
Junior Brother, you must take it!

Yun Feng is a senior disciple of his sect's outer hall. He wants to live his life carefreely and without problems within the outer sect. Until he meets Qin Fei... whom he mistook for a beautiful girl, after that, his world crumbled and the problems arise. "Senior Brother you must take the responsibility!" After hearing this, Yun Feng felt his head spin...

Yun_Che_153 · Eastern
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7 Chs

Miss Qin, what are you doing?

Hi, my name is Yun Feng, if you are reading this letter means I am already dead. I have lived my life to its full extent, the one regret I have is that there are not enough years to keep living.

In the matter of a blink of my eyes, everything was gone, my old bones are the one thing that was left behind to remember me how time is a ruthless bitch.

If you are reading this letter means you are my martial heir, this is a testament to my last wish as your Master. I will assign you a simple task; it is a mandatory condition with no room to bargain.

Before I tell you what the task is, let me, your dead Master, tell a history of love and hatred. In the end, you will understand my ego and my will, I hope at least, give you a hint on how to live your life as I did.

That time I was an Outer Senior Disciple of my beloved Iron Sect, we were masters on body refining cultivation, in other words, brutes. Every disciple was a maniac workaholic, there were no other objectives in their heart otherwise get the perfect body and reach immortality.

Of course, for most of us, becoming an Immortal was a child's dream. But there is no cost in dream high, right? If I classified the mentality of the sect disciples at that time, I would say we were, at most, idealists.

We idealize everything, cultivation, life, love, sex, etc. That was a dreaming sect, dreaming of greatness, dreaming of power, and dreaming of respect. We rooted this in our martial souls, this was what we were, our nature.

That was I thought... until he came.

In the year I was assigned to be the instructor of the new disciples, I met him. At that time, I had mistaken him for a girl.

Telling you the truth, he was the most beautiful girl I have seen, his short dark straight hair, his slender but curvilinear figure like a princess of a fairy tale, his bright blue eyes, his perfect pale skin, and his outstanding face are as perfect as a woman could be.

He was wearing the Sect's feminine combat uniform, which fetched him perfectly. At his tiny waist, there was a sword with a sword case craved in gold. There is a green pedant around his perfect white neck, and his hair bangs were bonded with a clip in a tiny dragon form.

But I was not a beta who would fall for a 'girl' at first sight. On the day before we met for the first time, the Sect punished me for something that is not worth telling you in this letter.

Part of the punishment was teaching the newcomers disciples the Sect's rules for the next two months.

That time, my process of thought was simple. Be highly harsh to the disciples and make them complain about it to the Sect's superiors. In the end, they would have no alternative but to replace me with another teacher.

I was so angry about the sect punishment that I told the class to scram and mind their own business. I never forgot their faces; It was like they have eaten a soup with a fly.

After that, our first interaction was when I was sunbathing in my courtyard. I was taking a nap and dreaming about... never mind, forget... suddenly I smelt a delicious scent of roses, I felt like I was walking over a field of blooming flowers.

When I opened my eyes, two inches from my face, a beautiful face greeted me. I never forgot that blue eyes, his delicate and cute cheeks, his slim black eyebrows, and his posh, red-colored lips.

I felt my heart punching hardly on my chest, and with my shock, I wake up from the chair suddenly, and for the first time, our lips met each other.

It was a shameful accident, at that time, our first reaction was to fall back with our forces, he sat hard on the floor while I fell on my own back, crashing the chair in the process.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh! Miss Qin what are you doing!" I shouted while feeling the hard pain on my back.

"I'm sorry Senior Brother Feng, my apologize!" Told him, rising quickly from the floor.

He rushed to help me wake up from the floor, but for the sake of my pride, I promptly refused his help. While I was gathering myself and dusting off my clothes, his melodious voice reached my ears.

"You must take responsibility about what happened, Senior Brother!" He spoke.

I looked at him and saw his flushed face, but with a playful grin on his lips.

He was teasing me.

You must know, I had never seen this man before in my life. About the introduction class? I did not really pay attention to the faces of those disciples.

So, imagine my shock being teased out of the blue like that by a beauty like 'her'.

"What are you talking about?" I replied.

"You stole my first kiss! The tradition says you must take responsibility for your reckless actions, right? Senior Brother?" He said, without letting the playful grin on his face.

The last thing I remember on that day was that my mind went blank, and I passed out. When I woke up late, I was on my bed but the 'young Miss' there no place to be seen.

So, this was the beginning of my turbulent days on the Sect...

Author here, thank you for giving this history a chance and apologize for the obvious mistakes, I'm learning and studying to improve my English skills which is not my maternal language.

By chance, I'll rewrite the chapters and apply my newfound knowledge about the language.

Thank you for your attention.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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