
it rains in August

I cupped his face in my hands and looked him in the eye, those midnight eyes that have held my heart for the past 6 years. "I love you" A tear rolled down my eye as I waited for his reply... I hope this was enough to get your attention Hope you enjoy my book. You can follow me on inkitt, Wattpad and Instagram for more information about the book, also I'd love to know what you guys think about the book

BenitaIgil · 都市
26 Chs

Chapter 19

I sat opposite Jamie, I could feel the woman's gaze on me the entire time, it was choking.

"Aren't you hungry?" Jamie asked when she noticed that I hadn't really eaten anything on my plate.

"Not really, don't have an appetite" i smiled to her and turned to my plate.

"Are you pregnant again?" Anna teased or I guess she thought but I didn't find it funny. The ladies round the table laughed like it was Kelvin Hart who cracked a joke.

"Well I guess I'd find out later on" i retorted before I could think. I swallowed back my words internally. The vibe on the table was beyond awkward.

"So tell me Gwen, is it true?" I turned to Jamie who played with her fork and pasta. "I hear you're an infamous fashion designer?"

I took a bit of the pasta on my plate and smiled "I am"

"Interesting, you know I was wondering if you design wedding dresses?" Jamie had a weird look on her face. "You know, I and Morris decided to tie the knot " she stretched out her hand and showed me a diamond ring on her finger.

"Wow congratulations " I smiled meekly not knowing what was coming my way.

"Yeah, you know Anna got married a few years back, so did Chrisa and Thea" I nodded trying to understand the flow of the conversation.

"But you see, back in college no one ever believed that we no that any of us would get married" true, back in college, many students classified Anna as improper, careless and spoilt but i didn't though. Anna was just a kind person that's difficult to understand.

"Tell me don't you feel bad for yourself sometimes " I paused my meal and turned to her. She had an oblivious look on her face, I turned to Anna who was eyes locked on her phone.

"I don't" I replied with a smile.

"But I'm sure your parents didn't take it lightly" she smiled and stretched her hands across the table holding mine. "You must have gone through a lot because of that child didn't you"

Though I couldn't lie my father did disown me because of my child but who cares I don't.

"August is a blessing to me" I calmly replied.

"Yeah right" Chrisa who was somewhat blonde scoffed out while adjusting her white gown gently"stop acting like you're okay with your present life, though you're successful, you have no crown to claim as yours"


"She simply means you have no husband and to top it up have a child out of wedlock" this time Thea joined in on the conversation.

"Baby girl, be successful as you wish, you're still a stigma to society" Jamie laughed like she had said something normal and causal.

"Excuse you?" I dropped my cutlery and stared at Jamie then Anna who looked uneasy. Was this some reunion to persecute me or something?

"For all we know right now August's father would be somewhere else, his home or a hotel who knows, banging his wife..." Jamie leaned on her chair and folded her arms.

"Or concubine" Thea quickly added and they all laughed.

"Forgetting about the woman he abandoned and her bastard son"

"Watch your tongue Jamie" I hit the table angrily. I turned to Anna, she was still locked on her phone. "Is this why you called me..." I was no fool to know this was just a stupid plan work "...you must really be enjoying the show" I shook my head in disappointment.

"Girl, she's just stating the facts, don't get worked up about it" Anna glanced at me, Jamie and her friends giggled. I had enough of their shit.

"So what if I did get pregnant out of wedlock or my parent and I weren't in good terms" I glared at Jamie intensely "what's difference does it make? I'm a single parent and a successful one at that. I earn more in month than your so called crowns would earn in a year" I raised my voice in annoyance "do you really think I'll regret any of this" i paused f a while calming the storm in my heart. "you know what" I picked my bag and phone "thank you for the meal" and left.

The alarm ringed loudly.

"Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Gwen stretched her hand to her alarm and shut it down "shut up"

She squeezed her son closer to her.

"Mommy" August who was already awake had his eyes on his mother, she was beautiful, he felt giddy inside. "Mommy wake up"

"Five more minutes" Gwen goaned a little bit cuddling him even more.

"But we'll be wate for work" August sounded like a little parent, Gwen couldn't stop herself from laughing

"Yeah, but I'm my boss. I can come late to work and nothing gonna happen" she opened her slowly and smiled at her little man.

"No, my teacher say weed by example" Gwen bursted out laughing. She freed August and sat up wiping off a few tears from her eyes.

"Alright alright I'm up" she turned to him "come on let's go weed by example" her son smiled proudly making her heart melt. "Cuteness overload"


Darren sat on his table fiddling with Gwen's bracelet. It had become he's personal toy and play thing, it always reminded him of Gwen.

Mikel stood behind him feeling happy that he's boss was smiling.

"Boss, I suggest you take them outing" Darren tilted his head, he hardly went anywhere so where would he take Gwen and August to.

He turned to Mikel "ideas?"

