
it rains in August

I cupped his face in my hands and looked him in the eye, those midnight eyes that have held my heart for the past 6 years. "I love you" A tear rolled down my eye as I waited for his reply... I hope this was enough to get your attention Hope you enjoy my book. You can follow me on inkitt, Wattpad and Instagram for more information about the book, also I'd love to know what you guys think about the book

BenitaIgil · Urban
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Chapter 20

Popsicle man!!" August drew us back from our own fantasy.

"Hey kid" Darren picked August in his arms. He stretched his hand and showed him a paper plane in his hand.

"I made it " he smiled brightly waiting for praises.

"Interesting " Darren held the plane in his free hand. "That's nice, I'd teach you more "

I stared at them confused.

"Anyway, I want to take you out today" I bit my lower lip, August turned to me with glimmering eyes. Darren did same, this wasn't going in my favor. To think I'd have two doey eyes to withstand.

"Fine, let me get my bag"


Darren had planned out the entire day for Gwen and August. Though he didn't quite show it, it was obvious that he was excited.

He carried August in his arm while he walked beside Gwen. Gwen on the other hand was super nervous walking beside Darren and August on the streets.

"What a lovely family" an elderly woman complimented as they all crossed to the other side of the road.

They walked for a while before arriving at the subway station. Gwen turned to Darren with arched brows.

"The subway?" She asked

"What?" Darren retorted and dropped August on the floor to walk. "Don't you use the subway anymore?"

"Not quite" she replied "ever since i had August I haven't used the subway train" Darren turned to August who was swinging his arm to and fro while pointing at things he had never seen before.

"Well, I'm glad this is his first time in the subway" Darren smiled warmly making Gwen's heart melt.

"Me too"

"Mommy, what's that?" August pulled Gwen's jacket pointing at the fast approaching train.

"It's a subway train dear" Gwen replied while she bent to adjust her son's jacket.

While bending a man who stood beside Gwen had his eyes trailing down her body. Not realizing the danger he had put himself in.

"You seem not to care about your eyes" Darren whispers in the man ear. When the man turned to see who had spoken to him in such a rude manner.

"And who are yo..." His words hanged when he gazed into those icy blues eyes. He was way shorter than Darren making him feel under the mercy of Darren.

"Next time, I'll blind you" Darren walked past the man and stood beside Gwen and August before entering the subway.

"Are you sure you're okay with this?" Gwen asked Darren, she had always known Darren for being a neat freak.

Darren nodded, though deep down he hated how dirty public transport were. He had no choice, he wanted to spend time with the ones he loved. He didn't want to scare his son with the money he has. He preferred starting simple. After all Gwen was just that.

August tried to reach the handles that were hung on the top of the train but he couldn't, not too long he found something that intrigued him. Darren sat beside Gwen while both watched their son explore every little thing he could see.

Gwen tried to caution him but Darren stopped her. "Come on, it's not everyday you get to ride in the subway train"

"Mommy, look at this " August swung from seat to seat like a monkey. Gwen sighed and shook her head. It was nice watching August have so much fun.

"So where are we going?" Gwen turned to Darren who was sitted a few inches away from her.

"The cinema" Darren replied while watching August like a hawk. Gwen narrowed her eyes "i didn't book an entire theater, normal tickets" Darren quickly pulled out three tickets from his pocket. "See"

Gwen sighed heavily and relaxed her head on the seat. "Mommy"

August jumped on her body forcefully, making her jolt. "August!"

August didn't even realize that he had almost injured his mom, he was just caught up in the moment. Darren who witnessed everything laughed out loudly.

All the ladies in the subway including Gwen turned to him, awestruck by his beauty.

To the ladies present, a deity had just made their day but to Gwen she felt her heart all warm and cozy inside, she could clearly remember the first time Darren laughed in front of her.


There was a long line of people who were waiting to be tended to. Most of the women close by all had starry eyes, they kept glancing, gawking and drooling over Darren.

"Could you please pin the tickets so we can get in" the receptionist ogled at him, while tending to them.

"Are you married sir?"Darren on the other hand was gradually getting disgusted by her behavior. He had popped up veins and a stoic gaze, but that only enchanted the lady. He was about to scold her when Gwen took over.

"We booked tickets for the new kids show" she pushed Darren aside with her body. Showing the lady the tickets, even though the lady still has her eyes tailing Darren. "Excuse me woman could you just pin the damn tickets!!" Gwen snapped at her, well the driving force wasn't anger it was solely jealousy. Everyone stared at Gwen in shock.

Once they were tended to, Darren felt giddy inside, somehow he liked the fact that Gwen was a little bit jealous.

"You shouldn't have shouted at her like that" he gave a huge cup of popcorn to August. He turned to her and closed the gap between them.

Gwen's face flushed lightly "she was wasting time"

Darren couldn't hide his amusement "really?"

Gwen turned to him, backing away when she saw the close proximity of their faces. "Let's go in before the movie starts" she covered her mouth with the back of her hands.

Her little actions stirred up things in Darren. "Yes" he gulped in, adjusted his jacket and carried August. "Let's go in dear"

August sat in between Gwen and Darren. He had a huge popcorn on his lap. He was so engrossed by the movie that he didn't even notice the awkward moments that was going on between the two beside him.

Gwen had her eyes more on the popcorn than the movie. Darren who didn't seem to notice was also engrossed by the cartoon. Gwen would always wait for Darren to pick some popcorn before picking.

