
It could be love

Jia Armen got transferred to Gilvered junior high during 8th grade. She hadn’t excepted to move two hours drive away from the home she grew to love and the friends she’s known since in diapers. She’s never been through the ‘new girl’ phase and had no idea how to deal with it, seeing she’s been going to the same school all her life and had the same friends since growing up. She stayed in the shadows with her lips tight sealed as she watches and observe her new surrounding and the new people in her life. Soon things began to change during sophomore year. The Jock and badboy of the school, Caden Mathews started to stick around, what happens when he finds himself always hanging around her with her weird friend’s group, they shared a deep dislike towards each other, but soon they start to grow a different feeling towards eachother without even knowing it, what happens when Caden finds himself jealous whenever he sees her with another guy that isn’t him? What happens when Jia finds herself loving his company and looking forward to seeing him everyday? Could It Be Love?…

Not_eejjvel · Urban
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18 Chs

I love group projects

"Good morning ma" I say as I plump down on one of the chairs in the dining area

"Morning Daddy!" I say nodding my head to his side

"Morning!" They both replied in unison

My dad then looks at the clock on his wrist and said

"Hurry up or you're gonna be late"

"Yeah the bus is gonna be here soon, gotta run...byee" I say as I made my way out the front door with toast in my hand and one in my mouth

Never did I thought this day would re-happen after a long long time- me making it to the school bus early, and not running after it! *wipes imaginary tears

Credit goes to Dad...being the one who woke me up today, I won't dare drop my head on my pillow again after his call

I walked in and went straight to the back seat, man am I so proud of myself! It feels good not to run after a fucking bus. I heard a ding from my phone, I brought it out of my pocket to see what it was- it was a text, from a number am not too familiar with, plus it was save as Prince Charming

Prince Charming: Hey, we're meeting at the library during first period to discuss the project. Don't fuck up.

Of course! Classic Caden

Me: I'll be there! Did Aby planned this? Or are you the project captain that I never voted for?

Prince Charming: I Am! And there's no fucking thing you can do about it, so deal with it

Me: Wow! How mature:| see you at school


I got to school and looked for Aby but couldn't find her, so I was hoping to find her in the library, since that's where the group was meeting. I went to my locker and dropped the books I had in my bag, picked two other books, I banged my locker shut and was about leaving when I bumped into someone...

It was a guy...not just any guy, but a deadass hot guy! He was probably standing at 6'5, he's gotta be thee most handsome guy I've seen in a while.

Well of course those on tv don't count- but he's gotta be the most handsome guy I've seen. He kind of looks familiar, he's light skinned with long curls that falls beautifully on his gorgeous face and these extremely beautiful grey eyes he looks like he's an Arab, hell! He's definitely an Arab.

Drool! He's just....omggg HOT

I know he was handsome, dead handsome! But i didn't gawk at him, I only stared! Stared at those beautiful eyes. Yup! I've definitely seen that face before, just can't pin point where. Maybe he's a far relative of mine?

That'll make sense, maybe he is.

"Oh I'm sorry...I didn't see you there"

"It's okay! I'm the one who should be sorry" I said giving him an apologetic smile

"Well...see you around" I say with an awkward small wave as I walked passed him

I walked in the library and spotted them almost immediately, I walked over and saw all three of them.

"Hey!" I say throwing my bag next to where I was seating

"You're surprisingly early" Aby commented

"I know right! Dad woke me of course"

"Can we get into things..." Caden started

"Cause I showed up! Like I always do" he said specifically to Aby. Mumbling the last part

"And we're proud of you for that"

"Anyways...I was here all morning and I've already done a background check and summarized up the everything so we're gonna split the whole thing in half so everyone gets a turn to present. I think it'll be best if we meet up during the weekend so we can discuss more and everyone gets to expand their categories, make it more efficient and presentable"

I stopped listening when she said she's already done half of the work. Go Aby!

"We can meet up at my place, does Sunday sounds good?" I suggested and they all nodded their heads. Honestly! I don't like the idea of leaving my bed on a weekend, so why don't they come to me instead

Yeah! I'm a stinking genius

"Oh and I've made a note for each of you to get into, do more research and well...get ready to present ofc"

"Atta girl! This is why I love you" I squealed

"Y'know she also said 'do more research' right" Caden said to my face

"I know! But I'm sure it won't be that much, since she got all the important stuff" I say waving my hand in a it doesn't matter way

"Yup! You.are.definitely.lazy" Aiden quipped in

"Wha- how dare you!" I snapped at him, putting a hand on my chest and acting offended

"Wow okay...I'm gonna go" he said standing

"See you around" he continued, looking at the other two

"You too Lazy" he said finally, giving me a small wave

"The audacity of that boy" I mumbled under my breath

I also then stood up to leave

"See yah!" I gave them a salute, picked up my bag and left


It was lunch time, and man was I ready to beat Aby's ass!

Well I gotta be better than her at something

And I'm having a feeling it's gonna be cooking. I spent 2hrs last night watching celebrity chefs cook on YouTube and I'm pretty sure my 2hrs of sacrifice won't go in vain.

Me:Ready for your ass to be kicked? Hurry up

Aby: Jia I'm sorry

Me: For what? Oh no no no no no! I'm gonna do the ass kicking here so don't sorry me! Just get your ass here! And fast :/

Aby: I'm sorry! I'm not even in school rn

I got a little uneasy so I went to the school nurse, after awhile she called my mom to pick me up! I'm sorry

And I'd be one to kick your ass if I was there.


I waisted two freaking hours on YouTube and deprived myself of 2hrs of sleep just so you can call in sick!?

Aby: Jia you're being melodramatic! Love you Bye.xx

"Aww... tough crackers" I heard someone said from I shoulder, I jumped and fell flat on my already flat ass

"What do you think you're doing, going around sneaking up on people and reading their private chat"

"Does that means I don't get to fail your ass?" He asked

"Apparently...yes! Now leave me alone" I said trying to walk away, but was pulled back

"Not so fast!" He started

"So...our deal...have you talked to her yet" he asked

"Nah, I haven't seen her all day" I mumbled abit

"Well go find her" he said in a what are you waiting for tone

"But I don't even know where to start, and we haven't spoken in a while" I whined, hoping he'll just let it go, but ofc not! He gave me a well that's not my problem look

"Why won't you even do it yourself, mr price charming!" I said with a smirk

He mumbled something I couldn't quite get and proceeded to push me towards the door

"Just go find her" he said, as he stopped

I blew out a breath and went to find my ex-tie so I can get her a date with satan a.k.a my #1 favorite enemy