
Jujutsu kaisen : Dust release

What will happen when someone lives the life of onoki in the naruto world get reincarnated into the world of jujutsu kaisen , so guys this my first time writing a storie like this and English is not my first language so i need any help there is .

New_ring · アニメ·コミックス
22 Chs

Kyoto General Hospital 2.

On the other side of Yoshinobo, the battle between Naobito and the crow cursed spirit moved to the first floor of the hospital.

One of the walls crashed while the cursed spirit was sent through and Naobito soon followed while his laughter was in empty space.

With a punch on his black beak the cursed spirit flew again and hit the concrete pillar that supports the construction.

"Come on, if that's all you got, I'm gonna go trade with the old man,gaugangji. I just hope he didn't deal with the cursed spirit already, or I'm gonna be ashamed."


In response, the curse made a voice of a chicken , her arms, which were claws , slowly expanded and the feather start showing up turning the spirit armes and claws into shiny black wings.

"Looks like I'm gonna eat chicken today "

while avoiding the feathers that fly around him , boosting by cursed energy ,the feather breaks through the ground and the walls .

"I thought you were a crow. Why do you keep making chicken noises?"

Naobito continued to evade the feathers while mocking the cursed spirit, his goal was to make the cursed spirit lose focus because of anger.

And it looks like it's working, with an angry platter, the curse rose in the air with the help of its newly formed wings and began to launch random attacks in all directions.

After the release of all the curse energy savings in that attack, the crow-like curse came down to the ground, despite all the dust from the previous attack, it did not worry that her opponent would survive that attack.

Unfortunately, her expectations weren't correct, in one part of a second he was about to head towards the third floor again and in the other, her head was smashed hard by a fist covered by a black lightning.

The force of the strike was so strong that it completely turned his head into just a paste and destroyed the floor directly to the basement.

With the rubble and the rest of the curse body , Naobito fell downstairs.

"Whuff, just a low curse thought she could defeat me, I should have chosen a doll-like curse that might bring me more fun, or maybe I should have fought the two curses at the same time"

Naobito said while he watched what's left of the curse body evaporating in the air.


Suddenly, his body staggered as if he had been struck by the lightning , his entire body cramped and his muscles shocked while he fell on one knee.

'What happened? Where did the attack come from?'

It wasn't hard to know where the attack came from, because of the entire hospital's power outages, the basement was in dark .

However, the attacker was literally glowing in the dark, with electric tapes swimming through his body , it was easy to observe.

'Cause of the dense power of the curse energy in the hospital, I couldn't see that there was another first level curse near me.'

When you look closely you can notice that the curse is a human-like body with muscles all over his body and massive capacitors coming out of his shoulder plate.

'It seems to be the reason the hospital's out of power, sucks electricity and turns it into curse energy, and vice versa, that's a little hard.'

Suddenly the room became completely dark, even the hole from which he entered the basement completely disappeared, the only source of light was the curse in front of him.

'A simple domain , this is not a simple curse, but a vengeful curse , damn it, this fucking curse energy messing with my senses so I couldn't recognize such a thing.'


The sound of the curse was intermittent and gloomy, and anyone who heard it could know that it was full of pain , yet Naobito did not respond to it .

If any sane sorcerer was in this situation they would to retreat to look for an exit and then gather information and attack when he was sure he would win, but Naobito attacked directly from the front.

What? Did you think he'd react like any ordinary sorcerer, no, his name is Naobito Zenin, and he's not a regular sorcerer at all.

The curse couldn't react at all when Naobito arrived, firing an upward punch on her chin, yet Naobito didn't feel that he touched anything , his hand passed through the head of the curse .

The head of the curse spirit broke down into electric currents and then regrouped itself.

When he sees the weird skill that the curse used, Naobito retreats to the other side and watched the electric currents turn to the head of the curse again.

'What was that? He's turned his whole head into electric currents. Is he immune to physical attacks or to disassembly his body before I hit him?'

Watch Naobito while the head of the cursed soul has been restored to normal and prepared to receive her attack, yet the cursed spirit has not moved, but remains in its place, watching Naobito herself.


Once again Naobito didn't respond , and charge again, but this time he used his cursed tequnique to gain more speed .

Naobito disappeared from his place and kept appearing around the cursed spirit while his speed was increasing, and suddenly he showed up next to the curse and gave a punch in the gut.

Like the last time, the stomach of the cursed spirit broke into electric strings, but Naobito didn't care, he continued to punch.

A punch to the head, a kick to the knee , a punch to the chest , in the end it's just the electric slides left in the curse place .

Like before, once Naobito went backwards, the cursed spirit began to rearrange her body without showing any injuries.

