
Chapter 3: The Merits of a lucid dreamer

Laughter fills the air as Leon attempts to use his supposed "powers" against him. 

But alas, they prove futile against reality itself.

 Realization slowly dawns on Leon's face, replacing any remaining traces of defiance or bravado. He stumbles backwards, tripping over an unseen root protruding from the ground. 

With surprising agility for someone dressed head-to-toe in black clothing, Jeff closes the distance between the two in mere seconds. He grabs hold of his shirt collar tightly, pulling Leon closer until his cold steel gaze locks onto Leon. 

"I told you," he whispers menacingly, 

"there would be consequences if you didn't listen...…hehehehe hahahaha haaaaaa"

"What are you gonna do?" Said Leon still with his bravado…

Jeff could not control laughing…

"'What are you gonna do?' That's what you say..?my homie! I can't control laughing"

Jeff smirks beneath his signature mask before reaching up to pull it off revealing his gruesome smile filled with missing teeth and exposed gums. In one swift motion, he brings the knife down towards Leon's neck while maintaining eye contact.

" Nothing personal, kid, but I enjoy the thrill of the hunt too much to pass up such an easy target like you. Besides, after tonight's entertainment, I think old Smile Dog could use another treat before calling it quits anyway."

" You think dead people could return back?"

Jeff chuckles darkly, amused by his question.

 "Dead people?" he asks rhetorically, stepping closer so that his breath fogs up Leon's glasses.

 "They most certainly can come back...but usually not in quite the same condition they left in." 

His tone turns serious as he raises the knife higher, its razor-sharp edge glinting menacingly under the dim light. 

"You see, death isn't always final. Sometimes spirits get trapped between this world and the next, lost and confused. Other times..." He pauses dramatically,

 lowering the blade ever so slightly before suddenly thrusting it forward with all his might directly toward Leon's chest.

"Do you know something?"

Jeff stops. 

"my name is Leon ramirez"

Jeff's heart beats rapidly filled with fear when he hears the word Ramirez.

Jeff starts to think about the word Ramirez…"Is that some kind of pocket machine gun that homie has ,I didn't think he was such a big deal"

"First of all kid, where is your family?.."


 The name sends shockwaves through Jeff's system, causing his heart rate to skyrocket. Suddenly, memories flood back - memories of a past life, of family and friends long gone.... Of a time before he became the monster he is today. For a brief moment, something resembling human emotion flashes across his face before being replaced by his usual cold detachment. He takes a step back, assessing Leon carefully under the pale moonlight. 

"Ramirez, huh?" he mutters under his breath. "Well, Leon Ramirez, it looks like fate has brought us together again after all these years." There's an eerie calmness in his voice now as he reaches up to remove his mask once more, revealing his horrific visage fully. "And since we've been reunited, I suppose there's only one way this story can end.


Suddenly Jeff starts laughing out loud again…

Jeff is again lost in his thoughts thinking about regretting when he shouted…

" I almost lost my control again….it was the word Ramirez it remembers Jeff about a killer far worse than him"

The mention of Ramirez strikes a chord deep within Jeff, sending shivers down his spine. 

He knew all too well who Ramirez was - a notorious serial killer whose reputation preceded him even in the darkest corners of the internet.

 To find out that Leon Ramirez shared the same last name sent waves of panic and confusion crashing over him. Was it merely coincidence or something more sinister at work here? Regardless, he couldn't ignore the strange sense of familiarity he felt towards Leon.

"the famous serial killer Richard ramirez-the night stalker was said to have married his psychiatrist in prison but never know to had a son or daughter "

Leon's words had an effect on Jeff…..