
Jujutsu Kaisen: Animatronics and cursed’s

Well, my third FF. For those who have seen my previous synopses, you already know how horrendous they are, but here it goes: A FNAF fanatic reincarnates in jjk as an animatronic curse, and Fadbear Entertainment exists in jjk, so you'll see a crazy crossover and a guy who knows only about the first season of jjk facing this world and the urge for revenge. Well, there's the synopsis *sigh* I just wanted to say and clarify that, so you won't complain about it while you read it. The protagonist is practically a child(mentally and physically. he have 13 years) and can alternate between their human form (is like the child golden Freddy from the movie) and their animatronic form (golden Freddy).

Sans_722 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

chapter seven: AAUUHH

A/N: I was studying peacefully when suddenly the idea came to me of an FF where Choso reincarnates as Midoriya's older brother in MHA, but I also came up with another one where he reincarnates in the Marvel UCM as Spider-Man's older brother.

~~~Start of the chapter~~~

~~~Lucius POV~~~

2 weeks, 2 weeks, I've been roaming around Japan for damn weeks while stealing and training without any significant progress *sigh* it may not seem like much but I couldn't even achieve the divergent fist and although my hopes of achieving something like that were stupid, which they were, I thought I was a prodigy but it turns out I'm not as talented as I thought, at least I was able to improve my cursed energy control quite a bit although not so much the speed at which I recover it, a shame but on the bright side no crazy organization has found me and although I have killed some curses, I haven't encountered any sorcerer which is quite good.

2 weeks, 2 weeks, I've been wandering around Japan for two damn weeks while stealing and training with no significant progress *sigh* it may not seem like much, but I couldn't even achieve the divergent fist, and even though it seems like my hopes of achieving something like that were stupid, which they were, I thought I was a prodigy but turns out I'm not as talented as I thought. At least I've been able to improve my cursed energy control quite a bit, although not so much the speed at which I recover it, a shame, but on the bright side, no crazy organization has found me, and although I've killed some curses, I haven't come across any sorcerer, which is quite good.

Putting that aside, you might be wondering what the most coveted teenager/child in the world is doing? Well, he's doing what he does every day, surviving while trying not to rely too much on his "remnant" abilities due to their danger. Although today is a particularly special day because I decided to go on a hike to a forest to try and train without limiting myself as much, which could be considered foolishness, but come on, can you really blame me? I've been wandering for two weeks, sleeping in alleys or on the rooftops of buildings, I haven't been able to fully relax for a single moment, and although it may sound silly, being in Japan while having to be careful about everything can be quite overwhelming, you know? Considering that, I wanted to take a little vacation in a small forest to be able to sleep while watching the stars in a sleeping bag that I bought a week ago and take the chance to try some things with cursed energy.

With that in mind, I came to this forest and with my great and fabulous luck, I even found a training partner. How perfect vacation!

"That's all you've got? And you call yourself the wolf's curse? A cat is stronger!" I provocatively shouted at the curse in front of me, resembling a werewolf or a giant wolf with a humanoid shape, measuring three meters. Although it seems to have some intelligence, it shouldn't have the capacity to come up with more than a foolish, shut up or liar.

"Shut up! I am not a weak cat, I am a strong wolf!" shouts the curse, digging its claws forcefully into the ground and running towards me with all its might, causing the ground to tremble and crack under its immense strength.

'He is a idiot' I think as I momentarily increase the reinforcement of cursed energy on my body to make a dash, dodging the attack by moving to the side, causing the wolf curse to miss and collide with dozens of trees, destroying everything in its path. Although it doesn't seem to suffer any kind of damage or significant wear from this, accumulating damage in this way will eventually bring it down.

'It has an absurd resilience and doesn't seem to have an obvious damn technique or seem to be constantly occupied, but still, I must be careful and ideally wear it down little by little because in a direct battle, it would defeat me in less than a minute' I quickly reflect before pulling out two of my knives and positioning myself as if they were daggers since they are ideal for quick strikes and then *sigh* resorting to the tactics I have to rely on, although I hope to at least improve a bit.

