
Jīngāng láng: The Sixth Master

Crane, Mantis, Viper, Monkey and Tiger. All five styles of king-fu have been made a staple in ancient China from the animals’ namesake. Such was the case for the Valley of Peace. Unbeknownst to them, from across a different part of the world, a new face comes to make claim on his own style in which he’ll learn to keep himself as grounded as the earth. Enter the sixth style of kung-fu. Enter the way of the Jīngāng láng: the wolverine. All material pertaining to Kung Fu Panda belong respectfully copyrighted to Dreamworks and Nickelodeon.

Keaton_Jenkinson · 映画
9 Chs

Chapter 1: Hidden Surprise

Regaining consciousness, Kalek could feel the waves of the ocean lapping against his face. He moaned and shook his head to make him regain focus. The 5'11" wolverine stood up and brushed the sand off of him as he looked to see where he was. He could see wreckage from the ship he had traveled in before it was wrecked in the storm. What was his escape from the free world now landed him on a strange part of the globe.

With only his western garbs slightly worn and torn from the shipwreck, he decides to walk along the coastline until he hopefully comes across some civilization. But first he checked the wreck for anything he could take. All he could find was some matches, a few spare clothes, a compass, a large knife and a sack to carry it all. Once finished, he sets off on his journey. About three hours later, he began to wonder if there even any signs of civilization in this strange land. Before long, he came across an opening that looked like a path. With no other options, he took the path to see what lies ahead.

What was fortunate for him was the shade of the trees to keep him out of the sun. What was unfortunate was sudden feeling of thirst that was starting to take a hold of him as he could feel his mouth being dry. He hoped to run into a town soon, for there was nothing that looked remotely close to a source of water yet other than very tall and solid yet skinny looking plants. He was coming upon an opening that hopefully could give him an idea of where he was. Once he did, he could see a wide valley covered with misty clouds and mountain formations of various sizes. A magnificent site it was and definitely not anything like he had ever seen before. After taking in enough of a view, Kalek moved along hoping that he will eventually come across someone or something soon.

Still along the path of dirt, his thirst was getting worse and he was starting to feel drowsy. Suddenly, he started to see the path widen ahead of him. "Some luck at last!" he said weakly through chapped lips. He hustled with some more hop in his step.

The walls of bamboo soon gave way to a small village, with small buildings of stone about three feet tall surrounding a circular center which Kalek assumed was the town square. The residents of the village were made up of pigs, geese and rabbits hustling and bustling about and talking with each other unaware of the foreign wolverine walking into their humble little town. Kalek staggered into the scene about near exhaustion, soon getting the attention of some of the locals. They looked at him with wary awe and curiosity. But before they could say anything, the exhaustion won the wolverine over and Kalek collapsed, passing out. The last thing he saw before closing his eyes were the villagers surrounding him, hearing voices calling for help.