
Chapter 10- The Ice Queen


It's been two weeks after the dreaded family dinner and my father during his small talk was able to remind me of how ruthless and business minded I have to be.

I walked to my private elevator attached to the private parking space, this is my favorite route into my office, I hardly get in through the main entrance,I avoid it as much as possible ,making it impossible for most of the staffs not on my floor to really know if IAM in or not.

As I make my way to my office after exiting the elevator,my P.A dashed after me with some files in her hands and my regular cup of capuccino.

"You have a meeting with rh design team this morning by 11, in less than thirty minutes now ma'am and a meeting with the CEO of B &H, scheduled for 3pm" she told me diligently dropping the files on my table.

"Thank you" I said in barely in barely a whisper.

I noticed she stood rooted to the spot without moving, I had to look up and saw her face scrunched up in confusion and IAM sure it's because if the little thanks I offered because I hardly do that.

"Anything else?" I asked, my voice ice cold. My voice seems to bring her back to life,

"N...n..no ma'am,...th....that would be all" she stuttered and hurried out of my office.

Twenty minutes later, I made my way into the designs team conference room and everyone was already seated. I took my seat at the table, my face registering no emotions.

"Start" I simply say and everyone started turning the pages of their materials frantically.

The head of the team came first, showcasing their latest designed products and explaining carefully, with intense fear clearly written all over him.

As the presentation progresses, a shrill noise cut through the room, a phone started ringing and everyone scrambled around to find their phone, one lady yeah seats away from Elizabeth picked her ringing phone from inside her bag and made to switch it off.

"You are fired! You lack simple social etiquette" Elizabeth said glaring at the lady.

"I..IAM so sorry madam...it was a mistake" she said..almost crying .

"Get out! Now! "

Out of feat, the lady scrambled out of her seat, picking her belongings and ran out of the room.

After that another member of the team stood to make his own presentation.

"W..we...we are working on..." He started, stuttering and fidgeting with his fingers annoyingly. I looked up from the material before me and gazed at him.

"What is going on Mr....."

"A...Al...Alfred ma'am" he stuttered.

"Yes Mr Alfred..aren't you prepared for this presentation?

"I was...I...Iam...I want to.."

"You are fired! Exit this premises within the next 30 minutes, the accounting department will get across with your due paycheck" I simply barked in anger, standing on my feet as everyone in the room gaped at me.

"M..m.. ma'am...please...IAM sorry...I..I will prepare better for the next presentation " he said, trying to get my attention.

"Prepare this presentation all over again and let's have it in a week" I told the team lead without bating an eyelid at the man I just sacked and I walked out back to my office.

"You really prepared for this presentation Alfred, what got into you?"The team lead chided the sacked guy.

"I...I don't even know...her presence is too intimidating...I ..I can't seem to being myself together ...now IAM done for.." he replied in frustration.

"I will go talk to her now, you are one of my best guys and I can't Afford to lose you" said the team lead assuringly.

"Are you sure about that? Will she go back on her words? She's too cold hearted for mercy" one of the other team members puts in. They were all looking at Alfred pitifully.

"I will try"

"There's only one person that can overturn that decision" one of the ladies suddenly say, causing all of them to turn in her direction.

"And who's that if I may ask" the team lead asks curiously.

"Alisha, her best friend, call her and seek her help, that is the only avenue that can work" she explained

" You are right! I will do that right away' said the team lead as he picks his phone from on the table.


I looked at the time on my wristwatch and saw its way past five pm, Mr wallace of B &H was an annoying old man who doesn't know when to talk and when to shut up. He is beginning to annoy me and I just want to get the hell out of this meeting.

Just as I was about discharging him, my phone rang and Alisha's name flashed on the screen.

"Hey Ali, where are you" I said into my phone,not minding the old man in the room with me. I stood up and walked to the window as I listened to my friend.

"Great I will join you at the restaurant in a couple of minutes "I told her with a smile and dropped the call.

"So Mr Wallace, thank you for your time today, I will work on the proposal and get back to you as soon as we have it all together, I said casually, tidying up my desk as he also stumbled to his feet.

" Thank you for the offer Elizabeth, I look forward to a nice working relationship with you" he said enthusiastically.

"Same here Mr Wallace".

He took gentle and careful steps out of my office and I heaved a big sigh of relief, after a few more minutes, I picked my bag and phone and exited my office,making my way to the elevator, thankfully everyone had already retired for the day.



Another one.

What do you think about the ice queen? Do you like the ruthless Elizabeth or the soft playful Elizabeth?

Don't forget to vote and comment, means a lot to me.
