
Chapter 10: It Ain't Easy to be Wingless

"Aiyaaa~. I forgot to ask where the registration is being held at~. F*ck. Guess I'll have to to look for it on my own..."

I silently cursed upon realizing my blunder.

Seriously, considering how big this city is just from the outer look of the walls encircling it, it will take me forever to find where the registration's being held at on my own. This could have been different if I have just ask Agon about it earlier. Haist~.

Let's just ask the locals, what could go wrong?

I did what I said. Asked one old guy that seems to have been living in this city for decades for directions and what I got was a free tour by myself that led me in a loop.


Just great. I asked again and the same thing happened.

And then I realized something.

Turns out, navigating through the forest is easier than in a city.

"*Sigh* Why do cities have to be so big~. Dammit..."

It would've also been easier if I could just fly, but flying here is a little troublesome, it might even get me in trouble.

'Haist~. I miss flying in my dragon form already~...'

Sighing in helplessness, I decided that since it doesn't seem that I'll be able to find the registration venue is, then why not take this chance to just sightsee and enjoy the view?

Besides, my pockets are literally overflowing with money right now~!

Curious how much I was able to make from all those magic beast materials?

Alright, I'll tell ya!

One hundred and twenty-three golds, eighty-seven silvers, and fifty copper coins!

So, if I were to convert it to this city's currency, or rather, this world's currency as I found out that they were all the same, I have a total one hundred and thirty-two thousand, two hundred Teris!

One thousand teri is equivalent to one gold coin, one hundred teri is equivalent to one silver coin, and ten teri is equivalent to one copper coin!

With the amount of money in my possession, I have a wealth that rivals that of a middle class merchant's!

So, taking these things into consideration, I only came up on one solution to my "endeavor"~.

And that is to splurge!

So that's just what I did.

I walked through the busy streets lined up with different shops and facilities.

Inns, some small cafés, accessory shops, clothing shops, weapon shops, armor shops, smithies...

Honestly, I don't know what's wrong with the heads of the people in this city~.

Wouldn't it be more "area efficient" If they just combine the latter three shops?

One conclusion, these guys are weird~.

Anyway, let's get back to our sightseeing.

I passed through various types of stalls and bars...

'Ho~. Would be nice to visit one on a later date~.

Wait. Bad thoughts bad thoughts go away~! Gee, you're still twelve yet you think of these things already~.

Gah~. Stupid hormones. I guess I'm already hitting puberty~...'

I also passed various types of restaurants and of course, I treated myself to a feast!

Well, why not~!

It's been two years since I have last eaten properly prepared food!

Completely marinated and with lots of condiments and ingredients!

And man~ did I almost tear up the moment the food entered my mouth and touched my tongue~!

My taste buds were literally electrified upon contact with the flavours~!

I ordered more and more that even required all the chefs in the restaurant to move just to cook all my food~.

At first, they were all suspicious that I don't have enough to pay but I made them shut up by casually tossing a gold coin~.

I don't really know how big of an impact that did but, seeing all the other costumers' shocked expression, I guessed that it's most likely that I have landed a critical hit.

I devoured every food presented in front of me in no time at all~!

Endulging myself in food-pleasure, almost burying my face on my plates!

Finally, after eating for a whole two hours, with four gigantic mountains of plates and bowls on my table, and with all the chefs exhausted, I finally felt full in my stomach, well... slightly, and decided to continue my tour and left the restaurant, not after being called out by someone.

The one on the counter managing the computations said that I still have some changes left, about ten or something silver coins are still left but I only said that they should just keep all of it and to reward all those chefs and servers from earlier for all the trouble which he gladly accepted with a big smile on his face, the same with the others that have heard our conversation, with all of them throwing me greatful glances with wide smiles across their faces, all with satisfied expressions that only said a few words, 'All was worth it~.'

Man~, I'm such a great guy~! Really generous!

With that, I walked around the city, asking for directions occasionally and were fortunately trecking on the right track, while I swept my gaze all over my surroundings.

It was still just after lunch, so a lot of people, civilian, knights, and adventurers alike are crowding the street.

I passed by a lot of them, getting a lot of glances in the process.

Some are that of admiration of sort, some from curiosity, some are even a little weird, heated even, and some are just plain unbearable.

I checked myself to see if anything is wrong that made it so the reason why they are looking at me like that, then I realized that I didn't put my hood back on.

Wow. Sometimes, being good looking is a blessing, but in cases like this, especially in a fantasy setting such as this, it's a curse.

Fortunately, just fortunately I didn't get sent to a Chinese themed world, if I did, then I would have been an endless heap of trouble chasing my tail wherever I go. Though, if it is a fight they want, I welcome them to try~.

My fists have been itching to punch things, but I am still managing it, enough not to rush at people and just punch them indiscriminately.

I raised my gaze, looking towards the people staring at me.

Honestly, I don't mind the gazes from the ladies, but... I definitely don't like the kind of gazes some of the burly guys are giving me!

Chills ran across my back as I felt it to my spine!

Without any more hesitation, I pulled up my hood and made a run for my dear life!

Man! I get the feeling that if I stay there even a second longer, then I can kiss my precious virginity of two lives good bye~!

I'm acting like a SISSY~?

Hah! It would've been fine with the ladies, but that's if those BEARS didn't get me first!

Those thoughts flashed through my head which caused me to shake furiously!

I increased my speed until I can only be seen as a blur from the other's perspective and ran away, as far as I possibly can from those guys!


