

Back when fishes soared through the heavens, tigers laid eggs, trees prophesied, and chickens twerked; the destiny of all creation rested on the shoulders of a young boy, named; Ji Min! Our MC had been chosen by prophecy to become the Omni-Being; a peerless existence who was not only omnipotent but omnipresent and omniscient as well. As the forgotten cornerstone of the very foundation upon which all creation was laid, our MC was able to meet the requirements to be chosen as the herald of the forgotten True Spirit. But as fate would have it, our MC ended up transmigrating into the body of a little kid who had a soup of chronic diseases. So, in a world where the strong ate the weak, drank their blood, and picked their teeth with their victims’ bones, what would become of our dying MC? How will he survive in a world where Qilins are treated as pets and Dragons are made to play catch? A world where overlords grill their meat with tribulation lightning and drink lava?

The_Primal_Scribe · ファンタジー
94 Chs

The Discussion

"Grandpa, my body cultivation remained the same throughout the treatment process." Ji Min answered.

Since Master Li had taken decided not to tell the group the level of his current body cultivation, it would only make sense for him to hide it too; after all, how was he going to explain his 1 Star Lord Level cultivation power without spilling some secrets which he couldn't defend yet?

Ji Tang was a shrewd old man, and if he noticed that he had a Lord Stage cultivation which was a level of power on par with that of a Clan Patriarch, he would definitely know Ji Min was hiding something; and who could tell the kind of means he would use to find out the truth?

If he probed him and realized that Ji Min wasn't his real grandson, wouldn't that cause more problems for him?

"Good; at least, that still places you ahead of the current younger generation members of the family." Ji Tang nodded contently.

"But what I am about to tell you now is a matter of utmost importance and it must not leave this room otherwise it might produce negative feedback; do you understand?"

"I'm your grandson, grandpa; if you tell me to scale a mountain and walk on a sea of flaming needles, it is only filial that I do so without questions, no?"

Ji Min answered as the entire room nodded smilingly; they were impressed by Ji Min's show of filial respect towards his grandfather.

"Hahaha; don't worry, I won't be telling you to walk on a sea of flaming needles or anything of that sort; at least till I believe it is something within your capacity." Ji Tang said with a pleased laugh.

"We; The Southern Ji Family would be heading to the main clan in half a year to claim our stake in the ruling system of the main clan." Ji Tang began to reveal.

"But on the Emperor's decree; I had been banished to the southern town of the clan, never to set foot in the city center until I can raise a direct descendant who has the potential to become a grand elder in the future; I'm sure you know about all of this already?" Ji Tang asked and Ji Min nodded in response.

He indeed knew the situation since he had inherited the original Ji Min's memories.

"So, the question is, do you think you can raise the strength of your body cultivation to the Peak of Commander Stage within the next six months?" Everyone within the room suddenly gathered their gazes on Ji Min at this point, anticipating his response.

Ji Min shut his eyes and went quiet, and whilst the entire room thought he was brooding over the situation, Ji Min on the other hand was simply having a conversation with Sensei.

[Sensei, what do I do about this situation; I'm already at the Lord Stage and if I cultivate with the resources they give me and I achieve a breakthrough, wouldn't that give away my Lord Stage cultivation?] He asked thoughtfully.

[Young Lord, this is indeed a very tricky question, and I would have thought your grandfather was only trying to probe some secret out of you if not for the fact that he had mentioned the situation about the Main Clan.] Sensei voiced his thoughts;

[But since it has come to this, I will help out; just tell them the same thing I'm about to tell you.] Sensei added as Ji Min finally opened his eyes and sighed.

"Grandpa, the treatment seemed to have some negative symptoms as well." Ji Min began as the group sighed in pity before relaxing into their seats.

Ji Min sighed in relief after seeing them realize that he had plunged their high expectations which was the first thing Sensei wanted to achieve.

"As you all know, I can't sense Qi at the moment due to the loss of my meridians, but I know that through rigorous training and preparation, I can raise my body cultivation to only the 4-Star Commander Stage.

Furthermore, according to Master Lao's speculations, such a body should be enough to restart my Qi Cultivation, which means reconstructing my meridians.

He also speculated that since I had already been cultivating before, it wouldn't take me long to return my Qi cultivation to what it used to be.

He furtherly claimed that I might even exceed my previous peak, as my body would be able to absorb Qi faster since it had done so once before." Ji Min said as the group once again sat up on their seats.

"Master Lao said so?!" Ji Tang asked in surprise as Ji Min nodded.

"Hahaha; great, this is just great!" Ji Tang roared in laughter.

"Brother, it seems the heavens haven't forgotten you after all." Ji Fang added whilst Ji Wang; the man of few words simply nodded in response.

"Great; but did Master Lao tell you the manner with which you should cultivate?" Ji Tang asked.

Though Ji Tang had a lot of cultivation techniques that weren't weaker than that of the main clan, he still preferred to use Master Lao's way, if he gave any.

Ji Tange felt that since Master Lao was the one who cured his grandson, he would definitely know the right resources that would be suitable and very efficient for him.

Ji Min nodded his head as he replied;

"He did tell me a way to do so, but I think he definitely wants something in return; I have tried multiple times, but he only said he would tell me at the right time." Ji Min slipped in.

"Don't worry about whatever he wants in return; once we conclude our matters with the main clan, I believe the clan's treasury would be able to satiate his requests." Ji Tang said, casually waving his hands to dispel Ji Min's worries.

"So, did he give you any techniques to train your body?" It was Ji Wang who asked this time.

He also had the desire to embark on the body cultivation path, but such techniques were very hard to find in the first place, not to talk of one with such a tier that could suit his taste.

"Not really, he only gave me a physical training exercise schedule, and he told me to practice as many martial arts as possible, claiming that they would loosen my body and allow me to advance further." Ji Min answered as Ji Tang and Ji Fang nodded whilst Ji Wang simply sighed in loss.

"Alright then; I have decided; we'll use Master Lao's physical training routine; you can give the details to Fang, he would take care of everything." Ji Tang concluded.