
Jujutsu Kaisen: Animatronics and cursed’s

Well, my third FF. For those who have seen my previous synopses, you already know how horrendous they are, but here it goes: A FNAF fanatic reincarnates in jjk as an animatronic curse, and Fadbear Entertainment exists in jjk, so you'll see a crazy crossover and a guy who knows only about the first season of jjk facing this world and the urge for revenge. Well, there's the synopsis *sigh* I just wanted to say and clarify that, so you won't complain about it while you read it. The protagonist is practically a child(mentally and physically. he have 13 years) and can alternate between their human form (is like the child golden Freddy from the movie) and their animatronic form (golden Freddy).

Sans_722 · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs

chapter six: life and diferents views

A/N: thanks for the comments and the powers stones :). I don't update much becuase this week is really full for me and It's just that I became free to write today

Leaving those thoughts aside I have been quite sick, F for me

~~~Start pf the chapter~~~

Lucius managed to reach the cyber café and calmly paid for a spot where he sat with a computer and his cell phone while eating his French fries, enjoying the mundane task of browsing the internet, observing the current state of the world alongside the value of the yen among a bunch of other things.

~~~Lucius POV~~~

"I wouldn't find it convenient to invest in Bitcoin at the moment since it should decrease by the end of the year, and it would be more advantageous for me to buy Bitcoin at that time" I muttered to myself while observing the current stock market.

However, I will still need support, and what I have won't last long, and stealing will only get me so far. After all, it's quite likely that some organization is after me. Oh, crap, I haven't thought about that either. Let's see, my main problems right now are: 1. Lack of knowledge about the full extent of my abilities and how my body works exactly (potentially deadly for myself) 2. William Afton... that speaks for itself. 3. Curses, from what I've seen in the anime, there aren't any large-scale events, so I should be fine. However, I still have to be careful with special-grade curses and their group. Side note: Although the anime portrays curses everywhere, I haven't encountered many, which leads me to some theories, but I still lack the information to draw conclusions. 4. Authorities, I'm a child without documents in a foreign country, obviously, that's going to end badly. 5. How to get home? 6. Money.

Ok, after seeing and simplifying my biggest concerns/problems or needs, I have come to the conclusion that I first need documents (counterfeit) and money. I would need contacts and money to get the first one, and with money, I could get contacts among other things.

Considering this, my next step will be to acquire money, but I shouldn't neglect my strength either. Starting tomorrow, I will always keep a part of my brain focused on improving my control over cursed energy. And although I would leave today, I'm tired and need to concentrate on devis my plans for today I would hate for something bad to happen simply because I wasn cautious enough. After all, if there's one thing my parents taught me well it's that even if you do something three times and give it your best, it can go wrong., to avoid that, I almost always carefully plan each move, although in this situation, it will be harder and more complex.

*sigh* Why couldn't they give me a system or at least a body with identification? I am literally in one of the worst possible cases. Well, actually, it's not as bad as I express it, but still, each step or decision I make could be my last because one wrong move could lead me to be pursued by the government or hunted down by the Jujutsu society.

Mmhh, enough complaints, now what should I do to earn money? I could create future technology and kindly convince someone to be the "founder" of the company, although this is risky, it is also one of the fastest and simplest ways to generate quick money. The only downside is that there is a high risk of being betrayed or having information leaked about me, so this plan is ruled out for now.

I really don't have many options, although I could go to the school where Gojo is a teacher... No, I would never voluntarily do that. And even though some might think it's foolish, it's actually because I would expose myself to sorcerers much faster than I want (who would surely want to "exorcise" or execute me). And although Gojo was able to prevent Itadori's execution for a while, I don't know if he could convince them not to execute me or if Gojo would even consider it worth saving me. After all, technically I am a serial killer and Nanami seemed to recognize the animatronics, so it wouldn't be strange if the animatronics killed or caused havoc in the past under William's guidance. Now that I think about it, the animatronics were quite strong, especially considering they seemed to be able to use cursed energy. They are definitely a force to be reckoned with, as they moved at speeds that I could barely perceive (if they couldn't use cursed energy, they wouldn't be able to exorcise that curse).

