
JJK : With a Shotgun in Jujutsu Kaisen

Humanity has been marked with Bloodshed and warfare through out its history and in it there have been countless of evolution of Weapons from Hands to Stone tools to Bronze weapons to Swords to Martial arts. However the one above all, the one that gained Humanity the edge over all other lifeforms was [THE GUN].

Ariseto · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Questioning the Gun

"Okay, Gensui-chan let's start our first lesson," Yuki said with a finger pointing above her head to which I nodded.

"Cursed energy, Is a power that every living being able to produce negative thoughts has, but the ones that can manipulate this energy are only Jujutsu Sorcerers.

Aka You, Your Gun summoning ability is an application of Cursed Energy called Cursed Technique, Every single Sorcerer possesses a technique with some exceptions like Heavenly restrictions.

The strongest move of your Technique is called a Maximum move, it's a great honor to be able to perform this since it means you have completely mastered your Cursed Technique, Of course, you wouldn't be able to say you completely mastered your technique without being able to perform a Domain Expansion."

"SIGHH" Yuki let out a huge sigh after completing her speech.

"Man, I don't get paid enough for this" She mutters.

"No one's paying you, You already talked about this a week ago, infact get out of my house" I shoot back.

"Haha, you sure are Tsundere Gensui-chan... Genchan" Yuki replied with a smile.

"Genchan?" I parroted on hearing this as I struggled to not throw up blood.

"Anyway, now hurry up and show me that technique, we already covered this yesterday so I don't need to go much in-depth" Yuki said looking at me with expectation.


I let out a sigh as I recovered from "Genchan" That woman is 100% going to refer to me by that name now isn't she.

But forgetting all other useless things, I close my eyes and...….


I mutter as a shotgun materializes in my hand, I look at it calmly, It was a single-barrel Shotgun, not the one that my Father had, it was a powerful double barrel but….. I don't think I want to use that anymore, using others is good enough.


"Hmmm," Yuki hummed as she looked at the Shotgun in my hand.

"You know this doesn't look like any other ones that I have seen before," Yuki asked to which I gladly responded.

"It's actually custom, last week when you were teaching me all the basic knowledge I also found out that as long as I know all the known parts I can create any kind of gun since these ones aren't limited by Physical factors.

Hardness, Toughness, and Durability don't matter in these so I can put all the outrageous parts I want in this without it being too heavy since it's just a Cursed energy construct, of course The recoil on this would be terrible but I can reinforce my body with cursed energy to remove the need to avoid the blowback from the recoil so let me tell you all the modifications I did in this gun first I made the base a hybrid between-"

"AH Okay okay I get it already, Gun nut does Gun nut stuff, I already know enough of guns as it is, You don't need to tell me about all the parts you added to your gun," Yuki said interrupting me rudely.

"How rude, this 30-year-old NEET doesn't want to listen to me and sleeps till noon in my house"

"Oi little brat you're letting your thoughts mix in with your speech"

"It's the truth anyways so why worry" I say with an "innocent" smile.

Yuki's smile seemed to crack slightly as I heard her audibly tighten her curled-up fist, "You know what? I think you're ready for the next stage of our training." She says as a smile starts spreading on her lips.


I don't like this.

"And how "rude" of me not to tell you this but My Cursed Technique is [Star Rage]"

Huh. Is this..... Boss music?

"It lets me add virtual mass to anything and even my own body without feeling any weight from it"

Why are my instincts telling me to run?

"So basically it's an unbreakable spear that can pierce anything" Yuki paused completing her explanation.

Why is my back sweating


"So, let's get on with it"

"Get on with what Sensei?" I asked nervously seeing how she paused.

"Hand-to-hand combat" She said with a sweet smile on her face.


"I gonna beat you u- It's just hand-to-hand combat, don't worry" She said.

Huh? I think she was saying something completely different before, "But Sensei I don't know how to figh-"

"WHO THE HELL DID YOU SAY WAS A 30-YEAR-OLD NEET HUH????" Yuki suddenly yelled as she punched on the ground completely decimating the ground as far as I could see.

Me only able to see this as I shot a bullet at the and used the Shotgun's ridiculous recoil to throw me a little up in the air.

'Aren't you just doing this because you're mad I called you old!?!??!!??!' I yelled in my head.

I need to start respecting my elders or this crazy world I got pulled into will have me killed...….. by my own Sensei at that...


[AN- Know this before you read further on, I'm not going to divulge much into the different kinds of Guns that exist in our world, simply because there are way too many and it's a pain to remember and would be annoying to many people if I ramble off about Guns, so just sit back and enjoy.

Of course with the weekly uploads, there isn't much to enjoy :p]


"Hey before we start off with a fight, don't you think you should... I don't know….. TEACH ME HOW TO FIGHT?" I asked as I reloaded my single-barrel shotgun.

"Nuh uh, Learn how to move on our own, if I sit here teaching you various types of "katas" then it would take me years to complete your training, I wanna be done in one year and get you some on-site experience" Yuki replied with a grin.

I sweated on hearing her words, Be done with training in one year? How am I supposed to completely master the hundreds of weapons out in the world in just one small year, besides....

"Hey, I've been wondering.... Why are you training me anyway? I mean what's the point, I get that I might become really strong at least in Grade 1 or Semi-Special Grade, but why me? I'm just a normal kid who can bring out handguns" I asked her as I pointed my shotgun at her head.

Yuki then looked at me surprised and with confusion?

"Huh? What do you mean you can bring out only handguns?" She asked confused.

"That's my technique is it not? [Arms] It's what I'm going to call it" I said making her even more confused.

"What the hell are you talking about ki-" She suddenly stopped as a smile came over her face.

"Ahh I get it now, you don't remember what happened in that Forrest," She said with a grin which continued widening.

I frowned and asked, "What happened in that forest?"

I think she is referring to the forest where I killed that 'Monster', but... why does she look….. happy?

My frown only deepened as I looked at her starting to laugh even harder.

"What?" I rudely asked.

"Nah, it's nothing. I think I know what happened but I can't interrupt it, you have to get over that yourself, and it will take time so don't worry about it too much" Yuki said as she threw aside her jacket.


"Enough thinking, Let's fight"


"Lesson 1: Dodging"

Yuki yelled as she landed a clean hit on my stomach, Note while breaking my shotgun in half.


"Lesson 2: Don't think your weapon will stay with you at all times"

"But that's my cursed technique" I blurt out while grasping my stomach, it looks like she added quite a lot of mass when she punched to break my shotgun and then when she punched me she dramatically decreased it, it honestly felt like I got hit by a toddler's fist.

 "If you can cry about it how about you make stronger guns?" She asked and once again ran to punch me.

Obviously, I was prepared this time, I would create a weak Shotgun in front of me and make a stronger one behind me, so when she broke the first one I could easily get the stronger one and shoo--


A dull sound rang out as I looked behind and saw Yuki's Shikigami [Garuda] clearly destroying my stronger shotgun.

Just as I was dumbfounded by this I failed to realize that Yuki already managed to get close to me, breaking yet another shotgun and landing a blow on me, a blow stronger than last, about a thousand times.

These were my thoughts as all I heard before passing out was.

"Lesson 3: Expect the unexpected"

I feel like she just took out all the anger she got after hearing my NEET comment.

Fuck you 30-Year-Old NEET, fuck you.







[Power stone for bonus chapter: 13/100]

Add the book to your library, makes me happy seeing the numbers rise :)

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