
JJK : With a Shotgun in Jujutsu Kaisen

Humanity has been marked with Bloodshed and warfare through out its history and in it there have been countless of evolution of Weapons from Hands to Stone tools to Bronze weapons to Swords to Martial arts. However the one above all, the one that gained Humanity the edge over all other lifeforms was [THE GUN].

Ariseto · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

1/4 The Gun

Yuki merely scoffed as a vein could be seen on her temple, "I seriously can't believe I let my Guard down against you" She said grabbing onto both of Gensui's hands.

"Haha can't be helped after all the one fighting against you is your cutest dearest disciple" Gensui grinned.

Taking advantage of their height difference Yuki continued pushing Gensui down as he started to lean a little and immediately let go of his hands and delivered a kick to his chest which Genusi dodged by dropping down on the ground and pushing himself aside from the follow-up axe kick from Yuki.

And prepared the Gun which could shoot his 20% Cursed energy bullet and aimed it at Yuki.

"...!" Yuki's eyes widened as she felt the cursed energy from the Gun she immediately called Garuda to her to block the bullet but...


Nothing happened.

"That's what I've been waiting for you" Gensui grinned and out came from his clothes was a Flash grenade as Metal covered Gensui's eyes.

The Flash grenade exploded causing both Garuda and Yuki to be temporarily blinded as Gensui muttered with a grin "Go to sleep, Garuda" Gensui grinned and punched Garuda away as a Black spark spread through the air, and even Yuki despite her temporary blindness could see it.


Garuda flew away at breakneck speed as the Black sparks flew away from Gensui's fist his other fist started to glow with the same sparks Gensui's grin seemed to grow even further as he muttered, "Black flash"

Immediately Yuki with her honed instincts countered with her own Fist and they both canceled each other's impact Gensui was pushed back taking the fist to his jaw as his Jaw immediately dislocated making it look almost as if he was sticking his tongue out, teasing Yuki, and wrapped his body around her arm as he brought up his Handgun and Fired a point-blank bullet right on Yuki's face.


Immediately the Gun was obliterated as if it were a grenade throwing Shrapnel into the ground and the sky. Yuki reeled back and Gensui let go of her arm and landed back on his feet as he stared at Yuki started leaning back and started to fall on the ground.






But of course

You can't beat a Special Grade with a mere bullet.




Yuki immediately bent forward and with the power of her whole body punched Gensui as Black sparks surrounded her fist and threw Gensui flying away, knocking him out for sure.


[Yuki Wins!!!]

"Phew, I'm glad the brat missed, Who knows how hard that would have hit me on the head" Yuki chuckled as she stared at the crater that was created by Gensui's body flying away from her punch.


Yuki facepalmed as she yelled out, "Did I just hit a Black flash on my own Disciple?!!??!"

With a slight yell Yuki approached the downed Gensui with a worried face, "Even though I was only using 10% of my normal output a Black flash would boost it to ridiculous strength, I hope he won't get Brain damage from this" Yuki muttered and started using Reverse Cursed Technique on Gensui ignoring the multiple times she had hit Gensui on the head before.

After getting his unspeakably disfigured face fixed Gensui couldn't help but ask, "Now that you won, tell me, why"

"Err, before that shouldn't we throw a party for your First Black flash?! Moreover two of them, Back to back!" Yuki exclaimed.

Gensui while lying on the ground just gave Yuki a silent look as a vein popped on his face and said nothing but his face ended up saying everything.

"F-fine, I want you to stop fighting," Yuki said.

"Why" Gensui shot back immediately.

"Because it isn't something good for you, for now, that is" Yuki replied.

"Why not?" Gensui yelled.

Not letting Yuki continue he yelled out, "Arent you afraid of 'Them' I heard you talk about them with so many people, 'They are now active' 'They are starting to move' 'They are dormant' What the hell are 'they' tell me already, you've been training me to fight 'them' right? What the hell happened in this forest when you met-"

"Stop it" Yuki muttered causing Gensui to pause.

"The reason why I started to train you was because you interested me, and so to 'they'? It is not something you need to worry about for now"

"Gensui you may not realize this but... you are 11 years old, you don't need to worry about such things, What 'They' is not something you need to worry about are we adults that unreliable?" Yuki asked with a slight smile.

Gensui just looked at Yuki with his mouth slightly open as he felt a weight being lifted off him as he said, "No".

"Eh?" Yuki yelped.

"You're unreliable, You cant cook, You don't wake up on time, for anything other than Jujutshi you are completely unreliable I am horrified how you have not ended up dead while traveling the world... but the fact that you still live to this day is an ode to your luck," Gensui said as he looked at Yuki who was lying on the ground with hundreds of Imaginary arrows through her chest.

"Sigh, I'm fine now so..." Gensui said grimly.

"What are your conditions?" He said pointing to the Binding vow they made before the fight.

Upon hearing this Yuki suddenly got up with a smile on her face and said, "....."






2 Weeks Later.


"WHAT THE FUCK" Gensui said throwing the bag in his hand on the ground.

"Oi, that's an expensive bag you know? Be happy I bought it for you!" Gojo Satoru who was standing beside Gensui said with mock annoyance.


"Of all the things she could have picked she picked me... GOING TO MIDDLE SCHOOL?!!?!?" Gensui yelled pointing at the School entrance he and Gojo were standing in front of.

"Kekeke, everyone has to go through this, awkward kids, sweaty brats, Popularity competition, and Young love, go ahead and enjoy your Youth young man!" Satoru said making poses.

"Urgh, I already read this stuff two years back but I guess I do have to follow what Sensei said," Gensui said with a vein popping on his head.

"But isn't this school way too far for me? I mean this is a whole different city" Gensui asked.

"That's true, and not like I can be here every day, and hence, You will live in a different house!" Satoru said clapping his hands as if Gensui had won the lottery.

"Urgh, come in the afternoon so I can get my stuff from my house then," Gensui said sighing.

"Okay, I'll send you the place you will be living in on your phone okay? Ciao for now" Satoru said and teleported away.

"Sigh... Fushiguro household? Where have I heard of that before, Oh well" Gensui muttered and looked at the School in front of him.

"Time to crush Middle School I guess" And went through the Entrance. 






[AN- Well boys finally we have completed the first volume of the story, there are still 3 more remainings (around 100+ chapters remaining) so sit tight and drop your power stones and reviews and enjoy the story I will add onto Gege Akutami sensei's Jujutsu Kaisen]

[Next chapter or two I will end the Middle school arc which is just a build-up for a future storyline so make sure to read after it starts the most anticipated arc, the Jujutsu Tech arc (Wow)]

[Now do remember that Gensui is one year older than the main cast so he'll be in the classroom with Maki, Panda, Inumaki, and Yuta]

[I'll take a day break tomorrow since the First volume is completed and continue daily uploads till we reach 7/7]

[1 Free Bonus chapter still backed up for Next week's Thursday!]

[Also very sorry for the extra spacing between paragraphs its only for this chapter]





[DAY 4/7 Of daily uploads]

[Power stone for bonus chapter: 365/444]