
It All Started With My First Mixer

Have you ever been to a mixer? What was your experience? Aoyuki's first time at a mixer was not all enjoyable. It is one she'll live to regret, the aftermath that is. From the first sip of alcohol to having to spend the night with a guy she knew nothing about. Such was her experience. And of course, all bad choices result in consequences. Some may be good but hers was bad which became good at some point. It changed her entire life. Her parents found out about her misdeeds and sent her packing leading to her going back to her good samaritan's stand. Of course, she had to get a part-time job. Ryan supported her to the best of his capabilities as this was his first time living with another person and much more a girl. Each day has its adventures. Ups and down. Couple quarrels and those sorts of things. I hope you enjoy the journey.

Hoshi_Ebby · 若者
9 Chs

Chapter 8: Fateful Encounters

They say the first days as a university student are all rosy and sweet but that is a big lie. Mine were the definition of stress in bold letters. We had classes from 6 am till 4 pm. Of course, there were noon breaks but the classes were exhausting. 

Kyoto University admitted fewer students than I thought. For example, in my course of study, Veterinary Medicine only admitted thirty-five students. We often have exchange classes with the other departments though. 

I made two new friends. Hiro and Shun. They're both girls and Vet med students. How did we meet? I'll tell you. 

Due to the fact, I had gotten used to being given good food by Ryan regularly, I found the cafeteria food unappetizing. 

That fateful day, I had gotten some rice and natto. I walked to a free bench and sat. The natto smell nearly choked me. Whenever Ryan made natto, it was always really nice. And tasted like heaven. A girl came to the same table I was sitting holding a tray of rice and natto. Her face was grimacing. Then she began complaining "Someone needs to explain to the staff what good food is".

She then looked at me and flashed a smile. "You got natto too, can we be friends?" she asked. 

That's how it all started. We spoke throughout lunch. I found out she had an older brother who was a professional chef. Over ten years of difference between the two of them. I told her about Ryan. Then I got to know that she was also studying the Veterinary med course too which was too good to be true. 

Hiro and I were inseparable. Like two beans in a pod. One day we got back from lunch break and decided to head to the restroom to ease ourselves of metabolic waste.

At the door, we heard sobs "Sniff sniff". Like someone was being bullied. I couldn't believe people still had time to bully others in college.

I turned to my side to tell Hiro I wanted to leave but she was no longer there. She had already opened the door and entered to be the knight in shining armor.

I followed after her.

Inside were five girls. It was obvious four were gyarus. The fifth was trembling terribly. Hiro wasted no time. She flung her hand and one of the girl's faces got in the way.

"Stop," I said, preventing her from landing another blow. I quickly leaped to the girl in distress and hugged her "You're okay now".

She smiled and hugged me tighter. "My name" She made some weird sounds and her body tingled a little "Is Shun". I guessed she had a disease or something. 

I smiled back "Nice to meet you, let's leave here immediately".

Hiro was quite the muscled one. She single handedly beat up… to a plump all the bullies. She came to meet us in the lecture theater. "How's she?" she asked me.

Shun was eating a protein bar. Suddenly her body started agitating. She was having a seizure. It soon calmed down after some moments though. But as if by coincidence Hiro and I swore to ourselves individually to never leave Shun's side.

By the time she felt better she stared at us with big eyes. "Thank" her er body vibrated a little "You very much" and she let out a high-pitched tone.

"What's wrong with you?" Hiro asked lovingly.

Shun then explained that she was diagnosed with Tourette's syndrome. This was a neurological ailment that caused her body to make unnecessary movements and sounds. If serious, like what just happened, could lead to a seizure.

I stared at her in compassion and said " You don't have to talk you know" I turned to my bag. Opened it and took out a jotter and a fancy pen. One of many Cathy had given me as gifts casually and on special occasions." Here" I handed her the jotter.

Immediately she held it and she put it close to her chest. She opened it and wrote her very first words in it " I'll treasure it" she wrote.

Tears welled up in my eyes. She was such a sweetheart. Cuteness overload. I felt like jumping on her and giving her a million smooches.

But I couldn't.

Ever since that day, we became an inseparable trio. Shun hardly spoke, she made use of her jotter. Hiro, she always had tea to share. The latest news on campus, relationship advice, and crazy secrets of others. She knew everything. She was an all-rounder.

As usual, Ryan always called me to the car park and we went home together. He never came to look for me in my lecture theater. His reason being he had a lot of fangirls and frankly speaking. I wasn't surprised. He was a good-looking chap anyway.

"My favorite manga is releasing, a game soon", Shun wrote in her jotter. We looked at her with smiley faces. 

Hiro gave her a pat on her head "Are we invited" she asked.

Shun wrote "Yes" in her jotter.

We were overjoyed.

Once I got to the convenience store I told everything to Cathy and Mrs. Entley. They wanted to meet Shun and Hiro so badly. But the shop was in it's bloom so they had more customers than ever.

"Ryan has tests coming up so I advise you not to ask him to take you" Cathy said as she stretched to get a box of Reese's peanut butter from the topmost shelf.

I nodded "I won't" I promised.

I helped her take the box to the storage room. A chatted a lot. Cathy was an only child so she considered me the little sister she never had.

I went home myself. I texted Ryan not to pick me up. By the time I got home I was exhausted.

Thank goodness, Ryan had already made dinner. Roast beef. I ate it with miso soup, lard and rice. It was refreshing.

Then I had a nice bath.

"Bing" my phone vibrated. Shun had texted me the place and time for the event. I starred it and added it to my reminders. Anything that concerned Shun was extremely important. Too important.

I patiently awaited the weekend.