
Journey Of The Crimson Demon.

What dark essence lies within Insanity's core? From whence does evil's infernal power emerge? What nefarious depths birth the essence of good? Where doth power's diabolical might find its source? What secrets lurk within the elixir of immortality? And who, in the realms of the infernal, holds dominion over these enigmatic truths? ………………………… Such inquiries, woven within the fabric of our existence, are the very threads that set individuals apart, each distinct in their perceptions and interpretations. ________________________ Arkan, a weathered soul hailing from earthly realms, finds rebirth in a realm of fantasy and wonder. Devoid of innate cultivation aptitude and bereft of fortuitous aids such as celestial systems, ancient mentors within enchanted rings(Grandpas if you may), or divine techniques of godlike stature, how may Arkan ascend to the zenith of cultivation and surpass even its lofty confines? _________________________ Note:- Although no cheats, plot armor will be present. How can anyone reach the peak without any plot armor, because if that were to be the case then everyone would be at the top.  And yes, I will use simple English in the novel, and unlike my previous novels this one has an editor. Yeah I know he is my friend but he is a professional with English Honors and some other degree, I forgot. And maybe, well we changed 1 or 2 chapters to a bit shakspear English, why? We were just having fun. Don't worry, I have removed the very difficult words and given out an explanation and a meaning for those so called easy words.(This paragraph is not edited, my friend asked for extra party for this one. So yeah. No editing from here on. Have a heatstroke while reading this.) Mc will get some op items but not so op that it gives him invincibility. Mc is extremely ruthless.(Not in the starting chapters.) Those who have read my novel [God's Era: An Error System] will find this novel darker than the other.  The novel is slow paced. But it's immortal novel, so it's fast as well. I don't really know what I am trying to say but yeah, it's both fast paced and slow paced. Depends on the situation. No Romance(Maybe, but not really but maybe) Thank you. ______________________________ (For further inquiries please visit my Review, I will answer all questions within a day or 2 at most.)

legendary_awesome · ファンタジー
12 Chs

[2] Rebirth of Dreams: A Journey in the Ancient Sun Continent…

Chapter 2:- Rebirth of Dreams: A Journey in the Ancient Sun Continent…

"Father, how is it? I made it myself," a bright-eyed boy of around 9 years old asked eagerly, presenting a hard-backed piece of meat to his father.

The father, his face displaying a mixture of amusement and skepticism, took a bite and grimaced. "Don't ever make this again. I'll be hard on you."

Confusion filled the boy's innocent gaze as he blinked twice, trying to process his father's reaction. "Don't worry, father. It's not hard at all. I'll make more for you."

The father sighed, glancing at his wife, who pleaded silently with her eyes. Relenting, he decided to forgive his son's culinary attempt. This child, a strange mix of foolishness and intelligence, possessed an insatiable thirst for knowledge and an affinity for books.

He voraciously devoured every book he could get his hands on, delving into history, geography, and even current affairs. It didn't matter to him how dry or dull the subject matter was; he soaked it all in. His curiosity knew no bounds. In fact, his thirst for knowledge had once landed him in a bit of trouble when his father caught him engrossed in a book titled "Political Situation Amongst the Royals" at the small village library.

The father couldn't help but wonder how his son's mind danced between the realms of reality and imagination. As much as he admired his son's intellectual curiosity, he also worried about the boy's tendency to blur the line between fiction and reality.

The boy's relentless questioning, such as whether magic existed or if his father possessed extraordinary abilities, tested the father's patience. He knew their humble background limited their aspirations, and he wanted to shield his son from the disappointment of unattainable dreams.

"There's no magic, my son. It's all fiction in those books," the father explained, suppressing a sigh. "Have you ever seen any of those mythical beasts the novels talk about?"

A mischievous glint sparkled in the boy's eyes as he replied with confidence, "Well, maybe I haven't seen any beasts, but I've seen humans. And last I checked, humans can't fly, right?"

