
It could be love

Jia Armen got transferred to Gilvered junior high during 8th grade. She hadn’t excepted to move two hours drive away from the home she grew to love and the friends she’s known since in diapers. She’s never been through the ‘new girl’ phase and had no idea how to deal with it, seeing she’s been going to the same school all her life and had the same friends since growing up. She stayed in the shadows with her lips tight sealed as she watches and observe her new surrounding and the new people in her life. Soon things began to change during sophomore year. The Jock and badboy of the school, Caden Mathews started to stick around, what happens when he finds himself always hanging around her with her weird friend’s group, they shared a deep dislike towards each other, but soon they start to grow a different feeling towards eachother without even knowing it, what happens when Caden finds himself jealous whenever he sees her with another guy that isn’t him? What happens when Jia finds herself loving his company and looking forward to seeing him everyday? Could It Be Love?…

Not_eejjvel · 都市
18 Chs

Got into an unplanned date

I walked into the science lab hoping to find Vee.

Mae, Vee and Ella are always there. Let's just say...they're what you describe as teachers pet!

I quietly walked in. Mr Johnson and Ella where talking about something

"Hi Mr Johnson" I say to him, as I walked further into the science lab

"Hey Jia!" Ella and Mr Johnson replied in unison, while Mae and Vee were on their Phones

"Hey Vee, can I talk to you?" I say as I reached to where she was seating

"Sure" she replied, getting up and trailed after me

"What's up!" She said after we were outside the lab

"I was just wondering if it'd be cool with you if you'd go on a date with the Devi..uh Caden" I let out with one breath almost calling him the devil

"As in a date, date?" She asked

"Yeah" I chirped

"I can't..."

"As friends of course!" I cut her off before she could finish, maybe then she'll go! She just made it obvious she doesn't like Caden that way- girl language

You go girl!

"Um...well I guess if it's a double date then why not! But seriously, it's nothing to be nervous about, I'll make sure to help you as much as I can, it'll be fun" she said with a genuine smile on her face

Wait...what now!? A double date!? How did the story got so twisted in just a slip of a second? Who the hell would I even go with!? Man I hate that boy!

"Thanks...it's a date!" I say trying my best to mask my annoyance, displeasure maybe?

"I'm guessing Aby is gonna be unavailable so that's why I'm filling in the seat" she said with a smile

"No no! Of course not! Well you see...I kinda miss the way we use to be and thought maybe we should hang out, plus Caden has been dying to watch you eat" I say with a chuckle

I mean why else would he go to all the trouble of making me make her go?

"So...who's the lucky guy?" She squealed in a girly way

"That'll be a surprise" I said with a nervous giggle

A surprise for me too! Who the hell would I bring along

"Is it Ethan?" She gasped "Omgg I've always wanted you two t- "

"Go no!" I cut her off with a terrified look on my face

"Well, can't wait to meet him" she sing-sang

"Ohh! When is it? Where are we going? Oh oh- do we have a theme?" She asked in a can't wait expression

"Nothing much really, I'll get Caden to text you all the details" I say to her

"Okay. See you then" she said as we hugged and patted ways

I walked to my next class, which was French. I was four minutes late (as always). The class was already full, so there were only a few chairs left. My usual seat was vacant so I went straight ahead to where I normally seat, but unfortunately Mady was sitting right in front of me.

Mrs Bradford, our French teacher looked over to us "I hope you got all that, I'll be giving you an assignment by the end of the class" she said just as she wipes the board

Wow! Information I could have used minutes ago

I looked down at my notes, and well...what did I really expect? The only thing on my book was of course some doodles (no surprise there)

I cursed myself for what I was about doing, and hated every second of the thought of it. But then, do I want to fail this class? Do people even fail French?

Oh my God! I'll probably then be, dumbest student that fails the easiest subject of subjects *panicking*

"Hey! Can you help me with your note?" I asked Mady, regretting the disgusting words that just came out of my mouth. And hating myself for it

Mady turned and gave me an expressionless look on her face, and first thing that came up to my mind was homicide! That bitch just looked at me as if I was some dog! How dare that motherfucker look-

My mental tantrum was cut off short when a book was basically thrown at my desk

Who the hell does she think she is? Bitch!

I glared daggers at the back of her head hoping I could access some lost long telekinetic powers to made her head explode, nope! Nothing

Well maybe next time

I glared at the book also, but then what's the point! So I just angrily flipped through the pages and got to the recent one. After I was done copying, I thought of a way to return the book and the insulting attitude at the same time....

Well....uhh...I've got nothing. Here goes nothing...

I sling the book to the side of her face, as if it was a trash I was trying to quickly get rid off

"Here" I say in a 'take your dumb smelly trash away from me, bitch'  way

Man! I wished I said that instead

She turned to the side to face her book and then snatched it from my hand

"Thanks" I say through gritted teeth

"Bitch!" I mumbled under my breath as I was boiling with anger and annoyance inside

Now that I'm done with that! I brought out my phone to text Caden on what trouble he just caused for me cause he was being a coward.

Me: Welldone Romeo

Caden: Why are you texting me in class

Me: Cause some coward didn't have the balls to ask a girl out! So he had to blackmail an innocent, sweet girl to do it for him :/

Caden: I'm listening...

Me: She said yes


Caden: But what?:(

Me: As friends! Hehe

Caden: WTF!

Me: Oh dear Romeo, that's not all.

Caden: And what is that?

Yk...other than you got me a date with her as fucking friends:(

Me: You see! Vee made it clear she doesn't want to go to a date with you, which means she doesn't want to be involve with you ROMANTICALLY!

Caden: Yeah I got that

Me: She also thinks it's a double date you, her, me and 'someone I'm yet to find and probably won't find' Bravo! Romeo! Bravo!