Gwen turned to the screen to watch a part, she put her hand into the box to pick popcorn but Darren's hand was in there as well. Her heart raced, face flushed and body heated all at once.

Darren who felt Gwen's hand gently brushed his couldn't control his urges, just as she was about to pull her hand away he grabbed it.

Everyone in the cinema gasped at a scene, so did Gwen but not for the scene. She gradually turned to Darren, who also gradually turned to her.

Both eyes locked, while Darren looked composed and calm, Gwen looked agitated and tensed. Even though the lighting in the room was dim, her red cheeks were clear for Darren to see.

Darren left her hand gently and turned to the screen. He couldn't hold back his smile, a very mischievous smile, leaving Gwen speechless.

"Thank you popsicle man" August sat on Darren's shoulders. He rubbed Darren's head with affection and kissed it.

"What was that?" Darren who held August's legs looked at him.

"Mommy always rub my hair and kiss it after she's done bathing me" August puffed out proudly.

Darren turned to Gwen who was buying a Popsicle for August. He's eyes glimmered in a way that made him look sober. ' I want one too'

Gwen walked towards them holding a huge chocolate and vanilla mixed popsicle. Darren raised August over his head and dropped him on the floor. "Here you go" she gave August the popsicle and licked her finger that had a little on it. Darren's eyes trailed from her finger to her lips.

"Popsicle man" August pulled his jacket, stretching out his hands "let's share it like last time"

Darren tilted his head "why?" He questioned before squatting to his level which still had him looking down at the boy.

"It was much sweeter then" August smiled brightly. That's when Darren realized how cute his son is.

A cheeky idea popped up in his head. "Okay" he shared the popsicle in two places. Then pulled August and whispered something into his ears.

Gwen stood there watching father and son bond. A warm smile creeped on her face but then her face flushed when she remembered what happened in the theater.

August walked up to his mother, cutting a piece of popsicle in his hand, he stretched it for her to eat. "For me?" August nodded sharply while having a creepy smile on his face.

She stretched her hands to take it but August shook his head. "Eat from my hand"

Gwen was taken aback at first but then just complied and did as he wished.

Gwen bent down and ate the popsicle from August's hand. "Sweet"

"My turn" Gwen's skin rose up, she turned to Darren who also had a piece of popsicle in his hand. Gwen turned to August who was urging her to eat it.

"Okay" she nervously said, when she stretched her hand to take it August pulled her jacket.

"Eat from his hand too" Gwen's face turned bright red like cherry tomatoes. Darren smiled triumphantly.

Gwen turned to Darren, tucking a strand of hair away from her face she bent in and ate the popsicle in Darren's hand, she also licked off the melted parts that were between his fingers.

Darren felt a tug in his jeans. He never thought she would arouse him by just licking popsicle, he wanted to get a reaction from her but that cost him too.

When Gwen lifted her face up, she smiled before walking, August tailed behind her while Darren stood there dazed by what had just happened.

"Popsicle man" August called, he walked back to Darren and pulled his hand. Darren snapped back from his wild thoughts and followed the little boy.

It was already getting late, Darren called a taxi and took Gwen and August back to the plaza.

The entire ride back was just August talking about the cartoon he had watched. Darren also conversed with him. Gwen watched them happily, once again she had that cozy feeling inside her.

"Thank you" August waved the taxi goodbye. "Thank you popsicle man"

Darren rubbed his head gently "you're welcome August" he turned to Gwen who stood aside and watched them.

"So Gwen" August ran in and left them. He wanted to tell Jesse all that happened today.

Gwen watched her son leave her, so did her composure and steeze. "Yes" she replied with a pitched voice.

"I was wondering, I'd like to talk to August sometimes" Darren started slowly staring at her calmly "why don't we exchange numbers"

Gwen pressed her lips together tightly."just a sugg..."

"Yes you're right" Gwen hurriedly said. They both exchanged numbers and Darren waved her goodbye. Even though Darren was long gone, Gwen still had her hand in the air waving at him.

She put down her hand slowly and walked in. Unknown to her that someone was watching her in a taxi nearby. The car drove out once she stepped into her plaza.



Gwen twisted in her blanket, clutching her pillow. She couldn't stop thinking about him. She turned to her phone beside her pillow.


Darren tapped on his laptop, though he seemed to be concentrating on his work, he's eyes kept glancing at his phone which was beside his laptop.


Gwen sat up, she wore a blue nightgown. Her hair was scattered and tangled. Picking her phone up.

"I should call him"


Darren paused what he was doing and quickly picked his phone.

"I should call her"



She threw her phone and stood up from the bed.

"No, he might be busy"


Darren dropped his phone as well. "No she might be sleeping"



Gwen jumped on her bed and picked her phone. "I'll just thank him"


Darren picked his phone as well. "I should tell her good night.


Darren was about to dial Gwen's number when she called. He picked almost in an instant. "Hello"

"Hi" Gwen replied.


"So" Gwen started but then paused.

"So?" Darren hummed and relaxed on his chair.

"I just wanted to..." She started once again and paused "Thank you Darren, August and I had fun today"

Darren smiled brightly "you're welcome"

"Well then" Gwen had a high pitch in her voice, she was beyond nervous. "G-good night Darren"

"Good night Gwendolyn" Darren replied before she hung up.

Both sighed heavily and placed their phones on their chest.

"How I'm I suppose to sleep now" Darren said

"How I'm I suppose to sleep now" Gwen said