
Isekai legion

Satou is a 16-year-old boy, since he was a child he was always a lover of anime, manga, in short, a high-level otaku lover of war games, one afternoon he was returning from school and when he arrived in front of his house it exploded Leaving him disoriented, remembering that his mother and little sister should be at home, he ran to the burning ruins, unfortunately in his heroic attempt he falls victim to fate. A new world will open for him. Do not miss it, non-stop conquests, unpredictable enemies, the occasional cliché scene and a bit of romance without deviating from the action.

Marcos_Antonio_1795 · Others
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28 Chs

Ch#12: war pact

Once inside we began to integrate, I mainly looked at those who were dancing, activated the magic and felt how the steps and rhythm were easy for me to understand. At the moment when I was most distracted, Lia touched my shoulder.

Lia: what do you think if we dance.

Satou: Yes of course.

We walk to the center of the floor, we begin to dance. I felt like my body moved on its own, I fully enjoyed the dance, from time to time I took the opportunity to bring her waist a little closer. At the end, everyone around us was looking, they began to applaud, it seems that those volumes have been one of the best expenses I have ever had. Shortly after I danced with Elizabeth, she barely knew but she quickly caught up with her, so did Cara, I placed her feet on top of mine and guided her, she was really having fun. After that I went for the appetizers, the tables were full of delicious dishes, I did not stop trying them, I also tried a glass of wine, and for the record that here at 15 you are already of legal age, it is not for nothing but I liked the taste, I ended up drinking 5 bottles, although I was a little dizzy in a few minutes it went away, I sat down to rest a little, I felt the shock of something on my shoulder, when I turned around there was a little girl, her eyes were white, indicating that she was blind.

Girl: Sorry, I didn't mean to.

Satou: don't worry little girl, tell me, are your parents with you?

Girl: yes, but I can't find them, could you help me.

Satou: It will be my pleasure.

We took a tour of the place, the girl heard a familiar voice, she even insulted me that she seemed to be in her 30s, she was beautiful and had a good body, she looks like someone to me, but I don't know who.

Lady: oh sir, thank you very much, I was looking for you, I really appreciate it.

Satou: Don't worry, on the other hand, if it's not an uncomfortable question, her daughter's blindness is a disease or it's from birth.

Madam: She suffered an assassination attempt a few years ago, the wizards were able to cure her but ended with the side effects.

Now I have a creation spell, it seems that all the low grade magic has its effect in correspondence with the mana used, maybe if I apply a lot of mana in the healing magic I can heal it.

Satou: Madam, I am inexhaustible that I possess healing magic, would you mind if I look at her daughter's eyes for a moment.

Madam: I would appreciate it, although so far none of the royal wizards have been able to do anything.

I approached my hand to the eyes of the little girl Come to concentrate mana in her eyes, a strong light appeared for a few moments, those who were nearby closed their eyes, when they opened them they all saw a miracle, the little girl was looking everywhere with blue eyes like the sky

Girl: Mom, I can see.

The mother didn't say anything, she just devastated her daughter while some tears came out of her eyes.

Lady: thank you, thank you, she has cured my little girl, I don't know how to thank her, really, please, I will do whatever it takes to thank her, both what happened and her words have alarmed everyone. At that moment the princess appeared.

Lilian: Mr. Satou, I'm glad she came, it seems that she already knows my mother and little sister.

After saying that, he looked at the girl's eyes, seeing her blue color, he ran to hug her.

Lilian: How is it possible, it's a miracle.

Girl: sister, that will heal me.

Pointing her finger at me. The princess pounced on me.

Satou: my fiancé, no one else would be capable of so much. Thanks.

Contemplating the scene was the king, touched by her youngest daughter who had regained her sight, after that we were introduced, the queen's name is Margaret and her daughter's daughter Sofia hers. The Queen was quite surprised to learn that I was the one to whom her husband had given her eldest daughter's hand, but she quickly accepted it.

To start heating up the atmosphere, the girls appeared.

Satou: hehe, leah, Elizabeth, how is the party going, have fun.

Lía: Satou, could you tell us who they are.

Satou: yes of course, I present to you, the King, the queen and the two princesses.

They stayed like statues, after reacting they knelt down and apologized bowing, little by little the conversation became calmer, the queen seemed to realize the situation she was in, and what she did was click.

Margaret: Satou, and who will be your main wife?

Lilian,Elizabeth,lia: It is clear that I.

They all looked in my direction, but I was no longer there, I left as soon as I heard the question, from a distance I heard the war that was being waged, it ended up in the fact that the princess will also go to live with me, and whoever is the best wife will be the main one. . Me believing that they were going to cut them off and it results in this, in addition to broken, lucky, in the end if I thank that God for bringing me, he is doing all of them.

(in another dimension)

??? sitting in front of the TV.

TV: AAA, aaaa, aaaa.

Readers: but what kind of God watches porn, please.

???: And what are you doing here, besides, I don't watch porn, this, this is, yes, they are video tutorials about the sexual act, don't get me wrong.

(going back with Satou)

It's already close to midnight, the princess brought suitcases and now she is settling in one of the empty rooms, I said goodbye and went to sleep.

She listened to them with magic. They were talking about the fact that tomorrow they would begin to compete for who she would be the main wife, everything was going well, until the princess said about the times we have based each other, without giving it importance I fell asleep. Already in the morning I woke up and moved around the bed, colliding with something soft.