You got me involved in your shit!

Caden: WTFFF!

A double date!?

Yk what! We'll talk later

See you after school?

Me: Yeah sure!

Wouldn't want you to scream at your phone for what I would say, and get you into detention for using your phone in class, but wait....

Maybe I will

Caden: Bye Jia!

we'll talk after class.

"Make sure you do your homework" the teacher said, I looked up to see everyone getting ready to leave

Would you look at that! I didn't even here my favorite bell

I went to my locker to pick up my Economics book, wouldn't want to forget it and prove Caden right. Well that's it! I'm not known for carrying much books in my bag, lol! It's always one or two, and the rarest of times- three.

I don't want to break my shoulders okay

And yes I've got assignments on other subjects that I should probably take home...buuuutttt I'll just copy them when I get to school on Monday

Maybe I am a little lazy

"Haven't seen you all day!" Ethan said from behind

"Oh yeah? didn't even notice" I say with a shrug

"I guess maybe you've gat no effect on my life whatsoever" I continued with a smirk

"Oh shut up. I know you were thinking of me the whole time" he said as I slammed the locker shut, and we headed towards the exit doors

Do I even confront him about the lie?

Meh! Maybe some other time. I'm too tired to do that now anyways

"Me!? Pretty much you are talking about yourself" I replied with a smirk

"So what've you been doing all day?" He asked

"Well nothing crazy, just plans for our Economics project, Abigail betraying me, and missing a chance to be better than her at something...and getting myself a into a double date I never planned for...other than that, nothing really" I rambled as we walk to the parking lot

"Damn! You never call her Abigail" he says with a chuckle

"A double date!?" He says as if he just did a recap and actually heard what I said

"Yup" I said with a sigh

"With you and who?" He questioned

I furrowed my eyebrows at him but still went ahead to give him an answer

"It was supposed to be just Vee and Caden, but now it's Vee, Caden, Me and someone yet to reveal themselves"

"Damnnn" was all he said

I heard my phone vibrate. "Speaking of the devil...he's calling me" I say to Ethan

"Gotta go!" I said to him, picking up Caden's call

"Bye" he replied as we head in opposite direction

"Hey where are you?" I said just as I answered

"At the parking lot" he replied

I looked around and saw him. I hanged up and walked over to where he was standing

"Have you talked to her yet?" I asked just as I got to where he was standing

"Yeah" he replied

"And...?" I asked already being inpatient

"We settled in with Saturday, we're going to McDonald's" he said calmly

"What!?" I snapped

"You got me into all this trouble so you- we can go to McDonald's!?" I half yelled

"Tho I don't mind...I love McDonald's" I said, this time with a smile. As I picture free food

"I thought it'll be something fancy-errr, y'know...like an Italian restaurant or something, but all you wanted was to watch her stuff her face with greasy burger? Not some fancy food using knifes and forks and all that shit!?"

Caden just stood there looking at me, with an unamused facial expression

"Okay first of all!..." he started

"Watch her eat? Jia we're not all animals like you" he said with a smirk

"And, what's wrong with McDonald's?"

"Lastly! I didn't send you to get yourself a free ticket to stalking, you knoww...if you'd ask me how it went I would have gladly told you, but no! You decided to tag along tho you are very much unwanted"

"Wha...how...are you...No! What the hell..." I was too stunned to speak. Couldn't find the right words

"There's no need denying it Armen" he said with a quick smirk

"YOU! you Mathews got me into this!" I snapped at him, pointing an accusing finger at his face

"Mmhmm" he said nodding his head, in a I don't believe you way

"You know what!? Fuck this! How about my date and I have our lovely date, alone! Sounds good huh?" I say, air quoting 'date'

"You don't want this getting out, now do you?" He said with an evil smirk as he places his phone in front of my face

I mumbled a "No"

"Good! Now how about you be a nice little Jia a find yourself a date" his face light up with a grin I so badly wanted to punch off

"Dipshit" I mumbled

"What was that?" He asked with a smirk plastered on his stupid face

"why are you so desperate to go out with her? And why didn't you ask her yourself in the first place?" I asked, eyebrows knitted with interest on what his answer would be

"Well..." he started, scratching the back of his neck

"I gave her all the signals, but uhm...she kinda ignored it?" The last part came out more as a question

Ahh. friend zoned

"That means she doesn't see you that way! Guys are so dumb!" I replied, throwing my arms in the air

"I know that!" He said giving me a glare

"That's why I wanted a one-on-one time with her, to see if I can change her mind, or the least...make her fall for me too?"

"Ouch! Tough crackers" I replied in the least concerned way, which earned me another glare

"What did you tell her that made her change her mind anyways?" He asked

"I told her 'as friends' and I think she got the wrong idea" I mumbled

"You think!?" He snapped with raised brows

"I think she kinda, maybe, just a tinsy bit believes I'm nervous for my date so I got you to tag along, for moral support kind of thing" I let out in one go

"This is so messed up" he let out a frustrated groan

"Caden! Listen to me, I'll text her and tell her we're going to a stakehouse, so be a gentleman and make reservations" I said with a forced smile

"Yeah, sure" he mumbled under his breath

"Good!" I snapped

"And I'll try to find someone. I've gat a whole week to do so" I tried to assure him

"It's Saturday! As in tomorrow Saturday" he said with an eyeroll

"Why didn't you tell me that!?" I yelled

I mean...c'mmon! All I did was talk little shit and I get this punished?

"It's not my fault your brain works so slow" he snapped back

"You've got some audacity young man, the h-"

"The fuck! Don't you dare call me that!"

"Did you just fucking cut me off!?"

"Yeah! And I'll do it again"

"Fucking Idiot!"

"How original"




We kept on going back and forth, we'll just see how Saturday goes