
Jujutsu kaisen :The Forgotten Sorcerer

THIS IS JUST A AU Gabimaru, the outcasted twin who was shamed for being lesser than his twin brother Satoru Gojo. Imagine being put down since birth and finally being tossed away like trash. Would Gabimaru will endure more pain from this toxic sorcerer world and prove he is worthy or would he finally snap and being the cruel monster they painted him to be. This is his journey and only he will wield his future or does he? cover picture from @vksxlyxs on instagram I will re-edit the story once I finish.

Suzumebachi_ · アニメ·コミックス
84 Chs


Yuji pov

Yuji finally woke up from his nap and as he was opening his eyes he could see he was trapped in a creepy room with golden dim lights. Yuji tried to wipe his eyes but he couldn't because his hands were bound.

( why can't I move my arms?)

Yuji was trying to rip the chains off his arms but he couldn't and as he was half tired suddenly a white hair blinded man popped up in his viewpoint. " Hello Yuji! How are you doing this lovely morning?" the man pulls a chair to sit in front of Yuji.

The tiredness Yuji was feeling came to an end and tried to jump up from his seat. " How do you know my name? Where am I? Why does this room look like a prison?" Yuji bombard Gojo with questions.

Gojo laughed at the teen, " Wow I see you are finally awake. I was getting bored sitting here waiting for you to wake up, I came up with ideas on how to fix my boredom anywho don't mind your face."

( My face? What's wrong with it? Is he calling me ugly? Tsk he's lucky I can't see his face because he covering his eyes.)

" Psh, I bet my face looks better than yours," Yuji grunted,

" Oh really?" Gojo enhanced a brow at him as he slowly took off his blindfold.

Yuji was kept in a mini suspense, anxious to see what was under the folds. When the fold was almost off Gojo stopped his movements and started to laugh at Yuji's patience. "Gotchu!! It's a secret what's underneath this mask." Gojo places his finger on his lips.

( This man!)

"Let's get into business now." Gojo placed his right leg over his left trying to look professional, he cleared his throat " Yuji, you had eaten something very dangerous and now you and that spirit are in one sharing the same body. I have been ordered to kill you on the spot but the way how you handle that finger I have plans for you" Gojo stood up and started to walk in circles around Yuji, " Option 1 you can just die right now, or option 2 you can consume all 20 fingers than die. How does that sound to you?" Gojo hops back on the chair to face the boy.

( Either way I die it's not very much an option for me.)

" What will I be doing as I eat the rest of the fingers? Would I stay in this room? Or can I freely walk out?"

Gojo smirked at his questions, " Ah, you will be free but you will attend Tokyo Jujutsu High as a sorcerer."

( Sorcerer? What the hell is that? Is that a person who uses magic like a wizard? Isn't that all fiction? But the stuff I witnessed last night very much felt real so is the wizard real too?)

Yuji's eyes glowed with excitement, " Will I get my own ward like Harry Potter?!"

Gojo's face dropped upon hearing Yuji's question, the man didn't know if Yuji was serious or he was playing around, " Excuse me?"

Yuji's legs started jumping, " I will fly a broom and cast spells, I will make things appear, and also I hope I can cast ugly girls to be beautiful like Jennifer Lawrence." Yuji kept blabbering about his bucket list of what he would do.

Gojo was frozen still having his finger in the air trying to silence Yuji but the hair boy was in his world, " Umm Yuji, there are so such things as wizards." he broke the bad news to the teen and Yuji stopped talking feeling disappointed.

" Huh?! What do you mean it's not real? I saw Megumi casting dogs to come to his side, I saw a talking spider, and I saw a big ugly monster running after me like I was meat to it. WHY CAN'T I MAKE JENNIFER COME TO ME?!" Yuji started to complain and Gojo sat there listening to him venting as if he was some therapist.

" I understand your complaints Yuji but we do not cast spells," he giggled a little bit but stopped himself so he didn't rub salt in his wound more, " We are sorcerers who use curse energy/ technique to exercise curses to make sure the nonsorcerers will be safe,"

Yuji stops fantasizing about big booty girls and hears out Gojo, " We help people?" Yuji uttered and Gojo nodded his head to answer his question. Yuji remembers his conversation with his grandfather and remembers how his granddad wanted him to help others since he was always stronger, and faster than an average human. A small smile appeared on his face.

( Maybe it's fate.)

"Sure, I will do it then."

Gojo was baffled by his answer, he assumed that the boy would whine how it's unfair treatment he would have to die regardless but a smile crept on his face when he remembered that Yuji somewhat reminded him of his other half. He remembers the days when Gabi would go on a mission despite the way he was feeling and he will always protect people.

" Yuji I might not know you enough but you are a good person."

Yuji tilted his head in confusion wondering why he said that. " You will be under my protection and the higher-ups won't get to you. Let me release you, " Gojo went behind Yuji and started to unchain him, " Let's get you started. "

Yuji jumps up from the chair, " Yes sir."

