
Isekai legion

Satou is a 16-year-old boy, since he was a child he was always a lover of anime, manga, in short, a high-level otaku lover of war games, one afternoon he was returning from school and when he arrived in front of his house it exploded Leaving him disoriented, remembering that his mother and little sister should be at home, he ran to the burning ruins, unfortunately in his heroic attempt he falls victim to fate. A new world will open for him. Do not miss it, non-stop conquests, unpredictable enemies, the occasional cliché scene and a bit of romance without deviating from the action.

Marcos_Antonio_1795 · その他
28 Chs

Chap#4 small big problems


It has been 6 days since we faced that demon, despite what was expected, on these floors we have not found any resistance, I have continued to use the 80th floor as a base of operations, thanks to the increase in my troops I have been able to clean the floors with relative ease since since we took the base no bos have appeared on the lower floors.

Knowing that they must be waiting on the top floor, I have prepared my army as best as possible, currently I have 840 golems at my disposal, in addition to 180 cleaning the floors permanently, they no longer look like soldiers, rather heroes of legend, they are taller two meters and have a robust body, I have divided them by troops and specialization with respect to the equipment that I have given them, these being:

-First defense or shields: equipped with armor that covers almost the entire body except for the moving parts, a turret shield 1.5 meters high by 60cm wide, a 2 meter spear and a 1.2 meter sword. meters in the back.

-lancers: equipped with lighter armor than the first defense, they carry a small box on their back with 10 spears as well as a shield 1 meter high by half wide, as well as a simple sword.

- archers: the most specialized part, so to speak, after modifying the bows and arrows I have created an aluminum one with a reinforced mirthir tip and thanks to some feathers from some bird-like creatures both the range and the precision were already good has improved considerably. In addition to a bow and arrow holster with 50, they are equipped with light armor and a backup sword.

- artillery: for the large amounts of monsters I have designed catapults in case it is necessary to decimate groups of creatures with a defense against arrows, also increase the turrets to 40 as they are incredibly useful.

Although the ability to create so many items seemed exaggerated, it became relatively easy for me after unlocking the first phase of transmuting, it allows you to do it en masse without much effort.

Satou: Well I already have my army ready, I could increase the numbers a little more if I wait, Na, I want to get out of here, I said a week and I'll do it.

We started to leave through the stairs that were strangely large which made it easy for the army to enter in a short period of time, to my surprise there was no cave that led to a large room, it was just empty land.

Satou: I still don't understand how there can be such a place underground, there are more than 4 square kilometers, better! Soldiers, line up and get ready.

Learning from mistakes, you see, I will not only use my soldiers but also defenses, I created earth walls, ditches with spears in the background, walls that forced the enemies to go in the direction they wanted, improving the fight against large numbers, everything is Ok, except for one thing, the enemies, there is absolutely nothing in this room.

Satou: what are these monsters waiting for to appear?

(Be careful what you wish for)

At the end of the room the silhouettes of different monsters were drawn, but that doesn't matter.

Satou: Mother of God?!

Behind the enemies that began to cover the length of the room in formation before us was a Black Scaled Dragon, 10 times larger than my golem, and on its back was the silhouette of a human with horns on its head.

a voice was heard

####: Human, I admit your courage and determination but this dungeon has never been conquered and will continue to be so!

I could hear it in my head as if he said it right next to me.


####: heh, I like you human, your death will be painless, Everyone, Attack! , but leave their leader alive, he's mine.

The monster army ran towards the shields.

Satou: ARCHERS, fire, artillery, concentrate 80% of the fire on the Dragon and the rest reduce the enemy numbers.

The clash of both armies was a real war, both golems and monsters fell, the grounds cut, pierced and destroyed by the mirthil weapons, while the golems were destroyed by the impact of gigantic masses of groups that up to 10 orcs that attacked the unison.

Satou: Shit, my troops are stronger but their number is too much.

####: What's up human, won't you join the battle?