"Okay, so this is how it is, this makes it easier."

Naobito thought when he already discovered how to defeat the cursed spirit, activating his cursed tequnique Naobito appeared in front of the cursed spirit and touched it with his hand.

Suddenly, the cursed spirit disappeared and appeared in a glass frame in Naobito's hand. By activating his cursed style again, Nawabito delivered 24 punches in one second.

The frame containing the cursed spirit was destroyed, and the cursed spirit was turned into a foul bloody mixture. At the same time, Naobito could see that he was outside the simple domain and returned to the lower floor of the hospital.

At the same time, electricity was restored, and the lights were turned on normally.

"Well, do you think if you were shocked by electricity, your reaction would be fast enough to avoid my attack? I am the fastest person in the world of Jujutsu," Naobito said as he looked at the remnants of the cursed spirit disappearing on the ground. Without much care, Naobito headed back to the third floor.

The same feeling of disgust overwhelmed him when he reached the third floor. The cursed energy made his blood run cold. Immediately.

Naobito met Yoshinobu again on the third floor, and the two stood together in front of the door where the source of the cursed energy was.

Yoshinobu broke the silence, "It took you a long time to deal with that curse. Should I be worried that you are not as strong as I expected, or what?"

Naobito smiled as he took out a bottle of wine from his sleeve and replied, "There is no need to worry, old man. I encountered a revenge curse, so I was a little late."

In fact, Naobito could have ended the fight quickly if he had been serious or used his own expansion technique, he would have ended the fight immediately. But it was more like an appetizer before the main course, so Naobito took his time in the fight.

Standing in front of the door, Yoshinobu extended his hand to the handle. The cursed energy seeped from the cracks in the door enough to make the two serious.

Yoshinobu opened the door forcefully, ready to fight, but the cursed energy exploded outward, causing him to close his eyes.

When he opened them again, he was not in the hospital where he was, but in a rocky plain where a war was taking place.

The smell of blood filled his nose, and the sounds of screams and cries filled his ears. Bodies filled the place, and engineering pits were present wherever he looked.

Some bodies were either crushed by huge rocks or pierced by stone spikes from the ground.

Some bodies were missing some parts as if they evaporated into thin air.

At a distance from him, there were dozens of figures sending huge balls of fire, electric currents, and high-pressure water streams.

The goal of these attacks was a small figure floating in the air. Due to the distance between them, Yoshinobu could not distinguish the figure well, but the momentum of the figure was not something to be hidden.

As the attacks approached him, the figure slowly raised its hand in the air and formed a square wall in front of it. The wall looked like it was made of transparent white light and didn't provide much safety. Nevertheless, it received the attacks strongly.

The sound resulting from the explosion was something that made him feel ashamed of his cursed style. The sound waves from the explosion were enough to kill many first-grades cursed spirits, dozens of second-grades, hundreds of third-grades, and countless fourth-degree.

Just when Yoshinobu thought that the figure in the air had been eliminated, the smoke cleared, revealing that the figure was still intact behind the light shield.

This discovery was enough to make Yoshinobu's knees weak, and it seemed that the attackers felt the same way.

Suddenly, the shield disappeared in front of the flying figure, and he clasped his hands together. As soon as he separated them, a bright white light emanated from between them.

Yoshinobu had to close his eyes due to the brightness of the light. When he opened them again, the first group of attackers had already disappeared, leaving only a giant pit in their place whose depth only god knews .

Yoshinobu's mind was blank, and he couldn't move an inch. Just when he thought everything was over, it seemed that the figure in the sky noticed him.

The same dazzling brightness shone again between the hands of the figure in the air, and this time it seemed that the attack was directed towards him. Yoshinobu couldn't move an inch , and in the last second before he was hit by the attack, he could see a cone of the same transparent white light coming towards him.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Suddenly Yoshinobu was awakened from his dream and found himself kneeling on all fours. Only his hands prevented him from lying completely on the ground.

His entire body was covered in cold sweat, and his face became pale as if he had never seen the sun in his life. Next to him was Naobito Zenin, slightly better off but still on his knees.

In the room, there was a woman on the hospital bed watching him and Nawabito with concern, and in her arms was a newborn baby who had not yet completed one day of life.

As soon as Yoshinobu's eyes fell on the baby, he knew that he was the source of the cursed energy filled with bloodshed.


1903 words / 10637 characters.

So guys , this is today's chapter , what do

you think ?

If you find any mistakes in the translation tell me in the comments.

I. Got another question, if someone has two cursed Tequenique , can he use two domain expansion for each Tequenique or what .