It was round, and after searching another one appeared, you don't have to be very smart to know what's going on.

Princess mode: offline.

I began to touch them with more force, some slight moans were heard, due to the size they are undoubtedly those of Lía, she is daring, and seems to enjoy it.

She began to lower her hands by the thin waist of her, until reaching the back of her, Two mountains appeared, it was like climbing a big hill.

Knock Knock.

Face: Dad, I have I will.


Satou: y... yes darling, now I'm going down to prepare breakfast.

I got out of bed after a bucket of cold water was thrown at me, Ia was next to me, lying on her side, looking at me with a red face, your naked body was only covered in some parts by the thin sheets, a perfect scene.

Elizabeth: Satou, you haven't seen Ia, I can't find her in her room....

Leah: hehe, hello.

Lilian: but you will be.

Lía: who falls asleep, loses.

Lía took her clothes that were on one side of the bed and left the room looking at the others as if she had won, both Elizabeth and Lilian had a look of wanting revenge. Come that revenge, do not hold back.

Make breakfast, drive Cara to school, then drop by and fill the Blacksmith and Trading Company warehouses to bursting. Coming out of the latter I was intercepted by a soldier.

Soldier: Mr. Satou, the king requests your presence, if you have nothing else to do, the king of Castia has arrived and wishes to meet you.

Satou: Yes, tell him I'll be there in an hour, I still have something to do.

Soldier: Yes, sir!

If now I have to see how the place I asked the king for the poor is doing. Upon arrival she was overflowing with people, looks of joy were seen on all, it seemed that there were a couple causing problems, but she was burying their heads in the wall and problem was. So I went to the castle, this time I was received by the guards, bowing and showing respect, rather fear, but I don't care.

I arrived at the throne room, next to the King was a man of two meters, with an elegant suit, some mirthil swords at his sides.

King: Satou, I'm glad you came, I present to you Lican, prince of the Castia kingdom.

Lican: Are you telling me that this thing defeated you in a duel and killed an army?

Satou: thing you're going to swallow.

I took out a sword and started to walk towards him, between the two of them the king appeared trying to calm me down.

He explained to me that this kingdom is subordinate to the Kingdom of Castia and that the king of Castia asks me to go see him in 10 days, to reward me for protecting one of his vassal states.

So far as I understand, from what I have read and heard, the kingdoms of this continent are more than 50, but of them there are 5 that are at the top, being the ones that govern the others as vassal states, also now the king one of those five wants to see me.

Satou: I have no desire to go, bye.

I turned around and started walking towards the exit.

Like a gust of air, the lican appeared in front of me, pointing one of his mirthil blades at my neck.

Lican: how dare a piece of trash like you reject my father's generosity, if you don't want to go, I'll take you to pieces.

I approached a few more centimeters and took the sword with the tips of two fingers, exercises a bit of pressure, lican tried to move his sword but the force with which I took it was such that I could not move it even a little.

Satou: let's see prince, since I'm in a good mood today I'll give you the opportunity to choose which hand you want to lose.

Lican: what nonsense you babble.

Satou: change of plans, which arm do you want to lose.

The king looked at me as if he was going to faint. He knew he wasn't joking.

Lican: Idiot bastard.

He drew the other sword from him.

Satou: time s 5 seconds, 4, 3, 2, 1.


Lican's right arm was on the ground, his face was pale at this scene, blood was gushing out, I, I recommended walking towards the exit.

King: Bring in the wizards, have them use healing magic on the prince.

As he was leaving the magicians healed his arm, trying to rejoin it, remembering a little sanity he ordered the guards to follow me and killed. They didn't even move from the place, they would be more afraid of me than of him.

Satou: well, another lovely morning, now that I think about it, it wouldn't hurt to travel a bit, it would even be fun, now in another world I won't stay in just one city.

I warned Valmir and Augustos that I would be leaving in a while, they hired other people with the storage ability, I didn't know someone else had that kind of ability, although it explains why they weren't surprised when I used it. I gave them gigantic amounts of materials, I collected the money and went for Cara, on the way home I told her about the idea of ​​traveling, she reluctantly accepted it, so so that she wouldn't be sad I let her stay, with the condition that I will come to see her every day and I will leave two golems protecting her at all times, four in the house and two in reserve in case of emergency, she was happy, she did not want to be separated from her school friends, I am happy for her. At night I talked to the girls, although they didn't like the idea of ​​leaving Cara alone they agreed to come with me, Lilian sent several maids and butlers to keep the house, cook and keep her company.

At bath time I was assaulted by Elisabeth, she was wearing a towel a little lower than normal, showing her breasts almost completely, I like that they compete.

Elizabeth: Satou, could you turn around, I want to wash your back.

I listened to her, she came over threw the towel and stuck to me washing my back with her chest.

It's heaven, nothing could improve this moment, it's clear that I'm not going to say that nothing could screw up this moment, that would be calling it a disaster.

Behind us were Lilian and Ia, both with only a towel, they argued with Elizabeth, while I enjoyed the visual spectacle, after everyone beat my back I went to sleep, in my bed were the three of them.

Lilian: We have decided that so that no one gets ahead of us, the three of us will go together.

Lía: yes, there will not be a main wife.

Elizabeth: Although there could be a favorite.

She said that with a seductive voice, very seductive, I turned off the light and went to them.