
Jujutsu Kaisen: Restricted Psychic

An anomaly. A mistake within a mistake. Sachi Zenin was a irregularity of mind and body. The unknown power she wields is enough to contend with the self proclaimed 'Strongest' His birth was prophesied throughout the heavens. People cheered at his cradle. Her birth was unhonoured and only surrounded by death. One is confined within a cursed system. The world's blessed child. The other is unrestrained by the cursed laws. The world's mistake. Undoubtedly, their births shifted the balance of the world. One that was blessed by birth. One that was liberated by birth. A new chapter every 2 days! This will also be a slow paced story. This is my first book!

Rynin · アニメ·コミックス
62 Chs

Chapter 40: The end of the strongest duo.

"Geto Suguru." I crane my head to look at Yaga. "A mission for you." I guess I'll be doing this alone again.

"Yes sir." I feel so tired.

I take the paper and leave.

'This is pretty far.' A rural village with a curse apparently attacking their members. I wave my hand and a large curse forms for me to fly on. Until I notice something strange.

"Hey Shoko?" She's looking up to the skies with a cigarette in her mouth. 'Isn't she supposed to be working somewhere else?'

"Hey Suguru." Her eyes dart back and forth between me and the sky. I move closer and see something that killed any chances of a good week.

A dead body.

'It's covered by something so I don't know who it is.'

Satoru? No that's stupid.

Sachi? She's strong. That's also stupid.

Mei Mei? Possibly.

'My thoughts will be answered if I just unveil the cloth.' Yet. I don't want to. And I know in my heart exactly why.

Nonetheless, I mechanically move closer and lift the cloth. It's..... It's... It's.....


That junior of mine who was always so upbeat and was so....alive yesterday. Is gone today. 'Now...that I think of it.'

Most sorcerers don't even live past 40. Will I live past 40? What about the others?

When I die or retire, other sorcerers will come along. They will die. Or retire.

When they die or retire. Other sorcerers will come along. Then the cycle repeats. Many sorcerers don't ever get the luxury of a wanted retirement.

The entire jujutsu system is so....it all amounts to this.

This is the truth of the Jujutsu system.








Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.

Waste your life for others. Die.























'Fighting for people who don't even acknowledge us or what we do. The only people that mourn us is our own comrades.'

Even after we die, the future generation will still do the same job. In the end we will all drown together.

I look around me, Shoko is gone, I'm all alone- huh. Nanami is here too. He's just outside. I don't even want to be here. My body feels sweaty. My mouth has needles in it.

Ah. I only noticed. When did he come here?

"Rest for now Nanami. Satoru will take care of it." The scouting wasn't done properly this time. Are the higher ups slacking?

"Hn." Though bruised heavily he still found the strength to speak. "Can't we just leave it all to Satoru from now on?"

'Can we?'

'This endless marathon called Sorcery. What if beyond that is nothing more than a pile of my friend's corpses?'

Wait a minute.

'My mission. I need to run and complete it fast. I need a shower but no- these people need my help.' I summon my curse again and fly off.

7 minutes later.....

I'm here now and my clothes are sticking to my cold body. 'I need to make this quick.' The villagers lead me to a secluded and batterd house. Upon seeing what was inside, I rubbed my head in irritation.

"What exactly is this?"

"Aren't they the cause of all these incidents?" No! You f- calm yourself Suguru. 'They locked up and beat two kids for what?'

"They've been using their strange powers sir." Are they sorcerers?

"My grandson was killed by these two!" I doubt that untrained kids could control their powers like that.

"They've killed so many people! We should have killed them at birth!"


"Shut up!"

"Curses like you should die!"


Too loud.


Too annoying.


In that moment. A piece fell into place.

Hmmm. I look at the girl and ignore the shouting monkeys. 'It'll be okay.'

"Excuse me. I have something to tell you outside." They both stop uselessly shouting and follow me outside.

I've decided on what to do. But I can't help but think back.

'Sachi. You told me I had two choices. To believe in non-sorcerers. To believe in their future.' They can 'evolve' you said.

'Looking at these 'things' before me I find it hard to belive millions of years passed just for something so disgraceful to live. This is the evolution of non-sorcerers?'

Slowly, I walk back to the prison and stare at the children whilst disgusting blood drips down me. 'Monkeys could never evolve.'

You never told me what the second choice was and I know why.

"I belive I've found my second choice." I destroy the gate and stretch my hand carefully.

My second choice is..

To belive and protect the future for sorcerers!

'A future where no monkeys will ruin it.'









This is to you...

You who despises non-sorcerers.

And you who fights desperately to love them.

The one you commit to being right now....















5 days after the requested sorcerer (Geto Suguru. 2nd year in Jujutsu High) went to xxx Village. 112 corpses were found.

It was thought to be the cursed spirit however further analysis showed it was the result of Geto Suguru's cursed spirit manipulation.

Geto Suguru is on the run.

Under article 9 of the regulations of Jujutsu.

Geto Suguru is now to be executed on sight as a curse user.








Many things ended that day.

The villagers. Suguru's career. His faith in non-sorcerers.

But none were more important than this...

That day marked the end.









. The end of the strongest duo.

Leave a review and comment!

Also this chapter was straight fire right!

Rynincreators' thoughts