
chapter six

Zoe Christian achieved national recognition for her works as the best witch in business when one day while at home, there was breaking news on major media organizations that fire had gutted the lower government house of representatives and this made many people asking themselves what really happened. The fire outbreak incident happened at wee hours in the morning and Zoe managed to tune in and follow preceding as the fire brigade and police intelligence organizations were all their trying to look for answers on what really happened. After several hours, the police and other security officers kept on updating the public to remain calm and wait for investigations.

'All we ask you guys is to remain calm while some roads have been closed off from both pedestrians and motorists,' the police officer said

After some time, the police chief held his first press conference and announced that someone entered the building at night and set it on fire. Our investigations are not clear that some arsonist entered and set the building on fire. Our cameras couldn't clearly get us a picture but what we call on the public to give us any information that may lead to the arrest of this notorious arsonist,' he said

'How long will this take before you show us who bunt the government building,' one reporter asked

'There are usually no timelines on investigations but we are confident that we shall get him or her,' the police said

'We have put up a reward of USD 500,000 for anyone who gets us information leading to the arrest of this criminal guy but we want to assure you that justice will be served,' he said

A week later no person came forward to help out with the investigation and no person had been arrested to that effect. Zoe kept following the proceedings and she knew she could be of great help if she came forward to help with the investigations so one early morning, she went to the office of director criminal investigations and offered herself forward as the person who will bring the culprit to face justice;

'What do you do madam and what information do you have for us,' he said 'I am a witch but I promise you that I will get him for you,' she replied?

'We are not in comedy madam, this is a serious investigation', one police guy said

'I know that you cannot believe me when I say that the person who did this will bring himself here for interrogation,' she said

'We appreciate your time madam but I don't think we are on the same page but thank you for your courage,' the police chief said

Zoe stormed out of the meeting and left and exactly the following day as she promised, a young man in his thirties came forward with a swarm of bees' allover his body while screaming on top of his voice asking the police and government to forgive him;

'Please forgive me, I did not know what I was doing, it was just the anger that I heard towards the government,' he said

He opened the door and stepped inside the police headquarters and everyone scattered with some going up to the upper chamber to the police chief office;

'There is a mad person down in the ground floor with bees' allover his body and he claim to be the one who burnt the lower house of parliament sir,' one guy reported

The police chief went and caught with him down and ordered his men to take the mad man out.

'Take this mad guy out,' police chief ordered

Police officers feared for their lives as they kept watching from a distance.

'Please, you guy, get out of here,' the police chief said

A few minutes later, the whole swarm of bees on the guy's body disappeared through the windows and the man was offered a seat and on interrogating him, he clearly narrated to them how he did it and offered them to take finger prints from him and compare from what they got from the scene of crime and surprisingly they were a match. The police ordered for the guy to be arrested and taken into custody. The police chief then went outside to give a press briefing to the waiting media houses.

'We finally have him in our cells,' they said

Several reporters were asking questions of how he was got and what his intention were.

The police chief thanked one good witch that came over the other day and promised to help with the investigations and now they have him in custody and he called on the witch to come forward and receive his cheque in the afternoon.

At exactly 2pm with the Zoe Christian in attendance, the police chief asked upon her to step forward and be given his cheque.

'We have all learnt that in this investigation work, no one should be underestimated because information is power. She came over and promised us and it materialized,' the police chief said

Zoe Christian stepped forward amidst cheers from the watching crowd and she picked her cheque.

Several reporters of different media houses were asking her many questions but she maintained her pose and she handed a microphone to say something;

'Who is she and where does she get her powers from?' one reporter asked

'I will hand over this cheque to a not to profit organization helping out our children with mental health problems, she said

With loud cheers from the waiting audience, she thanked the police for being kind and letting her to do her magic.

Some hours later in the company of media houses, Zoe arrived at the offices of National Alliance on Mental health illness and handed over her cheque. Zoe received a standing ovation for her generous efforts towards helping children with mental illness.

'I became a hero for a week,' she said

Zoe Christian was later voted a person of the year for her generous contributions in making the society and community safe.

While receiving her ward, 'she called on the people to accord respect to any person regardless on his work. 'When I started out and decided to become a witch, my family resented me as non-Christian and evil but I see that all I do is to put a smile on people's faces. I seek to harm no one,' she said

Zoe Christian later gained recognition as one good witch around and she became very prosperous through the work of her hands.