
Jade: The Conqueror

After witnessing the death of his Entire Clan, The Vragon Clan! . . . . Jade has become a ruthless warrior, Some call him a monster, Some sees him as a Villian who is the only warrior who wants Revenge against the Six Ultimate Clans and the Empire, He has watched his father beheaded. Jade has grown to be more powerful than his father ever was, To serve his purpose of ultimate Destruction, His hunger for vengeance and Obliteration...He has created an Organization of dark hearted warriors. Coming from the race of powerful beings, Vragon warriors, The most Destructive and brute force in the entire Cosmos, Their name and personality strikes fear and chaos through out the entire Empire. Growing stronger every time, Unstoppable, Unbeatable! Stronger than ever until he meets his brother Jace...! Will he be responsible for the Destruction of the Empire? Will the Almighty Jade become worst than his father? The Rage...The Anger, The Aggression... Listening to the sorrows of his enemies, A once lovely kid will soon become the Author of complete Destruction... Shall the Prophecy of the Conqueror be fulfilled? Who shall bear the powers of the Ancient James of the Vragon Clan? The world shall know pain and sorrow, The Complete Obliteration be averted, Shall the Seven Demons of Terror be Awakened...!! After the Destruction of the Vragon Clan, The world has never know peace and happiness, Sorrow and Terror has ruled all this long...Craig Vragon, Jace Vragon and Jade Vragon...The Brothers of chaos. Who shall be the next Conqueror? Will a broken and dark hearted being become a pure hearted being? Or will he create more Chaos and pain, Will the sacrifice of his friends and family be in vain? Found out in this Story?

Emeh_Wonder · ファンタジー
44 Chs

Chapter 40: Nukrai Eye

The Six Ultimate Clans Drios are already present in the Throne room of the Great Emperor Karsas, All the Lords and Ministers were present except for The Prime Minister Zaibon who has been absent all this while and General Chad.

" Greetings Great Lords and Ministers from all around the Shirlian Empire, The Drios of the Ultimate Clans and my Council, I Emperor Karsas summoned you all here for a disturbing Information " Emperor Karsas said while sitting on his throne.

" Our fears concerning the Seven Demons of Terror has now come to pass, They are free from their bond cave and they have already devoured some soldiers from the outside organization " Emperor Karsas stated and mumuring occurred in the Room.

" Emperor Karsas, What should we do about this? " One of the Lords asked as they all sat down on their chairs with confusion written on their faces, The Seven Demons of Terrors are ruthless creatures of chaos.

" I don't know about that yet, I am still trying to understand everything " Emperor Karsas said, Suddenly the door of the Throne room opened up and Drio James walked in while all the Lords and Ministers eyes are on him.

" Emperor Karsas, You sent for me? " Drio James asked.

" It's a good thing that you are here James, I am sure you know about the freedom of the Seven Demons of Terror that you sealed two centuries ago? " Emperor Karsas asked and James nodded positively.

" Yes I know about their freedom, Someone set those Demons free and I know who the person is " Drio James said and Everyone glared at him with a confused look, They are all eager to know who is behind this.

" And who is this person, James? " Drio Konin asked.

Suddenly Drio James glared dangerously at Konin before facing the Emperor once again, He could have just killed Konin right on the spot but it will make it look like he is the enemy that wants to kill everyone.

" I can't say his name because I don't want to, The Seven Demons of Terror were my responsibilities but I failed and I am truly sorry " Drio James said, Then one of the Ministers stood up angrily.

" James!! You wretched fool..I know that you are the only one who set the Seven Demons of Terror free so that you can gain control over this Empire, You ruthless monster " The Minister completed his words and James smiled.

Suddenly the Minister fell on the ground with blood gushing out of his ears and nose, He coughed out bloods and he stared at the dark symbol which appeared on James's left eye and the symbol vanished.

" What did you do to him James? " Drio Fugai asked in shock, He wanted to help the minister when a powerful force pushed him back to his chair and James walked up to the Minister and the Minister turned into ashes.

" You should know that I don't tolerate disrespect, It's because you are an Ultimate Drio that I am sparing you Konin, Don't let me make you regret it " James warned before gazing back at Emperor Karsas.

" Why? Why do you refuse to give out the evil doer's name James? Everyone are currently laying accusations on you that you are responsible for the Release of the Seven Demons of Terror...Why don't you redeem yourself " Karsas suggested.

" Humph, This is the best time for them to lay accusing fingers on me, Most of them resented me from the beginning so I would careless about redeeming myself to this losers, I just decided to honor the summoning because you are Karsas " James said.

" So you won't redeem yourself right? Why don't you tell us why the Seven Demons of Terror decided to attack the Movko Village the next day they were released? " Drio Votex asked and James stopped on his track.

" The Movko Village are the birthplace of the Seven Demons of Terror, Their names are Runa, Zuna, Aruna, Zenuna, Tuna, Tenuna and Ocuna and they known as Septuplets, Sons of the Village Chief one thousand years ago "

" They were mortals like you all before they were forged to become Demons of Terror, I trapped them by their powers so they should be recovering their bodies by now " James answered and he started heading for the door.