Setting that aside, it seems like I really don't have options. If this were a magical medieval world, it would be much easier and simpler. Unfortunately, a modern world involves more complex problems, although it also provides more conveniences, so I guess it's a fair or equivalent trade off, as a certain blond dwarf would say.

~~~General POV~~~

It had been 4 hours until Lucius began to wake up from the noise of the morning and the sunlight. "I need a house" Lucius murmurs amidst complaints, and then he stands up while realizing that he feels completely recovered and as if an invisible weight has been lifted off his shoulders. 'Could it be that I have a passive recovery ability thanks to the remnant?' he wonders, which would make sense considering his healing properties as he stretches and gathers his things.

'Alright, then, to fulfill the first part of my plan, "How to become a millionaire in another world without documents and without being of legal age in just five steps" I'm going to search for people who have a large amount of cursed energy and who have some kind of problem/need' Lucius thinks as he carefully descends from the building, making sure no one sees him, and begins to walk towards wherever fate takes him (preferably a school or hospital because it would be easier to find someone there).

It is worth mentioning that Lucius has not neglected his "training" and is constantly manipulating the cursed energy in his body, trying to instantly send his cursed energy to any part of his body while controlling his strength to not damage anything around him.

After a couple of hours of walking around, Lucius sees a school in the distance, but what catches his attention is that there seem to be some curses quickly moving away, almost as if they were escaping. 'This confirms that apparently the effect of fear passively affects curses, although I believe this only happens with curses and not with humans because curses are born from negative feelings and energy, and the remnant is basically the most corrupt and powerful version of it, which could both attract and terrify a curse, although it is also much more difficult to control' concludes Lucius as he continues to approach the school until he is close enough to focus on what is happening inside.

And so an hour passes until Lucius gives up because he did not see or find any interesting person who meets his requirements.

"Why do they make everything seem so easy on television?" complains Lucius as he walks sadly towards a McDonald's to have a Happy Box, mainly for the taste rather than necessity since his body has had almost no needs so far, something he himself has noticed but does not have a laboratory to know exactly how it works. 'I miss my old room' laments Lucius, remembering all the robots and machines he had created.

'I should give up and just become a criminal since objectively speaking, finding someone who can help me would be extremely difficult if not impossible' Lucius thinks dejectedly, although he is more tired than depressed.

And so, Lucius simply sits quietly while eating his Happy Box, attentively observing his surroundings in search of a candidate, but it turns out to be as useless as when he went to school and finds no one, so he leaves.

"Tch, why can't I have the luck of the protagonist?" Lucius says with great frustration as he kicks stones and continues walking towards an unknown destination.

Seeing that he probably won't achieve anything and that it's not his lucky day, Lucius decides to stop wasting his time and goes to the emptiest and quietest alley he can find to train a bit.

"Well, let's see if I can improve my control and maybe achieve the Divergent Fist or some other technique like the Domain Simple" Lucius thinks with a little more optimism about his situation.

~~~???-General POV~~~

"What a pleasant surprise to see you again" Kenjaku says with a big smile to a figure hidden in the shadows.

The figure responds with a distorted, mechanical voice, "I can't say the same... but I suppose we have common goals."

"One could say so, but we both know you wouldn't contact me for something like that" Kenjaku replies, his gaze sharpening. 'Has he gone completely mad, or will he accept my offer? Either way, it will be quite a show' Kenjaku thinks eagerly, anxious to know the next move of the person who constantly forces the world to change, the one who instilled fear in the heart and mind of every sorcerer and curse, William Afton.

"I suppose you know that due to Gojo Satoru and my son, I lost practically all my laboratories, right?" William says, catching Kenjaku's attention.

"That's correct, but as far as I understood, all your things were destroyed, even the animatronics" Kenjaku says, recalling what he managed to take from those places before they were completely destroyed (he made sure that no one else took anything).

"Yeah, well, there's actually a place nobody got rid of, but I didn't have any problems because the animatronics and Puppet were sealed in there. Somehow, that annoying puppet managed to find a way to escape, not just her, but all the animatronics" William says, as Kenjaku looks at him in a state of shock, recognizing the name Puppet, who was literally his counter.

'She's not dead!' Kenjaku thinks with great panic as hely remembers how Puppet him on equal terms in their last encounter and only managed to escape after sacrificing four special-grade curses, yet somehow that puppet wouldn't die.

'She literally possesses the perfect abilities to defeat any curse. If it weren't for the sorcerers mistaking her for a curse, she could have caused me a real problem' Kenjaku thinks, somewhat contemplative about this variable.

"Still, if you're willing to tell me, I'd like to ask how you sealed her and how she broke the seal" Kenjaku asks with quite some curiosity about this new variable.

"I'm not sure how she escaped, although I have some theories" William replies without giving Kenjaku any more information, something that Kenjaku doesn't appreciate but was to be expected after all the "interesting" data William has provided without receiving anything in return.

"Well, do you want me to help you kill them, or do you want something else... William Afton?" Kenjaku asks enticingly with a wide smile.


~~~Tokyo Metropolitan Technical School of Magic - General POV~~~

"I'm going to have to go on a rather long mission in Kenya" Yuta tells his friend sitting next to him with a hood and gloves that hide his skin completely.

"I see..." he says dejectedly as his thoughts wander among his countless regrets or traumas he's endured, either by his own fault or his father's.

"Well, I wanted to let you know that I had authorization to go with another sorcerer of my choosing, so if you're free, I was going to ask if you wanted to come with me," Yuta says, forcing a smile.

"I don't know... you better invite Maki, and maybe you can stop being a virgin" he says coldly, provoking Yuta to be surprised and jolted out of shock.

"W-what, but what are you s-saying, Michael? Our r-relationship is not that kind" Yuta nervously says, moving his hands and denying everything.

"*sigh* come on, Michael, you must stop being like this. Besides, you'll be able to travel once again. Didn't you say that one of your dreams was to travel the world with..." Yuta says, pausing at the last part and carefully observing his friend for any reaction.

"*sigh* fine, you win, I'll go," Michael says as he stands up, and Yuta does the same.

"Well, the mission will be in-"


Without saying a word, Michael punches Yuta in the face, sending him flying several meters backward, but he quickly regains his balance.

"I'll go, but only if you can defeat me in a battle without your girlfriend" Michael arrogantly says as he takes out his own cursed weapon that looks like a simple knife.

~~~End of thr chapter~~~

A/N: I would have included the fight between Yuta and Michael but it would give information that they would only have discovered many chapters later so no

The next chapter is in the sunday an is probable be a long chapter

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