

Chapter Three

"Hazel, you need friends," my mother sighed. I shook my head and put another pillow behind her back.

"No I don't, mom," I said, "I'm perfectly fine without them. Friends aren't gonna get me anywhere in life."

"No," she laughed, "but neither will pampering your mother. Why don't you go out tonight? You survived your first week as a junior, go have some fun."

"Where would I even go?" I asked, plopping down on the couch across from my mom. I watched as she shrugged.

"Oh how should I know? You could go to a movie or get some dinner or-"

"Alone?" I shrieked. "Yeah, that doesn't scream "loser" at all, mom."

"Jeez," she scoffed, "I was just trying to help you."

"I'm sorry. I'm just cranky, that's all," I apologized, getting up from my chair. "I guess I will just go out and get a bite to eat."

"Good," mom smiled. "Go! Go!"


I parked my car in the lot of El Ranchito, the best Mexican restaurant in my area. I strutted to the entrance and adjusted my purse on my shoulder. Once inside the place, I asked for a table and gladly followed the waitress to it.

I shifted uncomfortably in my booth alone. I started to play with the silver wear in front of me until my waitress came around and took my drink order. I pulled out my phone and fiddled with it in my hands because I had no one to text.

When my phone buzzed in my hands, I jumped and looked to see a text from my mom asking me how I was. I jammed my phone in my bag angrily, not even bothering to reply.

Finally I had gotten my diet coke, and I was peacefully sipping it, until I heard someone call my name.

"Hazel!" I turned my head to the right, internally groaning at who I saw. "Hi Mr Cook," I replied nicely, waving a palm at him.

He came bounding over to me, a crooked smile upon his face. "What are you doing here on a Friday night?"

"What does it look like?" I asked dumbly. "I'm eating at a good restaurant."

"Right, right," he laughed, "I just figured you'd-"

"Be at a party? Or be hanging out with friends? Yeah, nope," I said with attitude in my voice.

"I'm sorry Hazel, I didn't mean to upset you," Mr Cook cried, "well, I'll just be off then." He slapped his hand down on my table, before giving a sorry look and walking off. I watched as we sauntered back over to his table, appearing to be alone too. I smiled in satisfaction knowing he too had no one to sit with.

But just as my satisfaction started, it ended when a short and stout blonde came in the front door, and ran on over to Mr Cooks table for two.

"Shit," I muttered to myself. "Just great."

"Hi Jesse!" The blonde squealed, giving him a bone crushing hug. "How have you been?"

"Hello Erica," Mr Cook replied. "I've been just great, how about you? You look fantastic, absolutely breathtaking."

"Why thank you," this Erica blushed. "I've been good. Mostly missing you."

"I'm out," I announced to myself, dropping a five dollar bill on the table for my chips and soda. I gathered my purse and stood to leave, huffing my way out. I placed my hand on the silver door handle to leave but Mr Cook screamed my name, once again. I turned around looking extremely annoyed.

"Yes?" I screamed back, placing a hand on my hip.

"See you Monday," he said timidly.


I walked into school dreading it more than ever. My encounter with Mr Cook was terribly embarrassing. I don't even know why I acted that way, I just was angry.

I scurried to my locker and grabbed my books, then proceeded to roam the halls, avoiding going to home room early. Finally, the first bell rang so I made my way back to Mr Cooks room. When I walked in, the class was almost full so I took a seat in my usual spot.

I looked to the front of the room and spotted Mr Cook sitting at his desk, staring into the crowd of students. His eyes stopped at me, and his face lost all emotion. He quickly looked down at the work on his desk with a sour expression.

I disregarded that and started to write a new poem in my small notebook. I let my ballpoint pen slide across the white lined paper, not even having to think to hard, I just let my emotions spill out. After 5 minutes, I took a breath and re read what I wrote.

"That's when I realize

You are smiling,

You are laughing,

You are having fun,

You are living a good life,

And it's not because of me ;"

I sighed happily, and closed my poem journal once again. I looked up and noticed that I was still in Mr Cooks room with only a few students. Apparently, I looked confused, because Mr Cook called out to me. "Hazel, the bell has rung. Please hurry to fist period."

"Yes," I said quickly grabbing my belongings. "Will do."
