You're Xael, aren't you?" Her question caught me off guard. "You know me?" I asked her a little surprised.

She nodded, "I've heard about you." The girl then turned to look at me with a pleading eyes.

"Help me. Please," she pleaded. I raised my brows quizzically. What can I possibly help her with? Could it be—

"Please, help me get revenge on that f**king player," anger was evident in her eyes.

"But I—" I wanted to say, but stopped myself. I didn't know what I should call Ethan. My fiance? But we weren't engaged. My roommate? Nah...

"Xael, you okay?" The girl looked at me curiously, waving a hand in front of my face.

"Huh? Yeah," I snapped out of my thoughts. Who cares about Ethan. If he can flirt openly with girls, there's nothing wrong with helping someone with her revenge on a jerk.

"Ok. I'll help," I nodded my head in agreement. "Thank you so much," a smile finally made its way up the girl's face as she gave me a small hug. Which reminds me... "How should I address you?" I asked her.

"My name's Madeleine. You can call me Maddie," she shook my hands with a small smile. "I'm a senior as well," she told me. "Oh? But I haven't met you before," I asked her curiously.

"I just transferred a month ago, I'm such a fool. It took Xavier less than a month to check me off his list," she sniffed.

"Its okay, cheer up. I'll get revenge for you, I promise," I put on my determined face as I assured her.

The sound of the bell ringing cut short our conversation and we exchanged our numbers before scurrying to our classes.

Xavier huh, you're going down.


Time passed quickly today. I took in the fresh air once I walked out of the school as I stretched my arms. "Hey," a masculine voice sounded just as I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around to see an unfamiliar face before me.

The stranger was about a foot taller than me, he had dirty blonde hair and emerald green eyes that reminded me of the forest. He had well-defined cheekbones, pretty good looking, in my opinion. My eyes widened as a thought occurred to me. Could this be...

"A beautiful lady caught my eye and I just wanted to say hi to her," he smiled charmingly.

"And who might you be?" I asked, brows raising.

"The name's Xavier, pleased to make your acquaintance," he introduced himself with a wink before lifting my hand gently to place a kiss on the back of it.

"Do you do this to all the girls you meet?" I quizzed and he laughed. "Nah, you're the only one," he said. I scoffed inwardly. Yeah...right.

"If there's nothing else, I'm going t—" I wanted to say but was cut off by my stomach growling.

Xavier chuckled. "Would you like to get some food with me?" He offered with a small smile while I held back my blush. That was embarrassing.

"Sure," I agreed, having remembered the promise I made to Maddie.

"Do you drive?" Xavier asked. I nodded, "but I didn't take my car today," remembering that Ethan drove me to school today as I injured my arm yesterday.

"Let's take my car then," Xavier said as he led the way through the school carpark.

We arrived at a black Audi and Xavier gestured for me to get into the car after he opened the passenger's side for me.

"Thanks," I thanked him before getting into the car.

"Do you have any place in mind?" Xavier asked once he turned the ignition on. I shook my head. "I'm fine with anything," I replied. "You're not a picky eater huh," he commented and I nodded. "How bout some pizza then?" He asked and my eyes lit up. "I haven't had pizza in such a long time," I mused as Xavier chuckled, "its pizza then."

Xavier and I made small talk as we drove to our destination. It did not take long before the car came to a stop at a shopping mall's parking lot.

After Xavier parked his car, we got out of the car and made our way to the pizza restaurant located near the entrance of the shopping mall.

"Do you frequent this restaurant?" I asked Xavier once we took our seat. "Yep. A family friend owns it and I get extra toppings whenever I patronize," he told me. "What's nice here?" I questioned as I skimmed the large menu that the waiter handed me.

"Do you like mushrooms?" He asked and I nodded. "This mushroom pizza is good, as well as the pepperoni one," Xavier recommended. "Should we get these 2 then?" I suggested and Xavier gave a nod as he called the waiter over to take our orders.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Xavier suddenly asked once the waiter left with our orders.

"Not that I know of," I gave a nervous laugh as I thought of Ethan. I don't know what's my relationship with that guy, or do we even have one?

"Then...its okay if I go after you, right?" Xavier asked as his face turned serious. "But we just met today..." I trailed off.

"It was love at first sight for me," Xavier said as he took hold of both my hands. "Give me a chance," he looked at me earnestly. I was taken aback by the sincerity in his eyes.

Snap out of it Xael! You're supposed to get revenge on him, not be taken in.

"I..." Just as I was at a loss for words, the waiter served our pizzas.

I heaved a silent sigh of relief. Saved by the bell, or in this case, pizza.

"Let's dig in, I'm hungry," I changed the topic and grabbed the utensils before serving myself a slice of the delicious smelling pizza.


It was evening by the time we finished our food and Xavier offered to drive me home. I was glad that Xavier did not bring up the topic again that day, though we did exchange our numbers.

"You're back," Ethan commented when he saw me enter the apartment. He was lounging on the sofa watching television while munching on a bag of chips. "Yeah," I replied.

"You're eating chips already? Are you fully recovered yet?" I asked just as he smirked. "I didn't know you were so concerned about me." I rolled my eyes at his words, "I just don't want to look after a sick patient again," I shrugged.

He stood up and walked closer to me. "Is that so?" He teasingly asked as he inched closer to me, backing me up against a wall.

"Y...Yes of course, what else?" I bit out. "You just stuttered," he brought his face closer to mine, trapping me between his strong arms.

An idea popped in my head and I coyly twirled a strand of my hair, "maybe...I've started to fall for you," I fluttered my eyelashes as seductively as I can as I looked into his eyes.

I held back a laugh as Ethan's eyes widened. Just as Ethan got distracted, I pushed him backwards, knocking his back against the wall behind him.

I then walked slowly towards him and put one of my arms on the wall behind him as I leaned my face closer to his.

Is he really going to take the bait? I forced back the smile that was threatening to emerge on my face as Ethan's eyelids fluttered close.

Just as our lips were centimeters apart, I head-butted him and his eyes shot open.

I gave a victory smirk as I quickly placed some distance between the two of us. "You, get back here," Ethan's voice held a tinge of menace as he narrowed his eyes at me. "No!" I shot back as I quickly ran into the bedroom and shut the door at his face.

Plopping down on the bed, I let out the chuckle that I was holding in the entire time as I heard Ethan cursing outside the door.