The wolf finally manages to stop while panting furiously, then slowly turns around, staring into my eyes, and I notice how its eyes start shining in a strong and deep crimson as its muscles begin to grow and define, reaching a height of about 15 feet (around 4.5 meters).

And there it is, it seems like it showed its damn technique, which appears to be some kind of berserk effect, which blends well with a humanoid wolf, but I hope it doesn't have a regeneration buff.

The wolf seems to be staring at me as if I were a freshly cooked steak. What the hell did I get myself into?

Well, ignoring my ramblings, the Curse runs at a speed that I can barely perceive and directs its right hand towards me. Luckily, using "dash" I was able to move fast enough to use my knives to block its attack. Unfortunately, it throws me tens of meters backwards as I roll and try to stabilize myself, which I manage to do. But quickly, I notice that my knives have also broken. Ugh, I should have reinforced them with more cursed energy. Now, I am paying the price for underestimating this curse.

"AAUUHH" howls the curse out of nowhere, which seems strange to me since, from what I have observed, it should be attacking relentlessly. Wait, using all its strength and transformation must consume an immense amount of cursed energy that it shouldn't possess. So, where does it get its cursed energy from? Observing all this, I believe its howl could be a way to "call back the cursed energy" it has spent. It doesn't make much sense, but there are weirder and more complex techniques. So, I suppose it's not just a cursed technique of Berserk, but something that involves the characteristics of a wolf and its instincts.

~~~General POV~~~

Unfortunately, the howl of the curse does not continue, and his eyes open again in the same deep and strong crimson as before, then move at even greater speeds than before, reaching Lucius before he can even blink.

And in the blink of an eye for Lucius, the curse appears in front of him and with one of its hands strikes him while piercing through his chest with its claws, shaking him in the air before Lucius is sent flying through the air, with his backpack and mask flying off in different directions.

Blood pours out from Lucius' stomach, but he strengthens his body with all the cursed energy he can muster to try to minimize the damage, although his consciousness weakens more and more. 'Damn it, focus, what can I do? IT HURTS. The cursed inversion technique? I don't even fully comprehend it. IT HURTS. Could the remnant heal me? Maybe, but the curse would kill me while I fully recover. IT HURTS. Wait, I have to transform into Golden Freddy, but I don't have the mask. IT HURTS. I shouldn't have underestimated the curse...' Lucius thinks, while watching with a stoic expression as he slowly falls to the ground.

Blood floods Lucius' view until all he can see is red. Lucius starts to feel as if "they" want to come out, but he blocks them from escaping. You might wonder if Lucius doesn't let them out because he's afraid or because he accepts his death. Well, the answer is no. Throughout his life, there have been few things that Lucius accepted he couldn't achieve, and it wasn't because he was a spoiled or pampered child, but rather because what Lucius hated the most was and is not fulfilling his ultimate goal to the point that it could be considered an obsessive disorder to the extent that he didn't care about the necessary means to achieve what he wanted. And although he initially entered this world with fear for obvious reasons, he has reached a point where he can no longer maintain his normal behavior, his rational behavior. And although he is currently not acting obsessively, part of his madness is starting to manifest in peculiar ways, such as trying a new and risky method again, even though all logic tells him it will fail.

"FUCK IT!! I AM YOU AND YOU ARE ME, AND IT'S NOT IN MY PLANS TO DIE" Lucius shouts to himself as he begins to control the remnant with the same mastery he controls cursed energy, absorbing it into every pore of his body while his body begins to sink into his own soul, emerging with a different form. "That damn curse won't die easily," Lucius thinks as he impulsively transforms into Golden Freddy, his eyes glowing red.

The curse is momentarily confused, but Lucius ignores this and lets out another howl before his features contort into a twisted smile, madness consuming every part of his expression, revealing his thirst for battle.