This voice came from behind me, I turned around and saw a humanoid figure with large horns and an aura that pressed me as if a house was on top of me.

Sato: go...

I couldn't finish calling my bodyguards, I felt how they were destroyed leaving only the armor intact.

####: Human I want to test your strength, for this it is better not to have interruptions, LET'S BEGIN!.

I couldn't MOVE almost because of fear, he threw a blow to my face that seemed to go at the speed of sound, by pure instinct I ducked and dodged, my body felt light, apparently he had overcome the impact of his aura and already I could move better.

I took out my sword and a shield from the inventory and charged towards him, not even a second passed and my sword was within the feelings of the demonic-looking being.

####: But what?!! AAAAAk.

I had skidded my attack but had lost an arm in it.

Satou: "what the hell, since I moved so fast, it will be my statistics"

The truth is that I have neither tried nor practiced with the sword since I came to this world, apparently the statistics have made my speed, strength and reaction crazy strong, but I still don't know the true strength of this being.


Apparently he believes it

Satou: My name is Satou.

Sectar: ​​I only need that now you can disappear.

The demon created about a hundred balls of black fire on his head without saying any chant, he compensated by launching them on me as he approached, the impacts raised a large cloud of dust and seemed to have the impact power of a missile. He seemed to believe that he had won, but as soon as he felt my presence, he was talking about me, making a dark metal sword appear with an aspect that could be called the eternal night, nor did these swords collide without going back at any time, giving shocks that launched waves of surrounding air that distorted the terrain with their force.

The fight seemed so close that it was impossible to know who would come first, but there is something that bothers me.

Satou: "I can't go back, this dungeon will be,! MINE!"

I dropped the shield in my left hand and from the inventory I took another sword, I began to attack with all the strength I had, making the demon retreat, seeing himself at a disadvantage, he exclaimed.

Sectar: ​​well, no one has ever seen me use this magic, feel proud (inferno destruction magic).

His body compensated to crumble revealing a surface that seemed to burn red hot.

He lunged at me with a speed that even my stats couldn't match. His hand embedded itself in my chest breaking my armor and leaving a hole.

After withdrawing her fist from him, she said triumphantly.

Sectar: ​​nothing can survive once his skin comes into contact with this magic, only I, being the creator of it, can keep it at bay for a few minutes.

After falling to my knees from the blow that left me breathless I look at my abdomen, a fist mark was on it, surrounded by mirthil thrones of what was the chest of the armor.

Barely recovering a small breath I attacked the demon who was looking at me with incredulous eyes to see me move after receiving the magic from him, the sword pierced his heart, giving the end of the encounter.

Sectar: ​​Impo...sible.??

His body fell lifeless to the floor, along with him I fell, my body could no longer resist the pressure of the effort as well as the damage of that attack.

It didn't take long until I was able to stand up with some difficulty.


After seeing this I checked the notifications and found the notice of my victory, as well as that I only had 12 hours to go to the center of the salt and be teleported out of the dungeons for later destruction.

Satou: Yeah, aaaaak, shit my whole body still hurts, I didn't think the dungeon would be destroyed but it's not that I care, and I don't think I can continue to exploit it with my golems anyway.

Once I started walking towards what had been the battlefield two semi-destroyed Golems stood on giant piles of bodies.

Satou: You've done well, now to bring the others back.

Using the summoning ability, he created the golems again and ordered them to equate, luckily the pure mirthil armor and weapons had not been scratched. Once I had my army in front of me forming up, and with only 4 hours left for the teleportation I headed towards the center of the room. Just out of curiosity, it occurred to me to take advantage of the fact that golems were not living beings and try to put them in my inventory. It should be said that I couldn't, I just kept the armor, weapons and war machines, so that I can summon them again once I get out.

Once in the center of the room a light began to surround me, I closed my eyes and then I appeared in a small meadow within what seemed like a forest.

((Note: if you see an error or want to share an idea, leave it in the comments, it would be very helpful))