
Isekai legion

Satou is a 16-year-old boy, since he was a child he was always a lover of anime, manga, in short, a high-level otaku lover of war games, one afternoon he was returning from school and when he arrived in front of his house it exploded Leaving him disoriented, remembering that his mother and little sister should be at home, he ran to the burning ruins, unfortunately in his heroic attempt he falls victim to fate. A new world will open for him. Do not miss it, non-stop conquests, unpredictable enemies, the occasional cliché scene and a bit of romance without deviating from the action.

Marcos_Antonio_1795 · Others
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28 Chs

Cap # 5 start in the city

I just got to what seems like a fairly large forest, I started walking through the trees until I reached an area where the smallest of all was 100 meters long, I hadn't finished admiring the beauty of nature and I felt "something", my hand moved by itself catching an arrow that was headed for my head.

Satou: what the hell, ou, although it has a nice design.

Referring to the arrow.

Elves emerged from the bushes and from the tops of the trees, in their elegant suits, a dream come true.

Satou:"Now, hehe, where are those succulent elfitas".

The elves began to approach with weapons and bows in hand, two seemed men and three were women, I say they seemed because men had such perfect features that they were confused with women.

Satou: Hello, nice to meet you, this is yours.

Showing the arrow, then the one that seemed to be the leader for wearing slightly better equipment than the rest, he spoke.

Lead Elf: What brings a human to our territory.

Satou: I got lost in the forest and came here.

Leader Elf: No one has been able to find our village in over a hundred years and you say you just showed up here by chance.

Satou: Yup.

Leader Elf: Damn, there's no other way, we can't let anyone else know our location, I'm sorry.

He drew his bow pointing at me.

Satou, wait, wait, wait, I don't even know how he got there and I don't even know where his village is. It's more let's do one thing, blindfold me and take me out of the forest, problem solved.

Elf 1: my princess, we have to go, we don't have time for this.

Baaaannn, a rumble was heard through the giant trees. Then another elf came running.

Elf: Princess, a Fire Dragon is attacking us!

Elf leader: What?!, no, all to the village.

The elves, as if I did not exist, began to run with all their might, I followed them, just out of curiosity to see the dragon since the last one I barely saw and appreciated, after the encounter with that demon was already dead along with the golem, thinking about it, I should summon some, Na, I don't want to draw attention to myself.

In just a few minutes we arrived at the village, which was no more than 100 houses, which lowered my expectations a bit but seeing this kind of fantasy is enough.

We arrived where some houses were being burned, the elves began to confront the "Dragon?".

Satou: "It can't be, that lizard is a Dragon, I've killed thousands of those in the dungeon."

Unlike the dragon on the top floor, this one was about three meters tall, red, and not very imposing looking.

The elves seemed to be losing against this simple creature, he had seen them on the 93rd floor, but the golems easily beat them. The one they had called princess fell to the ground and the "dragon" was about to launch a flame at her.


Jump into the air and land in epic fashion between her and the DC-style Dragon.

Leader Elf: What?.

Without being able to say anything else, the Dragon threw a blaze of fire towards our direction, resist that I am not with my mirthil armor but with the shots with which I came and one or another piece of reinforcement such as light iron armor, so as not to draw attention since I did not know anything about what would be exaggerated to have, well, the flame hit me leaving a thick layer of dust, when it began to disappear the princess could be seen without a scratch and I on the other hand semi-naked and with singed hair and releasing some smoke.

All: Huh?

Satou: princess I hope you pay me well for this, she just lost my clothes.

She didn't answer, there was the shock.

I took a sword from the ground and threw it towards the dragon, it broke into pieces before the dragon's scales.

Satou: Seriously, how bad are these swords.

I took one from my iron inventory, but with the edge of mirthil. I swung her against the Dragon and from a cut her head fell to the ground.

For a few moments nobody said anything, seconds later the shouts of happiness and victory filled the place.

I looked in the direction of the princess and she was standing a meter away from me leaning over.

Elf leader (princess): thank you very much hamano, I am Lía Henberth, I owe you gratitude for saving life and my village. In return I will pay with anything you want and is within my reach.

But how tempting.

Na I'm going to be the hero, I'll just ask him for some clothes and food, I'm tired of meat and water.

Satou: Nice to meet you Lía, my name is Satou, don't worry I'm not going to ask for anything exaggerated.

Lía: Nice to meet you Mr. Satou, please ask for what you want.

Seriously, I'm tempted, but no, come on, I thought, Prince, you can.

Satou: In that I would like to have you, some clothes, food and lodging for a few days.

"Wait, what was the first thing I said?"

The princess was red-faced as hell, she looks really beautiful, I mean, she is an Elf, with a dreamy physique, perfect hips, very well endowed in every way and with a captivating face.

Lía: E... e... she's b..fine. I will honor my payment.

There is my mouth that always says what it wants, right now I love you.

A few hours later I was in the center of the village, surrounded by all the elves who thanked me, at nightfall a banquet was held.

I found myself with teary eyes eating everything that was put in front of me without even breathing.

Satou: Aaaa, delicious.

mmm now that I notice I haven't seen lia for a long time, I asked the elves and they said that she was at her house, I arrived and you that the door, she would have me with a transparent dress, it was already dark but the light of the The moon slipped through the cracks, a body was seen as I could never have imagined, the words escaped me.

Sato: You are beautiful.

Needless to say, but I avalanche on her causing her to fall on the floor. When I compensated for touching her I felt how she trembled with fear. I got up and walked away from her, light sobs could be heard, she was crying.

Satou: Excuse me, she doesn't want to hurt you, don't be scared, it's just that my adolescence went to my head.

There was no response, until she said in a small voice.