Without either of them uttering a word, they both sprint toward each other, rapidly closing in, preparing for impact. But at the last moment, Lucius listens to his body and teleports behind the curse, landing a powerful blow on its head, sending it flying forward.

The curse takes a turn before digging its claws into the ground to slow down and smiles maniacally as it regenerates.

Lucius, or now Golden Freddy, appears in front of the curse by teleporting and starts reinforcing his entire arm with cursed energy and remnants. His arm begins to glow in a strong purple until he strikes the curse with a powerful blow that unfortunately doesn't manage to exorcise the curse but does cause severe damage.

Instead of retreating, the curse quickly gets up and runs towards Golden Freddy, attacking him like a maniac. However, Golden Freddy manages to dodge all of its attacks by teleporting around, confusing the curse. Nevertheless, the curse doesn't give up or cease its attempts to attack Lucius even for a moment.

'Hah, no idea how teleportation works, but at least I can use Golden Freddy's abilities. I wonder if this is his cursed technique?' Lucius thinks, filled with happiness and satisfaction inside, while he continues attacking the curse from different sides, taking advantage of his teleportation ability. This overwhelms the curse to the point that it seems to be in its final moments thanks to all the attacks.

Unfortunately, Lucius was unable to maintain this state indefinitely, as not only is he resorting to his animatronic form without the mask for the first time, but he is also harnessing cursed energy and residual energy simultaneously. Having already pushed his body and mind far beyond their limits in the fourth strike, his animatronic body ceases movement due to the lack of energy and strength, causing him to collapse to the ground and revert to his human form. Luckily, his human form is completely healed from his injuries, but the same cannot be said for his cursed energy and residual energy, nor his endurance.

"Damn" Lucius mutters between gasps as he rolls and crawls to observe the curse, which doesn't seem to be in any better condition than he is.

To worsen the situation, Lucius even begins to feel like he has less and less control over 'them,' which frustrates him as they seem to desperately want to attack the curse. 'Tch Tch, don't they have faith in me?' Lucius thinks.

The curse is stopped but it no longer looks in its helpless appearance, but it is even worse than its base state, seeming even smaller than Lucius. However, it continues to smile despite the wounds and damage it has received, even managing to stand up.

As the curse smiles at him, it limps slowly towards Lucius, who can barely see the curse due to his weakened consciousness. But the curse kicks Lucius, throwing him a meter back.

*Cough* *Cough* Lucius coughs as he leans on his arm and tries to stand up. 'I am enough,' he thinks weakly but with determination. Not just because this loss would be a blow to his fragile pride, not just because his defeat hurts a lot, nor because he is afraid that the animatronics will attack him, which he is almost certain will not happen. It's because he knows that this world is tough, and if he doesn't prove to himself that he can handle this simple curse, his fear of "losing" to this world could grow. He has noticed that he only seems to improve in battles or extreme situations.

Due to his mental and physical instability, Lucius can't even start to produce cursed energy correctly, but he manages to stand up and stares fiercely at the curse, filled with anger and seriousness, in total contrast to the curse, who just smiles and seems to be living the best moment of their life.

"Good fight-" the curse tries to say, but Lucius doesn't bother to listen and gathers all the little cursed energy left in his fist and strikes, giving his all in that blow and exorcising the curse.

"Phew, that thing was tough, I guess I'll take a nap now," says Lucius before he faints from exhaustion.

~~~End of the chapter~~~

A/N: Phew, I hope this chapter continues to show that you should expect the unexpected in this FF because life is unpredictable. Although I hope it remains enjoyable and calm, I have plans for what's to come and how to acquire its own bed in a "legal" way sigh For those wondering, the curse it fought was of first-grade level, hovering around the special grade. Itadori from the beginning of the second season could have defeated it mid-diff. The reason I didn't write a longer chapter is that I've been sick, but not to the point where all the pills I take can't relieve the headache. Ugh, but at least I was able to write this. I hope you enjoyed it.