
Jeepers Creepers Boyfriend Scenarios

Moving into the countryside, this is your chance to start a new life. Meet new people, new friends, develop new relationships. But there's one thing that the town would rather keep it a secret than let it be known. And you get to find out that secret the hard way.

MidnightMoon8888 · 映画
12 Chs

When He Saves You

You let the chickens out to enjoy whatever they can find to eat. Also, you like letting them out and watching them roam around. It's a good day out, not too warm and not too cold. The weather outside is sunny with some clouds and there is a slight breeze.

All of a sudden, a car pulls into your driveway. Confused, you only stare at the vehicle to see who could be there since you're not expecting anyone to come today. Even if you were, you don't recognize their car. You see a man in baggy city clothing. He looks familiar, but you can't put your finger on it where you've seen him.

He sees you and makes his way over to you. Instinctively, you know something isn't right.


???: Hey, you're Y/n right?

Y/n: W-Why? Who's asking?

???: Your boyfriend. He's been looking all over for you and finally, we found you. Now, come on. Pack your shit and we'll get going.

Y/n: I'm not going anywhere with you. And I definitely ain't going back to that fucking pig either. I already told him that it was over.

???: Yeah well, he didn't take that shit lightly. Let's just say that. Look, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Which one do you want to do it? I come back without you then it'll be my ass, and I ain't getting my ass kicked for a bitch that's been fucking ungrateful.

Y/n: I'm not going anywhere.


He then grabs both of your wrists and tries to force you to his car.


Y/n: Let fucking go of me!

???: Since you want to do this the hard way.


He quickly takes out handcuffs from his back pockets and in less this a second he puts them on your wrists. But you still fight back, pulling yourself away from him and trying to escape his grasp. But then he carries off by lifting you off the ground by holding on to your waist into puts you on his shoulder. Just as he was walking back to his car with you on his shoulder, he suddenly stops.


???: What the fuck?


He drops you to the ground like a sack of potatoes and grabs his gun from his waist. You turn yourself to your other side to who he's shooting at and by the time you turned around, if when you see something shoot up into the sky and the guy yelling.

The guy is no longer around, and when you try to look into the sky, you think you see a couple of moving figures in the sky, but it's to bury since it's so high up. When you sit yourself up, you see something come crashing down into the cornfield. And then, another being comes flying down to the ground. But this time, you can see it very well as it lands in front of you.

It's that creature again. Seeing his bat-like wings moving up and down as he lands to the ground. Did he just save you? Or... is he going to finish the job and kill you?

He walks towards you and the second you backed yourself away from him in fear is when he stops. Knowing that he was scaring you this way, he gets down to his knees and slowly crawls over to you. If he wanted to kill you, his approach wouldn't be this way and the look on and a genuine look of concern appears on his face.

He stares down at your wrists and sees that you're still handcuffed. He reaches his hand to you, signaling that he wants to help. Well.... he didn't hurt you the first time you met him and it looks like he killed the guy to save you. Maybe you can trust him, just a little but though.

You give him your hands and he takes hold of the handcuffs. He takes a tiny knife from his pocket and unlocks them, setting your hands free. But he still takes a hold of your hands, as if savoring every moment he can like this. His skin is rough, but warm. Definitely has big hands compared to your small ones. Maybe... you can trust him... does he... like you?...


Y/n: Thanks you, for saving me. I wouldn't know what would have happened if you didn't come along.

Creeper:... You're welcome.


He helps you off the ground before finally letting go of your hands. Not knowing what else to say, he turns around, but just as he was about to walk away, you stop him by placing your hand on his shoulder.


Y/n: H-Hey, do you want to come inside? I made stew this morning and I know I'm not going to be able to finish it all.


He accepts your offer and you lead him into your home. It was kind of awkward at first since there was mainly small talk as you two eat. But at least now you know he isn't going to kill you. By the end of the meal, you follow him to the door, and just before he was about to take flight.


Y/n: Thanks again, for saving me. If you like, you can come back whenever you're free and we could chat some more.


Only turning his head towards you, he says...


Creeper: I will.


He then takes flight into the sky using his bat-like wings. You don't know why he doesn't care about you calling him the Creeper, you just want to assume that he doesn't know what that word really means. But nonetheless, he seems friendly. At least friendly with you.

And even while you were with him in your own home, your instincts didn't tell you that something was wrong with him. Sure he isn't human, but even for a demon or whatever creature he is, you find yourself becoming more curious about him.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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