
Journey into the Dark Universe

While looking at the messages shared by his friends on his phone, Viny realized that something was missing from him. He looked right and left and grunted. "Why did I suddenly feel like something was missing from me." Was it luck that disappeared from Viny? How far could Viny's luck drag him? Could he survive from this cycle by his own protection? Do you also feel like Viny, sometimes something is missing from you? *** When a tribe that exists in our Dark Universe makes their tribal magic formation, they do it step by step; The chieftain took the bowl and came to Anuo. "My existence is a fire." The tribal leader said out loud. "My existence is a fire." Anuo then repeated. The whole tribe followed up "Good morning, child of the fire." "My existence is from blood." The tribal leader said out loud. "My existence is from blood." Anuo then repeated. The whole tribe followed up "Let the blood come, Spring to the life. Let the soul come, Arouse the fire." “Our ancestor Akon Hear me! Anuo will not deviate from your way!” Anuo shouted. The chieftain took the liquid and poured it over Anuo's head, and Anuo bit the bloody heart in her hand and ate it to the end.

nyype · 都市
227 Chs

Suicide of a captain

After thinking a little more about the mission, Viny wished that the new items that would be released at fifth level may be more valuable and that he could find a better intelligence enhancement technique.

'Grade-2 Energy Fighting Gloves: 2000 TG (40 Energy Power Attack Points)

Grade-1 Monster's Pure Heart Blood: 5000 TG / 1 drop (If consumed while using body enhancement technique, the effect increases 20 times for 1 hour. Effective only for the gathering energy level body technics.)

Grade-2 Energy Bow and Quiver: 1300 TG

Grade-1 Poison Production Methods: 1450 TG

Grade-1 Scouting Techniques: 12000 TG (In 120 thousand pages, the traces left by every creature on the Planet Taelda and the methods to distinguish them are explained in detail.

Grade-1 Shadow Warrior Summon Method: 4000 TG (With the magic mechanic and enough sacrifice, you can summon a warrior above your level to fight for you. Shadow warrior can only help one minute.)'

"All good but also all very bad. This really depressed me. Nothing turns out the way I want. These are all very valuable and time consuming things. Uhm ... Oh yeah, I just thought of it. There are already such items on the Taelda planet and in the forums, and they are definitely much cheaper than here. My time should not be spent on reading these things. I will not take the bow and arrow. Monster blood looks like a useful thing. Yes, I will only buy blood."

"System take that monster blood for me, please."

"System Warning: It has been removed from total LE as necessary because there is not enough TG."

"System! Connect me to Harper."


"Hey Viny, what have you done? How are you?" Harper said excitedly.

"I did two easy tasks. With such mana crystals …" Viny explained how to cast magic. Harper recorded the notebook after learning the magic. Harper described the man with black smoky eyes and talked about the priorities of those above 100 levels.

"You did very well by not asking for anything, Harper. I think that man's intention was to use you. Perhaps he would give you something of great value. When you reached the level you could be useful, then he would definitely find you on Planet Taelda and you might never get rid of that person again. I think you did the right thing." Viny soothed her.

"Viny I want to ask the expert. But I didn't know what to do. The missions are all very difficult for me. There is a huge unknown for me."

Viny gave some thought and expressed "Harper, if you're hesitant, I don't think you need to hurry. If we come together with a little wait, we bring together all the methods of body development and mind development we have, even the energy conversion methods. You will follow a little behind. Never mind that, don't bother. There is nothing to hurry."

After exchanging about their scrolls and methods, they both realized that they had the same method of mind enhancement. Viny informed that the duration of his next quest would actually last for one year, but only two hours in the system. At that time, he reminded that he could write a copy of the bodybuilding book he had, and would give it to her. Harper was waiting in her room, wishing Boden and Mady to arrive as soon as possible.

After Viny ended the meeting, he chose the normal grade quest.

'New Mission: Rise to the Super Warrior level in the troop formation of Underwoods Tribe.

-Duration: 12 months

-Difficulty Level: Normal

-Reward: 240 TG, 2000 LE (anyone who completes two missions is rewarded according to system level.)

-Penalty: -4000 LE

Viny just used his spiritual power and sent the monster blood he had just bought to his ring, and when he was leaving the room, he thought of five pouches he collected from the ape men. Viny, who opened the pouches one by one, stared in surprise.