The father, observing his son's fearlessness and detecting no rise in his heart rate, couldn't help but chuckle. Perhaps his child's world was a delightful blend of reality and fantasy, where the boundaries were not yet fully defined.

Intrigued, the boy declared his intention to visit the village library. Ignoring his father's warning about the limited time he could spend there, he dashed off, leaving his father to contemplate the collision of dreams and reality.

Approaching the library, the boy crouched down, his eyes shining with determination. With stealthy steps, he infiltrated the premises, trying to maintain an air of secrecy. The librarian, witnessing this unusual scene, smiled knowingly. Not many children his age sought knowledge in books rather than indulging in smutty tales or mindless games.

Unaware of the librarian's observation, the boy silently celebrated his successful mission, flashing a victory sign. Intrigued by the child's enthusiasm, the librarian couldn't resist being drawn toward him.

Caught off guard by the librarian's attention, the boy stared at him in sheer horror, as if his secret sneaky cat steps had been unveiled. "Old man, how did you notice my God-level ultimate sneaky cat steps? Don't tell me you're an immortal or that there's some secret formation here. Well, today you've met your match, and our battle will be legendary!"

The librarian shook his head, amused by the boy's vivid imagination. His gaze softened.

"Alright, enough with the lies, young brat. Go and read your books, but remember, you're not allowed to approach the section behind the curtains," the librarian instructed.

Arkan, the boy's name now revealed, nodded eagerly, his face lighting up with a wild smile. With enthusiasm, he darted toward the geography section, eager to embark on his next intellectual adventure.


Arkan, his voice resonating through the pages of time, began his introspection. "Hello there, allow me to introduce myself. I must admit, my way of speaking may seem odd, but the circumstances I find myself in resemble those found in novels. I ponder whether I'm a character in someone else's story or if this is indeed real life. Nevertheless, nothing can stop me from introducing myself, right?"

With an air of confidence, Arkan continued, "My name is Syed Arkan Ali. 'Syed' is my caste name, 'Arkan' is my given name, and 'Ali' represents my family. It's interesting how 'Arkan' means 'Rules' here. I'm not sure why my parents chose that name for me, but I suppose it doesn't matter much."

The vibrant energy in his voice carried the weight of his life experiences and newfound existence. Arkan, the man reborn in this ancient continent, shared his journey and the web of connections that led him to this moment.

"I lived a fulfilling life, constantly seeking solace in novels and fantasies. As I grew older, I regretted my past choices and responsibilities overshadowed my dreams. I married and had children, channeling my efforts into shaping their lives as doctors and engineers."

Arkan's story continued to unfold, painting a vivid picture of a man who had once resigned himself to a life of routine but now found himself in a realm of untold possibilities. His gaze drifted back to his family, the anchor that held his heart.

"After retiring from the factory, I returned to my old companion—fantasy. At the age of 57, I delved back into novels and other works. Unfortunately my wife had passed away during her second delivery, leaving me with two sons."

A mixture of pride and frustration colored Arkan's words as he delved deeper into his family dynamics. "My engineer son built a beautiful house for me, but my ungrateful doctor son moved in, asserting that I was a patient in his 'hospital.' Little did he know, this mansion was my kingdom, and everyone within its walls were my subjects. They should recognize me as their master."

Amidst his musings, Arkan's attention shifted back to his present reality—the Ancient Sun Continent, a place brimming with unknowns and ripe with opportunities. His voice carried a sense of wonder and anticipation.

"Here I am, reincarnated in this ancient continent, known as the Ancient Sun Continent. It is divided into 999 regions, and I currently find myself in the Azure Sword Region. The origin of its name remains a mystery, as the book revealed little. However, being the clever soul I am, I suspect it was named by some influential sect."

With each passing word, Arkan's expectations swelled, his mind teeming with possibilities and adventures awaiting him. He spoke with a mix of hope and determination, ready to explore this new life to its fullest.

"In this realm, my family consists of three living entities: myself, my father, and my mother. We share a deep bond and cherish one another."

Arkan's voice resonated with the energy of a young boy, blending innocence with the wisdom of experience. 

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