
Isekai legion

Satou is a 16-year-old boy, since he was a child he was always a lover of anime, manga, in short, a high-level otaku lover of war games, one afternoon he was returning from school and when he arrived in front of his house it exploded Leaving him disoriented, remembering that his mother and little sister should be at home, he ran to the burning ruins, unfortunately in his heroic attempt he falls victim to fate. A new world will open for him. Do not miss it, non-stop conquests, unpredictable enemies, the occasional cliché scene and a bit of romance without deviating from the action.

Marcos_Antonio_1795 · その他
28 Chs

Cap#13 trip to Castia (1)

It's already morning, what a night, I thought this only happened in rich movies, I get out of bed looking at the three girls who spent the night with me, hehe, I'm the best, aaa, who am I kidding, if we only sleep together, at least I was able to play discreetly from time to time.

I went out to make breakfast, once everything was ready I told them to come down, we picked up the luggage and put it away in my inventory, I could take them but this trip we will do in a carriage, so we will see the landscape and by the way it strengthened my relationship with the others.

After explaining to Cara, I showed her the golems that would accompany her as an escort, at first they were surprised, who was not, they measure more than two meters, steel armor (mirthil bathing), a giant shield, a monstrous sword and a spear still larger. Then she even took a liking to them, ordering them to carry out Cara's orders and above all to protect her from any danger. That said, I sent her to the school escorted by two of them, people moved out of the way but better, more security. I left 4 more protecting the house, two in the front and two behind, lastly two archers on the second floor as a ring, I doubt that someone could come in here to hurt my daughter.

Well, we went out and got into the carriage, the king gave it to me, he also hired the file, which looked quite a lot like Sébastian. Getting to the door, it was closed, they didn't want to let us down so I went out to see what happened.

Satou: why won't there be the door.

Guard: I'm sorry, but by order of the Marquis Antoños, the city gates will be closed until further notice.

But who the hell is that?

(Reminder: that's the one who treated him like crap and then treated him good knowing he was the one selling the steel at the first meeting he attended.)

Satou: You know that, well, if you don't open, I'll open.

I walked out to the door, it was about 4 meters high by three wide.

Guard: This door is reinforced with 20 cm of iron and fortification spells, it is also enchanted with resistance urns.

Runes? Spells? I guess I'm going to have to study a little more.

I gave the door a little kick and it went flying, breaking the hinges that it had leaving holes in the rock.

Sato: good. Here you have a white gold, so that later they don't say that when breaking without giving back.

The Guard was stiff with the coin in his hand looking at the door, or where the door was.

I got into the carriage and started the journey.

( In the palace)

Lican: that bastard, he's going to find out what it's like to mess with one of the five.

King: he doesn't take it badly, he is very impulsive, he also doesn't like being treated superiorly.

Lican: It doesn't matter, I'll take care of him later, where is your daughter, I heard that she was she is a beautiful woman, at least that way she would overlook this offense.

King: my daughter is living with Satou, she gave him her hand after losing a floor.

Lican: that bastard, he embarrasses me and now he takes something that belongs to me.

Just then a guard arrives.

Guard: Sir, the Marquis Antoños has ordered that no one leave the city, he has ordered all the doors to be closed.

After saying that, another Guard arrives.

Guard2: Sir, we are informed that Mr. Satou requested to leave the city and due to the closure ordered by the Marquis, he was denied the exit.

Lican: I'm glad, learn the place of him.

Guard2: No sir, when he was denied exit, he smashed the door and left in the direction of Castia, he was with three women, including the princess.

King: I find it strange that he will not take his daughter, well he will know.

Lican: in case you are not going to do anything, he broke a door in your city.

Guard: sir, he left a white gold coin as compensation.

King: Even if I wanted to, I don't think he can.

Lican: wait, you said that her daughter was not with him, where is she? That coal will pay me for the humiliation.

King: Lican prince, I can't oppose him for being a vassal state of his country, but I won't do anything to help him, I won't confront Satou.

Lican: do what you want, I'll take care of you.

The prince went out to where the entourage that came with him was, ordered everyone to look for both his house and his daughter, a few hours later they gave him the information.

Spy: sir, your daughter is returning from school to her house, she is being escorted by two armored golems, her house is protected from behind and in front by four other golems, we tried to enter through the roof, we lost two men, they were pierced by arrows.

Lican: nonsense, send half of my Personal Guard to her house, don't even leave the ashes, I'll take care of the girl, I want to make her suffer before killing her.

(On one of the city streets)

Cara: "I have to work hard to get my homework done when dad gets here"

Lican: girl, stop there, turn yourself in and we'll be done soon.

The Golems stood on Guard to the left and right.

Face: who are you?

Lican: don't treat me like the same pieces of scum. Guards catch her don't hold back.

One of the guards reached out to the girl, the Golem on the right pulled the sword out of her and cut off her arm as if she were butter.

Lican: what?, stop fooling around, develop those golems and take her.

Scared face hides behind a golem, the guards attack the golems with their swords, stars stop them with their huge shields and pierce them with their spears, leaving them dead instantly.

Lican: Golems aren't that strong, these guards are a disgrace

Lican takes out his two mirthil swords, hits them against the shields, believing they would be cut, he puts a smile on his face, which disappeared when he saw the swords bounce as if they hit a branch against a mountain, one of the golems pierced him with a spear leaving him dying. After that they cover Cara to the house.

On the floor, the lican took a red prison, taking out the wound from it and then collapsing, when he got home there were guards in front and behind, also in the house opposite there was one nailed to the wall by an arrow.

Cara enters the house and is greeted by the servants, a few hours later she teleports Satou into the house.

Cara: Dad, I've been scared, some men have tried to hurt me, the golems you left behind protected me.

Satou: honey don't worry, come here, you don't have to worry, dad will take care of everything.

I hugged the little girl, she was already calm, she showed me her homework and went to sleep, how many things must have happened in front of her for it to barely affect her to see dead people.

I returned to the small camp I made before I left, but not before leaving your extra escort golems.

Lía: Satou, how was Cara's day?

Satou: no problem, some fools wanted to bother her and my golems chased them away peacefully.

Elizabeth: Good, I'm worried that she is alone.

Lilian: Yes, if she is Satou's daughter she is also for me, so she worries me about her well-being like everyone else.

Satou: It's serious girls, don't worry, Cara is stronger than you think.

Tonight I slept with the girls in some tents, I left some golems patrolling, in the morning there were two thieves, three goblins and a wolf tied up, being guarded by two golems, once we finished breakfast we released them and left, that's it that the wolf and the goblins attacked the thieves is not our problem.

(Three days later)

This trip has been very useful, I have learned a lot from Lilian and the others, what had interested me about urns and spells turns out to be quite simple, spells are permanent magic that insult objects or people, while runes are Another type of magic that only the Dwarven Realm knows how to use, Runesmiths are said to be forbidden from leaving the country or divulging any secrets about their work. The products are sold to the entire continent and even to others such as the semi-hanos continent. Maybe one day I will go to that Kingdom, it would be interesting if I could also enchant the armor of my golems or their weapons, an army with the ability to return damage, increase defense and things like that, my mind as a game addict tells me that go and take everything. But well, it will be later, for now to visit Castia, and in case I get bored I see what that king wanted.