'120 sun particles,

3 mana crystals (10 times the size of the sun particle),

A bright round glass sphere emitting a stunning green light enough to fit in the palm of a hand,

100 olive-sized black pills.'

Viny wondered what the pills were after taking his eye out of the glass sphere. "How can an ape man make pills? Let's say he produced it, what could he use it for?" In astonishment he realized how dangerous the ape men were because he was really holding pills. "Damn, I could die even in the easiest task. I have a very difficult journey ahead of me. Hmm. I have to be a little braver. I've already become physically four times stronger than a normal person. It's time to take a risk."

Viny grabbed the handle of the yellow door and set himself on a new journey.


General Deshawn took three papers in his room after thinking about what Boden had said. He started writing on the first sheet.

'Major Soren, according to the information I have obtained here, on the day of the incident, a group that is likely to be involved in the incident left Banadak Town and went to the Hila Forest and they wanted to kill the formation-level Glizza wolf and sell the newborn baby. Your task is to turn the Capital upside down and find me the new-born Glizza Wolf for two months at most. Then find out who bought it from. If you sense uneasiness, mystery, attack without hesitation and restrain that person. I'm waiting for your news.'

After picking up the second paper, he thought a little and started filling it.

'My friend Benton, today I met a young man who has brightness-force energy and has reached the gathering energy seventh level. He seemed extraordinarily strong to me. If you want to test him, I'm in Banadak Town. I will stay here for a while.'

He took the third sheet of paper and continued writing.

'Ser Isaac. Today I met a young man named Boden who has awakened his brightness-force energy. I took him under our protection. I also sent a letter of recommendation to Benton. I also found an important clue about the theft. Soren will take care of it ...' He hadn't told anyone that he got the information from Boden.

After the General wrote the letters and paced back and forth in his room, he felt like he was constricted. He left his room and started to control his soldiers, who regularly controlled the city. Letters made their way to their addresses.

Boden was sitting in his room, meditating and trying to gather energy. On the other hand, he thought he should go to his old hotel and take his ring from the table. He left his room in the evening and went to his old hotel. He had a conversation with someone while eating and drinking there. They engaged in small talk. Then he left the man on the pretext of going to the bathroom.

He came quickly to his old room. He wrapped his head in a black cloth mask. As he took a deep breath and opened the door, he caught a couple inside. While the woman was panicking, the man drew his sword. Boden glanced at the soldier grimly. This was one of the soldiers of the Joma family.

Boden was furious inside. It was the last thing he wanted to come across. Quickly he drew his energy needle and thrown at the man. The man was killed before he knew what had happened. The woman was looking at Boden, trembling, but she was not screaming.

Boden tried to change his voice and snorted to the woman "I will not kill you. But they will torture you because of this man to learn the truth. They will also kill you anyway. So, you must have an escape plan, right?"

The woman swallowed and looked at Boden. When she came to her senses a little later "This man was one of the formation level captains. I don't think we can escape."

She didn't care for Boden to watch her while she was dressed. Boden looked at the woman one more time and offered "Okay, let's divide whatever is on him, then you're on your way, I'm on my way."

'Is there anyone who can escape from this town? I cannot trust The General one hundred percent. If Naser and the others get caught, they will betray me again. It doesn't make much sense, I have to run away from here as soon as possible.'

While thinking, Boden found the space ring on the man. There was a space of 20 cubic meters in the ring. The whole ring was filled with different documents and records. He found about twenty thousand mana crystals in clusters. He took out 10 thousand mana crystals and handed them to the woman.

First time she smiled, gazing at the masked Boden, and quickly left the room after receiving the mana crystals. Boden had not found any method of soul formation other than the recordings in the ring. After taking around eight thousand mana crystals and various pills in the ring and filling it into the ring that he hid at the foot of the table, he put the man's ring back on finger of the man.

From the man's ring nothing much had taken and it was unthinkable that he was killed for theft. Boden gave the image that the man killed himself. He took one of the records on the man's ring and wrote in it that "He could not satisfy the opposite sex sexually and wanted to commit suicide because he was ashamed of himself." He left the room after he left the paper on the table.