
Jeepers Creepers Boyfriend Scenarios

Moving into the countryside, this is your chance to start a new life. Meet new people, new friends, develop new relationships. But there's one thing that the town would rather keep it a secret than let it be known. And you get to find out that secret the hard way.

MidnightMoon8888 · 映画
12 Chs

When He Realizes He's in Love

It's such a strange feeling that he's been feeling since the first time he saw you. Though he doesn't know what this feeling is just yet. But you don't let that feeling bother you as you get on with the rest of your stay here in the country.

It's night and Harper invited you to a bonfire party with some of her friends. In front of the open barn, there's a big bonfire and people around it. Some are just talking, others are drinking, and then there's that one couple in the back having a serious make-out session.

You sit next to Harper as she talks about her personal life out here, and as you listen, you get the weird feeling again. But this time, the feeling of being watched is stronger than before.


Harper: Hey, you alright Y/n?

Y/n: Oh uh, yeah. Maybe it's just a little chilly out here.


Then a couple of guys come up and sit next to you and Harper.


Jay: Hey, I'm Jay. What's up Harp?

Harper: Hey Jay, hey Willy. This is my new friend Y/n.

Y/n: Nice to meet you two.

Jay: You too Y/n. Great seeing ya both came here. Willy over here got some fireworks.

Willy: Fuck yeah, I got them big ones that go up in the sky and shit goes down, then we make a run for it in the cornfields.

Harper: (Laughs) Wow Willy, you really know how to show a girl a good time.


While you guys continue chatting, someone was watching you. Not too far, but enough for no one to notice him. Growling at the sight of those male humans being close to you. You smiling and talking to them to the point where Willy even touches your shoulder for a second with his hand.

He hated the fact that the male human is even talking to you. He was here for a completely different reason, but seeing you talking to this male human is making him want to change his plans.


Willy: (Gets up) Alright, I gotta go take a leak. After that Jay, we're lighting them up.

Jay: Alright man.


Willy goes into the cornfield alone to use the bathroom, unaware of what's really in the fields. And while he's doing that, you three keep chatting.

Y/n: And yeah, living here instead of the big city is definitely a change But it's a good change.

Harper: You wake up to birds and not cars.

Jay: That's not even the best. The best part is riding horses all day after finishing chores and stuff.

Y/n: You have horses?

Jay: Oh yeah. My farm has a lot of horses, cows, and pigs.

Harper: Don't forget the chickens, they're my favorite.

Y/n: Mine too, and I just started my own small chicken farm.

Jay: Hey you ever need help putting up a fence, feel free to call me and we'll set it up. Don't want the foxes getting into them.

Harper: Yeah, but even with a fence them bastards out. My mother just lost a couple of them to one and she's been trying to figure out how the hell it got to the coop.


Then a woman's scream could be heard even from a mile away causing everyone to look in the direction of her screams. At first, people thought that she was just getting scared by one of the guys but... this scream is different as she continued screaming and crying.


Harper: What's going on?

Jay: Probably Willy messing around again with that damn mask.


You three get up and, along with a few other people, go into the cornfield to where the woman is still screaming and crying. Jay picks up a pitchfork from the ground while you pick up a shovel that was left near the bonfire.

When you all get to the woman, she's no longer screaming but crying instead. One of the guys throws up while everyone, including yourself, is in deep shock at the sight in front of you. Laying on the cold ground is a guy with no shirt on, and is only wearing pants. As everyone looks at the dead body, they are shocked. But not as shocked as you three when you realize that it's Willy.


Harper: Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!

Jay: Willy! Somebody call 911!


Turning around, you tightly close your eyes while placing your hands over your mouth.


Jay: We need to get out of here!

Harper: We're not leaving!

Jay: This just happened! There's a fucking killer around here!


Hearing this made everyone panic and run back to their cars leaving you three alone.


Harper: We have to call the police!

Jay: We won't have time to call the cops if we're dead! Come on! Let's go!


You three run as fast as you can back to your own cars. Jay takes his truck while you and Harper take your car. You quickly reverse your car before hitting the gas and driving off into the road.


Harper: Oh my God... what the fuck? Willy...



It's not like you've seen a dead body everyday. And the fact that Willy was just talking to you and now he's dead. You're too much in shock right now to speak.


Harper: We have to go to the police station. God... we just left him there...

Y/n: We only left him because there's a killer out there. If we stayed any longer, then it would have been us too.

Harper: Please, let's go to the police station...

Y/n: Alright, I'll speed up.


After arriving at the police station, you see Jay is already there talking to a couple of officers outside. While you and Harper go up to Jay and also share what happened to the police officers. Someone was watching from the roof of one of the buildings nearby. His primary focus was on you, seeing how shocked you still are at seeing a dead body. But to him, he did a good thing.

It took him a little while to realize what exactly this strange feeling was, but he got an idea of what it could be. It's not hunger. If it was hunger, then he could have killed you when he had the chance, but he didn't.

When you finally got home and you finish taking a long, hot shower. You exit the bathroom in your towel and sit down in front of your vanity mirror. You're still trying to process everything that just happened tonight. You don't know how you're going to be able to fall asleep, but you have to try at least.

That same creature, well... demon, to be exact, is watching you from afar within the cornfields. You didn't close the curtains, so he can see you and everything you do. The water droplets dripping down your legs, to you pulling your hair to the side, revealing more of your neck.

He can smell your fresh scent from where he is outside. Your natural scent mixed with other flowery fragrances from the soap you used. He still has your sweater, believe it or not, and this feeling of hunger is different from what he's experienced before. Not only that, but you piqued his curiosity as well. For example, he doesn't mind staring at you for hours. Watching you sleep, eat, exit the shower, etc.

And very soon, he's going to make his presence known to you. He just needs to figure out exactly how he's going to do it without frightening you.

I really hope you're enjoying the story so far!

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