
JJK : With a Shotgun in Jujutsu Kaisen

Humanity has been marked with Bloodshed and warfare through out its history and in it there have been countless of evolution of Weapons from Hands to Stone tools to Bronze weapons to Swords to Martial arts. However the one above all, the one that gained Humanity the edge over all other lifeforms was [THE GUN].

Ariseto · アニメ·コミックス
29 Chs

Looking at the Gun

"Ito Gensui right?"

"Yes, Police officer?"

"I am sorry for your loss, to lose your parents due to an unfortunate Gas explosion due to a pipe failure and then getting assaulted by a Dog" The police officer with a sad tone.

"No need to worry about it I am..... over it"

The police officer said nothing and looked at the small figure in front of him, He had just arrived at the situation and it looked like the whole situation was over. He could see that the child had developed a deep scar in his heart due to this.

No relatives as his parents had run away from home to get married, only one Grandmother from the mother's side who passed away 4 years ago, his Father a foreigner, and his Mother a Japanese citizen, the Father's side of the family wanted nothing to do with him and the Mother's was no more.

Such a tragic child...….

Perhaps he could...….

"Hey Gensui kun...….. I and my wife have been having trouble having children you see we aren't compatible and were looking for a child if you want to the="

"Don't bother Officer-san, I want to remain my parents' child, so I'll have to refuse" Gensui said with a sad smile.

"Is that so?" The officer said saddened but smiled and talked with him for a while and soon wished him goodbye, promising to return every once in a while.


What a nice person, but to practice my 'power' I'll have to be alone..... I don't know for how long, I am free to not go to school for a month or two to recover so that's good, somehow everything was dealt with easily.

After killing those Monsters in the forest I managed to return home safely but collapsed in front of my house, I guess that's where I was picked up and treated.

Due to having insurance the legal system was able to automatically build my home back into a much better state and I even saved a pretty penny because of the remaining fund... and also the life insurance and getting my parent's wealth.

I was told that all this was done in the 3 MONTHS that I was in COMA for, apparently from shock they said.

Well thinking about matters aside I need to go back home.

I decided to move out into the older home which was our actual home at that time undergoing renovation now I have done renovation is the one I decided to go live in.


"Holy crap"

Our house was a big one, definitely, one of the bigger than any other I had seen around, If in one block there were 4 houses then my house would eclipse all of them slightly because of how massive it was, now that I think about it..... what the hell did my father do for a living?

It was sort of like a mansion with a lot of wasted space all over due to it being old and having bad infrastructure but...…. Dear god, from a Western-type home, these guys turned it into a Japanese-style home. 

Pond? Check.

Koi? Check.

That weird bamboo that makes a sound by hitting a stone? Check.

Shit ton of rooms with tatami mats? Check.

A 2 storied storage room? Check.

Fucking solar panels on the roof? Check.

Guess the electricity bill isn't something I have to worry about huh?

And a large as-hell backyard for training.

Thank you, Father, for your genius in making this wonderful house, I shall cherish it to its best.

"This is gonna be fun"

"Yeah it really is going to be," said a Blonde Woman standing beside me.

Oh yeah, I didn't talk about her, did I?

She's a NEET who decided to invade my life a few days ago calling herself my "Sensei" I think she called herself Tsukumo Yuki?


 A few days earlier.


I hummed and stretched as I felt soft sheets covering me and yawned, rubbing my eyes, I shifted around my bed with a satisfied smile, "Yeah I think my life's set, I'm living here from now on" I couldn't help but mutter.

"Yeah I couldn't agree more, Hospital beds from really good hospitals are honestly too good" ??? said, a little too loud and a little too close to me?

I once again looked around the hospital room on the side of the bed I was facing but saw no one, and just as I turned to look around I saw a fair-skinned, Blonde-haired, Gorgeous woman looking at me.

"Young Man, what's your type of woman?" ??? asked.

My eyes immediately became dull and devoid of light as I asked, "Who are you?"

"Hm? This is strange no one ever really asks me a question back to me when I ask them this" She muttered placing a finger on her lip and looking upwards, getting more comfortable on my bed.

"Such arrogance!!" I couldn't help but exclaim in surprise soon after unceremoniously kicking her out of my bed making her fall on her hands to which she simply twirled around and jumped up on her feet.

"Holy sh- How did you do that-" I asked but was once again interrupted by the same arrogant woman.

"I'm Tsukumo Yuki, your sensei from now on, and answer my question already.... What's your type in women?" She asked slightly pouting.

Which did not manage to deter me in the slightest as I quickly answered, "I like the kind of women that don't sneak inside of the bedsheets of Little boys"

'Tsukumo Yuki' pouting once exhaustedly said, "Man you're no fun" with a defeated look.


Damn it, she looks like a crying puppy now, my only weakness.....

"Well if I had to say then it would be a fit girl as tall as me with a nice butt I think?" I said more of a question to myself.

'What... am I even saying… A nice butt? What kind of thoughts are these, weird….. I must get rid of them as soon as possible but... I feel like this won't be an easy feat since just looking at her makes me get concerned'






That was my unfortunate meeting with my teacher, A week has now passed and she has taught me many things about the power I have, hell I doubt she is even what she is talking about, such an absent-minded person wouldn't be one of the people that stand atop all the Sorcerers in the world right?



She has only been into my house which she is fucking crashing into apparently while teaching me since it would be "way easier" Apparently, I think she just doesn't want to waste money on a hotel room... aside from the fact that she took over the biggest room in my house she doesn't cause that much problem.

Other than the fact that she's completely useless and leaves all the chores to me an 8-year-old kid...….. I'm fine... yeah I think I am.


No matter, My power of summoning a shotgun from thin air is my [Cursed technique] how fancy.....

She also told me that the "Monsters" are called [Cursed Spirits] and I couldn't have agreed to something more, surprisingly it was from her mouth, she somehow dropped a tear when I said that muttering "Ah! So rebellious…. my previous disciple was far more docile"

To which I just shot at her with Ak- 47, putting a whopping 0 scratches on her.


My training with her this week has been one of informing me of the world around me and one which I will be involved in,

The most important topic was about Cursed energy and its applications, along with what reverse cursed energy, quite a fantastic technique I'll have to say, to be able to heal a human, the opposite of Cursed energy I have to learn it but I was still too trash in… like everything to even start trying it out.

I also learned that 'Ranks' exist from Grade 4 till Grade 1 and above it is a Special grade which has only 3 people in that category still alive, The Traitor Suguru Geto, My Teacher, and The Strongest Gojo Satoru, his technique allowed him to never be touched, aside from Domain Expansion no one could touch him with any other technique..... so terrifying. 

The training has also been of 'self-realization' she helped me figure out my cursed techniques capacity, apparently I only needed to either

Run my cursed energy through a weapon

Learn everything about the weapon and try to recreate it

I was (just a tiny bit of a) Gun Nerd so I knew a lot about guns I could bring about any handheld and mounted weapon from Flintlocks to Machine guns, and with my average amount of Cursed energy bringing out a machine gun would be ridiculous since it would work for one second before I ran out of Cursed energy.

And that was all, all that I hope is for me to have a calm and peaceful, serene and calm life ahead of me since Sensei said that I could easily become a Grade 1 sorcerer with a few years of training. 






[Power stone for bonus chapter: 0/100]

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