" If the Demons attacks the Empire, When we call the Vragon for help...Will you help us? " Drio Obeton of the Opra Clan asked.

" The Vragon Clan will not participate in this War, The Seven Demons of Terror and The Vragons aren't linked...We won't answer your call so don't bother calling for our help " James answered and he then walked out of the Throne room.

" My Lord, You have heard James...What shall we do about him? " Drio Konin asked minutes After James had left, Emperor Karsas could be seen still thinking deeply before letting out a mild smile.

" James isn't our enemy as of now, Let's let him be " Emperor Karsas ordered!

🌀🌀🌀Vragon Clan 🌀🌀🌀

Jace could be seen sitting on a tree branch at the back of the Palace, He is sitting alone, Thinking about what he heard his mommy said about Jace and Craig, He felt deep jealousy in his hearts.

🕘🕘🕘 Flashback 🕘🕘🕘

The following morning after Jade decided to follow his brother, Jace woke up to see that his brother is already on his feet and he decided to search for Jade all around the Castle when he overheard the discussion of his parents Through a small hole.

" Don't worry Jade will be fine, He decided to follow Craig and that will make him become so powerful even more than his twin brother " James voiced out

" What about Jace? Isn't he going to be more powerful? " Rhea asked.

" Jace is an outstanding son of mine but what he lacks is the hunger for powers, Jade mostly train but what Jace does is to eat and learn shortcuts to power by merging both Nature's Elements and Magics " James answered.

Jace mood changed after listening to his father's words, He thought his father would love his new trick and disregard Jade for sure but he is wrong!

" I can say that the trick is outstanding but he needs to know that there are no tricks to powers, He needs to master and understands our Way of Power! He can't even use the RINGANS of the Elements properly " James said.

" I believe that one day Jace might surpass his twin brother " Rhea said and James scoffed,

" I doubt that, Jade's eagerness for battle and power will lead him to divinity while Jace might frown in cowardice as his brother rises up to victory, I am telling you what I understand my love, Jade is much more better "


Jace clenched his fist in anger as tears dropped down from his eyes, He stood up on the tree branch and he faced the woods so as not to use any tactics that will affect the Castle or anyone close to him.

" I am going to show you that I am not a coward Father, I will Master the RINGANS so that you will give me the credit I deserve " Jace said to himself, He weaved the hand sign for the RINGAN and he closed his eyes.

" DELANO RINGAN!!! " Jace shouted and the ground began to shake vigorously, Two giant rock balls sprouted out of the grounds with force and Jace started controlling them with his might when suddenly his lost control.

The Giant Rock Balls started bouncing around, Destroying the trees in the Woods when Jade suddenly appeared and stopped both balls with his palms, He moved his hands and the Rocks scattered into pieces.

" Jade? What are you doing here? " Jace asked.

" I have missed you so I decided to come here since you are not in the Castle, You visits here when you are sad..What happened? " Jade asked as he slowly approached Jace with smiles on his face.

" Let's fight " Jace said.

" Huh? I don't get you "

" Jade I demand that we should fight right here and now, I want to know who is stronger between us and I won't go easy on you even though you are my twin brother...You are always the pathetic one " Jace said.

" I am confused here, Why are you so mean to me Jace? I know that I haven't done anything to get you angry this days " Jade said, Jace jumped down from the tree and he rushed to attack Jade.

Jace swiftly punched Jade on his cheek, He slapped Jade and kicked Jade in the stomach Which caused to groan in pains, Jace grabbed Jade up even though Jade kept begging and he tossed Jade to a tree.

" That's a enough Jace " A familiar voice spoke out, James appeared before his sons with a sternful look on his face, He could sense anger and rage steaming out of his son Jace body and he became confused.

" Father...I " Jace was about to say something when James interuppted!

" You have no right to attack your twin brother Jace, All Jade wanted right now are just quality time to play with you and you attacked him " James stated and that got Jace more angry and jealous.

Jace rushed and he kicked Jade in the stomach which caused Jade to groaning even more, Jace grabbed Jade's shirt and pinned him on a tree...He raised his hand to punch Jade in the face when a powerful force blasted him away.

A dark symbol appeared on Jade's left eye and that caused Jade's to be filled with rage, Jace suddenly felt fear and James stood there shock to see the symbol on James's left eye, Jade rushed to punch Jace in the face when Craig appeared.

Craig blocked Jade from Attacking and he forced both boys to slumber afterwards, He smiled after seeing the symbol on Jade's eye which slowly vanished afterwards, Craig smiled as he faced his father.

" Father, Jade has already activated the Nukrai Eye...He has accepted the Rage of the Vragons " Craig said with happiness in his voice, Only the gifted among the Vragons have the Nukrai Eye, The Power of dark rage.

" I have seen it...It's time for them to begin their two thousand years of Training! "