
Isekai legion

Satou is a 16-year-old boy, since he was a child he was always a lover of anime, manga, in short, a high-level otaku lover of war games, one afternoon he was returning from school and when he arrived in front of his house it exploded Leaving him disoriented, remembering that his mother and little sister should be at home, he ran to the burning ruins, unfortunately in his heroic attempt he falls victim to fate. A new world will open for him. Do not miss it, non-stop conquests, unpredictable enemies, the occasional cliché scene and a bit of romance without deviating from the action.

Marcos_Antonio_1795 · その他
28 Chs

Ch#11 prelude to war

Satou: Well, there is no dance.

With the lost gaze in the direction of the sea of ​​corpses and blood

King: yes..yes by his position Mr. Satou.

Damn, even the king calls me sir.

Satou: you don't have to treat me so formal, now if you don't mind I want to go eat something.

Starting to walk towards the door, the soldiers moved out of the way, when facing the princess, she jumped and she grabbed my neck, she gave me a kiss, and of course, I responded.

Lilian: this is your reward, see you at night.

If I didn't know about the dance, I'd think it was referring to something else, hehe, yes of course.

Satou: yes see you.

Now I am walking around the market, there is a great variety of merchandise, in fact if I remember correctly I heard that the buying house, where the adventurers sell the materials left by monsters, is around here, a few steps later I saw a large store , had a poster where some books and a staff appeared, I guess it has to do with magic.

I look around and see an old woman at a table surrounded by shelves, on the table there is what looks like a crystal ball.

Satou: Good.

Old lady: or good young lady, how can I help you.

Satou: It turns out that I am new in the city, I have lived in the forest with my family and I have little knowledge about magic, could you tell me.

Until now I can only shape the earth and transmute it, besides creating the golems, so it would be very good for me to know other magics, if possible, learn the other attributes without spending hours writing.

Elder: I have several tomes of low-level magic. Although they are very expensive, with them you can learn magic instantly, if you want I can show you.

Satou: Or yes, I'm interested and another thing, you don't know if you can awaken the affinity to the elements air, fire and water in some simple way.

Old woman: ho ho, what a funny young man, Elemental AFFINITIES are only granted by the great creator God at birth.

Shit, apparently there is no other, maybe tomorrow I will dedicate myself to it.

In a short time the old woman returned with a thick book, it was a catalog with the magic tomes that she had in her store, as well as some that were in stores affiliated with the magic guild.

They had all kinds, magic to wash clothes, so that food does not get cold, to make plants grow better, they were accounts, but that is not surprising, as I see the cheapest one costs 10 gold coins, which would be a fortune for an average blind. He also explained to me that the maximum that a person can endure is 5 magics, since each one has a mana consumption when used and the sum of these cannot exceed the maximum of the person who can learn them.

For me it's perfect, I have infinite magic power, so mana, now that I think about it, and no mana? I must have, as I heard to keep the golems summoned is necessary, so considering that, I must be able to learn from a few.

I closed the catalog and went to the old woman.

Satou: Look, I want a copy of each shot.

Old Lady: What are you talking about, boy? That would cost almost 3 thousand gold coins, plus it would be a waste since only a few can be learned.

Satou: I know but I have my own plans, now agree to sell them.

I took out 4 white golds, which would be one more than the cost, the old woman nodded and went to look for them, I made several trips bringing books and books, I placed them in the inventory and left while looking at the titles.





And so about 40 more that ranged from useful things to nonsense.

Just by touching them, a strong burst of information came to my head as well as a clear vision of what each magic could do, the most useful was called teleportation, which allowed you to travel to places already visited as long as you had the necessary mana to travel distance, I tried to go to Ia's town and return, in one blink I was in the village and the next I was back. Very useful, there is even one to perceive objects, people and energies around, the radius of actions is between 1 meter and a kilometer, depending on the mana used in it, for me it was silly, so I'm going to leave it permanent .

Satou: this is great, I see everyone walking, those two flirting behind that bar and some guys stealing from a store? This is not your day.

At a speed similar to sound I reached the store, two men were holding up the store that seemed to be jewelry, not very luxurious but still jewelry, with the perception from outside the store I saw how one had a young woman with a knife in the neck, and an older man being pointed at with a sword as he picked up the jewels.

In that between me.

Satou: good, I'm looking for some rings, if you don't mind, that have a unique design, I need three, not better four or five you never know.

