
JJK : With a Shotgun in Jujutsu Kaisen

Humanity has been marked with Bloodshed and warfare through out its history and in it there have been countless of evolution of Weapons from Hands to Stone tools to Bronze weapons to Swords to Martial arts. However the one above all, the one that gained Humanity the edge over all other lifeforms was [THE GUN].

Ariseto · アニメ·コミックス
29 Chs

Re: The Gun

[AN- Hm? Whats that? I didn't upload yesterday? Crazy]


"Come on Gensui!"

"Hit it for us!"

"The final one!"

Various cheers rang out from Boys and Girls as they were cheering on a singular person on the Home base as the Black-haired boy on it brought the bat in his hands behind his back.

As the Pitcher raised his leg to throw the final ball of the match the bleachers got quiet in seconds as they focused on the Pitcher and the Batter.

Looking at the signals the catcher gave the Pitcher nodded slightly and with a shift in the center of his body, the Pitcher threw the ball in his hand with a speed that normal people may not be able to properly see, coming at such speeds that are average for adult professional pitchers many would be daunted by such a speed.

But for the Batter? Too slow.


With a shrill metallic sound the Ball came in contact with the Bat and was immediately thrown out of the field at terrifying speeds in front of the eyes of everyone watching as silence permeated throughout the field.




Suddenly people rushed from the bleachers towards the pitch and towards the Batter, Gensui who was completely engulfed by the crowd couldn't help but yell "You guys weren't even this happy and excited when we won the Nationals! Calm Down!"

"But Senpai! You're leaving our School today" A boy meekly said.

Gensui couldn't help but roll his eyes as he head patted the boy, "Don't worry the club will continue to do good with you as Captain Kyosuke" This caused the boy to choke a little but he stayed quiet.

"Now then....." Gensui muttered as he saw people congratulating him as he facepalmed.

"Geez this is why I said I didn't want to do this match" Gensui muttered as he started to push people aside and get out of the crowd.

"But you said you wanted the final match on the day of graduating you know!" A Girl yelled from behind Gensui.

"But I didn't think Half of the school would come Suzune" Gensui replied.

"Argh get off me! I have to meet someone right now!" Gensui yelled pushing aside more people and running away from the crowd.

Suzune merely chuckled from behind him as she watched him running away from the crowd.


Gensui POV.

It has been 3 years since I started Middle school and around half a year more if we count Mine and Yuki Sensei's duel and throughout the year I tried to invest myself into being 'As normal as I could' which somehow included winning the National Middle School Baseball Championship Thrice but let's not talk about that...

In these years my body has changed as well, my beautiful blonde hair I inherited from my Father has turned Black..... such misfortune, not that I don't look worse I somehow look better? My height has also surged to 5 Feet 9 inches, for a Japanese being tall but for an American..... urgh, let's not talk about this, my Cursed energy hasn't been a disappointed though, It surged to match Yuki Sensei, and even a little above as far as I know probably the peak of my Cursed Energy. 

Throughout the years I have killed cursed spirits no more powerful than Grade 3, Moslty Grade 4 who were either sticking on my Schoolmates or Hanging out near my house.

At first, I was reluctant to attend classes due to me already having studied it when I was training under Yuki sensei to mess around with friends during Friends was far more interesting than I thought.

Although I don't want to say this I kind of am starting to regret not going to school during my tutelage under Yuki Sensei.... but who cares?


"Yo Gen-chan~~~," Satoru said waving to Gensui getting out of a Black colored BMW in front of his Middle School's entrance.

Yes, Satoru..... For a long time, he has been helping me 'train'.

Not the normal kind though, more specifically the parts of my ability to 'scan' firearms and completely reproduce them.

Throughout these years he teleported me to various Military bases around the world and with a few 'Talismans' which turned us invisible and undetectable we were able to scan whatever kind of weapons were available with them, not only guns but also Tanks, Submarines, Missiles, and even Atomic Bombs which helped me get better Metal to make for my defensive ability.


"Yo Satoru-San, no rather it's Sensei from now huh?" Gensui said with a smile Pointing at the fact that he has graduated and will soon be joining Jujutsu Tech.

"Hehehe That's right! Though you should have called me that when we started around trip around the world you know!" Satoru said with a smile.

"Ah yes, the time you teleported to me when I was in a bath and tried to kidnap me and take me with you to America with my permission," Gensui said with a slight frown.

"Hm? That's so weird that I suddenly went deaf for a few seconds," Satoru said pulling one of his years.

"Ha," Gensui sighed at this.

"But anyway, Wanna go to North Korea and laugh at their pitiful military again? As a celebration of you graduating of course!" Satoru asked.

"Nah, I would love to but...." Gensui said as he started digging through his bag and pulled out a letter, "I am busy"

"OoOoOoOoOhHhHh, A love letter how exciting, lemme read it!" Satoru said as he tried grabbing the letter in Gensui's hand but was slapped away.

"Look at it properly!" Gnesui sternly said as Satoru took off his Sunglasses his eyes widened for a few seconds.

"Ahh, so it's that girl huh, You're finally dealing with her" Satoru hummed.

"Yup, the one and only mission that was provided to me in this school... I will take care of 'Anzai Suzune'" Gensui said.






[DAY 5/7]

[Powerstone goal for Bonus Chapter: 387/444]

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