Leah: thank you.

Satou: Come on, get up and dress warmly, you'll catch a cold.

I shook her hand and helped her to her feet.

Leah: Why?

Satou: why of what.

Lía: Why didn't you take me, now I am your property, you saved my life and my people, you are my owner?

Satou: no, no, no, you took it to heart, I'm not going to force you to do anything you don't want, it's just that I always dreamed of having someone as if by my side in my adventures" hehe, forced is one thing but If I get it not to be like that, it will be much better"

PS: I'm not a princess, I only give her space.

Lía: I have no right to complain, but ... my people will be defenseless if I, I'm the only one who could face the monsters that appeared.

It didn't seem that way to me when she lost to the Dragon but she does say it.

Satou: In that case, if I leave some of my subordinates protecting the village, you won't be opposed to traveling with me.

Lía: subordinates?.

He created a golem in front of her, it reached the ceiling and was dressed in steel armor (so as not to stand out), of course inside the steel there was a thin layer of mirthil that made it almost impossible to go through.

Lia: It's, unbelievable, but, there's no way I can leave it here permanently, having a golem summoned up to a huge amount of magic power, the best indicators I've heard from the village elders could only keep them for a few days .

A few days, I spent weeks with an army and I didn't even get tired, it will be on an infinite level, hehe, long live my broken state.

Satou: don't worry, I'm able to have them permanently thanks to a magic I've developed "filthy lie"

The conversation continues for about an hour, then I went to a house that they had prepared, I explained to Ilia that I was a little special and could have several golems, of which you would leave 10 protecting the village, her eyes shone when she saw them formed, five with shields and five with bows, all with reinforced iron.

The next morning I decided that it would be better not to stay alone here and I informed Ia that we were going to leave, although a little sad she said goodbye to everyone. With the luggage put in my inventory, which consisted of food and some 20 copper coins given to me, it seems they were once found in a bag carried by a goblin. We were leaving town when she was heard screaming. Corinto in her direction and there was a little Elven girl hiding behind one of the archer golems, ahead of her was 1 orc, although smaller than the ones she had seen. Leah took out her bow to shoot but I stopped her.

Leah: what are you doing?

Satou: Just watch carefully.

The golen shot an arrow that the orc tried to stop with a mass, as the orc was pierced.

Lía: surprising, I've never seen an arrow capable of so much.

Satou: I have a few, they help you on our way.

I gave him 20 arrows

Lia: thanks, wait, this is on top, it can't be mirthil!!!!!.

Satou: yes, what do you have?

Lía: like what, in the human kingdoms these arrows cost as much as a house.

Satou: Don't worry, it's a gift from me.

Leah: Thank you!! I will take care of them with my life.

Who would have thought, I already know where to get money from, buajajjajaja, I'm rich.

We left the village and were walking through the forest, we met several creatures such as wolves, goblins and an ogre, he finished them off with a shot with his new arrows, he had a smile on his face that betrayed the happiness he felt.

We walked for hours until nightfall, we set up camp and spent the night, I made a golem and put it on watch.

In the morning we continued our tour, it was like that for three days, at least it served to talk a lot with lia, it turns out that their species is almost extinct, and the few that remain hide in the woods, the group that we saw in the village was the greater concentration of them in the continent, I also learned that there are several continents, we are in Altor. The largest continent, where humans are the most abundant species and those who govern, divided into countries, the information about the countries and others was not very relevant, since it was from 100 years ago.

When we entered the forest we found a dirt road that seemed very busy because of how marked it was. We walked for a few hours until an old man appeared in a race.

Elder: Hello young people, are you heading towards the city? If so, go up.

Satou: Oh thank you very much.

We talked for a while along the way, his name was Karl, he was going to the city to buy food for his village, when we arrived we said goodbye, he paid his toll and he went in, we did the same and we passed.

Satou: Damn, we ran out of money, 10 coins per person, it's a robbery point.

Lía: don't worry, I'll help you get money, we can do adventurer work.

Satou: ummm, I have an idea, what do you think if you go and try that option, I want to try other things.

Lía: okay, see you then.

We said goodbye, I went to what seemed like the shopping district, I don't like to leave her alone, but that will make it easier to move freely. Wandering around the market I saw all kinds of food, clothes and other objects, the only thing that surprised me was the scarcity of weapons, there was only one small one, I asked the price and they were all for 20 silver, a fucking robbery.

Satou: hey could you tell me why it has such a high price

Salesman: In case you don't know, the metal reserves have gone down, the Blacksmiths' workshop barely sells products. Since the big mine collapsed, only small deposits are being rumbled.

Hearing this, I quickly asked where the blacksmith shops were.

Before arriving I went into an alley and put an absurd amount of earth in my inventory.

I arrived at the smithy and it was a three-story building, it looked like a fortress, the smoke came out of the windows from the ovens.

Upon entering you appreciate a common store, only weapons.

Manager: Good, how can I help you?

Satou: Thanks, I'd like to see what you have for sale.

Manager: You're already looking at it.

She said pointing to a wall where they notice a few swords, axes and some leather armor, and leather with iron.

Satou: I see, hey, would you be interested in buying metal?

Manager: What did he say?

Satou: You see I am a merchant and I would like to sell you metals for a reasonable price, of course.

The manager didn't say anything, he got off his doing and ran towards the back.

Not even two minutes had passed and he came back together with another man who looked about 50 years old, I hadn't noticed but they are both midgets.

The dwarf who looked like the boss told me to follow him, we arrived at an office, he sat behind a table, I did the same.

Dwarf: Well, my name is Valmir, I am the forge chief and owner of this establishment. Is it true that he wants to sell us metals?