
chapter five

Zoe did finish school and graduated with honors, in fact she was one of the best in her class and she sought out looking for a job and after a series of job hunting and doing some interviews no one was willing to give her a job. Zoe thought that she had secured a job vacancy at one prestigious company around their city and state where later picked her friend that she graduated with. She had gotten a second lower certificate and Zoe couldn't believe why no one is willing to give her a job.

Immediately after graduating school, Zoe used to have night dreams where Mzee Tom tells her not to bother to look for a job. You already have a job and that's is to keep my legacy alive. ''Solve people's problems''

I don't understand, should I keep my degree certificate I become a full-time witch. She kept asking herself kept on getting dreams from her late friend telling not to bother looking for a job because she already has one and that was to continue Mzei Tom's legacy and be a witch.

'Should I open an office and I became a witch', she kept talking to herself?

'Is this what destiny has prepared for me to do then, I will do it,' she said she later moved on to the late house of Mzee Tom and strategized on how to get started.

A week later, a man in her mid-fifty's came over and knocked at the door and Zoe appeared;

'Hello, how are you doing, call me Mzee tom please, I want to speak to him very quick,' he said

'Who are you and where are you coming from?' Zoe replied

The man insisted, 'please call Mzee Tom for me, I am not here to play games. The man began shouting calling Mzee Tom to come over as Zoe stood watching from a distance'

'If you are truly Mzee Tom's friend and you don't know that he passed on several months ago then I don't understand you and your motive coming here,' she said

' I am very sorry. I don't know he passed on,' the man replied

'When I called his cellphone this evening and it was not available then I decided to come over,' he continued to say. The man looked puzzled and asked, 'who is going to help us now that he is gone?'

Zoe ushered the man inside and the two heard a quiet conservation. The man narrated how Mzee Tom helped him to overcome something in the past and now he is faced with a challenge of persistent thieves who go to his plantations at night and go away with a number of his fruits. He said he tried to employ a guard but this has not helped in any way to put a stop on that. Zoe knew he could do something as this was his first client and so he has to do it correctly. Zoe asked the guy to go home and within a week that thief will be got if he attempts to steal gain. Two days later, a man was caught lying in the field drunk with stolen fruits and when they called the owner, he immediately called on the police and the guy was whisked away. This made news for some days around the community about how can someone go to steal and you get drunk. What made Zoe Christian a good witch was that she never charged money to help anyone but out of satisfaction a client would send in a token of appreciation.

Another guy was referred to Zoe for help after hearing about the thief who got drunk and got stuck in the plantation stealing and he made an appointment with Zoe a good witch in business. This guy suspected his wife of cheating and he wanted to rest it once and for all. He was married to cooperate woman that always gave him excuses of working long hours and taking many working trips abroad and this always bothered him.

Zoe Christian first hesitated helping him out claiming that such incidents can lead to the breakdown of his marriage but the guy insisted that he does not care whether their marriage will stand or go down the drain.

One fatefully evening, the wife of this guy went about doing her normal duties and she had told the husband that she was attending the end of year company cerebrations, she called on the husband in the evening and informed him that she is sleeping there as she was busy preparing some PowerPoint presentation for the next day meeting. it would tiresome for her to drive home and wake up early the following day well prepared for the event. Her husband wished her well and the two agreed to have lunch together the following day after the meeting. She went on to have fun as usual with her boss. The two booked a hotel room and in the midst of enjoyment, the guy got stuck in between the woman's legs. He tried to shout for help but nobody came to the rescue until the two became unconscious. They remained stuck to each other until the next morning. Early in the morning, the hotel room service guys came over knocking on their hotel room and no one returned the call until they were forced to break in and found a couple lying on bed unconscious on top of each other. They called on the hotel manager who called on the ambulance to take the couple to the hospital and while on the way to the hospital, someone leaked the story to the press and they followed the couple to the hospital while reporting live. Reaching the hospital, doctors were able to report that the couple were not dead as earlier reported but just unconscious and the two were put on immediate medical attention and they managed to regain their consciousness and they separated them. Media organizations had managed to report that actually they are not real couples but they were two married people involved in extra marital affair.

The husband of the cheating wife was called and informed about a developing story involving his wife and her boss and he managed to rush to the hospital and caught up with them while on medication. On seeing her husband, she burst in tears and asked for forgiveness in front of the media houses reporting live. He stood by her side and the two went for lunch after such embarrassing scenes.