
Jeepers Creepers Boyfriend Scenarios

Moving into the countryside, this is your chance to start a new life. Meet new people, new friends, develop new relationships. But there's one thing that the town would rather keep it a secret than let it be known. And you get to find out that secret the hard way.

MidnightMoon8888 · 映画
12 Chs

When He Catches You Changing

Moving out here has a lot of advantages that you absolutely love. For one, there's a lot of small businesses that sell a variety of things. Of course, they're small businesses in the city too, but the economic system in that state made everything expensive. Compared to your former city, living in this state, and specifically on this side of the state, is cheaper.

You know a married couple who sells raw honey from their bee farm. A woman who sells glass figurines. A man who creates real leather bags for both men and women. And a bunch of other small businesses, including a married couple who make and sell bath and body products. They have their own store in town and your friend Harper recommended you to them.

You enter the store and you see the couple stocking up their shelves. Both of them are women, one wearing a bright yellow sundress with flower designs and the other wearing a pink v-neck shirt and light blue skinny jeans. The woman in the sundress happily greets you as her wife follows behind her.


Avery: Good afternoon! My name is Avery and you let me know if you need any help around here.

Y/n: (Smile) Thank you.

Nora: My name's Nora. You're the new girl right? You live in the big house right by the cornfields?

Y/n: Does everybody know about me?

Nora: Yeah, I mean, it's not like we get new folks living here. They come mainly for the festivals and stuff.

Avery: Either way, we're so happy to have you here. Is there anything in particular you're looking for? We make homemade shampoos, conditioners, deodorants, soap bars, bath bombs, and bath salts. All are perfect for those with sensitive and dry skin.

Nora: We're having a sale.

Y/n: Sweet.



~~Deep Kiss~~

~~Cinnamon Delight~~

~~Sinful Lust~~

~~Sweet Suger~~

~~Sunset Shimmer~~

~~Passion Paradise~~

~~Sex on the Beach~~

~~Cherry Bomb~~

~~Oh Honey~~~

~~Disenchantment Desires~~



There's literary dozens of different scents to choose from. From fruits, flowers, and desserts. You stay there for a couple of hours, chatting to the couple before buying a bunch of their products before you head back home to use them tonight.

Creeper isn't here yet since his preferred time to hunt is at night. No matter what, you'll still enjoy the relaxing time you are about to have in your hot bubble bath.

Turning on the bath's water faucet, you begin to undress. One of the products you bought to get the bubble bath started is the bath liquid called "Sinful Lust". The couple said even a couple of tablespoons of this liquid would make the entire room smell of this scent. You don't doubt it since they're the ones of made this. You dip a couple of tablespoons of it in the bath while the hot water's still running and it immediately creates dozens of bubbles while the scent begins to fill the room.








Creeper tosses another dead body into the back of his truck and he covers it up with the sheets before shutting the doors and driving off to your home. He's done hunting for tonight. Pretty much since he's been with you. Rather than hunting, he prefers to stay with you as long as possible. Watching you eat, sleep, and listen to you speak about whatever.

It's addictive for him to be possessive of you. And it's even better knowing that he doesn't have to stalk you from afar anymore. He can be right by your side and do almost all the things he imagines with you. Of course, he's much of a gentle demon enough not to go further without your consent. But he definitely doesn't need your permission to kill a man who touches you. Just a week ago, he smelled a male put his hand on your shoulder, and when you confirmed it; he killed him. He hasn't told you about it, he just knows that no male should ever touch you.

Creeper pulls up to your driveway, and he gets off. While he's just entering your home, you wrapped yourself with the bath towel before pulling the drain plug. With the towel wrapped around your body, you walk to your room and you forget to close the door all the way. You didn't know that Creeper came into the house and he was walking up the stairs after hearing the bathroom door open. So you definitely weren't expecting him to walk in on you while you're changing.

You put on your pajama pants but you still need to have a pajama top on and you were debating on wearing the one with a cute cat design, candy design, goth design, or the one with a sea turtle design in the center. You have so many choices that you're just standing in front of your drawer with your bare back facing the doorway. You stare at your options while drying your hair with a towel and with a special visitor looking at you through the doorway crack.

Both your natural and new fragrant scent on your body is enticing. But not as alluring as your bare skin and curves. Hunger was beginning to set in, but it wasn't hunger for a craving for food. This new hunger he's feeling is craving for the taste of your skin and wanting to see more of your bare body. But he knows he can't have you in that way just yet. But hey, why not just enjoy the view for now?

That's when you finally pick out a pajama top and you put it on before turning around to head downstairs. The moment you took a step towards the door, Creeper hurried down the stairs. Knowing how to stay light on his feet, he practically glides down the stairs without making much of a sound.

You thought you saw a shadow near the bottom of the stairs. But you brush the idea to the side as you head downstairs for a drink before calling it a night. That's when you see Creeper standing in the living room by the couch.


Y/n: Hey, when did you come in? I didn't hear the door.

Creeper: I just came in.

Y/n: Well I'm glad you came early than usual. I'm going to get a drink before going to bed. You're more than welcome to join me.


And he's more than happy to join you. The both of you really enjoy each other's company, more than either of you will know.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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