
Jeepers Creepers Boyfriend Scenarios

Moving into the countryside, this is your chance to start a new life. Meet new people, new friends, develop new relationships. But there's one thing that the town would rather keep it a secret than let it be known. And you get to find out that secret the hard way.

MidnightMoon8888 · 映画
12 Chs

When You Learn More About Him

While taking a break from building another chicken coop, you decided to ask Creeper a few questions about him. Especially the name Creeper, since it honestly feels like you're insulting him whenever you say it.


Y/n: So Creeper is just one of the names humans have been calling you?

Creeper: Ugly bastard, creeper, creature, demon, freak of nature, son of bitch, and satan. Many more names than that.

Y/n: Damn.

Creeper: It's alright, they usually never got the time to say it a second time.

Y/n: But the name Creeper is what you like best?

Creeper: It's fitting enough. I do have a real name, but it will be difficult for you to pronounce it, as the name does not come from this realm.

Y/n: No worries, I understand. Hell names are pretty complex. I just didn't want to insult you by calling you that. But hey, we both know that I never mean to do that. Say, you mainly eat humans but... do you really need to in order to live?


As he thinks about what to say, he gets quiet for about a minute. Of course, you prefer him not to eat humans, but if he actually can't help himself but to eat human flesh, then maybe you can convince him to kill humans that actually deserve to die by him.


Creeper: It's my preferred meat of choice.

Y/n: That's okay. I'm not going to ask you to stop eating humans. It's just... maybe you can add animal meat to your diet as well?

Creeper: I can make that adjustment.


He then opens up his bat-like wings to stretch them out. His wings are still incredible, not just because they're so big, but because they resemble bat wings too. Man, you wish you had wings. It can be like his or angel wings. Flying high into the sky whenever you want sounds so much fun compared to walking on the ground.


Y/n: Feel free to say no to this but, can I touch your wings?


He then turns both of his wings in your direction before he stretches them out to you. Assuming it's a yes, you grace your fingertips at the skin of the wing.


Y/n: Wow, it kind of feels like toilet paper.


It feels like toilet paper, but you know that his wings are way stronger than what it is. While you examine the bones, skin, and veins in his wings, he takes the time to examine you as well.


Y/n: Your wings are so cool, I wish I had wings. I can only imagine going up into the sky every day and enjoying the view.


He doesn't really pay attention to the scenic views every time he flies into the air. He just pays attention to whoever he's hunting down and then takes the body to either his truck or the abandoned facility where he still currently resides in.


Y/n: Oh yeah, I've been curious to ask this. Is it true that you used to live in an abandoned church several years ago?

Creeper: Yes, why do you ask?

Y/n: After our first encounter, I did some research about the town and I found a bunch of newspapers and articles about you.


When you said that, he thinks about the dozens of preserved human bodies he had on display on the walls of the underground basement of the church. All naked and had stitches, some even stitched together. He's now surprised that you're still talking to him instead of either killing him or running away from him.


Creeper: So you know about the bodies I had down there?

Y/n: Y-Yeah... and about the murders of some police officers and other people in the town.


You definitely know about what the people know he's done several years ago and the years way before that. But you trust him. As crazy as this sounds, you've grown fond of him.


Y/n: Well, I also wanted to ask where do you live now?



He doesn't say anything since he's unsure where you were going with this. You get the hint and quickly reassure him.


Y/n: I'm not going to rat you out or anything. I wanted to ask because I was thinking... maybe you could live with me instead. I really enjoy your company and our time together. But I get it if it's too soon and if you're not comfortable with the idea.


He walks towards you and before you ask him what he was doing; he grabs your wrist and pulls you toward him before wrapping his arms around you and flying into the sky. You tightly keep a hold of him as he takes you to where he's been staying in.

It's the same location where you woke up the second time you saw him. He knows you've been here before, but you've only been in one room. He lands before putting you down.

Now taking a good look at the abandoned facility, it was obvious that no one would ever look here for him or anyone else. It looks like a small warehouse from what you can see. Broken or cracked windows make up more than half of the building. Weeds growing everywhere, and pretty much the surrounding nature has taken over the walls of the outside of the building.


Y/n: I will admit, it's a good place to lie low or hide some things. In your case, it's bodies.


He doesn't say anything and just takes your hand, leading you inside the facility. Instead of entering the building using the two front doors, he goes to the side of the building and uncovers the basement's hatch, which was almost covered by moss and leaves. He opens the hatch and just as you take a step forward, he quickly stops you by putting his arm over your chest.


Creeper: Wait.

Y/n: What's wrong?


That's when a trap goes off and sharp iron spikes come from the walls. If you would have stepped inside, the spikes would have impaled you. Then the spikes go back inside the walls.


Y/n: Okay... That's a pretty clever trap. Do you think anyone's going to break in?

Creeper: It's happened a couple of times. But they never made it far enough.


He takes your hand again and leads you inside the building. The hatch closes itself and he flips a switch that was hidden so that all the traps wouldn't go off while you're in here. He then leads you to the main room, where he creates all of his traps and weapons. Dozens of lit candles are the only source of light in the room.

He lets go of your hand as you begin to look around the place. Along the wall are some handmade weapons and traps in the progress of being made on a couple of old wooden tables. There are plenty of old and new tools everywhere, and hanging in front of the main wooden table is a map of the whole town. On the map, there are a few red circle markings mainly outside of the town, but not too far from it.

On the main table, you see a small weapon in the shape of a throwing star. Where the blades would be is sharpen thick bones instead. And the middle keeping it all together is a weird gray substance. You pick up the handmade throwing star examining it.


Y/n: Wow, what kind of bones did you used to make this?

Creeper: Human ribs.


You're more surprised than scared. Well, you're not really scared at all, you're just surprised at how he can make weapons out of human bones. His arms go around you, your back touching his chest as he covers your hands and also takes hold of the weapon.


Creeper: It takes a couple of days to make this. I can make one if you like.


Your blush becomes thicker when his chin rests on your shoulder and his breath tickles your ear. Though you keep staring at the weapon, your mind is occupied with how close he is right now.


Y/n: Well... it does look nice. But I wouldn't exactly know how to aim it right.

Creeper: It's easy to learn. I don't mind teaching you how.

Y/n: If that's the case, then yeah.


Just as you feel like things can get a little heavy, a window from the first floor shatters. And then another window shatters as another rock is thrown into it. Creeper then quickly goes to another switch which is hidden and flips it, turning on all the traps on the first floor of the building.


Y/n: There's electricity still running in this building?

Creeper: No, it's all mechanical.


You don't know exactly what kind of mechanics that can leave all the traps on or off, but you know that it's best for you to stay here for your own safety. He takes a handmade axe before he turns back to you and signals you to stay put while he deals with the intruders. He goes to a specific door and after he leaves he locks it so no one other than him could get in where you are.

You look down at the throwing bone star still in your hands and you wonder just how much you love him since his collection of bodies and weapons made of human bones doesn't even affect you.