
Jeepers Creepers Boyfriend Scenarios

Moving into the countryside, this is your chance to start a new life. Meet new people, new friends, develop new relationships. But there's one thing that the town would rather keep it a secret than let it be known. And you get to find out that secret the hard way.

MidnightMoon8888 · 映画
12 Chs

When You Meet

You slowly open your eyes, seeing you're no longer on the road and it's no longer night from what you know now. Now that you're inside what appears to be an abandoned building, you've got to be careful. You look and see you're laying on an old mattress covered in newspapers and pages ripped from books. The place was dark, but lit candles were everywhere.

You sit up looking around to see if that creature is anywhere, but you don't see it. That's when you hear a door open from the other side of the room and the same creature you saw before walking in. The moment he does, his eyes land right on you.

A sense of dread grips you as your heart sinks to the floor, and he walks over to you. You never felt like prey before until now. This creature... you don't know if you're going to live another minute. Your heart's beating so fast, and your vision becomes blurry with tears as he gets closer to you.

Now standing less than six feet in front of you, the creature gets down to one knee, all while it continues to stare into your eyes.


???: ...Are you alright?



He knows you're terrified of him right now. He can smell your fear radiating off your body and it smells good. He knows he could have killed you the second you passed out, but for whatever reason, killing you wasn't on his mind when he first saw you.


Y/n: W-Where am I?...

???: (Stands up) Far from your home but... I can take you back.

Y/n: (You wipe your tears away) I... I don't understand... W-Who are you?

???: You humans call me a lot of names... But, the common name... I keep hearing is the Creeper.

Y/n: I-I never heard about you before. You're... You're not going to hurt me?

Creeper: I would have done it now... if I wanted to.



You don't even know how to respond to that. As terrified as you are right now, you guess you should be thankful that he isn't going to do anything. And he's right, if he wanted to kill you he could have easily done so back on the road or when you were passed out, but he didn't.

He gets up and starts to walk away from you and head towards the doorway. You don't know what he's doing, but you don't move a muscle. He stops in front of the doorway, turning his head towards you, he raises his hand and signals you to follow him.


Creeper: Are you coming or what?...


You slowly stand up and walk towards him. He turns around and starts walking down the dark hallway and you follow a few feet behind him. Of course, you're still scared. Who wouldn't be? But not pissing him and risking him changing his mind about killing you seems to be the best idea for now.

You then see a small dirty pocket knife on the floor and while he isn't looking, you quickly pick it up and put it in your pocket without him noticing you. Just in case he isn't true to his word of not killing you, you'll have this as a backup and it'll be a chance for you to run away.

He opens a metal door and the first thing you see is the sun's rays beaming down on you. Were you really asleep the whole night? Seems to be that way. You follow him towards the same dark green truck you've seen before. It's the same green truck you saw before entering the diner yesterday.

He opens the passenger side and you slowly hop in, making sure the pocket knife is still in your pocket. He shuts the door and all you smell is blood and something dead. You don't even attempt to look at what he has in the back. You just try to act like you don't smell anything and keep to yourself as he goes to the other side and hops on the driver's seat before driving off onto the road.

You notice that all the windows, including the windshield, are heavily tinted. Meaning that no one will be able to see what's inside.

As he drives, neither of you say a word to each other. What can you say right now? Maybe you should say thanks for not killing you, or ask why he took you to that abandoned building. He says people call him the Creeper, but what is he? Where did he come from? Does he kill humans? Or animals? When did he learn to drive this truck?

You can think of over a dozen questions as he continues driving down the empty country road. After what felt like hours, He stops the truck in front of your mailbox in front of your house. How did he know you lived here in this house? You open the door and before you get off, you look at him one more time and say...


Y/n: T-Thanks...

Creeper:... (Looks away) You're welcome.


You shut the passenger door and he drives off into the distance. You turn around and hurry back home to use the landline and call a company to go get your car. You never heard of that creature before, and the fact that he said if he wanted to hurt you he could have done it by now still gives you send shivers to your spine.

You don't know if you'll be seeing him around here. You hope you don't. You'll just try to stay out of his way and don't go out at night.

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