
it's about power (by iman)

this fanfic ,I will explain many power and how it's work I always read fanfic but every author was to stupid to develop their own mc power and it's make see like that mc was Nerf just you guess my chapter was small because I only explain how power work not a story. maybe I will point some fanfic about their power or you can suggest fanfic to me then I read ,after that I will see own to develop their own power as you see I didn't care about hater comments but suggestions or questions I still reply back

Vitrialia_Amermes · アニメ·コミックス
40 Chs

technology control

Technology Manipulation


Manipulate technology.

The power to manipulate technology. Sub-power of Science Manipulation. Variation of Object Manipulation. Opposite of Nature Manipulation.

Also Called



Electromechanical Manipulation

Electronic Manipulation

Machine Manipulation

Mechanical Manipulation


Tech Manipulation/Control


Technological Control/Manipulation

Technology Control



Users can manipulate technology, the sum of techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives. However, most users only can exert control over technological constructs, such as computers, robots, hardware, and other devices that can be termed as "technology", in any way. Manifested as a special form of electrical/telekinetic manipulation, a special form of "morphing" which allows physical interaction with machines, or even a psychic ability that allows mental interface with computer data.

Most users can control the flow of intricate machinery, and assemble or disengage their programming at will and operate most technology at distance. A variation of Electricity Manipulation, they control specific electrons and instructs them which items to engage or disengage and may be able to use the electric impulses to gently control smaller metal parts.


Appliance Manipulation

Appliance Creation



Data Manipulation


Efficacy Manipulation Boost a machine's capacity or speed.

Electricity Generation/Manipulation

Electromagnetic Pulse Emission

Equipment Manipulation

Equipment Creation with attachments.

Fire Generation/Manipulation

Glitching in technology.

GPS Manipulation

If mixed with Body Part Substitution or Head Liberation, users use control electronic objects as if they were their own body part.

Machine Lord Physiology

Mechanical Constructs

Mechanical Intuition

Mechanical Morphing


Physical Restoration




Technological Assimilation

High-Tech Exoskeleton/Power Suit

Technological Constructs

Technological Mind Control

Technological Psionics

Technological Telekinesis

Technological Telepathy

Technological Possession

Technoportation/Digital Form

Virtual Reality Lordship

Technological Solidification

Technology Attacks

Technology Generation

Tool Manipulation

Trigger computers/appliances or anything with an attachable cord or inserted batteries.

Upgrade any machines/technology to a greater level than before.


Activation & Deactivation

Device Physiology

Electronic Communication

Glowing Eyes - When the user's powers are active.

Machine Swarming

Mechanical Regeneration

Tech Flight

Techno Portal Creation

Techno-Screen Teleportation

Technological Assimilation

Technological Combat

Technological Healing

Technological Imprisonment

Technological Teleportation

Technology Augmentation

Technology Aura

Technology Defense

Technology Empowerment

Technology Imitation

Technology Summoning

Technology Transmutation


Antenna Manipulation

Anti-Virus Manipulation

Artificial Intelligence Manipulation

Bio-Tech Manipulation

Computer Manipulation

Computer Virus Manipulation

Conceptual Technology Manipulation

Demonic Technology Manipulation

Device Manipulation

Divine Technology Manipulation

Drone Manipulation

Electronic Card Manipulation

Engine Manipulation

Esoteric Technology Manipulation

Technological Magic

Interface Manipulation

Internet Manipulation

Micro-Tech Manipulation

Primordial Technology Manipulation

Psychic Technology Manipulation

Pure Technology Manipulation

Robotic Manipulation

Femtomite Manipulation

Giant Robot Manipulation

Nanite Manipulation

Organite Manipulation

Picomite Manipulation

Symbiotic Technology Manipulation

Technological Force Manipulation

Technology Embodiment

Technological Singularity


Advanced Technology

Artificial Element Manipulation

Glass Manipulation

Plastic Manipulation

Rubber Manipulation

Artificial Intelligence Physiology

Automatic Function Manipulation

Bionic Physiology

Cyber Mind


Electromagnetism Manipulation

EM Spectrum Manipulation

Magnetism Manipulation

Electronic Communication

Elemental Manipulation

Electricity Manipulation

Metal Manipulation

Engineering Manipulation

FTL Transmission Manipulation

Functionality Manipulation

Malfunction Manipulation

Matter Melding

Mechanical Manipulation

Object Manipulation

Science Manipulation

Superior Human Physiology

Supermaterial Manipulation


Technological Magic




Technorganic Manipulation

Technorganic Physiology