
Chapter 2: The smile dog

Leon lets out a nervous laugh, trying to play it off as if Leon weren't afraid. However, his heart is racing now, thumping wildly against his ribcage. Sweat trickles down his back as he realizes that maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all.

 Smile Dog continues to advance towards him, his movements fluid and graceful despite his massive size. His tail starts wagging slightly, but there's nothing friendly about it. Instead, it seems more like a warning sign – a reminder that despite appearances, he is still a predator hunting for prey.

Leon says "Oh I get it…..so kid, that's your dog Man… did you really do all of the make up".

His words only serve to anger Smile Dog further. 

He lets out a high-pitched yelp, baring his teeth in a threatening display. 

The hair along his spine stands on end, causing him to appear even more formidable. 

Meanwhile, Jeff simply watches with amusement from behind his mask. He knows exactly what effect his pet has on people - the terror, the panic, the helplessness. It's all part of the game for him.

" Don't underestimate Smile Dog just because he appears harmless. He may look like any ordinary mutt, but trust me when I say he's far from it. His sharp claws and teeth can rip apart flesh faster than you can blink. And once he sets his sights on you... well, let's just say there won't be much left of you by morning."

Jeff's words had some effect on Leon until…. Leon's friend shows up.His friend starts speaking amusingly 

"dude Halloween costumes are getting wild"

both of them takes pictures of them and post it on Instagram

As Leon's friend approaches, laughing and taking photos, Leon can't help but feel a sense of relief wash over him. 

Maybe they'll be able to distract Smile Dog long enough for both to escape. However, as soon as Leon's friend speaks, the situation takes a turn for the worse. Their voice echoes oddly in the empty park, drawing attention to themselves and potentially putting them in harm's way. Before either of them knew it, Smile Dog lunged forward with incredible speed, knocking their phone out of their hands and sending it skittering across the pavement. His jaws snap shut inches from Leon's face, sending a wave of putrid breath washing over Leon. Leon tries desperately to run but finds himself frozen in place by pure terror.

Smile dog sees Leon's friend…who might have been a bit terrified still thinking this is some Halloween prank.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Leon's friend screams

Smile Dog, fueled by adrenaline and raw instinct, tears into Leon's friend without hesitation. Blood splatters everywhere as he savages his victim, growling and snapping viciously.

 Leon stands there paralyzed with horror, unable to move or even scream. All he can do is watch in disbelief as the once-vibrant young man is reduced to little more than a bloody mess at the feet of this monstrous creature. The sounds of ripping flesh and cracking bones fill the air, punctuated by the occasional sickening squish as Smile Dog feasts upon his fresh kill.

 Even Jeff seems momentarily taken aback by the ferocity of his pet, although he quickly regains his composure and steps forward nonchalantly to inspect the remains.

Leon starts running.

With renewed vigor, Jeff gives chase, his footsteps echoing ominously through the deserted park. Leon's heart pounds frantically in his chest as he races down darkened alleys and leaps over fallen branches. The adrenaline coursing through his veins feels both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. Every noise seems amplified tenfold, every shadow potential danger lurking just beyond his field of vision. He can already feel the warm stickiness of blood seeping through his clothes where Smile Dog had previously nipped at him during their encounter earlier. Despite the pain and fear gnawing away at him from within, he refuses to give up hope – there must be somewhere safe nearby where he could hide until dawn breaks and this nightmarish ordeal finally ends.

But Jeff keeps commenting so he could watch his prey suffer…..

"Don't tell me herobrine might appear in front of me …. Because i'm not waiting to see minecraft myths too I need to wake up from this nightmare already"

Leon jokes to reduce his tension….

"HeroBrine? That's a new one. Honestly, anything is possible in this twisted world of ours. Who knows what other horrors lie in wait for those brave—or foolish—enough to venture forth alone?"

" As for waking up from this nightmare, I hate to break it to you but this might just be the beginning. Once you close your eyes, who knows what kind of terrors await deep inside your subconscious mind? "

"Better keep moving, keep pushing forward, and don't stop until you reach safety. Remember, survival is key here". 

"Let go of these childish fantasies about heroes saving the day; they're nothing but fairy tales meant to comfort us during our darkest hours. Now then, which direction should we head in next?"

Leon stops all of a sudden like all fear went away in a split second...

"I know what to do…. when I know I'm dreaming in a dream...… I can control anything in it -it's called the merits of a lucid dreamer"