
It All Started With My First Mixer

Have you ever been to a mixer? What was your experience? Aoyuki's first time at a mixer was not all enjoyable. It is one she'll live to regret, the aftermath that is. From the first sip of alcohol to having to spend the night with a guy she knew nothing about. Such was her experience. And of course, all bad choices result in consequences. Some may be good but hers was bad which became good at some point. It changed her entire life. Her parents found out about her misdeeds and sent her packing leading to her going back to her good samaritan's stand. Of course, she had to get a part-time job. Ryan supported her to the best of his capabilities as this was his first time living with another person and much more a girl. Each day has its adventures. Ups and down. Couple quarrels and those sorts of things. I hope you enjoy the journey.

Hoshi_Ebby · Teen
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9 Chs

Chapter 7: Results

"Get up," I said as I dragged Ryan's blankie away from his face. It was 7 am and he was still in bed. Rude.

A few moments later he gave a loud yawn and stared at me. I gave him a big smile. He looked at me puzzled. Don't tell me he had forgotten my big day. That would be ruder. Before I left I made sure he had gotten into the bathroom.

I ran back to my room. I flung open my closet and began to flip through my gowns. I wanted to look as posh as possible. After a thousand nos, I finally settled down with a knee-length purple gown. "Perfect," I said, complimenting myself.

Ryan was still in his room and he hadn't made breakfast. I decided to whip something quick.

There were eggs and some sausages. There was also a half-eaten loaf of bread. An idea popped into my head. I broke the eggs and poured the liquid into a saucer. I then diced the sausages and put them into the saucer. I whisked them together, added some spices, and air-fried them. Ryan had an air fryer at home.

Then I sliced enough bread for the both of us. The sausage egg got ready. I placed them on plates and put the slice of bread next to them.

As I was setting the table Ryan came in in gray sweatpants and an olive sweatshirt. He also smelled nice. He had used the cologne I gifted him a while back. He hardly used it. I wonder why men hated using their colognes.

He sat down and gave me a suspicious smile "Did you cook this?" He asked me. I nodded. He grabbed his fork and cut out a portion. He ate it and gave a thumbs up. "Seems like we'll be splitting cooking from now on".

After breakfast, we cleared the dishes and got into the car. We met Cathy at the convenience store with her mom. "I await the newest college student," Mrs. Entley said with an excited look.

We got to the university. It looked huger than I had thought it was. There were a lot of students around. The sight was wonderful. It was April so everyone was dressed in their spring wear.

After enough sightseeing, we walked to the huge board where all the first years' names were written. I held my number card nervously.

"256," I said as I scrolled through the plenty of numbers. I found it. I gave a scream and jumped on Cathy "I passed, I'm a university student" I yelled.

Cathy held me close in her arms. "We always knew you would pass you crazy studyholic," she said as she squeezed me tightly. She was my second big sister now.

All these years I had cut communication with my parents because I didn't deem it necessary. Since I had officially become a university student I felt that they just had to know. I wished to spite them. But first I had to call my only sister, Akayuki.

About my school fees. Ryan had been footing all my bills since my parents disowned me. I once had thoughts of suing them but nevermind. They weren't worth it. I dialled my mom's number and she picked no"What is it?" She said in her usual stern voice. I took a deep breath and said "I'm a college student now" in an equally stern voice. A hint of mockery in my voice.

There was a brief silence then I heard her call for my father. She told him the good news. He didn't say anything. After some time I hung up. My job there was done.

A call immediately came in. It was Akayuki's. I told her everything. She first congratulated me on my success. Then advised me in a lot of areas. We spoke at length. Almost two freaking hours.

Ryan and Cathy went ahead to have lunch at a remote cafe. Without me.

"She's a college student now" Cathy said as she sat on the chair opposite Ryan.

Ryan blushed " What do you mean?" He asked feigning ignorance.

Cathy chuckled " I know you like her". She said bluntly "And you wouldn't have gone those lengths for someone else" she added.

Ryan's face was pepper red by now. "What are you trying to insinuate" he asked.

"Don't worry" she said waving her free hand at him "I support you, just don't do anything to hurt her. I have a sister complex now" she added.

They both laughed. Heartily.

I was waiting by the car for them. 

They got back with bright countenances. I was so happy for them, totally oblivious of what they had conversed about. It wasn't my business. Or so I thought.

Ryan bought me lunch from one of the many stands; Takoyaki and extra firm ramen to be precise. It was a sweet yet disgusting duo. I was so happy to care about the foods I was eating. Later I had to face the consequences as I had a runny stomach. 

We went to all the places I loved. The mall- we got new clothes and shoes, the bookstore- I got an entire collection of Enid Blyton Series, the makeup store- I restocked on lipgloss and mascaras and finally the eatery- I ordered the biggest bowl of their vanilla ice cream, some crepes and a bucket of karaage (fried chicken). I was in bliss. Life couldn't get any better.

Cathy followed us home. We watched a movie. Together. Cathy made dinner. But I couldn't eat it, Rice and Beef stew. I was so stuffed but I promised her I'd have it for breakfast.

Ryan slept off on the couch immediately after dinner. Cathy called me to a corner. "You're in college now and you're 18" she said in a sisterly manner "You'll have to get a boyfriend anytime soon".

A boyfriend? What would I need one for? "A boyfriend? " I asked confused.

She chuckled "You May not see the need for one now but you'd definitely have to get one at some point."

" You're in your third year and you still got nobody," I argued.

" That's because the one I love is in love with another and that another is not me and can never be me" she said with a straight face. My, how she's grown.

We argued on the issue for quite some time and later on came to the conclusion that it would be better if I left my chances open. I hadn't met my new classmates… rather course mates. I still had a lot to consider. I hadn't made my first batch of friends.

I was so excited to start university.