"The amusement park are always great for families to spend time and have fun" Mikel replied

"Germs" Darren retorted "it swarm with germs, another one"

"How about swimming?" Darren's face flushed in an instant, Gwen in... Both a dream come true and an impossible task right now.

"She'll catch a cold" he quickly looked away and covered his mouth. Mikel held back the laughter in his throat.

"How about the cinema? You could book an entire theater for them"

"No, book normal tickets, Gwen won't like that" Darren stood up from his table and arranged his suit. "Right"

"I'll do just that sir" Mikel ran out of the office immediately.

Darren smiled brightly staring at Gwen's bracelet, he placed his hand on his chest. He could feel his heartbeat was accelerating.

Everything about her gave him butterflies. She was blessing to him, literally being the woman of his dream and mother to his child.

"Damn it" he yelled startling a few of his workers nearby.


I scrolled through the materials I had ordered for, ensuring I didn't miss a thing. Grey sat in front of me also on his phone, he seemed distressed today but I didn't want to o pry.

"I think that's all for the materials, they'll shipped this evening" I placed my tab aside, he didn't even take his eyes off his phone.

"Mr Grey?"

Grey snapped back to the present "hm..."

"I was saying that the materials would be shipped this evening" he nodded sharply and turned to his phone. Rolling my eyes I stood up and walked to the coffee maker by the edge of the office.

"You seem busy today" i hummed while making coffee "want some?"

"No don't stress yourself" Grey dropped his phone in his pocket. I tilted my head a little then served myself some coffee.

"You said you had something to discuss" I returned to my seat with a cup of creamy coffee in my hand, something to ease my stress.

"Yeah" Grey was louder than he usually was. "You see..."

"Mommy!!!!!" August ran in gleefully holding a paper plane in his hand. "Look look" he stretched it to me completely ignoring Grey.

"Beautiful" i acted surprised and kissed his cheek "what a plane, but dear you didn't greet the gentleman in here before coming to me did you?"

"Oh, good morning sir" August turned to Grey with a huge smile on his face.

"Good morning, that's an impressive plane" he complimented making my boy's head swell in praises.

"I made it for popsicle man and mommy to have more space when hugging" i choked on my coffee, damnit my throat was burning, "mommy?"

"(Clearing her throat) I'm fine" my voice was hoarse, Grey raised a brow and turned to me. "He's a friend, August is just attached to him"

"I see" Grey smiled warmly and stood up and pat August's head. "That's nice"

I stood up as well "leaving?" He nodded slowly and turned to leave "let me escort you, August"

August held my hand and we both tailed behind Mr Grey. He was quiet for some reason I didn't know, almost as if he was in a sober mood. I didn't want to pry but it somehow made me feel sorry. I wasn't used to gloomy Mr Grey, I enjoyed the haughty, pride filled Mr Grey.

August ran out of the elevator imitating the sounds of an aeroplane while running about the building. "Careful" I cautioned.

"You must really love your son" he stared at August with weird eyes. I didn't really understand the look. "The man from that day is his father, isn't he?"

I looked up to Mr Grey, he still looked sober so I could tell he was expecting the truth "Yes, he is"

"He left you didn't you" he continued "do you really want to take back someone who abandoned you and your son"

I guess I couldn't blame him for jumping into conclusions too soon. Most people always think men would leave a woman who is pregnant. But really this time my case was opposite "No, I hid the truth about August and kicked him out of me life even though he didn't deserve it "

We stopped at the entrance of my plaza.

"So you love him?" He turned to me with a sullen look. I wasn't all daft to not understand the true meaning behind his words and behavior.

"I do" I smiled meekly, Grey nodded slowly and turned to his SUV parked in front of us.

"Have a nice day Mrs Gwendolyn" it seemed like it was so long I heard him call me that. I waved him as he entered his car and drove out.

I kind of felt sorry for Mr Grey, I mean it wasn't my fault I couldn't reciprocate his feelings neither was it his fault that he took a liking towards the wrong woman. I watched his car drive out my plaza. "There goes a normal relationship between I and Mr Grey" i sighed heavily and turned to leave.

My phone rang in my pocket.

"Hello, who's this?" It was an unknown number, I had a different tone, I sounded like a man with a cracking voice.

"You still use this method in answering unknown numbers" my cheeks flushed, Darren was on the phone, how did he get my number.

"Hi da-darren" speaking of the angel. Gwen what is wrong to you.

"So are you busy right now?" He asked calmly.

I arranged my hair gently, "well I'm free" I felt someone standing right behind me.

"Well then wanna go to the cinema with me" his breath tickled my ear startling me. I dropped my phone but he caught right on time.

I turned to face him but that was a silly mistake cause our faces were so close that I could almost feel his lip against mine.

I jolted back awkwardly but slipped and almost fell. He caught me by the waist and helped me stand.

"Maybe I'll warn you before surprising you" he smiled warmly and let go slowly.