
Journey to the Eastern Mountain

For the young martial master Lu Wu Qing, a simple expat mission to the Golden Blade Sect turned into a dangerous quest for the mythical girl living in the Eastern Mountains

yxj1156 · 東方
5 Chs

Chapter 0-2: Lu Xun

When Lu Xun took over the position as the third Head of the Sect, he was already in his forties. For the first two decade of his life, he has learned the Si Xiang Unified Forms day and night and perfected it. But just when he felt on the top of the world, his first escort quest turned out to be a major defeat. On that day, the shipment commissioned by the Bai Clan to transport 40 chests of gold bars to their subsidiary family in the west was robbed. Despite the extra patrols during the night and all-day-round guards at the deck, the fleet was ambushed and burned down by a group of masked men. The sabotagers jumped onto the boat like phantoms and disappeared like a whirlwind. And before Lu Xun could even pull out his sword, he was knocked unconscious by a heavy blow to the head, leaving a long gruesome scar on his left cheek that would follow him for the rest of his life. All 40 chests were lost in the murky streams of the Gan river and the Bai Clan has discontinued their shipment contracts with the Sect ever since.

After returning to the Sect, Lu Xun locked himself up in the high attic of the Sect's practice chambers and immersed himself in the quest for a martial art form genuine to the Si Xiang roots. It took him ten years to achieve what set out as an impulsive attempt and when the Si Xiang Blade Work was eventually presented to the Sect elders, it faced no more than a few scoffs. But eventually, the form was proven worthy of Lu Xun's efforts when it saved the day on several escort quests where Lu Xun was forced to combat the enemies all alone with other Sect members already disarmed and injured. The standard iron long-sword that Lu Xun wielded pierced through the enemies' armours with such mightiness and ease that gangs along the Gan river eventually ceased their harassment of the Sect. It was this feat that eventually earned Lu Xun the position as the Head of Sect and the fame as one of the most reputable martial master on the empire eastern corner.

Twenty years has passed since the invention of the Blade Work, yet nobody else has mastered the form as Lu Xun did. Now in his fifties, he remained the guardian of the Sect, casting power and reputation like an invisible net over the central regions of the Eastern Mountain.