Gabimaru pov

Gabi was walking in the streets of Tokyo heading to his favorite restaurant for dessert. He had on formal clothes to fit in with modern-day society such as black slacks with a button-up white shirt and to top it off with a black vest, his hair was tied into a ponytail to keep it intact.

"Mhm, it's been a while since I had some Japanese cheesecake," he spoke to himself but the cashier heard him and giggled at his comment.

" I assume you must have been quite busy since it has been a while since you had one sir," she smiled at him as she cut the slice of the cheesecake.

Gabimaru leaned on the counter and smiled," Yes, I have great plans to follow to achieve my Ultimate goal."

The girl blushed at him, " I hope you achieve it real soon so you can come again."

Gabi innocently tilts his head at the girl, " Are you perhaps flirting with me?"

The girl stood still unable to look at him because she was embarrassed, " Is it a problem sir?" she wanted to make sure she hadn't crossed any boundaries.

Gabi shook his head, " It's been a long time since a girl had shown interest in me. "

The girl was flabbergasted by his response and wondered if he was lying to her, " Are you sure? You are handsome and charming, who wouldn't like that?"

" Don't be a fool love, I'm a devil in disguise," he chuckled.

The girl laughed at his comment as she placed the cheesecake on the counter, " I find that hard to believe but enjoy the cheesecake and come back soon."

Gabi nodded his head with a smile and started walking to the exit and as he was away from the girl his smile turned into disgust, " I hate nice girls." he sucked his teeth.

Gabi turned around facing the cafe, " I hate people in general. "

"Kill them," he whispers as blocks the door

A wicked laughter came out within the cafe and soon that laughter was overshadowed by a loud screaming of people trying to escape the cafe but failing since webs were stopping the doors from moving.

"Now that's music to my ears, " Gabi took a piece of the cheesecake, "Mhmm, this is indeed the best cheesecake I ever had, I kinda feel stupid for killing them now. Oh well."

As he was about to leave the same girl from the cashier went to the glass double doors and was gently banging on it from the little bit of strength she had left with bloody hand prints for Gabimaru to open it. The white hair man went close to the doors and waved his hand at the girl "I told you I'm the devil" he silently but slowly mouthed at the girl for her to understand what he said and shortly after his curse spirit Erebus gutted her like a fish against the doors. The man went about his business, walking down the busy streets of Japan and enjoying his cake.


Gabi went to his shrine where he was greeted by Higanbana, "You are back early Gabimaru," she said as she poured tea into his cup.

He sat across from her and drank that tea she made for him, " Yes, I am."

She gazed her eyes into his, " I'm not complaining but you are getting colder by the day, I'm scared that I won't have my sweet Gabi whom I love. " she pouted at him as she used her finger to swirl her tea.

" Is that what you want? The old version of myself that was a complete fool?" he bitterly says as he chung down the burning hot tea.

" Well, you said it, not me. I will admit that I was kinda getting tired of the righteous Gabiamru who wants to save everyone. Being a hero is boring nowadays. Anyway, why did you give that boy the finger? Do you think that was a good move?"

Gabi grinned show up on his face, " He is compatible with the finger which is good because Gojo was in his care teaching the ways of being a true sorcerer and that means Gojo and the rest of the old hags will mainly focus on the dangerous vessel and won't be in our way no time soon but I did leave my brother a little gift before I see him.

Higanbana smirked hearing his reasoning and started to get more turned out by the way how Gabimaru turned out, " well, well, well, I guess my little Gabimaru is all grown up now." she traced her teacup with her finger slowly, " I like seeing this side of you. " Gabimaru didn't reply back because he was too caught up in his thoughts to think about the near future.

Gojo pov

Gojo walked in on the crime scene where he was called to go. " Gojo sir, they called Jujutsu tech to solve this case, and as you can see it doesn't look like a human did this." Ijichi notified the man.

Gojo examined the scene and saw mutilated bodies across the whole cafe but what caught his eye was on the counter when he saw a person's head that had 'bonds' written on it with an x mark crossing the word.

" A human did do this Ijichi," Gojo murmured to his co-worker.

Ijichi scans the cafe again, " A human? Are you sure?"

( I have a feeling it's Gabimaru and I somewhat feel like energy here but it's dense.)

" Do you have the cafe cams available?" he asked Ijichi.

Ijichi brought Gojo to the back to look at the security cams to see what happened and what they saw was Gabimaru himself smirking at the cameras, as he talked to the cashier.

" Is that Gabimaru sir?" Ijichi whispered to Gojo scared to say his name out loud.

Gojo clenched his fist as he saw the people in the cafe getting brutally murdered," Yes.." Gojo couldn't say anything more he was completely lost in thought.

( What are you planning Gabimaru? Why can't we talk this out as adults? Why must you think this is the answer?!)