Finally, after running for who knows how long, I stopped when I realized that the sceneries have changed from the lined shops to a wide open area with a glorious looking fountain situated in the middle.

The people here seemed to be more relaxed as they just leisurely walk on their own paces. Some are resting on the available benches nearby, some having casual talks with their partners, some are dating...

Wait. So dating is also a norm even in another world, huh?

Kids are playing happily without worry with their parents or guardians by the side looking after them, watching them with their own carefree smiles~.

Seeing all these, I finally breathed out, letting go of all the tensions from my system.

I walked towards the bench which is nearest to the fountain and sat down, letting out a sigh of relief in the process as I leaned back, resting my body, trying to relax.

'Now this is the kind of place I like most~.'

I thought inwardly and put my hands on the back of my head for support, and closed my eyes as a gentle smile grazed my lips.

'I really like this kind of atmosphere~.'

I stayed like that for at least twenty minutes before a voice called out at my side.

"Haha~. Enjoying ourself I see?"

A gentle elderly voice said with a light chuckle.

Judging from the sound of the voice, he must be a, well... a "He" , an old man.

"Yeah~. This place really calms me down, and the atmosphere here is really great, don't you think so too?"

I said and asked him back, not really surprised by his voice's sudden "appearance".

I have already noticed him approaching earlier after all~.

Yeah~. Perks of being a dragon~.

"Haha~. Sure do~. This place really is the best for people who wants to relax."


I agreed and finally opened my eyes and stretched for a little, getting rid of the light soreness from my muscles and joints.

"I'm guessing that you had a nice rest..."

"Yup, definitely did."

I looked at him, and was a little shocked.

Well, how do I say this...

Despite sounding old, and appearance wise, that he definitely is, his body seems to be well maintained and... buffed.

Gray hair that reaches his nape with a short beard, a good natured smile and calm expression, it's right to say that he have been a looker back in his days, and he's also surrounded by this somewhat unique aura that I can't seem to point out what.

I don't even know why I'm assessing his appearance and whatnot right now as I only did it with girls, well... I only did it with girls earlier at least.

He's dressed in something that resembles a suit, black in color with white accents, currently reading a thick book.

'Man~. Just how can people tolerate reading these kinds of books, especially with that thickness... It would at least take all of my will power just to force myself to finish it... But it will be a different story if it's a novel of my liking, I guess.'

Curious, I asked,

"What type of book are you reading?"

Slightly surprised by my sudden question, he looked up and smiled.

"Oh, it's about the theories of how magic spells are created and their origins, quite interesting actually~."

"Heh~. That does sound interesting... Though with these types of subjects, I prefer to just listen to others talk than to read it myself, it just doesn't sit well me, I guess."

"Haha~. That's quite normal. Even my grandauther is like you~. But if it is like what you have said, then I recommend you joining the institute. There, you will learn a lot about these things and the topics that are even deeper, giving you similarly deeper understanding about these types of subjects and more."

"Hm~. I was going there, actually. But... I have gotten lost and have been going around the city for almost the whole afternoon now, hehe..."

I said and embarrassedly laughed as I awkwardly scratched my cheek.

"Haha~. That's just normal, young friend. This city is huge, after all. I'm guessing that you have only arrived recently, am I right?"

"Mm. Just this early afternoon, actually."

"Well, that explains it~. It's really easy to get lost here, especially when you don't have a guide to show you around. But, sometimes... Getting lost can also make us let loose, and even have fun if we like~."

He said with a gentle smile.

"Yeah~. I did have fun. A lot, even. Mostly because of eating and sightseeing, but still had fun~."

I said, smilingly as I replied.

I don't know why I feel so relaxed with this old man, but I'll just shove that thought to the back of my mind for later.

"See~? What did I say? This city have a lot to offer, as long as you know how to look, or your feet took you there, you can have your fair share of fun whenever you like~."

He said as he looked up in the sky as his eyes squinted a little, looking reminiscent, probably thinking of his younger days.

"Mhm~. Now that I think about it, I didn't hear your name yet, young friend?"

"Oh, sorry for my discourtesy. My name is Kross, sir. May I know what is yours?"

I stood up and reached out for a handshake, just hope that we have the same custom.

In turn, he smiled and also stood up and took my hand in kind.

"I go by the name Sylverious. Nice to meet you, young Kross.

"Yes, it's nice to meet you too, sir Sylverious."

I replied and we both retracted our hands.

"Haha~. Just call me Sylverious directly, no need for the sir. Or you can even just call me grandpa, if you like~."

"W-Well, this is a little embarrassing, but I'll take on that offer. Grandpa Sylv."

'Man~. This really IS embarrassing, but it also feels nice~.'

"Haha~! I like that name~! Now come on, young Kross~! Let's get you to the institute so that you can already register..."

"Oh! Well, I'll thank you for that~! I'm afraid that if I went around alone again I might not find it even if my asked around as often as I can without a guide..."

"Haha~! Now, you don't have to worry about that~. Let's go, I'll lead the way~."


[Author's rants: I have been holding myself back this entire time while writing not to butt in with the conversations with my own "sarcasm" and it took a lot of my will power to do so~!

I've been exhausted and my will power perimeter already reached the rock bottom!

SO Be Thankful People!!!]

This chap was supposed to have been posted since yesterday, but our WiFi ran out of gas, so sorry 'bout that~!

But anyway, since I've finished this already a day prior, I've already rechecked it... But if you have spotted some errors, then please do inform me~.

DareMeNotcreators' thoughts