
Junior Brother, you must take it!

Yun Feng is a senior disciple of his sect's outer hall. He wants to live his life carefreely and without problems within the outer sect. Until he meets Qin Fei... whom he mistook for a beautiful girl, after that, his world crumbled and the problems arise. "Senior Brother you must take the responsibility!" After hearing this, Yun Feng felt his head spin...

Yun_Che_153 · 東方
7 Chs

Did you say 'BROTHER'?

After I woke up that day in the morning, the sect's servant brought me breakfast. The breakfast was my favorite moment of the day, but I could not wash from my mind what happened the other day.

That was a bizarre and strange event, who was 'that girl?

I knew 'she' was a newcomer disciple, and I had no idea that 'she' was 'he'. Her name on the list they gave me before the class was Qin Fei, so… how was I supposed to think that beauty was a man?

And the most crucial thing… no one except the servants and the elders could enter my courtyard.

In the Iron Sect, all places were protected by powerful spells, a token was required to go through the spells. Every disciple had a token, and the Master of the administration hall inscribed the permissions.

If you wanted to give your friends special permission to enter your home, you would have to go to the administration hall to request the token.

Of course, no one of the disciples could enter my house… or it was I thought. That day I made up my mind to get to the bottom of this issue.

That day, some stranger things began to happen, it was like a foreshadowing of something. I vaguely remember, was the birthday of the founder father of the sect, any official activities were summarily suspended.

What took its place was a week of festivals.

Before we delve into those strange events, it is interesting to talk about my only friend within the sect, Situ Li, known as Fat Li.

Fat Li was a lucky bastard… in my long life, I have never seen someone so lucky.

I think he was a Saint in his other life.

We joined the sect simultaneously, right in the first month within the sect, he managed somehow to draw a female inner disciple's attention.

Six months after, they married.

Eight months after, she was pregnant.

One year later, he became an inner disciple without being tested or powerful enough.

So fvck1ng lucky…

It is not like I am jealous of him, what life gifted me outweighs everything he has gained, and this is what I think. I would not trade anything in my life for any heavenly luck.

But the matter is... Situ Li was my friend but also my nemesis. Fat Li was a lofty loud talking guy, without a sense of personal space.

He was always punching and grabbing, talking loudly in one's ear. I remember it as if it were today, he did throw a playful punch on a Senior of the inner court and was beaten to a pulp.

Later that day, Fat Li's wife beaten up that senior brother. The sect severely punished everyone involved in that incident. But after that, everyone had to put up with Fat Li because of his wife's.

You may ask yourself, why am I talking about that fat couple? They will be central support in future events, without them, this letter would not be written.

Back in the day, after I took breakfast, my Master called me through a servant.

"Young Master, the Elder Li is calling you out!" Shouted the servant right after performing a respectful bow.

"Ok then, I'll take my leave!" I said before leaving the expressionless servant behind me.

Arriving at my Master's house, I was met with a huge crowd in front of the gate. They were happily chatting like something exciting was happening.

"HAHAH This is a huge event! Master Li has adopted another disciple!" Said an ownerless voice into the crowd.

"Yeah! He had adopted Senior Brother Yun just because he was force by the Sect Master! Who would know that he would voluntary choose a disciple on the newcomers this year?" Who spoke was a tall slander disciple with a rat face, he stretched his speech while loving the attention of those fellow disciples.

But quickly, he discovered that something was about his fellows' silence.

When he saw me, his complexion paled, and he took a step back.

When he saw me, his complexion paled, and he took a step back.

"Senior Brother Yun…" he did try to say something, but I just moved without pay attention to him. This fellow is widely known to let his mouth run freely, such as Fat Li, he always ends up being beaten.

The group of people split into two parts as I walked over to my Master's house.

I could hear them chat about my Master accepting another disciple. That was very suspicious, every living being in the sect knows my Master never take disciple on his own.

Arriving in the main hall of my Master's house, I saw him and another person, when I looked at the person's face, I shouted.

"It's you!"

My Master, like someone caught doing something suspicious, woken up off the chair suddenly.

"You piece off sh1t! What do you think you're doing?" Shouted my Master angrily.

"Senior Brother Yun," Said the other person without getting up from 'her' chair.

"What are you doing here, Miss Qin?" I replied. Retrieving myself from the fright, I blatantly ignored my Master.

"Hahaha! Senior Brother, making jokes as always!" Rebutted 'Miss Qin' whit a mysterious grin on 'her' face.

"WTF are you doing you brat!??? Is that how you treat your younger disciple brother?" Screamed my angry Master.

"Junior Disciple! Pays respect to the Master and Senior Brother!" Said 'Miss Qin' performing a bow to my Master and me.

"Since when are you willingly accepting new disciples? Even more a girl!" I replied to my Master… After seeing a strange grin on his face, I recalled something off.

"Hold On!" My head becomes spin again.

"Did you say 'BROTHER'????????????????????" The last thing I remember was my master quote.

"What are talking about moron? Of course his is you Junior Brother, what a man is supposed to be?"

Yeah, you guess right, after that day I went to the doctor about this fainting thing... but this is a history for another moment.


Author here, thank you for giving this history a chance and apologize for the obvious mistakes, I'm learning and studying to improve my English skills which is not my maternal language.

By chance, I'll rewrite the chapters and apply my newfound knowledge about the language.

Thank you for your attention.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Yun_Che_153creators' thoughts