They all looked in amazement at me. The bandit who was holding the girl, who really looks good, pressed the knife, the other trembling pointed his sword at me.

Thief: stay still or kill the girl.

Let's go a line of 1st thief.

Taking advantage of the new magic I teleport behind the padrón, I grab his hand and make a key, then I give him a small blow and knock him out, the other gets nervous and charges towards me, he took out a sword and taking advantage of the fact that I see him in slow motion He cut his sword into pieces, seeing him panicked, he ran out of the store, colliding with one of the guards who was returning from the outskirts of the city to rejoin the patrols.

The old man thanked me and introduced me to his granddaughter, her name is Sofia, she seemed like a good girl.

Satou: a sir, c8n regarding the rings I ordered before, could you make me some.

Old man: of course, I will also give you a special price, if it were not for her help I do not know what could have happened to my granddaughter or me.

Satou: Look, here's an advance payment.

I placed four hundred gold coins on the table and walked out leaving both of them with their mouths open.

Satou: shit, with so many things I forgot, it must be time to pick up Cara.

Upon arrival, Cara was at the door with other children talking, they were all with their parents or with people dressed as butlers.

Boy: Cara, I really liked playing with you.

Girl: yes she is very funny.

Cara: thanks, for me she was too. Potato!.

Cara saw me and I jumped for joy, I took her in my arms, I greeted those present with a Hello, good afternoon and I went home with the little girl, I'm 16, well yes, but I'm good at being father, I always take care of my little sister, so I have trained him.

When I got home I asked Cara how her day went, despite being a school for nobles, no one treated her badly, some were somewhat indifferent but no one messed with her, she even made some friends, then she started studying, it's a good girl, I never liked studying, but I'm not going to tell her. Prepare the bathroom and that's when Lía and Elizabeth arrived, they didn't say a word, they went to their bathrooms and then they went downstairs, they had serious faces, after eating they told me that we had to talk about something, since it was still early I told Cara that he will play a little before getting ready for the dance.

I went to the living room with the girls and we sat there, please let her be a threesome, a threesome.

Lía: Satou, do you have something against humans?

Elizabeth: Or against the demihumans?

Satou: I don't know how good the question is but no, I'm human too, I like most of them and semi-humans too.

Tranquility appeared on her faces.

Lía: but another thing, if so, why did you finish off that army in that way?

Satou: It's very simple, my family lives in this city, which is the most important thing in this world for me. And I'm not going to let anything harm her, that clearly includes them.

From being a little scared a few moments ago they became embarrassed and red-faced, apparently they were surprised that I said they are my family.

Lía: well... well, we have to go change for the dance, right?

Satou: Yes, although there are still two hours to go, don't rush.

Lía took Elizabeth and they went to the rooms, me, I just relax on this sofa, and, shit, I don't know how to dance, no no, this, how I didn't think about it. There has to be a solution, I know, magic, yes magic, let's see, let's see, yes, with this type of magic I can learn the skills of others.

[LEARNING] the ability to copy other people's skills, the quality of the copy depends on the mana spent.

Now I just need to see who has the most talent and that's it, or come on, I'll do it with everyone I see so everyone's skills add up, uff, what a scare, well, let's wait for the girls to get ready, while I'm going to read some book. Take one you buy in a market on the distribution of countries, continents, races and others.

Two hours later.

Page 100. Exterminator me book. In that the girls begin to go down, the three with beautiful dresses that were perfect, they looked like princesses, Ia's eyes displayed a light like never before and Elizabeth's hair had a floral scent that reached me, little Cara approached me and she gave a pinch, when I looked at her her cheeks were swollen.

Cara: Dad, you're looking at my moms a lot and not at me.

Satou: Excuse me face, they are beautiful, but you are too, wait, moms?.

Lía: Yes, we have become very fond of him, so we ask him to call us that.

Cara: Yes, I love them too, they treat me very well and when I have nightmares they sleep with me.

Elizabeth: Is it okay with you Satou, that we are her mothers?

They were both red, it was clear that was why they were in the position of being mothers to my daughter.

Satou: I like the idea of ​​them getting along, so I totally agree.

They were both very happy.

So we left, a royal carriage was waiting for us at the door. They did not take us to the entrance of the Castle, so we were escorted to a large room full of people and with music. The end is to the king with his daughter talking to Augustos.

His daughter, his daughter, hehe, I get that these are not going to take very well when they find out about my relationship with the princess.