
Jungle Juice in Marvel

Insects, fascinating beings that can accomplish so much, and have such fantastical abilities that can boggle people's minds. Their speed, strength, unique specialties, and so many more things that make them each successful in their way, able to survive environments that would easily see them killed by much larger species. Then the web novel Jungle Juice, a fascinating story about insect-human hybrids alongside other vast varieties of hybrids. Now stuck in Marvel with the knowledge and the mind necessary to replicate such a process our protagonist will spread this mutation like a plague across the globe, changing humanity for better or worse in the end who could tell? Now let us see how the story will unfold and what changes will be made to this part of the multiverse. (A couple of things one, I don't own Marvel or Jungle Juice which you should check out the original creators as their work is really good and I haven't seen any fanfics based on it yet so here we are, anyway I don't own either of them I only own this particular story and the cover image is not mine as well, just found a good one online and well here we so hope you enjoy and sorry for not updating anything just haven't had a lot of inspiration for them lately, not dropped haven't felt that inspired to keep writing, also based in the MCU)

Dr_Insane001 · 映画
11 Chs

Marvel's Insects

Most people would say being an entomologist isn't very exciting or would have a lot of prospects. To be fair, I had a hard time finding a job after college and I'm not ashamed to say that I lived with my parents for a little bit, but eventually, I got a job offer from some Corporation called "RomCorp" which sounds like romance corporation or something to that effect but it was named after their founder Roman Tithan who helped raise to a large scale pesticide company. My job was to actively study the effects of certain chemicals on insects and see which combination worked best, and how some of the more adapted ones could be killed off. 

Was it glamorous no, but it allowed me to pursue my passion for studying insects and put some use of my degree. Years went by and eventually, I went up quite a bit in the corporate ladder or at least as far as a researcher could go, which as cliche as it sounds is "Head Researcher" of whatever department. My job wasn't the only thing I concentrated on, I did try to date a few times but I could never get past a third date, honestly dating or romance never really appealed to me so I just spent my time on other things, mostly reading. 

I discovered this neat little webcomic called "Jungle Juice" and the art alone would be worth reading but the story itself is extremely good as well bravo to the authors and the people who drew it. People would assume I wouldn't enjoy reading it due to being an entomologist, but oh boy they were wrong. I thoroughly enjoy reading these types of stories any insect stories well except for...the bad ones.

Just thinking about it sends shivers down my spine, but still reading them at least helps me find the good ones which is very difficult because so few are made, or at least fictional pieces about insects in general. Anyway back to talking about Jungle Juice, such a fantastical story, and for my birthday besides a few cards from friends, some cake, and a small party with a new update chapter for my 48th birthday. That night when I went to bed, I had just finished reading the latest chapter, alongside some rereading because why not and something weird happened. 

It was a bright flash of white light and instead of lying down in my nice comfortable bed laying down on a disgusting mattress. I mean, I get not cleaning something after a while and forgetting about it, but this mattress was disgusting. Reminded me of my college roommate's mattress, although even then he cleaned it every once in a while but this one looked like it had gone uncleaned for years. 

So I got up and nearly puked seeing it, and I saw a mirror nearby, and taking a brief look at it, I saw a disheveled man with a stubby unshaven beard with bags under his blue eyes. The man's body was malnourished and thing as if they hadn't eaten for months but then I raised my hand to the air, near the mirror, and saw that it was my arm so I stepped in front of it fully and saw the man again or myself. I stepped forward grabbed hold of a nearby broken shelf and began shaking just looking at what I assumed was my new body.

I've never prayed to god or any god before but in the moment I had hoped with all my heart, that this was a nightmare or something from some deep subconscious stress about growing older or something. Pinching myself, I felt a quick shot of pain and my eyes widened, realizing that this was real and that I had somehow been transmigrated into this body or something like that. Either way, this wasn't normal and I slumped down to the floor went into the fetal position, and shook back and forth hoping I hadn't gone crazy or something like that. 

Then another bright flash of white light, the same one I saw before going to sleep, and a game-like screen appeared in front of me. It was a bright green with black colored letters and at that point, I honestly couldn't tell if I was insane or if something truly supernatural was happening to me. 

[Hello host and welcome to the multiverse of Marvel

I am the Jungle Juice System

Any questions or would you like to start the tutorial immediately?]

I began laughing deciding to play along with whatever was happening and to see if I was insane later.

"This body, what's their name and what year is it?"

[The name of Host's current body is Jason Tithan Marvel's counterpart of Roman Tithan's grandson, and the current year is 2005]

I got up saying "ok" to myself over and over again and sat down on the dirty mattress trying to process the information and thinking of a few more questions. 

"Is there anything else I would need to know immediately or would it be more efficient to start the tutorial."

[It would be more beneficial to start the tutorial sooner rather than later Host but that is up to you]

I nodded my head understanding and felt the urge to cry from the loss of my old life either due to my newfound insanity or whatever supernatural thing this was. 

"Start the tutorial please."

[Acknolwedge Host, the first thing you should know is that there are many systems in what you refer to as the omniverse

All forms of fiction are fed to a gigantic source of possibly infinite energy to create them alongside new universes that eventually become multiverses of their own

This system was designed to create a new multiversal-level god although if the Host doesn't believe it that is perfectly acceptable

As suggested this system is based on the webcomic Jungle Juice as the system identified it as the Host's favorite webcomic and decided this would be the best way to help the system accomplish its goal]

Ok so my love for the webcomic influenced what type of system I would get, which is honestly very weird but I can't argue against it.

[The system has a few basic functions with more becoming unlocked as time goes one

1. Laboratory Function: Area where the host can experiment with the primordial amber and create various forms of the "Jungle Juice" product from the same webcomic

2. Status: Gives the host a list of current abilities alongside details about certain insects

3. Storage: Area where the host can store various forms of currency or items, currently host can store 10 items

4. Level: Indicates the system level]

Ok, that was a good sign, I can work with the laboratory and storage immediately, and it would also possibly help prove if I'm insane or not. 

[The host has been granted 4 privileges to help them start and create a stable environment for them to work in

1. Jungle Juice Formula

2. Materials necessary to create alongside a continuous supply of the main ingredient not found in marvel necessary to create

3. Basic U.S. currency worth of $5,000

4. Basic lab equipment necessary to create the first batch of Jungle Juice

this concludes the basic tutorial if the host has further questions please feel free to ask]

Ok, the currency part will probably help me a lot and I knew that if Apple or Amazon existed here that would be a major investment for the future, and depending on whatever version of Marvel I was in, Stark Enterprises could be a good idea too. Luckily the former Jason had an iPad, not the best model nor anywhere near the 2023 one but it would be good enough. 

Opening it up, I saw that the guy had placed a sticky note with the password on the corner of it before I could question why I saw a few beer bottles. Which made sense considering the state he left his apartment in and the state of his body, well it made sense. Although there was one clean area, it was terrarium nice and clean with a huge log on it and from what I could tell, a female tarantula hiding underneath it. Probably the only thing he handled responsibly even when he was drinking. 

"Well, no use beating around the bush let's get started, system take me to the laboratory."

[Acknowledge Host

Teleporting now]

Here we go, the first chapter of a new book, and like I said I don't own Jungle Juice or Marvel and you should check out the original Web Comic and hope you enjoy this fanfiction and have a good day, also might make a Patreon

Dr_Insane001creators' thoughts